
Star Wars: The Path of the Starwalker

On a vacation to Europe with his family 17 year old Raiden Brown decided to go on a hike in the Apennine Mountains and stumbles across a cave. Against his better judgement he goes in, little does he know is decision to explore the undiscovered will lead to changes he couldn't even begin to understand. (Only reason this is published is because I wanted to add lightsabers to comments. Do not expect any real updates.) (I have no idea what I'm doing. I do not plan to publish this or whatever if I don't have to so if you are seeing this it is because I had no idea what I was doing. I don't know that much about star wars so the main character will have a similar understanding to what I have now(Meaning he won't be super knowledgeable but the side characters could know more) and I will try to learn more to make a good book. I said parents strongly cautioned because of Violence/gore I will not be writing any smut although there will probably be romance at one point or another. I have no plans of writing or publishing this any time soon this is just a place to get my thoughts in line.)

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Ten Commandments

Name: Yu-Mi Yoon.

First name rank on Popular Baby Names(2022): ???

Nickname: None.

Aliases: Piety.

Lightsaber: Plo Koon's gauntlets.

Master: Joseph(Temperance).

Nationality: South Korean.

Gender: Female.

Religion: Buddhist.

Partner in missions: Vangu.



Name: Baatar Mongke.

First name rank on Popular Baby Names(2022): ???

Nickname: None.

Aliases: Love.

Lightsaber: Luke's.

Master: Damien(Wrath).

Nationality: Mongolian.

Gender: Male.

Partner in missions: Nsayi.



Name: Emma Andros.

First name rank on Popular Baby Names(2022): 2nd.

Nickname: None.

Aliases: Truth.

Lightsaber: Anakin's

Master: Grayson(Diligence).

Nationality: Swiss.

Gender: Female.

Partner for Missions: Nalako.



Name: Nsayi Mpoku.

First name rank on Popular Baby Names(2022): ???

Nickname: None.

Aliases: Faith.

Lightsaber: Palpatine's.

Master: Anka(Greed).

Nationality: Democratic Republic of Congo.

Gender: Female.

Partner for missions: Baatar



Name: Asan'Ryo.

First name rank on Popular Baby Names(2022): ???

Nickname: None.

Aliases: Reticence-Reserved.

Lightsaber: Maris Brood's Tonfa.

Master: Maximilian(Sloth).

Nationality: Twi'lek.

Gender: Female.

Partner for missions: Apollo.



Name: Pabee.

First name rank on Popular Baby Names(2022): ???

Nickname: None.

Aliases: Purity.

Lightsaber: Tenel Ka Djo's Rancor Tooth Lightsaber.

Master: Jay(Charity).

Nationality: Ewok.

Gender: Female.

Partner for missions: Baknar.



Name: Vangu.

First name rank on Popular Baby Names(2022): ???

Nickname: None.

Aliases: Repose-Tranquility.

Lightsaber: Tera Sinube's Cane Lightsaber.

Master: Christopher(Generosity).

Nationality: Yoda.

Gender: Female.

Partner for missions: Yu-Mi Yoon.



Name: Nalako Sai.

First name rank on Popular Baby Names(2022): ???

Nickname: None.

Aliases: Patience-Control.

Lightsaber: Lumiya's Light-Whip.

Master: George(Chastity).

Nationality: Kaminoan.

Gender: Female.

Partner for missions: Emma.



Name: Apollo.

First name rank on Popular Baby Names(2022): 388th.

Nickname: None.

Aliases: Pacifism.

Lightsaber: Lord Corvax's Ornate Lightsaber.

Master: Simon(Gluttony).

Nationality: Clone.

Gender: Male.

Partner for missions: Asan'Ryo.



Name: Baknar.

First name rank on Popular Baby Names(2022): ???

Nickname: None.

Aliases: Selflessness.

Lightsaber: The Jedi Temple Guard's Lightsaber Pike.

Master: Dain(Envy).

Nationality: Wookie.

Gender: Female.

Partner for missions: Pabee.