
Star Wars: The path of an empire

It all started during Skylar's worst time of his life everything was falling apart first his dad got arrested it wasn't bad per say as he didn't like his dad but he was still... well his dad. upload schedule will be two chapters a week with an occasional third if I find time Artwork from RasooliArtworks

God_loves_reading · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

My master is who!?

I don't own Star Wars or Harry Potter.

Damn, guys, on the last chapter, I had his new stats at the end. I must have accidentally deleted it, as when I went back to copy it and didn't see it, I did find it strange that the word count decreased as I published, but I thought it was a visual glitch.

Skylar (Sky) 

Jedi level 10|100

Mage level 1|500 + 49 = 50|500

Sith level: 0|200 + 4 = 4|200

Mana 650|650 + 5100 = 5750|5750

Health: 100 + 400 = 500

Strength 10 + 40 = 50

Agility 55

Intelligence: 65 + 20 + 490 = 575

Charisma 15 + 20 = 35

Wisdom 55 + 240 = 295

Perks none 

Rituals none 


passive Marksman advanced accuracy hitting non-moving targets 100% for 10 KM, 80% for 20 KM1% for any farther accuracy for moving targets 70% 3KM 1% any further

Passive Shii-Cho Master Form I deal 80% more damage with Form I.



Should I make an auxiliary for the stats and update it after every chapter, or would you like me to add small updates in the chapter so you guys can keep track? Add a PARAGRAPH comment yes, no, or both.


I hope you enjoy the chapter.


They heard from their teacher saying they had arrived, and the door opened. Sky's mouth drops a little, as he was not expecting this. In the least, the first person who walked through the door he predicted was Anakin, and the second was Aayla Secura.

Sky was relieved to have gotten someone he knows and not a nobody. It makes sense since he was known as a prodigy and the High Council would want someone strong in the force. Not only would she be a good teacher, she would also become a master later on. He isn't sure if he wants to trust her or not.

As it stands right now, Sky is going to try and change the Republic from the inside and hopes he can get enough support to help stop it. What better way than to have a strong leader from the noble Jedi? Even though the citizens think of us as kidnappers right now, when the clone wars start, they won't think that way. Actually, they would, but at least then they would understand the need, as someone once said from Earth, "The needs of the many outweigh the few."

Sky understands the C.I.S. and normally would join them if not for Palpatine controlling everything from the background, so he is going to stay with the Republic.

"So I take it; you are our new masters?" Sky said 

"That is correct, Young Sky. I'm your new master, Aayla Secura. You may call me Aayla while we are in private, but in public, I will only respond to  master.

On the other side of the room, Anakin was trying to introduce herself by saying, "I'm Anakin Skyw." and was promptly cut off by Asoka, who said, "Wait, you're the child of prophecy; you must be strong? Hey, hear that SKY MY MASTER IS THE CHILD OF PROPHECY. I'M SO GOING TO KICK YOUR BUTT!"

Sky simply looked at her and told his new master, "Forgive Padawan Tano; she has it in her head that having the stronger master will give her the edge to beat me in a spar." His new master raised an eyebrow and said, "And you think she has the stronger master?" Sky's eyes widened and he quickly came up with an excuse: he couldn't just say he knew the future. "I can feel that she is way stronger in the Force than you, so based on that, yes."

"A reasonable conclusion: she may have a stronger connection to the force than me, but I have her beat in skill." Sky knew that much and said, "Don't tell Padawan Tano; she will probably be more annoying than she already is."

"That's not a good way to treat your fellow Padawan, but I will accept your decision and not inform her." Sky gave her a grateful "thanks."

Anakin was already thinking, after looking at how Sky and Aayla Secura were talking, 'I picked the wrong one; why did I let her have him so easily' "Your loud" is all she said, and Ahsoka looked down in shame. "Sorry," she mumbled. Anakin simply said, "It's fine to be excited, just not express it. That's what I learned from my master. Look at your friend; he understands that." I tried to cheer her up, but for some reason all that did was make her look annoyed.

