
chpater 45

Chapter 221 Chapter95 Respective protagonists

  After Alice stared blankly at the ceiling for a while on the bed, she finally accepted the fact, took a deep breath, and mustered up the courage to crawl out of bed.

  ...When will the weather get warmer?

  After struggling with her thoughts for several minutes, Alice gave up the idea of ​​getting up wrapped in a quilt and silently started to get dressed.

  "I really hope that heating and electric blankets can be common in other worlds..." After spitting out the last mouthwash, Alice looked at herself in the mirror and murmured, "I wonder if demigods are afraid of the cold..."

  Alice It was still customary to retrieve today's newspapers and letters from the mailbox first. Backlund's tense atmosphere had not changed much in this week. No, maybe it was more serious...

  Alli thought of what she had done. Si felt guilty for a while.

  Since the goddess hasn't found her yet, that means it's not a big deal, right...?

  Alice nodded, her eyes gradually becoming firmer, she clenched her fists to encourage herself, and then started her first thing every day - checking her mailbox.

  After reading the newspaper over breakfast, Alice began to examine her letters.

  One letter came from Ian, telling her that the diary had been successfully sold, and it contained five ten-pound notes - it seemed that the child had not left a penny for himself.

  Alice silently marked in her plan that she would go over tonight to deliver five pages of the diary and give Ian some money.

  It would be too much to give no money at all... Alice thought to herself and opened Evelin's letter.

  Alice receives notes from Evelyn almost every day, and today is certainly no exception... No, that's not right.

  At the end of this note, there were words that touched Alice's sensitive nerves:

  "Speaking of this, I suddenly remembered a very strange thing.

  "A few mornings ago, I clearly heard your scream. I wanted to ask you what happened, but why did I leave without asking anything?

  "Actually, looking back, there was something wrong with your expression and actions at that time, but I don't know why I just believed what you said and left like that...

  "Burrell, you, did you encounter something strange? General things?

  "Anyway, if you need help, you can come to me or go to the church to ask for help!"

  Alice squeezed the note in her hand.

  It's easy to guess what force caused the impact at that time. If you don't consider that Adam was caring about his younger brother...well, it shouldn't have anything to do with Evelin, right?

  In short, if this situation is not considered, Amon is definitely not so kind anyway, so it is probably... the influence of fate?

  Alice's first reaction was actually to use fate to hide it from Evelin again, but not to mention that she didn't know what to do. After thinking about it for a moment, she understood that this was treating the symptoms rather than the root cause.

  After carefully thinking about the countermeasures, Alice decided to put off this troublesome matter for now. Anyway, her most important thing recently was to go to Bayam.

  Thinking of this, Alice ran back to the study. After finishing the verbose part, she considered it and began to write an explanation of the incident:

  "Evelyn, I'm very sorry that I can't tell you the specific situation now. I can only tell you that I am not in danger.

  "Recently, I may have some things to deal with and will leave Backlund.

  "Don't worry, I believe I will be back soon. Maybe I can explain this matter to you at that time."   

  After frowning and thinking for a moment, she wrote on the paper again:

  "Evelin, I don't know what you think of those people who do unusual things, but I hope you remember...

  "In the mysterious world, behind all the wonderful stories and tempting treasures, there is only one thing hidden - danger.

  "Luck is not only a gift, but also a blessing. It is also a curse."

  After putting down the pen, Alice looked at the content on the paper and sighed leisurely: "Very good, now that I am an Extraordinary, in Evelyn It's almost a good sign in her eyes."

  She reached out and knocked on the desk twice, but her eyes suddenly glanced at the remaining manuscript paper on the table. Alice murmured thoughtfully:

  "Speaking of...the part of the Millennium Chapter. Although I have finished the painting a long time ago, I never thought of sending it over... uh, should I send it over before going to Bayam?

  "Is there anything else... eh? "

  Suddenly she heard a knock on the door. Alice stood up blankly, put on "Matilda" skillfully, and walked over to open the door.

  The poet classmate outside the door seemed a little embarrassed. He put his fist on his chin and coughed lightly. After saying twice, he said: "I... cough, one of my 'friends' has something to say to you. "

  He emphasized the word "friend". Alice stared at this old friend who was already a stranger. After pondering for a moment, she asked:

  "...Don't tell me that the goddess asked you to come? "

  This question was acquiesced.

  Alice took a breath, and she realized that the goddess might still care about the trouble she caused.

