
growing up once again

I don't own Star Wars or Harry Potter.

This chapter will go through the first 7 years until he is 12 and have a chapter dedicated to just that year until the Clone Wars start.

I think I should also mention that it will be a slow-acting villain story, not an I have just arrived oh is this a baby well not anymore hahaha more of I'm going to need to kill this person to help the world oh that was surprisingly fun I should do that more instead of imprisoning them till he just kills for fun that's what I'm going for right now I'm writing this on the fly so I might be lying RN lol


----- 33 BBY -----


Sky, after a minute of sitting down, decided to listen to the advice the Twi'lek gave and started to look around. He felt weird like he could feel the presence of life; it was hard to explain. He then saw a human and walked up to him, asking shyly to try and keep appearances. He had a lot of experience acting.

"Um, Mr., do you know where the healer is?" The human replied, "Oh yes, she is just down that hall," and pointed in the direction, "on the 5th door to the right."

Sky thanked the man and went on his way to the healer. He hoped that she wouldn't notice that he had taken over the kid's body. He felt slightly guilty about it and told himself, 'It's just a game, no matter what it feels like.' As he walked into the room, he saw a female Chiss. She looked a lot like a human except she had blue skin. She was currently talking to a human male. He overheard a bit of the conversation: "Sadly, Micah had died. Who do you think will replace him on the High Council?"

The human replied, "I do believe that Ki-Adi-Mundi has the highest odds of joining the Council. Who do you think will join Evroes?"

The newly named Evroes simply told him, "You are most likely right; he seems like the perfect person." After she finished saying that, she noticed Sky standing at the door awkwardly, gave a small smile, and asked, "Youngling, are you hurt?" Sky told her a story about how, when he was training, a drone had died and hit him in the head. She then kindly said, "Well, come over here and sit down." As she walked over to a bed, Sky followed her and sat down on the bed.

As he lay down on the bed, he closed his eyes to open the system. Sky then said in his head, 'Hub, okay, that didn't work. Maybe to open it, I have to say it out loud. 'He then said, "Hub," and it popped up, but before he could focus on it, Evroes asked, "Did you say something, youngling?" Sky simply shook his head and looked at the hub.

Skylar (Sky) 

Jedi level 1|100

Mage level 1|500

Sith level: 0|200

Mana 200|200 

Health 80|100

Strength 10

Agility 10 

Intelligence 20

Charisma 15

Wisdom 10 

Sky then thought, 'Okay, this looks good. I think it says Sith level 0, so it means I can be both a Jedi and a Sith at the same time. That's good.

Shop- everything that can be found in Star Wars- 0 SWP (Star Wars points)

Shop- everything that can be found in Harry Potter- 0 HPP (Harry Potter points)

This kind of worried Sky. He thought it would be one type of point, not two. This could be bad. He then heard a 'DING' and saw he received a free wand that was compatible with him, which led him to the last part of the system. The inventory size is infinite; it has his wand in it, and that's it. Sky thought,' I can use this to hide my belongings from the Jedi'. The reason he thought that was because Jedi are not allowed to have personal items or own anything.

Evroes then said, "An-d done, be more careful, young one." Sky nodded, thanked her, and left. At the corner of his eye, he saw 'health 100|100' which is a good thing to know. He then went back to the room where he first appeared and looked around for anyone he might recognize.

Sadly, he didn't find anyone and he felt weird trying to make friends with 5 to 7-year-old kids. he was 17 in his last life. he sadly thought as he felt something sliding down his face. he wiped his eyes and noticed he was crying. 'Man the F-Up Sky, this is people's dreams and yours. You always wished you were in a fictional world. Now that you are here, you start crying.  "Damn."Sky then went to his room after asking one of the Guardians; they were suspicious that he didn't know where it was, but after telling them what happened in the training room, they softened their faces and led him there.

---next day---

Sky was sitting in a classroom full of kids. He might be one right now, but he felt stupid just being a part of the class. He was listening to the lecture about spacecraft, but the rest of it was just ignored since he already knew about it. Then he heard, "Okay, now we are going to learn sabre training for the rest of the day as we have 5 padawans here assisting you guys." Sky thought, 'Now this is something useful.

He walked up to one of the padawans and asked what form they used. He said 1 and asked the rest of them to find which one he wanted instructions from. Sadly, they only knew the first form as it is mandatory to learn. After an hour, Sky heard a DING: 'Due to constant practice, you gained the passive skill Form I Shii-Cho novice.'

Ding, level up! Jedi 2|100 + 5 wisdom + 5 agility + 5 intelligence Sky was happy about this as he thought he would have to do quests and/or actions that represent Jedi; he has done no such thing yet, so training counts as EXP, which is useful to know.

