
chpater 47

Chapter 231 Chapter 105 Determined Ending

  Alice took the subway to Pulitzer Harbour.

  This was not the first time she had come to Pulitzer Harbor, nor was it the first time she was preparing to go to Bayam, but her mood was completely different when she went there.

  After taking a carriage to the Pulitzer Harbor Ticketing Company in the White Rose District, when Alice walked in, she habitually glanced at the notice board to see if there were any updated notices.

  The wooden sign posting the notice was written in the same handwriting as in Alice's memory:


  "1. Observe order and line up strictly;

  "2. No public urination and no spitting;

  "3. If you have any disputes, please leave Find the guard in the hall;

  "4. Canned wolf fish cannot be opened in any room!"

  Canned wolf fish... Alice's eyes flickered suspiciously.

  Of course she knew what it was - a biochemical weapon from another world. It was easy to understand why the port had this rule. Someone must have done this before, just like the Church of Storms prohibiting the entry of monocles.

  Alice walked away from the notice board with a guilty conscience and went to check the passenger ships that still had tickets for today.

  As the largest port in Loen, tickets to Pulitzer Port are very popular. It can still sail on the same day, and the passenger ship arriving in Bayam... is of course no longer available.

  Not surprisingly, Alice set her sights on the passenger ship the next day.

  "Saint Fern..." Alice looked at the name thoughtfully, and suddenly had a strange idea.

  People who make a living on the sea will believe in the "Lord of Storms" to some extent. The name St. Furan is taken from the saint of the Church of Storms. Maybe it is the church's ship, so... why

  not hold the ceremony on the ship? The ceremony asks for Amon's blessing, right?

  Alice's impatience only lasted for a moment, and soon disappeared - she didn't want to bring Amon to see Klein!

  If Amon's goal is Source Castle, what's the difference between taking Amon to see the current Klein and putting food in Amon's mouth?

  In that case, she might really become Amon's favored one... Alice was very suspicious that Amon would definitely remind her by doing this - look, my success today is all because of your help.

  After imagining that scene, Alice silently bore a non-existent grudge against Amon in her heart.


  The next morning, Alice opened her eyes from her sleep. After staring at the ceiling in a daze for a while as usual, she grabbed her pocket watch and glanced at the time, then closed her eyes and pulled up the quilt again.

  Just sleep a little longer, it's still early...

  Alice closed her eyes and warned herself, trying to get herself back to dreaming.

  After struggling for half an hour, Alice opened her eyes expressionlessly, sat up from the bed and got dressed.

  The biological clock is such a nasty thing!

  Alice got up angrily, washed herself, and then started to eat breakfast.

  Opening the newspaper with bread in her mouth, Alice rummaged through it to find interesting information.

  "In addition to the Church of Storms, the Church of Night, the Church of Steam, etc. have also successively added new regulations, prohibiting people with monocles from entering..."

  Alice looked at this line of text in the newspaper and fell into deep thought.

  ...Are you okay, Amon?

  Of course - it's not a word of concern.

  In fact, Alice really wanted to laugh at Amon or something, but when she thought of Amon's question that made her nervous yesterday, she thought it was best not to do that first.   

  There are plenty of opportunities to laugh at Amon, but if she really attracts Amon now, the next time she sees the dice, she won't know whether it will be...wait a minute, she actually still has time, right?

  The spirit was still very quiet, as if silently encouraging her to do something bold.

  Alice hesitated again and again, and finally gave up - she still didn't know how to use the power to get rid of Amon's clone. If she really lured Amon here, she couldn't send him away.

  "This is probably the so-called 'It's easier to invite gods than to send them away'..." Alice murmured to herself and suddenly laughed, "Hey, if this were the case in the past, I would definitely give Amon a banner with a banner on it. Just write...'If you want to incriminate yourself, why bother?"

  Alice rolled her eyes and suddenly said thoughtfully:

  "I don't know which country Amon's father, the ancient sun god, was from. Or what kind of language does he master...

  "He... no, does he keep a diary like Emperor Russell? Have you ever taught Amon his mother tongue?

  "Probably not... After all, Amon can't even play cards. He only learned it through Emperor Russell."

  Alice made a decisive assertion, and then seriously began to think about the feasibility of giving this banner to Amon:

  "Theory It was said that you can find a tailor to make it... I have noticed before that Luen's clothes also have embroidery technology. As long as you give the pattern and embroider a few words, it won't be a big problem...

