
Star Wars: War, balance, and control

This story is about a reincarnated individual from a futuristic version of our Earth (year 10000+), he was a young soldier/scientist (16 years old), and despite not knowing much about Star Wars itself, the franchise survived long enough for him to have some understanding of its world and main subjects, such as the sith, the empire, the republic, the Jedi, and other things which are general knowledge. This story takes place more or less at the beginning of the clone wars, and it is an experiment of mine. If you see any mistakes in the explanation of something, or the logic or the plot or whatever, do tell me and I'll fix it as soon as I can. Also, give me suggestions on which direction you want to see this story develops, and just so you know, the main character won't start as someone useless in terms of capabilities (he will be quite powerful from the beginning), his body will have a background which I'll explain in the first chapters. Anyway, have a good reading, and may the force be with you. (Also, I'm no expert of the universe of Star Wars, things like the name of the races, vehicles, planets, places, could and they will possibly be wrong unless I completely change its name, so I'll avoid as much as possible saying what are the races of the characters, instead I will just give a description of their appearances and get over it, but if you do want to me write it, just tell me whatever you see something you want me to change. And yes, I know about the Wookieepedia and things like that, but it is still difficult to find info on some very specific things.)

WhereIsMyName · Movies
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12 Chs

C2 - Conflict

The moment the starship was left alone, I didn't waste any time, I leaped using the tubulation as a jumping platform, and used whatever energy I could gather from within the force to glide me towards my objective.

I entered the ship and ran directly to the cockpit, there wasn't much time, I had to go as soon as possible. Looking at the controls of the ship I almost felt like destroying this whole thing, I wasn't used to this configuration, while it was somehow similar to the starfighters I used to pilot, the fundamentals were different.

One thing I could confirm though was the autopilot, the engines, the landing gear, and the hyperspace drive, and that was all I needed. I turned on the ship and started the take-off procedures. This probably alerted someone because many battle robots suddenly appeared from the doors that led to the mining station, each one wielding blasters, I looked around and found the button to close the doors. All that was left now was to leave. Seeing the engines had bundled up enough power, I set the coordinates 1.279, -78.258, and let it do the rest.

I could hear the sound of the blasters hitting the hull, but apparently, there was some sort of shield generator built within this thing, since no alarms went off, which meant there was no significant damage.

The ship left the planet and soon after entered hyperspace. Since it would take a while I decided to rest a little in the chair, but I didn't expect I was so tired, as soon as I closed my eyes I fell asleep.


I had a dream, it was... different. Like a voice whispering from afar, it felt familiar, yet different and it offered help. Visions and more visions came to me, they showed an unfamiliar world, without the Je'daii, a world that clashed between two sides, one called Light, and the other called Dark. However, both of them were fallen ones, there was no balance, it was lost thousands of years ago, Bendu's last descendent was a broken man, deceived twice by those he called allies.

The force was bleeding, it craved for balance, I saw it, a boy whose fate was constantly being pushed and pulled, forever in a state of disorder, sometimes he fell towards the light, other times he fell towards the dark, but he never stayed in the middle, rather, it was the one that discovered him first that was closest to balance than any other. But were those visions real? Are they from the future? The present? The past? I couldn't say.

When I opened my eyes, I noticed had arrived at my true home, Tython, but its state... deplorable to say the least, it was destroyed, the balance was permanently damaged. I couldn't even feel the presence of the nine Tho Yor, they were either destroyed or left this planet long ago.

I leaned my back on the chair and watched, something in me was broken, this body of mine, the version without my memories, he loved this place, he loved the people there as if they were his family. And now, it was gone, forever cast into obscurity, by the thing he had no control over, fate was more like a joke sometimes, he truly wondered if he could have done something about this, it felt like he was happily resting while his mother was being murdered in front of him and begging for help.

But I didn't know, perhaps it was meant to be like that, even if he was here, whatever could damage Tython to such level, would have done the same with him.

Even so, I couldn't help but shed some tears over its fate, this wasn't meant to be like that, he was pretty sure of this at least.