  After a moment of silence, Alice decided to cause even greater trouble. She looked at Leonard put on a mischievous smile and said:

  "You know, the protagonist of the era will not die. Even if he dies, he will push the grave and crawl out~

  " So, there is no popular cremation. This is really the case. The biggest failure of the era..."

  After that, in Leonard's eyes full of shock and doubt, she closed the door mercilessly and began to think about another issue that was very important to her:

  "Speaking of which ...Why do I think there are so many protagonists in this era?

  "Actually, Miss Justice, Miss Magician, Mr. Hanged Man, Mr. Moon, Mr. Sun, The Hermit... eh , Ms. 'Hermit' should also count.

  "Actually, everyone seems to be the protagonist of the times... Hmm... Everyone is the protagonist of their own story?"

  Alice chuckled and thought of another interesting thing:

  "But in fact, no matter from which perspective, In other words, fate doesn't seem to be the protagonist of the story.

  "It seems that every story has the shadow of fate, and it cannot escape the influence of fate, but almost no story has fate as the protagonist...

  " If I have to say it, fate probably can. Is it the golden finger of the protagonist?

  "Whoever gets the golden finger, or whoever gets the blessing of fate, can stand out and become the true 'protagonist of the era'...

  " Alas, from this point of view, it feels like Lun Nader is completely hopeless..."

  Alice pretended to sigh, ignoring the knocking on the door behind her that still didn't stop. She hummed and took off "Matilda", returned to the study, and sat on the desk. forward. (End of chapter)

Chapter 222 Chapter96 Don't look directly at God

  Chapter 222 Chapter 96 Don't look directly at God.

  Leonard was thrown outside the door and was greatly shocked.

  Alice's words seemed to be hinting - no, it was almost as clear as a hint. She was making something clear.

  For a moment, Leonard wanted to go back to Tingen City now, dig up the grave of another "protagonist of the era" he knew, and see if it was empty.

  But humans are such strange creatures. Although this was an unexpected surprise for him, he couldn't help but become afraid of it.

  ——Why did his former colleague fake his death?

  He is eager to know the truth behind it, but he is afraid that the truth will not be what he wants.


  Alice decided not to go to the goddess's church again before going to Bayam - she felt that the goddess didn't want to see her either.

  Time passed quietly while Alice was organizing the manuscript, and three o'clock in the afternoon arrived unknowingly.

  Crimson light emerged like a tide, drowning the world in front of her. Alice habitually closed her eyes and waited until the light faded before opening her eyes again.

  The first person to notice the new member was "Magician" Forsi, who was sitting next to "Hermit" Cattleya. She immediately realized that there was someone next to her, and then turned around pretending not to care.

  The second person to realize this was "Justice" Audrey, who was about to stand up and greet her. While noticing the new members, she suddenly thought of a strange question:

  Mr. Fool seemed to have intentionally divided women on one side. , men are divided on the other side, and Mr. Fool, as a god, of course cannot use gender to... wait a minute.

  Audrey suddenly looked at "The World" and Alice in confusion. If we reason from this perspective, that is to say, Mr. Fool believes that "The World" has no gender or is simply not a human being, while Miss Destiny is a female...

  eh , well, Miss Destiny, this should be somewhat reasonable, which means that "The World"... No, Audrey, stop, you must be overthinking!

  Audrey stopped her random thoughts, stood up, and saluted in a brisk tone:

  "Good afternoon, Mr. Fool~"

  After Klein nodded lightly in response, Audrey turned to Alger "The Hanged Man" :

  "Good afternoon, Mr. Hanged Man~"

  After Alger responded in the same way, Audrey turned to Alice again:

  "Good afternoon, Miss Destiny~"

  Alice tilted her head, finally realizing something was wrong. ——She did not greet in the order of the tarot cards, but in accordance with the time of initiation!

  ——If you greet them in order, after the Fool card, there should be the Magician card.

  After realizing this, Alice shook her hand happily to show that she had received it, and then she laughed twice in her heart at Mr. Fool who had been robbed of his leadership.

  Following Audrey's greetings, Cattleya and the old members of the Tarot Club also began the classic process of sizing each other up.

  The inconspicuous purple light slowly flowed in Cattleya's eyes, and her gaze naturally fell on Alice, whom she was most curious about.

  The last time they met, she didn't dare to peek at Miss Destiny, who was suspected to be Mr. Fool's junior. But this time, she vaguely noticed that Miss Destiny didn't seem to be placed in the position of a god at this party, so she naturally Let go of your courage.