  "Then there is the banner... that kind of gold The red and red color scheme, and the tassels and stuff...well, it seems that this is the difficulty. "

  Alice silently remembered this matter.


  Ten o'clock in the morning, Rose Wharf in Pulitzer Harbour.

  As expected, the flag hoisted by the St. Fern had the holy emblem of the "Storm Lord" on it. Obviously, This is indeed a passenger ship owned by the church.

  It has unique features of this era - chimneys and sails, and of course it also has cannons to protect against pirates.   But

  ... is this thing really useful to extraordinary people?

Cannon, a faint confusion flashed in his eyes.

  The Sequence 5 Beyonders have undergone a qualitative change. Even if the "winner" still does not have the ability to fight head-on, Alice is confident that if she is lucky enough, even if the entire ship is destroyed. If it is destroyed, she can catch something and float on the sea to wait for rescue.

  As for being injured - luck can of course help her avoid the attack range.

  However, for Alice, the "winner"'s ability to accumulate luck gives her. This is a very puzzling place.

  From the moment she was promoted to "Winner", she could feel that her accumulated luck was increasing continuously and steadily. However, after she decided to go to Bayam, the increase suddenly increased after a small surge. Stagnation.

  The increasing luck seemed to have some uneasy foreshadowing. Alice had been feeling uneasy, but after making up her mind to go to Bayam, she suddenly calmed down,

  as if the outcome of something had been decided.

  Before stepping onto the deck, Alice glanced softly and nostalgically in the direction of Backlund, and then in the direction of Tingen City, which was very far away from here.

  After that, she looked away from the distance inch by inch. Fix every frame and scene in your mind.

  "Is this going to be a good ending? "Alice lowered her head and asked herself softly, but a coin flicked up in her hand.

  She didn't use any divination skills, she just watched the coin being tossed high, spinning under the sunlight, and finally falling back into her palm. . It

  's the king

  's answer.

  Alice smiled and walked onto the deck.

Chapter 232 Chapter 106 The Storm Lord is a generous god

  After experiencing second class, Alice chose first class without hesitation.

  Luxurious or not... To be honest, I can't save money to buy potion formulas and materials. Besides, this is money generously donated by the "Lord of Storms", so returning it in this way is considered a good thing. It is the return of the property to its original owner.

  Praise be to the generous "Lord of Storms."

  As for third class... ha.

  The third-class cabin of this era was far different from the modern third-class cabin. It was beyond Alice's tolerance in all aspects. For Alice, the pain was no less than buying a hard seat on an eight-hour night train— - Just sit down.

  In comparison, there wasn't much to criticize about the second-class cabin except for its narrowness. What Alice really couldn't stand was the shared toilet and shower room.

  She still couldn't forget the moment she felt when she walked into a public shower room and saw the naked body inside.

  ——She swore that she had never suffered this kind of injustice.

  Alice, who let herself go, did not put "Matilda" on, but put it in the suitcase - she boarded the ship in her original appearance.

  I hope you don't run into anyone you know, but if you do, stay away... Alice straightened the wide-brimmed round hat on her head and made sure that the hanging gauze still covered her face.

  In addition, she has grown a bit taller, and her facial features have lost a lot of the childishness, and her temperament has also changed to a certain extent. Although there is no guarantee that acquaintances will not recognize her, after using fine gauze to block it, at least it is necessary to observe her closely.

  For Alice, the first-class cabin is indeed luxurious enough. Although her original intention of buying the first-class cabin was just for the private bathroom, now she has received professionally trained waiters and chefs, as well as an exclusive restaurant.

  In fact, there is a cigar room and a chess and card room, but Alice does not smoke and has no interest in trying it. As for playing cards...

  As a "winner", playing cards with ordinary people can only make both parties have a poor gaming experience. Difference.

  Of course, Alice still has some fun. For example, she is playing chess now...

  This is obviously something invented by Emperor Russell. Since there is no proportion of luck, after Alice understands the rules of chess, , and my heart started to move.

  No, in fact, she has also played the small game of chess in modern times, but she has never remembered what the rules are, and they all move where the lights are on... Instead, it is chess, and she also understands the basic rules.

  After trying chess twice, Alice, a beginner, silently left this professional field and began to wonder why Emperor Russell didn't bring the backgammon with him.