Now I had nowhere to go, and no way to find out any information. I searched around the ship for a moment and managed to find the map of the Galaxy, it was very different from what he remembered, but somethings were still there.

My only hope is that this thing can give me some light, I touched the map and started meditating, it was hard, slow, but eventually, I managed to do it.

A robot was speaking with a common-looking man.

"Where should I take the cargo?" The robot asked.

"Mustafar, then you come back to coruscant and wait for further orders."


The vision ended there.

"Well... better than nothing."

And I once again went towards another place, this place though wasn't that far, it took less than an hour to get here, but I couldn't help but frown when I arrived, this place... why was there so much suffering? Such a developed city, still had a broken society? And then, there was that, I felt them, and I'm pretty sure they felt me as well, I wonder what will happen now.

It took only a few minutes, not enough for me to get permission to land, two starfighters arrived from the planet, each one bearing the symbol of a pair of wings with something that looked like a sword in the middle.

Then came their voices from the radio.

"Identify yourself!"

Hearing those arrogant words I was infuriated, for the first time, I felt like I was falling towards Bogan. One thing is the loss of balance, but even with so many people so close to Ashla this planet was completely broken, what are those bastards doing?

"I'm Je'daii master Aldjer Gelsta! I demand to speak with the leaders of your defiant order who fell towards Ashla!"

"What sort of joke are you trying to pull here? We are the Jedi here! If you lie once again, we will arrest you! Now tell us, who are you really?"

This is it, I wouldn't allow those people to shame the sacred name of the order! They have fallen and yet, they still call themselves Je'daii, what a joke!

Since I couldn't fully touch upon the force, all that remained was to draw power from Bogan, since it held most of the influence in the force. Suddenly, my ship and theirs started moving in a weird way, as if hands were forcing them towards a specific direction.

"Agh! What is this!? What's going on?"

"Batu, my starfighter isn't working! I can't move it!" The Jedi on the other starfighter shouted.

Suddenly both of them became silent, they probably noticed what was going on.

Other starfighters suddenly started appearing, demanding that I stop my ship, but I didn't care what they had to say, whenever they tried to aim their weapons at me, I would place one of those bastards fake Je'daii in the way.

We landed on a flat piece of land connected to the temple they built, I didn't even care about the hull anymore, as soon as the engines and the system turned off, I waved my hand and simply tore open the cockpit making a way for myself.

The fake Je'daii got out of their starships as well, I could feel their intent to battle, so I directly forced them to stay immobile, and made them levitate through the air and follow me, and once again the other ships around couldn't open fire.

We went inside and I started following the path towards the place with the greatest number of powerful individuals.

There were many padawans in the way but they didn't try anything, not even those powerful enough to become full-fledged Je'daii. Perhaps they received orders to not move, or they are too coward.

After some time walking I arrived at some sort of council, many people were there sitting on chairs and looking at me. Of which, the only ones that truly caught my attention were the green midget and the man with shaved hair.

"Who are you, and what is the meaning of that?" The man with dark skin and shaved hair spoke, I could sense he was closer to Bendu more than the others.

"I'm Je'daii master Aldjer Gelsta." As I said those words I freed the man who was floating beside me, and they ran to the back of the council room.

"You can't be a Jedi, we never heard of you-" The man frowned as he answered, but just as he was about to continue the green midget stopped him.

"That he is a Jedi, he never said."

I looked at him and frowned.

"Who are you?"

"Jedi master Yoda, I am." He said with a smile. "And not supposed to exist, you are."

"What do you mean Master Yoda?"

"Master Windu." he pointed at me. "recognize his clothes, did you?"

Hearing Yoda's word, he looked at me once again, and after a moment he seemed confused.

But I was much more confused than them, I entered this place expecting a fight, but nothing actually happened. Instead, after this master Yoda's words, everyone in the room suddenly started to look at my clothes and each one of them was confused.

"What is going on?"

One of the people in the room, a Kel Dor male, with beige-white skin, wearing a mask and some sort of googles, said. "Ha, perhaps we have a time traveler." It was clear that he was joking, but Yoda suddenly nodded and replied. "Perhaps, indeed."

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