  Different from the pajamas she wore when they met last time, this time Miss Destiny was wearing a very weird costume - at least Cattleya had never heard of the custom of putting a sack on the body.   

  Suddenly, Alice seemed to notice her gaze and turned to look at her. Almost at that moment, she saw a fleeting light.


  Cattleya frowned slightly and focused her gaze on Alice. The purple color flowing in her eyes slowly deepened until... she saw that light again.

  It seemed to surround her, seemed to envelope her, seemed to jump out of her body - Cattleya couldn't tell where the light came from, she only saw that beautiful light, It ran towards her at a speed that seemed slow but was actually unavoidable. When it was in front of her, it suddenly became bright and engulfed her.

  A huge amount of information suddenly poured out of her mind. She could not distinguish the content of the information. They were broken and entangled together, and they broke into her consciousness arbitrarily, causing her spirituality to suffer a sharp pain.

  "Ah!" She cried out in pain and slumped down on the chair with a pale face. She only felt that the scenery in her eyes was filled with blurred light and shadow.

  In the blurry, violently shaking image, a shadow swayed close to her. When she got close enough, she could barely tell that it was a human figure. She heard the shadow make a familiar voice:

  "You What did you see on me?"

  As the girl's figure came closer, she seemed to have received some kind of absolution, and the dazzling light disappeared from her eyes. She noticed that her vision was slowly recovering, and her thoughts were in her mind. The completely confusing message also disappeared without a trace.

  As her field of vision slowly recovered, she saw the blurry face with clear blue eyes. She heard the girl ask again: "What did you see in me?"

  She opened her mouth, but did not speak. There is only one sentence echoing in it:

  Do not look directly at God!

  Alice noticed the flash of panic in her eyes, which made her even more confused. She frowned and once again asked the question that she had always cared about:

  "What did you see in me?"

  " ...Light," Cattleya replied with a dry voice, "I saw light in you."

  "Light..." Alice murmured softly, remembering the wave of light that once drowned her. , suddenly there was a feeling that it was indeed the case.

  Alice didn't comment on the answer. She turned her eyes from Cattleya inadvertently and returned to her seat without caring.

  After being let go, Cattleya felt that she had regained a little strength, but she soon realized that the atmosphere at the Tarot Conference was too quiet. She lowered her body and did not dare to speak.

  It wasn't until Alice slumped on the chair that she was helpless that Klein chuckled and said to the audience:

  "Since she doesn't mind, let's stop here."

  The stagnant atmosphere relaxed and everyone's thoughts He adjusted his posture in various ways, thinking deeply about what had just happened.

  Although the pronoun used by Mr. Fool is still "she", no one here will regard Alice as "she".

  Only Cattleya stood up, bowed her head in Alice's direction and said,

  "Sorry, my eye of voyeurism is instinctive. It can only be strengthened, not closed. It must be sealed with magical items..."

  Alice Si tilted her head and held her chin up as she replied:

  "In fact, I just realized that the Secret Eye can see problems in me..."

  (End of Chapter)

Chapter 223 Chapter97 How does it sound like I did this?

  This statement is not entirely true.

  Alice really didn't expect that the Eye of Secrets could see the problems in her body. The main reason was that she had met a demigod-level "Peeper of Secrets" - Bernadette.

  Alice guessed that the Peeping Eye could see that the problem with her was most likely just a recent thing.


  for the first time, Alice knew that the Secret Eye was not under control. She thought of the "monster" who could be regarded as having the same disease in a sense. She turned to Ke in the gray mist with half pity and half sympathy. Ryan knocked on the table and asked,

  "Can you seal her eyes?"

  Audrey and Alger both remembered Alice's eyes that were closed at the beginning.

  They suddenly realized that at some point, the visible glasses on Miss Destiny's face had disappeared - that is to say, she could already look directly at Mr. Fool.

  Thinking of Cattleya's tragic situation just now, they were shocked and looked away.

  Apart from the two of them, others also had different thoughts - for example, they were thinking about what Cattleya meant by "light".

  They could easily see that Alice didn't know what was in her before, and after hearing the answer, they took it for granted, but... what does light mean?

  Klein was actually thinking about this issue as well, and was a little regretful that what Cattleya looked at just now was not him - he was actually quite curious.