  Forget about Go, she doesn't know how to play this... Well, there are also checkers, beast chess, and military chess...

  If it doesn't work, it doesn't matter if you bring Minesweeper and Sudoku...

  Alice let out a long sigh of disappointment . Angry, he once again had the desire to call Amon to the ship.

  No, please calm down and don't do this kind of thing!

  In order to prevent herself from being too adventurous, Alice pressed her left hand with her right hand, then pressed her right hand with her left hand, and then pressed her left hand with her right hand... After repeating this several times, Alice successfully forgot what she just wanted to do.

  The first-class cabin has spacious and bright windows that allow you to enjoy the sea view. After spending half an hour in front of the window, Alice finally confirmed one thing - this is very good for protecting her eyesight.

  After all, the sea surface has remained unchanged...wait a minute?

  Alice watched dumbfounded as a fish-man jumped out of the sea, and then... was killed.

  It's not that Alice has never seen murlocs before. When the Extraordinaries of the Church of Storms lose control, they will most likely turn into monsters similar to murlocs. They are like fish with limbs - or mermaids with fish on top and humans underneath.

  "So, people are very particular about naming. The fish above is called murloc, and the fish below is called mermaid. So... are there left and right mermaids or mermaids? In that case, what should they be called?"

  Alice Once again, I successfully diverted my thoughts.   

  This deviant train of thought did not last long, because as a distinguished first-class guest, she quickly received an official apology and comfort.

  Alice in Sequence 5 confidently accepted the fact that she was a little girl who would be frightened by fish-men.

  After this little interlude, Alice's life at sea goes like this:

  Day one, the sea!

  The next day, the sea.

  The third day, the sea...

  the fourth day, harm.


  With the long blast of the whistle, the Saint-Furian sailed into Port Damier, and Alice finally no longer had to stare at the sea in a daze.

  According to the itinerary, the Saint-Furian will dock here for one night to replenish fresh water and food, and set sail the next day.

  Alice got off the boat without hesitation, ready to go out and have some fun.

  Alice walked into the harbor restaurant very smoothly.

  The waiter handed over a menu. As a colonial island and as a port city, the most characteristic food of Port Damir is cured meat and various seafood.

  In comparison, those foods that belong to land are more expensive.

  This is normal, just like inland seafood is often more expensive. No matter what it is, it always seems a bit crappy in the place of origin.

  After hesitating for a moment, Alice chose the special marinated meat among the grilled fish and special marinated meat, and then asked curiously:

  "Why is the marinated meat so expensive?"

  It seemed that this was not the first time the waiter had faced this kind of thing. The question was answered very smoothly:

  "This is a specialty of Damir Port.

  " In the center of the island, there is an extinct volcano, and there are gaps in several underground caves around it. There are natural hot winds blowing there, where the cured meat can be dried. Get a wonderful and unique flavor.

  "Tourists who come and go usually buy some. It's a good idea to eat it yourself or give it away."

  Alice nodded thoughtfully and decided to make a decision after tasting it.

  The marinated meat that was served was red and white with clear texture.

  Alice opened her spiritual vision under the touch of spirituality, and the plate of special bacon suddenly became brightly colored, as if a high-saturation filter had been applied.

  The bacon exudes the scent of the spirit world, but it is not strong. As long as you don't eat a lot at one time, there should be no harm to ordinary people if they eat it.

  No, if it is a child with a relatively pure spirit, after eating it, he may temporarily have a certain amount of psychic vision, which is a bit like opening the Yin and Yang eyes...

  Alice silently complained in her heart, and carefully cut off a piece of bacon, Take a sip.

  This cured meat has a unique flavor. Even if the taste of the spiritual world is put aside, Alice believes that its taste can bear the responsibility of being a local specialty.

  Alice closed her eyes, feeling the flavor of the spices spread from her mouth, and cut off the second slice without hesitation. (End of chapter)

Chapter 233 Chapter 107 Bibi Multi-Flavored Fish

  While patiently tasting the marinated meat, Alice also listened to the chats of other customers in the restaurant.

  In the port restaurants, the most common customers are actually not pirates, adventurers and sailors, but more passing tourists and wealthy businessmen.

  As for those people... Alice thought about it for a moment and realized that those people were more likely to be found in pubs and casinos than in serious restaurants.

  Therefore, the tavern in the port will be more dangerous...Hey, will it be more valuable?

  Alice blinked twice and remembered the wanted notices from the church.

