
Star wars: The order of god

"I won't be coming home. I will guide my post forever..." I chanted while smiling at the unsuspecting enemy. Mom, dad.... Goodbye.... Explosions can be heard from the background as the depth charges had been set off. The terran consortium Is crumbling. The mountain crackled as the planet cracker is slowly arming. The orbital shots have decimated some of the cities like New York, and Shanghai. Some cities surrender but us.. We will fight to the last man. The civilians have been kept as slaves by the invaders. How barbaric. I'm hoping some of our fellow countrymen continue the fight to the cosmos. I'm not going to let the enemy use the Earth's resources. It's our home yet they want to desecrate it? Well... They're gonna pay. Then a white flash appeared.... Suddenly I woke up to a white room. "So you are the man who destroyed his own planet to not fall to enemy Hands? I like you. Unlike the species of this hostile universe that fallen through chaos after rebelling against me god your species have not only transcended but learned mat trance. Good that you destroyed the prototypes. You do not worship chaos or fell under the alure of the enemy your species was supposed to be the solution to order I made Yet the chaos have corrupted them but you are different you are not corrupted. You did the right thing." The man said smiling at me. "What are you?" I asked. He created a chair, and made a glass of wine out of thin air. ah I've met god.. He looked exactly like what the abrahamic faiths called god. "Well I'm god and I'm here to propose you a solution. To destroy the beings who destroyed your species and made them into slaves. I propose and destroy the destruction of chaos or what the species who worships chaos the force. I'm here to offer you the job to destroy the people who desecrated your world. Im going to give you the ability to manipulate matter by your own will. You will grant order to the chaotic universe. You will be my servitor but in return you will see the people who desecrated your world die." I smiled wickedly. "I accept my Lord...." The man started laughing "Good. I shall name you Gespen the spear head. But be warned some still have the ability to manipulate chaos and worship it.. Kill them. Bring order..." I smiled. The thought of getting revenge made happy with murderous glee. "I shall my Lord." Then I woke up in some sort of city. So my revenge filled journey began...

biohazar · Movies
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19 Chs

Chapter 2: Hate

I was satisfied at the deaths of thousands of Zeno's. I enjoyed their pitiful cries for salvation. They did that to us yet they have the guts to beg to a human? Hah! So naive. I envy their naivety. We were like them yet they treated us as lowers they enslaved us. We begged them to stop the slaughter, and we'll secede 2/3's of our colonies but they didn't stop. We only wanted to be friends. Yet they wanted us as slaves. They noticed our unparalleled exponential technological growth, and took it as hostilities. They enslaved us to be used as simple slave workers, and kidnapped scientists to make more technology for them to consume, and to be the dominant power of the galaxy. They saw us as a threat, and a way more technological advancement.

I hated the filthy Zeno's for that. So much of my species have died, and suffered under them... I was filled with rage to those who proposed this idea. I hope they rot in hell. If there is a hell. I sighed, and unequipped the armor. I stitched up the wounds, and created medical staplers. I grunted as the staples pieced my skin, and closed the wounds. The nanites slowly healing up the stapled skin. I wonder if there is a council here that decides what to do. And can I infiltrate it? I then created those crude looking armor I saw with those traitors. I was disgusted at those humans betraying their own race to serve the filthy Zeno's. Did they not care about the people who suffered under the regime that they served? The human lives that was killed under this rotten empire masking itself as a benevolent benefactor, and a democracy? Do they not know about the lives that created this interplanetary took? How do they want to serve such a rotten empire? How disgusting... It makes me sick as we tried to join their galactic counsel but got our application rejected, and was invaded by one of their older member states. They said they'll help us, and condemned the member state but that was but a lie created to bring a false hope. How despicable.... I punched the wall, and shedded a tear as I remembered the countless lives being slaughtered in front of me when I was but a 207th special forces recon battalion grunt. I saw hundreds of people being rounded up, and being brought into ships like cattle with my sniper scope. I saw so many fucked up stuff in my time in the battalion. We only wanted friends.... What we got was enemies. I punched the wall cracking the walls of the sewer. I sighed as I calibrated the artificial human augments back to peacetime mode.

Suddenly I saw a light coming from the other side of the sewer. I equipped the nano suit, and brought back the augments back to combat mode. The suit slowly healed it's broken parts, and a couple seconds later it was fully repaired. I then activated the camoflauge system of the nano suit. I started slowly walking away. Leaving the medical stapler behind. I then created a sheath for my sword, and hooked it up to my nano suit.

Suddenly a sword of plasma tried to hit me but missed. "Anakin! It's him!" said the one who tried to block my exit a few minutes ago. Oh shit it's them. I sighed and deactivated the suit. I unsheathed the blade, and lunged at them with a strike to incapacitate them. they then dodged it with a hair's breadth. I then stroke to disarm them with a swift cut to the Suddenly they blocked it. "Lucky bastard." I said while smiling under the mask. I'll enjoy killing this Zeno sympathizer. I then grabbed his hand, twisted it, elbowed it, and then twisted it again. The man screamed as the pain of broken bones was felt. I heard the sweet sickening crunch of bones being broken when he dropped the plasma sword. I then kicked his shin, grabbed it, and then twisted it dislocating the bones. He fell to the ground not moving. I smiled as I'm going to crush his throat with my boot.