  However, isn't the direction different? In my impression, two people saw him...well, one and a half. After all, Alice didn't really see him, so she just counted it as half.

  I have the impression that half of the people who saw him are from the "monster" path. I don't know if I can tell it with my peeping eyes... After all, it's not like he has never seen "mysterious people".

  When Klein's mind wandered, Alice's question reminded him. He chuckled, nodded gently to Alice and said,


  After a pause, he said to Cattleya: "You can Trying to embody a pair of glasses on her face."

  After solving the serious problem of the secret eye, Cattleya was finally able to raise her head and participate in this tarot session, observing other people normally while looking at Ao Dai. Li introduced herself with questioning eyes:


  After getting to know each other with the new members, Audrey turned to the top of the long bronze table: "Mr. Fool, I was out in the field and only collected one page. Serge's Diary."

  After hearing this, Alice subconsciously looked at Cattleya, ready to appreciate her shocked expression - after all, this is how every newcomer comes.

  But Cattleya's reaction seemed a little too obvious.

  As the famous "Star Admiral" and a "secret spy" who is good at research, Cattleya may have been surprised when she first heard about Russell's diary, but she would never be so shocked.

  ——After all, even Old Neil could study and find out that Russell's notes might be diaries.

  "Magician" Forsi also raised his hand and said: "Mr. Fool, I got three pages."

  "Sun" Derrick followed closely and said: "Mr. Fool, I have copied the new legend of the ancient gods. "

  When Klein began to read the diary with a feeling of relief, Alice stared at Cattleya's expression and slowly frowned.

  The shock she felt when she first heard about Russell's diary had slowly subsided, but after Klein started reading it, she became even more horrified and frightened.

  Alice watched this scene, remembering Bernadette when she first met, and slowly frowned.

  After Klein announced the start, "Moon" Emlyn was the first to betray himself:

  "Mr. 'The Hanged Man', I'm ready. When will you get the inheritance of the blood baron? You mentioned it last time , is it in the hands of a big pirate?"

  He suppressed his excitement and, along with the big pirate in his words, sold both himself and Alger outright without hesitation, leaving Alger who had originally planned to hide his identity for a while. silence.

  Alger, who was well-informed, quickly calmed down and asked without changing his expression: "Did you get the cash?"

  "Of course!" Emlyn raised his neck and said.   

  Alice glanced at Alger and Emlyn with pity.

  What surprised Alice was that Alger didn't care about it, and his tone did not change:

  "I will get it for you within this week. Finally, let's confirm the price again. 4,500 pounds, okay?"

  Alice glanced at Alger suspiciously, feeling that the other person's current attitude was just like Song Shu's after she agreed to paint. The only difference was that Song Shu's emotions were much more exposed.

  ...He must have made a lot of money!

  Emlyn didn't notice anything was wrong. He cleared his throat and asked with wandering eyes, "Okay, can it be cheaper?"

  ... It looked like he planned to pocket part of the money.

  After hearing this, Alger asked calmly:

  "This is not something I can decide, but I can help you fight for it. Also, don't forget my commission. It's a little less, how about 300 pounds?"

  Alice looked at it. Seeing Alger, who had no guilt, suddenly began to doubt her previous judgment - ah, maybe she thought too badly of Mr. "The Hanged Man", but in fact, he really confiscated the commission?

  "Okay." Emlyn obviously showed no signs of doubt and even breathed a sigh of relief.

  After they reached a deal with a few words, Alger turned to Alice, who was reflecting on herself, looked at her right eye that no longer had a monocle and asked in a deep voice:

  "Miss Destiny, your monocle has been taken off. ?"

  "Yes." Alice looked at him full of resentment.

  Although he knew that there was an evil god hidden under Miss Destiny's innocent girlish appearance, Alger still showed a faint smile and said in a casual tone:

  "It seems that I can't get the luck you promised as a reward."

  —— Of course, the other reason was that he found that a casual attitude was more pleasing to Alice in trivial matters.

  This was originally an insignificant joke, but Alice, who was secretly paying attention to Cattleya, found that she frowned when she heard this sentence.

  Alice then smiled, turned to Cattleya and asked: "Ms. Hermit, what were you thinking just now?"

  Cattleya stiffened, and the panic she felt before was recalled to her again, and she looked cautiously Looking at Alice, she said thoughtfully, "I just remembered some rumors."

  Alice stared at her curiously.

  "It's just some random rumors, they can't be taken seriously..." Cattleya made a weak resistance.