  Then, she remembered her pitiful fighting ability and lowered her head silently.

  Well, it seems that this is not a way to get rich that is suitable for her. The way to get rich that is really suitable for her is to go to the casino to gamble... No, if she wins too much, she will be taught a lesson by the casino, right?

  Alice silently covered her face with her hands.

  In other words, if she wants to make money through gambling, she needs to keep changing casinos and control the amount of money she wins in each casino... It's too difficult, and it doesn't matter if she doesn't make the money.

  Might as well have the extravagant hope of "The Sinking Laurel"!

  Legend has it that more than a hundred years ago, this ship returned carrying the gold jewelry and various valuables that Roen obtained from East Balam.

  Unfortunately, due to deviation from the channel, the ship eventually sank somewhere in the Wild Sea and the Sunian Sea, and has not been found to this day.

  It is said that the items on it are worth millions of pounds in total.

  As far as Alice knows, Roen has started trading titles. A Lord, that is, a Baron, only costs 300,000 pounds, and a Baron only requires 800,000 pounds.

  In other words, if the "Sunken Laurel" is successfully salvaged, a baron's title is at least a minimum, and even a viscount and an earl are not unthinkable...

  Moreover, this is a ship that is almost entirely filled with gold and jewelry, that is, Say, this is millions of pounds of working capital!

  This is not the same concept as having assets of millions of pounds - just look at Miss Justice.

  Most of the time, these rich people only own fixed assets, and the real liquidity is not as high as people think. Millions of pounds of liquid cash pouring into the market is enough to put Backlund into inflation.

  Next, if the invisible hand of the market cannot get it back, and the country cannot intervene strongly enough, Loen will face the risk of economic crisis... No, stop, don't think about it anymore!

  Alice interrupted the mess in her mind in time and thought of another question.

  This kind of ship full of gold and jewelry that finally sank was not uncommon in the era that Alice remembered.

  But it's different here. This is an era with extraordinary people and true gods. If the Laurel has not been found for more than a hundred years, it can only explain one problem - the benefits gained from retrieving the Laurel are different from the sacrifices made. The effort doesn't match.

  Alice believes that it is not difficult to recover and salvage the sunken ship through extraordinary means. In this case, the fact that the Laurel has not been found can only mean that it has a problem, and it is not an ordinary problem.

  Maybe there are some strange sealed objects on it... Well, it sounds like some kind of hidden mission or hidden dungeon. It can be triggered after completing the prerequisites, and you can get a lot of rewards if you succeed in the strategy...

  Alice suddenly found that she was even more excited. , she coldly cut off a piece of bacon and stuffed it into her mouth, trying to wake herself up through the spices spreading in her mouth.

  …Don't think about things from this perspective!

  After successfully suppressing her wandering thoughts, Alice tried to focus back on the special marinated meat.   

  She succeeded, but also failed.

  As slices of bacon were cut off, Alice gradually felt full, and she began to worry about another problem.

  I don't know if high-sequence people can eat without worrying about overeating, or if any extraordinary person of any sequence has the ability to have similar effects... Hey, the "Stealer" path should be fine, right? Can Amon steal the food in his stomach?

  Alice missed Amon again, but she quickly woke up and interrupted this dangerous idea - forget about other "thieves", it is absolutely impossible for Amon to steal only the food in his stomach!

  He can directly steal the stomach, or he can try to steal the gastric mucosa and let the gastric acid directly contact the stomach. He can also... uh, has Amon studied biology or human anatomy?

  Alice blinked twice and suddenly realized that her idea was redundant - Amon may not have learned it, but as a kind of knowledge, as long as there is in this world, Alice has no doubt that Amon has stolen it.

  ...So, isn't Amon a kind of encyclopedia?

  A. Encyclopedia Mon knew nothing about it.

  After finally finishing the special marinated meat, Alice reluctantly left the restaurant.

  After the incident in Bansi Port, the current routes of all ships from Pulitzer Port to Bayam are basically the same.

  Generally speaking, these passenger ships will stop at Damir Port and Tiana Port once each to replenish fresh water and food, and finally arrive in Bayam.

  Thinking of this, Alice paused slightly. She suddenly remembered the inland food on the menu, which was obviously more expensive, and recalled the food on the passenger ship, and her mood was a little strange.

  Even though she lacked sailing experience, Alice quickly realized that there was a high probability that not all ships would have fresh food like the Saint-Furian...