Sky walked out of the room with his master, no longer being able to hear how the rest of Anakin and Ahsoka's first meeting went, and asked her, "So what are we doing, first master?"

"First, I'm going to see how good you are at your combat without the force."

The two of them were 20 feet away from each other, ready for the spar. Secura said, "We will begin on 3. 1.2.3." When she said 3, they both ran at each other with them both in their main forms, with Sky in the first form and Secura in the IV form known as Ataru. Sky recognized the form and quickly went on the defence since his form is not good at lightsaber combat and his master is using one of his worse matchups.

What surprised him was his master letting him be on the offence; it makes sense since she is just testing him with quick strikes. Sky tries to land a blow on her, but she gracefully dodges each one, controlling the flow of the battle. She made an opening to make Sky feel confident and attack faster as he pressed further. Secura, with calm precision, seized the perfect moment to counter the disarming. Sky gently but definitively With a compassionate gaze, Aayla approached Sky, offering guidance right after their spar.

"Sky, you possess incredible potential and spirit, but remember, timing is key in combat. Knowing when to strike and when to step back is as important as attacking. Learn to gauge your opponent's movements and find the opportune moments for your counterattacks. Patience and observation will be your greatest allies."

She continued, "You fought well, but remember, a Jedi must know not only how to attack but when to defend and when to retreat. Your determination is commendable, but understanding the flow of battle is the path to true mastery. Learn to balance your ferocity with patience, and you'll become an exceptional Jedi."

Sky was grateful for the lesson from her, gave a nod, and said, "Yes, master, I will try and use this lesson in the future." After Sky said that, Aayla looked at him deeply with a frown and said, "Follow me," and turned around and left the room, with Sky following after her. She did not feel the dark side in him, and he forgot that she had experience with the dark side of the force.

"Um, master, did I do something wrong?" Sky said, somewhat worried, hoping she didn't notice.

"You did not, Padawan, why ask?"

"No reason; you just looked at me weirdly."

"I just thought I felt something dark; it was probably nothing you need to worry about, Padawan," she said as the two of them were in front of a ship he didn't recognize. Sky was a little worried as she felt the dark side from him but didn't know it was him. Over time, she would eventually realize it was from him.

By then, he hopes she understands his need for it when the Clone Wars start; if not, he might need to leave the order, but before that happens, he needs to tell them about Palpatine being a dark lord of the Sith so he can at least dessert the C.I.S. and not have to worry about him.

As the two of them enter the ship, Sky finds a nice-looking couch and sits down. As soon as he does, he hears a 'DING'." Congratulations on your promotion! The max level for Jedi has increased to 30." 'Finally, after 6 long years, I can finally level up.

--- 3 days later --- 

Sky is lying down on the ground after another spar with his new master with his eyes closed. At first, he thought he would actually beat her, but how mistaken he was. 'I think it's time for my first ritual. A strength one would be useful, but I first need to see what I can afford. As he opens his eyes, he sees Aayla looking at him in amusement with a small smile. She then starts speaking, "Today we have a meeting with a senator to learn about'the pirate attacks in  this sector."

She continued after he gave her a nod, "So look presentable." As she looked at his sweaty form, he looked at her slyly and said jokingly, " You really going to leave me here after you used and abused me covered in body fluids." He got to see a light red on her cheeks as she turned around and said, "Please do as I say" and left the training room.

After a shower and dressing in his finest robes, yes, he has seven of the same robes, so it's always his finest. He walks up to his master and says, "Master, I'm ready. When will we arrive?" After he said that the ship exited hyperspace, she looked at him amused and said, "It does look like we are almost there, doesn't it?" Sky just says "it does" and walks to his favourite couch and goes on his Holopad.