  Alice continued to stare at her curiously.

  Cattleya was silent for a moment, and had to explain:

  "There are rumors that the high sequence of the 'destiny' path, which gives the ability to be lucky, brings unsatisfactory results most of the time...

  " It is said that , many times, some people realize their wishes on the spot, but then they will face a terrible counterattack.

  "The appearance and intensity of this counterattack seem to be completely random...

  " Some people suspect that this is the result of the influence of the high-sequence existence of a certain 'destiny' pathway. "Note ①

  As Alice listened to Cattleya's words, the smile on her face disappeared little by little. Finally, she lowered her eyes, half covering her eyes with her eyelashes, and said softly:

  "Although I have no relevant memory, I don't know. Why...

  "I always feel that the high-sequence existence you mentioned may, should, probably, maybe...

  "Is it me? "(End of chapter)

Chapter 224 Chapter98 Stable performance 2

  This is not groundless speculation.

  Alice had long felt that there was a strange overlap between her and her fate at certain times - such as the promotion ceremony that made her curse.

  Coupled with the fact that the fog about the past had been revealed, Alice seriously doubted that such immoral things might really have been done by her.

  ...No, how outrageous was she before?

  This time, Alice and the members of the Tarot Club gasped together.

  No one doubted Alice's words. Of course, no one echoed the words. Even Cattleya only thought for a moment and then cautiously responded:

  "I'm sorry, I don't know much about this."

  Only Ke The corners of Ryan's mouth twitched in the gray fog, and he wanted to complain about something, but he gave up because he was concerned about the occasion.

  Alice then knocked on the table and asked, "I want to know where this is."

  She glanced at Klein in the gray fog. Klein received this signal and helped her materialize a gorgeous and blatant building. Building, and then Alice's eyes glanced at Alger, Cattleya and "The World":

  "It should be located in Bayam... Mr. 'The Hanged Man', Ms. 'The Hermit', um... and" "Mr. World, have you ever seen it?"

  As Alice asked, Klein quickly recognized this place. Alger and Cattleya were not unfamiliar either. While the latter was still confused, "World "A hoarse voice appeared:

  "This is the 'Red Theater', the most famous brothel in Bayam."

  Alice nodded thoughtfully, and after pondering for a moment, she suddenly asked curiously: "Have you ever been in it. "

  ...No." "The World" answered after a moment of silence.

  Alice sighed in disappointment and muttered: "What a pity, I haven't seen a brothel yet..."

  Klein forcibly restrained his desire to curse out loud in the gray fog, and manipulated the corners of "the world"'s mouth to He twitched hard twice, and then changed the subject rationally:

  "Why are you asking this?"

  In the end, he did not ask questions such as "Do you want to go in and play?" which he thought were impolite questions, although he felt that Alice might not mind this, and might even actually want to play.

  Her curious eyes fell on Alice, but Alice did not explain. Instead, she knocked on the table twice and asked,

  "If I ask how to get to the Red Theater in Bayam, will I?" Doesn't it seem weird?"

  Alger recalled the image of Alice in his memory and nodded: "I think so."

  Cattleya did not speak, but Klein once again controlled the "world" and asked. : "So...you don't really want to go in, do you?"

  "That's not the case," Alice shook her head, "near there - Hey, can you help me lead the way then, Mr. World?" "

  After a pause, Alice asked again: "If I really want to go in and take a look..."

  Klein coughed lightly in the gray mist, and Alice closed her mouth rationally and gestured. Zipper gesture.

  Then the hoarse voice of "The World" sounded again: "If you just lead the way, there will be no problem."

  - The implication is that it is absolutely impossible to go in and see.

  Alice was very disappointed with this. She leaned back in her chair regretfully, curled her lips and said, "Okay."

  After Alice showed an obvious attitude of not wanting to talk, Audrey took over the topic:

  "' Mr. World, did you mention the clues about the Psychiatrist's legacy traits before, and have you successfully obtained them?"

  Alice was stunned for a moment, and then quickly remembered Audrey's Susie, she turned her head and asked with a sincere face. "

  Miss Justice, can I be your dog?"

  Klein tried his best in the gray fog, using up all the "Joker's" extraordinary abilities to prevent himself from making any strange noises.   

  Except for Alger and Audrey, who knew that Miss Justice had an extraordinary pet dog, everyone else felt that their brains had turned into a ball of mush and they were completely unable to understand the situation in front of them.