  If the ship could not dock every few days to replenish food and fresh water, then For food carried on board, the shelf life will become an important criterion.

  Alice shuddered as she imagined how long she had to live on compressed biscuits, bacon, salted fish, and canned food.

  Although she understood that if that situation really happened, the sea would probably be a source of food, but... it wasn't much better!

  Alice looked in the direction of the dock and murmured:

  "It would be great if the fish in the sea could have many different flavors...

  " Then there would be milk-flavored fish, beef-flavored fish, bread-flavored fish, etc. Fish of various flavors...

  "It feels a bit like genetically modified organisms... But genetically modified organisms can't actually do this, right? At least not in my impression...

  " Speaking of which, the Earth Mother Goddess can hybridize organisms. Yeah, I wonder if it can be done...

  "If it can be done, then eating will become a blind box. You never know what the next bite will taste like... Hey, this seems to be very interesting?" Note ①

  Alice was tempted by this idea, then put it behind her and returned to the ship happily.

  As for specialties? Of course, we will talk about it when we return home. (End of chapter)

Chapter 234 Chapter 108 Letter

  The next morning, after washing up, Alice came to the exclusive dining room of the first class cabin.

  On the sea, she lost the entertainment method of eating breakfast and reading the newspaper, but there was a person in charge of playing the violin in the first-class restaurant - which was also a method of entertainment.

  Emperor Russell didn't copy the music score...it's good.

  Alice recalled the white top chef's hat invented by Emperor Russell that she had seen, and felt sincerely happy that music in another world was still a pure land.

  Although this is of no use.

  Alice filled the bread with jam to the sound of violin music, and then took a bite. Unsurprisingly, the overflowing jam stained her lips.

  Suddenly, the surroundings became cold, and Alice's movements paused. She stared at the table in front of her, watching a letter suddenly appear on the table without warning.

  Alice looked at the envelope that suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and was torn between licking the jam off her lips and opening the envelope.

  This familiar invisible messenger led Alice to speculate that the letter was probably from Bernadette - but why did Bernadette send the letter?

  Oh, wait, that's not right... Alice suddenly realized where she was now. She raised her head and observed carefully. After confirming that no one was paying attention, she continued to think about the problem.

  ...Wait a minute, what was she thinking just now?

  Alice blinked twice blankly, unconsciously stuck out her tongue to lick the jam off her lips, and then couldn't help but stick out her tongue and take another lick.

  Mmm, so sweet.

  After licking her lips carefully, Alice stared at the bread and thought for a moment, then covered it with a second piece of bread and sandwiched the jam.

  This way it won't get on my lips, I'm so smart!

  ——Alice thought while licking the jam that flowed onto her hand.

  It wasn't until she finished chewing the two slices of bread and the jam in the middle that Alice looked at the sticky jam on her hands and fell into deep thought.

  After staring at her hands for more than ten seconds, Alice came up with a good idea. She pinched the envelope between the little finger and ring finger of her right hand that survived the damage, and with difficulty let the envelope fall into her pocket, and then went to wash her hands. It wasn't

  until she washed her hands and returned to the cabin that Alice opened the letter. There was only one line on it: "What kind of god is 'The Fool'?"

  Bernadette's letter was as short as ever, revealing that she didn't want to talk to her. The taste of saying more - this association mainly comes from the goddess.

  But Bernadette's question confused Alice. After all, she knew about The Fool a long time ago, and Alice couldn't understand why she suddenly asked this question again.

  Of course, there is another reason why Alice doesn't want to answer this question head-on - she really doesn't know how to describe the Fool. So far, there is no god named "The Fool" in this world.

  She can't honestly say Mr. Fool is sequence 6.

  Alice pondered for a moment, and instead of looking for new paper, she wrote directly on the paper and said, "Are you finally going to pray to the Fool?"

  She stuffed the letter back into the envelope, put it away, and threw it on the bed. , originally planned to find an opportunity to summon the messenger after disembarking, but something unexpected happened to her.

  The envelope disappeared silently in a gust of wind. Alice looked at the empty space and frowned. She realized that Bernadette cared about the reply to this letter far more than she thought.   

  ...What made her suddenly start caring about this?

  As soon as her mind moved, Alice thought of Cattleya, who was obviously abnormal during the Tarot meeting.

