
Star wars: The order of god

"I won't be coming home. I will guide my post forever..." I chanted while smiling at the unsuspecting enemy. Mom, dad.... Goodbye.... Explosions can be heard from the background as the depth charges had been set off. The terran consortium Is crumbling. The mountain crackled as the planet cracker is slowly arming. The orbital shots have decimated some of the cities like New York, and Shanghai. Some cities surrender but us.. We will fight to the last man. The civilians have been kept as slaves by the invaders. How barbaric. I'm hoping some of our fellow countrymen continue the fight to the cosmos. I'm not going to let the enemy use the Earth's resources. It's our home yet they want to desecrate it? Well... They're gonna pay. Then a white flash appeared.... Suddenly I woke up to a white room. "So you are the man who destroyed his own planet to not fall to enemy Hands? I like you. Unlike the species of this hostile universe that fallen through chaos after rebelling against me god your species have not only transcended but learned mat trance. Good that you destroyed the prototypes. You do not worship chaos or fell under the alure of the enemy your species was supposed to be the solution to order I made Yet the chaos have corrupted them but you are different you are not corrupted. You did the right thing." The man said smiling at me. "What are you?" I asked. He created a chair, and made a glass of wine out of thin air. ah I've met god.. He looked exactly like what the abrahamic faiths called god. "Well I'm god and I'm here to propose you a solution. To destroy the beings who destroyed your species and made them into slaves. I propose and destroy the destruction of chaos or what the species who worships chaos the force. I'm here to offer you the job to destroy the people who desecrated your world. Im going to give you the ability to manipulate matter by your own will. You will grant order to the chaotic universe. You will be my servitor but in return you will see the people who desecrated your world die." I smiled wickedly. "I accept my Lord...." The man started laughing "Good. I shall name you Gespen the spear head. But be warned some still have the ability to manipulate chaos and worship it.. Kill them. Bring order..." I smiled. The thought of getting revenge made happy with murderous glee. "I shall my Lord." Then I woke up in some sort of city. So my revenge filled journey began...

biohazar · Movies
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19 Chs

Chapter 3: Goooooooodddd morning council!