  Audrey also opened her mouth in surprise. If she could do it now, she would definitely shoot at least five soothing shots on herself - no, she might not remember to give herself soothing shots.

  As for the aristocratic image... Haha, can anyone really maintain his image in front of Miss Destiny?

  Audrey doesn't know, Audrey thinks she can't do it.

  Alice looked at the expressions of the people around her and later realized that this sentence was not a big deal at all. She tried her best to explain:

  "I didn't mean that, I just think it is very happy to be Miss Justice's dog... ...Uh, why does it sound weirder?"

  No one responded to this sentence, only Audrey made a weak voice:

  "I understand what you mean, Miss Destiny...

  "Can you please stop talking? ? "

  Alice shut her mouth obediently.

  It was only then that "The World" responded in a hoarse voice:

  "If you want it, I will give it to you as soon as possible.

  "The price is 1,800 pounds."

  Audrey suddenly suspected that "The World" was deliberately silent just now.

  But she was destined not to get the answer to this question, and she could only respond weakly: "Okay."

  Although no one understood what Miss "Destiny" just meant, but now, the pity members of the Tarot Club were temporarily removed from " Mr. World was replaced by Miss Justice.

  After being at a loss for a moment, "Sun" Derrick raised his hand and asked, "Which of you has the fruit of the Glorious Spirit Pact Tree?"

  "Hermit" Cattleya temporarily suppressed the question in her mind and replied:

  " I have.

  "What do you get in exchange? "

  - She decided to participate in several small transactions to understand the operating mode of the Tarot Club.

  Derrick said sincerely:

  "Uh... I can exchange the history of Silver City with the history of dark creatures such as dragon elves.

  "Ms. Hermit, here is a list of common monsters in the area around Silver City, from which you can choose the materials you need."

  Alice, who thought she was quite scheming, silently looked up at the sky... Oh, there is no sky here.

  Although she failed to understand the meaning of this sentence, Cattleya still replied calmly: "I will first take a look at the common monsters in the area around Silver City before making a decision."

  Alice silently considered Cattleya's words in her heart . The level has been raised to the level of Mr. "The Hanged Man".

  Derrick agreed without hesitation. After browsing the list of monsters, Cattleya replied calmly: "You exchanged the history of Silver City."

  Alice couldn't bear to read any more and looked away. .

  After the transaction session ended, Fors became the first speaker in the free exchange session:

  "A major event happened in Backlund recently, which put the originally relaxed atmosphere under martial law again - someone broke into the Storm Lord's house. Church, snatched the donation box" (End of Chapter).

Chapter 225 Chapter99 "Destiny" is a child

  Alice...Alice shrank back into the chair with a guilty conscience, but still stubbornly raised her head and raised her chest.

  Alger didn't notice this tiny movement and took over the topic naturally:

  "Yes, I heard about it too. The Church of Storms was extremely angry about it and issued a wanted order."

  "I was also in the newspaper. I saw the wanted poster." Forsi nodded, and with the help of Klein, he embodied the image on the wanted poster, "That's it, the newspaper said to be careful of anyone wearing a monocle..."

  Speaking During the moment, Forsi glanced at Alice cautiously - this was not because she discovered the culprit of this incident, she just remembered Alice's description of Amon.

  Alger and Audrey also looked at Alice, and Emlyn and Derrick also followed the trend and started looking at Alice.

  Only Klein here was shocked enough - God, he is worthy of being the one who can play with Alice...Wait a minute, they weren't together at the time, were they?

  Klein suddenly had a bad premonition. He controlled "The World" and asked: "Miss Destiny, were you at the scene at the time?"

  Alice replied confidently: "This was done by Amon."

  Such a statement that avoided the key issue aggravated the subtle feeling in Klein's heart. He once again controlled the "world" and asked: "Miss Destiny, does this matter have anything to do with you?"

  Alice's eyes wandered for a moment.

  Klein couldn't help it anymore. He shouted in the gray fog: "'Destiny'?"

  Cattleya watched this scene and frowned slightly.

  From the attitudes of the Tarot Club members, she could tell that the Tarot Club members basically had a sufficient understanding of Miss Destiny's identity and character, so... Why

  did "The World" force a god to question him? ?

  Even if this god looks like a girl, has a personality like a child, and most likely has no authority or personality on her body, or at least not completely on her body - then she is still a god.

  Cattleya glanced vaguely at "The World" and kept this question in her heart.