  It is an obvious fact that Cattleya reacted too violently to Roselle's diary. In addition, she is also obviously a "secret peeper"...

  This speculation made Alice feel an uneasy feeling in her heart. Yue——It would be fine if no one mentioned it, but Klein had already warned her, so why would she leak the secret without authorization?

  Alice convicted Cattleya without verification.

  That vague anger combined with the contempt for life formed the intention to kill, and was quickly suppressed by Alice. She warned herself in her heart:

  No, although she and I are both Sequence 5, there is a high probability that I can't beat her. ...No, that's not right, I shouldn't think that!

  The roar woke up Alice, allowing her to withdraw her thoughts from the obviously wrong state in time. She turned her head and looked out the window - this was a demonstration to the pirate ship she met by chance.

  As the pirate ship wisely sailed away, Alice calmed down and re-examined her previous situation.

  Alice actually felt very conflicted. It was not the first time that she had such a mentality, but she realized that her initial fear of that mentality had long gone.

  She has happily accepted the other side of herself, accepting that she is both the Shen Yinghuan who likes to play pranks but has no evil intentions, and the... urchin who casually wants to strangle human beings to death?

  Alice chose this word to define the owner of that emotion.

  The more familiar she became, the more she understood that the owner of that emotion must be very young, so young that she had no clear concept of good and evil, and so young that she had no idea what death was.

  ——It is true that for a child who can come back to life repeatedly, it is indeed difficult to understand the meaning of physical death to ordinary people.

  In fact, even Alice, who had a clear concept of death, gradually lost her respect for death and sigh for life as she came back to life again and again.

  This is inevitable.

  To Alice, it didn't look like another person, but herself in another possibility.

  "Just like Shen Yinghuan and I can't be summed up as one person..." Alice walked to the window and murmured thoughtfully, "Actually, it's more like... more like the middle value between the two. "

  This is something she has been vaguely aware of for a long time.

  She put her hand on the cabin window, looking at the calm sea, and suddenly had an extremely dangerous idea.

  She conveniently added a bad luck buff to the ship.

  What will happen? With anticipation, Alice turned around, leaned against the bulkhead and began to pray:

  "The Fool who does not belong to this era,

  " "The mysterious master above the gray fog,

  "The King of Yellow and Black who is in charge of good luck,

  "I " I beg for your attention,

  " "I beg for your hearing,

  " "Let's test whether Cattleya knows Bernadette. I suspect that she leaked the Tarot Society to Bernadette - although this may not be considered a leak." .

  "But, no matter what, Mr. Fool's words were violated as soon as he finished speaking. It would be too embarrassing if there was no reaction at all, right?

  "Go give her some color, Mr. Fool! "(End of chapter)

Chapter 235 Chapter 109 Are you too idle?

  Klein listened to Alice's prayer above the gray fog, suppressed the strange feeling in his heart when he heard the last sentence, and focused on what Alice said.

  Cattleya...maybe the secret was leaked?

  As Alice said, this is not actually a leak. After all, Bernadette has long known about "The Fool" and the non-existent Tarot Society, and also knows that they are suspected of collecting diaries and "blasphemous cards".

  But Mr. Fool really shouldn't have no reaction to this... No, he should confirm this first - the tone of Alice's words sounded like she didn't care about verification at all, and was just trying to get rid of it!

  After confirming through divination that Cattleya had indeed contacted Bernadette right after the Tarot session, Klein thought for a while, edited the image of Alice's prayer just now, and sent the second half.


  Sea of ​​fog, inside the captain's room of the "Future".

  Cattleya suddenly felt a gray fog suddenly appear in front of her eyes. She saw the blurry figure of Miss Destiny leaning against - it should be a window, with the sea behind her... She was on a boat?

  Such thoughts flashed past, and she soon heard the familiar brisk tone:

  "What the front foot just said was violated by the back foot. It would be too embarrassing if there was no reaction at all?

  "Go and give her some color. Take a look, Mr. Fool! "

  ...Why does this tone feel like calling a pet?

  As soon as this disrespectful thought came up, Cattleya quickly stopped her thoughts and forced herself to turn her attention to Alice's words. The meaning

  contained in this sentence The information made her uneasy, and she recalled the content of her letter.

  She didn't actually disclose the existence of the Tarot Society, she just said that someone was collecting Rosell's diary. Is it okay?

  The punishment she worried about had not come, she realized. , broadcasting Miss Destiny's words can be regarded as Mr. Fool's warning, then...