"Mater Obi wan!" Said the man who I kicked in the balls last time. Good ol martial arts. He then lunged at me. I smiled, and blocked the attack. I then grabbed him twisted his arm, elbowed it hard enough to break a blood vessel, and then pulled it. Then I heard the crunch of fingers being broken. I smiled with a murderous glee. "Filthy zeno sympathizer...." I said loudly trying to be heard. "Why are you doing this?" He said while holding his other hand grunting. "Simple. For revenge for what the galactic council did to terra the human homeworld, and what they did to us." I said quite bluntly. "Terra? What planet is that?" I looked at him with confusion. "You know the planet that got planet cracked?" I said with a confused tone. "There is no planet that got planet cracked in the history of the republic. And what does the word human mean?" I faced palmed at the idiocy of the person. "You know. The cradle world of our species. one of the planets in the galactic core that got invaded by one of the counsel's member species?" He shrugged his head. I sighed. "So the counsel didn't let the remaining human population know about mankind's former glory huh? and they also destroyed the information about humanity's former cradle world huh? So what did you think our species cradle world is?" I asked the young man in front of me. I stook off my helmet, and looked him in the eye. "Coruscant. It's what I've learn in history class." I laughed. "Wrong. It's Terra or what we used to call earth. Coruscant is just a colony of terra." I said with blunt tone. "It was the first colony to defect to fucking collaborate with the enemy. Of course they fucking censored the human homeworld that got planet cracked." Okay that was enough Intel. This guy must have been an idiot since they didn't let people learn about history, or learn anything without the government's supervision. As a philosopher once said "Those who didn't learn from history is doomed to repeat it." It filled me with hatred at this damned rotten empire that i punched the ground in my anger causing the ground to crack. "Well bye! I'm going to leave now!" I said while smiling with a malicious glee. "Wai-" I then knocked him our with a simple punch in the windpipe that isn't lethal. I'm going to follow these guys back to their leaders, and maybe infiltrate the counsel who decided to abandoned terra to it's death. I equipped the helmet, and turned on stealth mode. I waited for a few minutes and saw the same cops who tried to catch me. Thankfully they didn't notice me. "Shit! These two Jedi are incapacitated!" One of the cops said. "Lima Bravo here code 8! I repeat code 8!" Said one of the cops. After a few minutes the two were got out. I followed them, and stuck my hand into the side of the vehicle activating the magnets built inside the suit. It was made encase the artificial gravity was to malfunction inside one of the destroyers, or dropships. To not make us fall to our deaths from sudden increase of gravity if the gravity generators fail encase we had to enter an atmosphere. The ride was bumpy but I endured it. I saw a large looking temple of some sort of religious organization. If I was back on terra i would be taken away by MP, and would be tried for warcrimes due to my attack on civilians but the terran consortium is long dead. I planet cracked the planet for I don't know how long ago. It's been what a few centuries from the destruction of terra from what I read in the bill boards. I disengaged the magnets, and followed the paramedics to enter the temple. Then I saw children being trained as soldiers in this some sort of religious organization. It made me sick. Children shouldn't be allowed to fight. They don't have any idea what they are doing. They don't know the consequences of their actions yet. Yet here I saw children learning how to fight with some sort of space magic. It made me sick. I hated it. Also I wouldn't be surprised if space magic is real considering how the two men noticed me without any augments.

I continued following. Suddenly a African American human noticed me, and attacked me nearly missing my face by inches. I saw the paramedics ran away quickly. I disengaged the stealth system, and took off my face. I smiled as I grabbed his hand, disarmed him, and tossed him to the wall. The man grunted, and looked at me. He then lunged, and used space magic to get back the plasma sword.

I unsheathed my sword made out of a core of a dying dwarf star, and looked at the man. The man looked at me confused why am I using a metal sword rather than a plasma sword.I used this time of confusion, and tried to hit a decapitation strike. He tried to blocked it but his sword's heat of the plasma is too weak to block the sword. It's all about the color of the plasma. Just like stars the more lighter color it is the more powerful the heat is. His sword was indigo. So it's weaker than a blue one, a white one, or even yellow ones. I smiled, and causing the sword to cut him open. "Traitor." I said with venom. "Not only you betrayed the human race but you also serve the galactic counsel that watched as one of their member states enslaved us, faked their dismay of us being enslaved, and betrayed us. You disgust me. Your a disgrace to the human race to serve the filthy Zeno's. Filthy collaborator." I then slashed opened his throat. Killing him. Then more of them appeared. Some of them where holding low yield plasma swords from what the color of the plasma looked like. I smiled. "Zeno's, and filthy collaborators..... Hehehehehe.... Im going to enjoy your slaughter..." I smiled with a murderous aura. I lunged at them with a murderous glee decapitating some of them, some were injured but tried to attack me, and some were just standing there traumatized at the decapitated heads of their comrades. I looked at one of the camera's, and said "So pitiful! The filthy Zeno's who enslaved us because we are their so called "Inferiors" are now afraid of an "inferior" human. Pitiful. Look at me a human. A human from terra. The human who planet cracked terra so you couldn't desecrate our world for your own filthy greed. The terran whose species was enslaved because of your filthy greed. This is revenge for the enslavement, a revenge for terra! A revenge for those who were killed because of your ineffective counsel! You betrayed us! You betrayed my species! You said you would condemn them you you didn't help us! You watched as planets were glass! You all watched as mars was glass back to it's old state! You disgust me. This is but revenge for what you all did to my people. To my species!" I lunged, and cut off their hands, and stabbed the Zeno's, and filthy collaborators one by one. I watched as they bled to death. I smiled, and left. This is but a demonstration of my revenge. A demonstration of what i would do if I were to infiltrate the counsel meeting. I left, and let the children to there because I don't have a home for them yet. I will be back, and free them from this place.

To be continued in the next chapter...