---- One Month Latter ----

Sky has been in this world for a month now, and he learned something about the cap for his Jedi 'class?' At ten, the system had a pop-up after he hit level 10 that said complete promotion, which he assumes means becoming a Padawan, and since he is only 5, no matter how powerful he is, as long as he is still a kid, they won't let him become one. He found out how to gain points. During this time, every time he kills someone, he gets points, but defeating them three times first gives him more. He also learned that if he defeats someone three times, the number of EXP he gets multiplies by 5 when he kills them. When he found that out, he was surprised.

---- Flashback ----

Sky was fighting a Droid he had beaten it three times so far and each time it gave him more EXP the first time it gave {500 EXP -80% for not killing it} leaving him with a gain of 100 the second time it gave {1000 EXP - 80% for not killing it} gain of 200 and the last time it gave him {2000 EXP - 80% for not killing it} and he ended up getting 400 EXP that time Sky then strike the Droid and destroyed it and the system gave him 2500 EXP giving him a 5X multiplier from the basic XP gain as well as {+ 50 SWP }

present time ---- 

He tried doing the same thing again, defeating it four times, and it didn't change from the 2500 Skylar. He then said, "Hub."

Skylar (Sky) 

Jedi level 1|100 + 9 = 10|100

Mage level 1|500

Sith level: 0|200

Mana 200 + 450 = 650

Health 100|100

Strength 10

Agility 10 + 45 = 55

Intelligence: 20 + 45 = 65

Charisma 15

Wisdom 10 + 45 = 55

Perks none 

Rituals none 


-passive Marksman novice accuracy hitting non-moving targets 50% moving targets

-passive Shii-Cho Journeyman's Form I deals 30% more damage with Form I.

---- 6 months later ---- 

Sky saw someone he recognized well, but he didn't see them. He heard their name and noticed their species, and he put two to two together, so Ahsoka Tano has entered the temple and was mildly surprised she was around his age and not 3. As Cannon said, Sky didn't care much since she is just a kid and doesn't want much contact with her. Just yet, he does still plan on being her friend, but what he did care about was the AU he was in. He can't just use his knowledge anymore, for all he knows Naboo might not even get invaded. His plans need that to happen.

Sky just hopes it still happens. One thing he has done is make a bounty hunter team with his collective points. He gathered and bought a ship and two cheap members. He used his system to scan their levels and got level 1|50 and level 2|50 bounty hunters. They do get EXP for completing jobs as well as giving Sky SWP, but sadly, he is hoping they at least give him the SWP he bought them for. Sky did realize one thing: after they completed a job, he got the credits, which is useful.

---- 5 months later ----

Today is Sky's first anniversary since coming to this world, or should he say this universe? The good news, or is it bad news, is that Naboo is getting invaded by the Trade Federation. Sky then says to himself, "You mean blockaded Sky." Ahsoka, who was beside Sky, asked cutely with a tilt of her head, "Did you say something, Sky?" Sky, for what felt like the millionth time, said, "Tano, my name is Skylar, not Sky. She just pouts at me and wines, "Then call me Ahsoka, all ready, Sky." This time he just Huff's and turns around, ignoring her.

Skylar found out how to level up mage; he got it up to level 34 since he found out how 'to think all I had to do was use magic, I feel like an idiot' For Every 10 mana he used, he got 1 EXP, and every 1000 mana he used, he got 1 HPP. Every level gives him +10 intelligence and +5 wisdom, giving him a huge increase in power as using the force uses mana.

Also during the last 5 months, his team of bounty hunters managed to net him 1 million credits, which is insane or is it normal? He can't tell yet, but the two of them did level up to 31|50 Bounty Hunter, so they might be some of the best out there right now. He bought a third one that is only level 21, so he is doing well right now. It's only a matter of time till Anakin arrives, starting the lore.

---- three years later ----

Sky has hit a block on his mage class; it is stuck at level 50 till he is 11; when he becomes that age's cap, it is 75; then 13 is 100. 15's cap is 150, 16's cap is 200, 17's cap is 300, and 18's cap is no cap. It was harder than he thought hiding magic from the Jedi. One of them caught him, and he made a quick decision to say, "You can't do this? I must be a master then!" It worked now. The High Council thinks Sky is a prodigy, which isn't inaccurate. You would think he would have seen Anakin, but Sky didn't only once when she came to the Temple to plead with the Masters to let her become a Jedi. Yes, he saw that right. Anakin is a girl. This could be really bad as it had to change some canonical events, but it could also be a good thing.