  When Klein no longer controlled the "world" to make inquiries, Alice realized that this was no longer a problem that she could just deal with casually.

  So Alice turned her head and looked at the top of the long bronze table, and replied confidently:

  "Is Amon the one on the wanted notice issued by the Church of Storms? Is it okay that it's Amon?

  "Has Amon himself come forward to deny this? Something? no?

  "Since both Amon and the Church of Storms think it is, there is no problem!"

  Klein closed his eyes in pain in the gray mist. He took a deep breath, blocked other people's perceptions without hesitation, and then glared Alice asked:

  "Did you use Amon's body?"

  Alice looked up at the dome of the ancient palace.

  Klein pinched his eyebrows and did not ask how she got together with Amon. He gritted his teeth and asked, "Where is Amon's clone?"

  "It was sacrificed to the goddess." Alice replied confidently.

  Klein remembered his speculation when he just read the legend of the ancient gods, and suddenly felt a subtle sympathy for the goddess. He forcibly interrupted this disrespectful thought, and then asked again: "Where is the donation box?" Note ①

  "Throw it away. Alice became more confident, "I remembered to add anti-divination."

  Klein opened his mouth, took a deep breath, and asked again: "The money in it...?"

  Alice recalled it, and then nodded seriously. He nodded and said, "I split the money with the goddess."   

  "Ah?" A hint of confusion flashed across Klein's eyes.

  Alice replied confidently: "I stuffed those messy foreign coins into the church's donation box..."

  Klein gasped. He endured it again and again, but finally couldn't help asking: "Goddess what?" "Reaction?"

  Alice thought for a moment and replied, "The goddess said she has read it."

  After a pause, Alice pursed her lips and said, "I always feel that the goddess doesn't want to care about me..."

  "You can tell me what you think. Go," Klein said without euphemism. "After all, if I were a goddess, I wouldn't bother to care about you... No, I don't want to care about you now."

  Alice tried her best to make her expression look pitiful and aggrieved, and then opened her eyes. He looked at Klein with a pair of big watery eyes.

  Klein watched Alice think for two seconds, adjusted her posture, and then released the shield.

  Very good, now everyone has seen Miss Destiny who seems to be acting coquettishly.

  Alice was silent for a few seconds at the sudden extra attention, then bared her teeth and glared at Klein fiercely. After kicking the bench leg in anger, she retreated into the chair and pretended that nothing happened.

  Alger, Forsi and Audrey withdrew their gazes sensibly so as not to embarrass Miss Destiny. Emlyn and Derrick soon followed suit.

  Cattleya? Oh, she didn't dare to think about it at all. After seeing Alice's expression, she lowered her head faster than Alger - it was not a good thing to be noticed by this person.

  No one knows how hard it is for Mr. Fool to hold back his laughter alone in the gray fog.

  In order to ease the awkward atmosphere, Alger took the initiative to mention the fall of "Poseidon" Kavituwa after a pause of more than ten seconds.

  This successfully changed the topic - because after hearing this, everyone began to follow Cattleya's gaze and look at Mr. Fool.

  The signal of the "world" controlled by others was obviously half a beat slow. In order to make up for this, Klein controlled the "world" and glanced at Alger.

  Alice, who knew the character of "The World", paused when she saw this scene, and couldn't help blurting out: "Are you about to gain the extraordinary characteristics of a 'Wind Blessed One'?"

  Alger's body froze completely.

  The other members of the Tarot Society quickly guessed what "The World" had done in the past and Alger's reaction, and the atmosphere fell into a strange silence.

  The corner of Klein's mouth twitched fiercely in the gray fog - of course he understood Alice's hint, but he really didn't mean it!

  After thinking for a short time, Klein did not control "The World" to respond. Instead, he chuckled lightly, leaned back on his chair nonchalantly and said,

  "Kavituva relies on 'Natural Disaster' Goshinam The relic becomes a demigod."

  After a pause, he turned to Alice again, with a hint of smile in his tone:

  "At this point, Kavitua may be luckier than you."

  Alice said. Zi thought of her experience of becoming an extraordinary person, but today, as she remembered more things, she replied hesitantly:

  "But didn't the Kavitua you mentioned only become a demigod?"

  As a veteran-level Member, Alger, who knew something about Alice's experience of becoming an extraordinary person, suddenly remembered the question he had long ago.

  Was this god a child before he became a god? (End of chapter)