"Goooooooood morning galactic council!!!" I said while I hacked the communication channels of the council. Wow this was easy. I just used the oldest trick in the book! Asking the IT guy's of the council, and told them I was a newbie. I told them i was afraid of getting fired if I forgot the admin access code for the communication channels because I was a new communication adminstrator. They accepted it. They fucking fell for the oldest trick in the hacking guide book. How gullable. Someone is losing their job today. Suddenly I heard traumatized screaming on the channels. Huh? Maybe they are just traumatized from what they saw yesterday, and remembered my voice. "Awwww..... How cute... Well... No one will ever notice your screams considering the times we begged you for help it fell to deaf ears. How poetic..." I then sneered at the communication channels. "Well anyways If your gonna ask me who am I? Well I'm just a ghost of the past. A ghost who has a revenge boner. My name is gespenster, gespen Or you could just call me ghost. Anything is fine considering I was name was inspired from the German name of ghost division led by one of our greatest military tacticians Erwin Rommel. Gespenster division. It means ghost division in galactic common. Erwin was a good man from what I learned from history class. He just wanted to serve his country, he saw his country being destroyed even more by his fuhrer, and plotted to kill him. But he failed. He was just a good man serving a country who was led by a clearly mentally ill man considering he smoke crack, marijuana, got abused, got flunked off by his professor in art school, lost the first world war, see his beloved country go to shit, saw his fellow countrymen go through the great depression of terra, and even lost his mother. The man was just a monster created by circumstances. It could be easily avoided by his father not abusing him. Hell he could be a great politician just without the mental, and emotional damage, and baggage of the leader of the country that waged war against everyone. He could've been a great man if he was raised in a loving family. We humans are know for being highly adaptable. And he was just a man who adapted to his circumstances of the time. Whoops... Sorry about the tangent there. So well anyways I'm here to collect the debt that you guys never paid. You left us to be slaves for the damned. I hated your condescending lies. You said you would condone the member of your council that attacked us but you just watched as colonies were glassed, destroyed, and enslaved. Countless lives put into slavery. You said you are the peacemakers of the galaxy. You said you were justice bringers yet you watched as innocent people get enslaved. Is that your so called justice? Well I'm here to give rightful justice even if you call it revenge. Even if it's the sins of their fathers. Revenge for terra, and her colonies. It's all I want. All I want to free every human in your filthy empire. Your just an rotten empire roleplaying as peacemakers, bringers of justice, and enlightened. Your no better than dirty primitives! You enslave people just for little profit! You sold children to their deaths! You trained children to fight! You're all no better than filthy barbarians! You're no better than me! I'm just here to bring justice even if it's the sins of their father's. You built your empire under cruelty! You have no say between what's right or wrong! What you did is disgusting." I said over the communication channels. "Stop this! Stop this right now! It's unjust!" Said one of the representatives of a species in the council. "You, and what army? I could obliterate an entire building with just a pull of a trigger. I have more powerful weapons under my disposal. I could wip up a coil gun that would obliterate an entire city block. I have the ability to manipulate matter around me. I can practically create anything I want from matter around me. As long as there is atoms nearby I can create more powerful weapons, and more ammunition's." I said with a smug smile under the mask. "Preposterous! No civilization could do that! Even with the force you couldn't do that!" Said one of the representatives of the council. It was the same species who enslaved our population. "Oh you mean matter manipulation? Mat trans was already built in terra a few months before it got planet cracked. It was a shame that I had to planet crack it. Well it's too dangerous under your hands. You filthy imperialists! I was tasked to planet cracked it so you couldn't use the resources of terra. it was out of spite. So you couldn't harm another species in the future you stinking imperialists! It was better to be destroyed than be given to a species who isn't mature enough to feel emotions." I said with a bit of anger under my voice. "Think about the lives you could've saved if you didn't destroy your damn planet human!" Said one of the representatives. I sneered at the representative, and it displayed fear. "So what? It's better to be dead than be a slave to someone who doesn't care about you. You think your the good guys? Huh?! Well news flash you fucking idiots! you're not! You're just imperialists, and bureaucrats trying to follow your own damned interests rather than giving proper justice! You have no rights to say what's right or wrong! You watched as countless of our colonies were destroyed! You didn't do a single thing but watched! You know what! I'm just going to hunt all of you down and kill you all!" I said over the communication networks. The representatives scoffed at me. I smiled with a murderous glee. "Finally.. More Zeno's to kill.. Specially a representative of the species of the people who enslaved us.. Hehehe..." I said quite eerie. The representatives flinched at the predatorial smile of my face.

I then cut off the COMS. I then left the sewers again, and activated the stealth system.

Meanwhile in the Senate....

Thousands of representatives watched as the man cut offed the communication. "What was that? Why does he want bloodshed? And what is this terra he speaks of?" Ask one of the representatives. The representatives looked at the representative who the man sneered at. The representative sighed, and explained. "So. The ghost of the past is going to haunt us all huh?" He sighed, and drank from a flask. "Well my child it's because we started a war with the humans that ended up enslaving them. They were dangerous! They had a bloody history. Even our history has nothing to compare to one of their world wars! They dabbled in dangerous technology! We had to. Plus the humans are highly adaptable. They would be perfect slaves compared to droids who are high maintenance. I mean slavery is legal, and acceptable. But for their species it was taboo. It was a barbaric practice. All the things we do is taboo to them. Plus they are a disruption of the natural order! They are both prey, and predator! Most of us here are originally prey but them.. They're are predators! We were justified on invading them. What if they wanted to betray us once they get our tech and advance even further! What if they become a dominant power, and decide's kills us all! What if their friendliness are just lies trying to mask themselves as friends until they pounce on us like prey when we show weakness?! They could've been a threat to the council! They have differing beliefs than us! They wanted us to stop slavery! It would've been a disaster on our economies! They would've wiped us out if they had a chance." The others contemplated thinking about this week's events. "They had a history of cruelty. they were a quite young species. Just over 300,000 years unlike most of us. They are just juveniles. They don't know what they're doing! We're the more experienced than the filthy human primitives! They are just children bumping head first to dangerous tech. What if they create an a.i that would kill us all! Heck what you've seen in the cameras are outlawed tech like the sudden invisibility. It was outlawed specifically to avoid any incident that someone uses it to kill someone without any evidence. Hell his gear is outlawed. The nanites on his armor may even cause an incident where the eat all of the matter in the planet killing everyone in one malfunction!" The representative said, and sat down.

Everyone then decided. "We must hunt this human down before he could kill millions in his petty revenge."

To be continued in the next chapter...