---A few hours later, at the capital of Sullust---

Sky and Aayla were currently talking to Senator Beolars Bribbs about the issue that was reported. Aayla was the first to say, "So Senator, you reported your imports are getting attacked by someone. Do you have any idea why there is something in the cargo?"

The Senator replied, "Whoever is doing this is only attacking the ships importing food; they are clearly trying to kill off my people. Do whatever you must, but please, I'm begging you to stop this from happening."

"We will do our best to stop this," Aayla said as the two Jedi walked back to their ship. "This is most troublesome; we may need to call for backup, young Sky." "Master, it's probably just pirates trying to take over the planet; why not just inform the Republic of this?"

"That's why we are here. Sky the Republic isn't doing anything yet since they don't know what they are up against. We are to find out who is doing this and where they might be found."

They are heading out to the pirate outpost that's near Sullust to find out if they know what's happening or if they are the reason as the two of them leave the ship. Sky asks, "Master, what are we going to do here? Pirates won't just tell us anything for free."

Aayla rolls her eyes and says, "What can only Jedi do that no one else can?" Sky, being a smartass, said, "Healing with the Force, how does that have anything to do with this plan of yours? Am I to be injured?"

Aayla looked at Sky with a look that said 'seriously' and walked up to a human and waved her hand while saying, "Tell me everything you know about the Sullust cargo attacks."

The human said, "I don't know anything about them, but Lertyr Greesta might know as he disappears the day before the cargo gets attacked." The human then rubbed his head and said, "I need something." Aayla shook her head and walked back to Sky, saying, "Look for any information about a Lertyr Greesta; he is part of the attacks."

As the two asked around for an hour, Sky came across someone who knew where to get into contact with Lertyr Greesta. After getting the information from her, he called his master on his Holopad, "Master, I found out where he is. Meet me at the ship, and I will tell you there."

--two hours later, in front of a bar or hotel--

As the two of them are in front of a bar, Sky says to Aayla, "Master, he should be in a room here under the name Artjako." As the two walked in, they saw an employee and said, "Excuse me, we are wondering where Artjako's room is; he told us to be there in ten minutes."

The employee replied, "One second Just checking if we have a room booked by that name" and walked in an employee-only room and came back out 5 minutes later saying, "Follow me, I will show you to the room." Aayla thanked her as they arrived.

Sky opened the door, walked in carefully, and saw who he assumed was Lertyr. He passed out, "Master, I think we should bring him to the ship. Just increase. He has friends coming over soon."

As Aayla picked him up out of the room and out of the bar, no buddy paid them any mind, thinking that he had most likely passed out and his friends were bringing him home. Only one person asked why they were carrying someone on their way to the ship. Aayla just made him think it was noting.

-- Back at the ship --

Sky let Aayla interrogate the pirate while he went into the training chamber, knowing he had an hour to himself, so he opened up the HP shop in the ritual category. He saw a lot of rituals that did many things, including one that regrows lost limbs, but he ended up buying the strength ritual for 100 HHP, leaving him with 50 left. It does not automatically complete the ritual; it just gives him a memory and a book on how to complete the ritual with all the supplies needed.

In the heart of the softly illuminated training room, Sky stood, surrounded by jars of powdered dragon claw, crushed unicorn horn, and a vial of liquid moonstone. They arranged the elements meticulously, each ingredient carefully measured in a circular pattern on the floor.

Chanting ancient incantations, Sky waved his wand in graceful, deliberate movements, channelling magic into the ingredients. A soft hum filled the room as the powdered dragon claw shimmered and the crushed unicorn horn emitted a faint glow.

With focus and determination, Sky channelled his inner strength, visualizing his desired enhancement. The liquid moonstone bubbled and emitted a silvery mist that enveloped the practitioner, infusing them with magical energy. As the ritual reached its end, a warm, pulsating aura surrounded Sky, infusing him with power. With the ritual complete, Sky checked his stats.

Strength + 80

Intelligence + 30

AN) Thanks for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoy it leave a Power Stone if you did so and make sure you have a good day