Sky was also very impressed with his bounty hunters; they gave him 50000 SWP and 80 million credits. That's what a senator makes every 3 months from the Republic to help their sector, meaning he is loaded. He can run a planet for 3 months. He needs three times that before he considers trying so he can try and make that money back.

Of the 3 Bounty Hunters, only two are alive, both max-level. He ordered them to lay low and only accept high-paying jobs—only 2 million. You would think there wouldn't be a lot of jobs, but there were.

He also started to slowly learn the dark side. He managed to find a Sith Holocron and has it in his inventory. He is a level 4 Sith. A level with that class gives him +10 strength, +5 charisma, and +5 intelligence, making this his best class. At 20 points per level, he can get 4000 stat points. Jedi only gave him 15 and has a lower-level cap, but it made sense since the old Sith is so much more powerful than the Jedi.

Over the years, he has gotten closer to Ashoka, to the point where he lets her call him Sky. He knows what an honour she has, but he would never admit it was because he was tired of telling her to stop calling him that. There was one thing Sky was getting a little annoyed at. He has been nine for around two months now, and not a single Jedi picked him as a Padawan. Hopefully it is because a master is debating if they want to teach him.

One thing is for sure: he is allowed to leave the temple today for the first time since he got here. Normally, only padawans do this to get their Kyber crystals, but some younglings get an exception to get their own, but only if they are strong with the Force.

A Jedi knight he doesn't remember is the one taking Sky there. He was informed that 8 other people will be getting theirs today as well. Sky didn't care about that. The reason is that he is worried he might get a red or orange crystal thanks to him using the dark side. His only saving grace would be a purple one simply because one of the masters has one.

As he looked out the bridge, he saw a planet that looked like it was in an ice age. Luckily, he knew the warming charm, and since he knew how the test worked, he would have the perfect opportunity to cast it upon himself and complete the trial fast since they only needed to use the force and follow where it takes him.

Sky asked the Jedi, "So this is where I'm getting my lightsaber; it looks cold. Aren't lightsabers supposed to be hot?" The knight only gave a nod, which just annoyed Sky.

As they landed, Sky practically ran out. This is a new world. 'Now I can say I have been to more space bodies than everyone from my old planet' As soon as he finished that thought, he became extremely cold and shivered. The Jedi at least threw a fur coat at him. Sky mumbled under his breath, "I really am a kid now."

As he stands with the padawans, the Jedi gives a speech about the hazards: "If you do not return here within an hour, the cave will freeze over, leaving you stuck there."

One of the kids asked, "For how long?" The Jedi replied, "One rotation."

Sky didn't pay attention to it but did notice one of the kids looked scared; he didn't pay much more to him and thought, 'Is it only a day or does he think it is a year? haha' and gave a chuckle. The others looked at him weirdly, but they all went in.

As soon as they made their way into the cave, Sky separated from the rest of them. He pulled his wand out and cast "Focillo" on his clothes, making the temperature bearable. He then started to meditate and used the force to sense his crystal.

He felt two, which was weird but good as he could hopefully get two different colours, one red and one blue, to let him play two sides, the Old Sith and the new Jedi, but that was just his hope as he started walking to where he felt the pull of the force for one of the two. He saw a purple crystal that he put in his inventory for when he needed it.

After that, Sky then went to where the other crystal was and found an orange one, pretty much confirming that he was a Dark Jedi. After that one, he is going to use the purple one and keep the orange one hidden in his inventory.

As soon as he got both, he ran to the entrance to leave. He had only been in there for 10ish minutes and was ready to leave when he did. When he saw the Jedi Knight talking to Yoda, he was way too excited to make his lightsaber to listen and went right to the ship to build his own lightsaber.

three years later ----

26 BBY (I'm pretty sure I got the year right.)

Sky is sitting down with Ahsoka right now. They were told that their new 'masters' were coming to pick them up. They were finally becoming Padawan, much to Ahsoka's delight. "Hey Sky, who do you think are going to be our masters? I bet you mine is going to be better. He is going to teach me a lot, so when we see each other again, I will finally beat you in a  spar."Sky simply looked at her with a look that said, 'already, we haven't even seen them yet.' She looked sleepish and said, "Your right." After she said that under her breath, she mumbled, "Like always."

They heard from their teacher saying they had arrived, and the door opened. Sky's mouth drops a little as he was not expecting this. In the least, the first person who walked through the door he predicted was Anakin, and the second was...

AN ) a cliffhanger dun dun dun I'm an asshole but on another note I hope you enjoyed reading leave a power Stone if you did that helps me know if people are actually enjoying the story and to keep on uploading on a regular basis have an amazing day this is my second time writing this it got deleted the other time :( there might be a plot hole I missed because of that

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