  Cattleya recalled Mr. Fool's attitude at the Tarot meeting, and suddenly realized a more terrifying thing - Mr. Fool may not have punished her. But it didn't seem to stop Miss Destiny from causing trouble for her.

  Cattleya suddenly felt that this was much more terrifying than divine punishment...


  St. Fern was expected to take three days, that is, next Tuesday. The port of Tiana can only be reached at night

  - only if there are no accidents.

  Of course, accidents are not that easy to happen, and the bad luck Alice randomly assigned to the ship was not brought into play until the Tarot Club started again on Monday. The effect.

  Alice had to admit that she was a little bored.

  When she opened her eyes above the gray fog, she did not wait for Audrey's greeting as usual, but looked at Cattleya with a smile. He asked with a rising tone:

  "Good afternoon, Ms. Hermit~"

  Just as she was about to stand up and say hello to "Justice" Audrey, she closed her mouth. She realized that Miss Destiny seemed to be looking for "The Hermit". Madam, it's troublesome.


  Alice's character is not one of holding grudges, and she usually takes revenge on the spot, so...what did Ms. "Hermit" do this week?

  Cattleya, who was vaguely the center of attention, suddenly became a little worried She regretted her previous decision - she originally thought that the Tarot Club was not far away, and she could talk about it at the Tarot Club.

  After all, she didn't have the consciousness of Alice to use Mr. Fool as a talking point . .

  Cattleya did not look at Mr. Fool, who was the relay signal tower. In her opinion, if Mr. Fool wanted to stop him, he would have stopped him already.   She

  had not yet considered the problem that Mr. Fool might not be able to stop him.

After thinking, Cattleya responded: "Good afternoon, Miss Destiny. "   

  After Alice stared at her for a few seconds, she sighed in disappointment and said,

  "It seems that some people don't take my words seriously at all... It's really disgusting, don't you think so, Ms. Hermit?" "

  Cattleya didn't dare to speak. Of course she knew who some of the people Alice was referring to - she could guarantee that if this were the real world, she would be covered in cold sweat.

  Even though she didn't have the ability to sweat or stand on end above the gray mist, she still temporarily lost the ability to speak. It wasn't until Alice felt bored because she didn't get a response for so long that she withdrew her gaze that she felt a little better.

  Alice, who withdrew her gaze, fell back on the chair as if she was boneless, and said slowly:

  "Tell Bernadette that if she wants to know something, be prepared to pay the price.

  "Those things I said at that time, But I didn't tell her for nothing.

  "Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't want to pay the price for the time being, but what I take as the price later depends on my mood~"

  Cattleya was not the only one who was sweating now. Alger began to seriously recall whether he had been there or not. Sometimes I coaxed Miss Destiny.

  In this atmosphere where everyone was in danger, Audrey was obviously not in the mood to get up and say hello. Alice looked at the quiet Tarot Club and asked thoughtfully:

  "Everyone, do you know...

  " Is there any sequence of abilities that allows people to taste things without worrying about being full? "

  "ah? "Audrey was the first to voice doubts. Although the others did not speak out like her, their expressions seemed to be the same.

  "No? "Alice blinked her eyes twice.

  "...I have never paid attention to this issue," Alger, the well-informed "Hanged Man", replied euphemistically. "Normally, we don't use extraordinary abilities to do anything. This kind of thing. "

  ...I didn't think so either. Cattleya added, and at the same time, she glanced vaguely at Mr. Fool in the gray mist.

  The two most knowledgeable members of the Tarot Club said so, and it is even less likely for others to know, then , the only one we can expect is Mr. Fool.

  Think about it, if Miss Destiny usually asks this kind of question, then Mr. Fool should really have difficulty maintaining a normal mind...

  This idea comes from the members of the Tarot Society. With a flash in their hearts, they also looked vaguely at Klein in the gray fog. Klein thought for a while in the gray fog, controlled the "world" and asked:

  "Miss Destiny, have you been a little too idle recently? ? "

  Alice's movements paused slightly. She remembered Klein's previous question, turned her head and replied vigilantly:

  "I didn't.

  "But no matter who stays at sea for almost a week, it will be boring, right? There is no..."

  Alice gritted her teeth, swallowed back the "cell phone" that she almost blurted out, and continued:

  "Anyway, I don't I'll go to school, don't even think about it!" (End of Chapter)