
Star Wars: The Deprived Sith

Broken from the beginning, deprived of the most basic, but also most important thing. Deprived of emotions since childhood, no trauma, no feelings, nothing! What happens when that “monster” gets power to take things into its own hands and thrown out to the wider galaxy? Will it learn the basics that it has been deprived of, or will it end up as a tool for someone or something? Vast powers and empires loom over the galaxy, and it’s never safe. Will that be the fall or the rise of the “monster”? P/a t.r.e.o.n(dot)com/Valancey Disclaimer: Star Wars and its expanded universe are the intellectual property of Disney, yes Disney… we know it seems crazy but it's the truth. I don't own any of the characters or settings.

Valancy · Video Games
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23 Chs

Sith Code

On the way to his next target, he started thinking.

Cathal was thinking of what to do.

Why does he do what he does?

Why is he treated the way he is?

The other people all looked at him with awe or fear.

So why did everyone treat him like they did?

What is the difference now?


Someone or something whispered in the wind quietly and soothingly.

Cathal turned around faster than the eye can see and striked with his fist.

What surprised him was that there was no one there.

He looked around and even used the force to scan his surroundings.

Still, nothing.

Hesitantly, he walked looked back at the speeder he jumped off mid flight to strike behind him.

What he saw made him sigh and start sprinting.

The speeder was as flat as a pancake against a big rock.

There was no way it was usable.

As Cathal was making his way towards his new target, a Jedi Knight, he started thinking of what that voice said.


He thought.

'Does power really change that much?'

After a while of sprinting and almost arriving at the location, he came to the conclusion.

'Yes, yes, it does. Master Marr has that much respect and fear because of power. The people don't dare to look at me because of my power.'

As he was having a revelation, something was changing.

'The more power I have, the better I will be.'

His eyes were glowing and emitted a bright orange hue.

As all of this was happening, one man was the happiest he had ever been.

If he was younger, he would have been jumping around and laughing his heart out.

This was the best time of his almost endless life.

But he had no time to do that.

The man sat down in a meditative pose and started speaking in an ancient language.

"Nwûl tash, dzwol shâsotkun."

As he started speaking, Cathal spoke at the same time.

"Peace is a lie, there is only passion."

"Shâsotjontû châtsatul nu tyûk."

"Through passion, I gain strength."

Each time Cathal spoke these words, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and the surrounding force was roaring as if it was a beast.

"Tyûkjontû châtsatul nu midwan."

"Through strength, I gain power."

"Midwanjontû châtsatul nu asha."

"Through power, I gain victory."

"Ashajontû kotswinot itsu nuyak."

"Through victory, my chains are broken."

The surrounding force was at an all-time high, almost as if anticipating something.

All Jedi in the entire galaxy, and even some Sith, were having shivers through their spines, and getting warnings from the force.

"Wonoksh Qyâsik nun."

"The Force shall free me."

Cathal finished the sentence and his eyes were practically glowing, switching from Yellow, to red, to orange, and in the end, Gold.

His hair was defying gravity and floating above him as this was happening.

"Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

Through passion, I gain strength.

Through strength, I gain power.

Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken.

The Force shall free me."

After repeating the same code over and over for a couple of hours.

Cathal Fainted, but his eyes stayed the same majestic gold color.

If he was awake, he would hear a couple of steps coming from behind him.

Getting closer and closer, slowly.

Soon it arrived just next to him.


Somewhere else in the grand galaxy.

A family of three was sitting at a table.

But something looked off with them.

The older man, presumably their father, had a downcast look on his face.

And the beautiful woman looked completely broken.

Her eyes are lifeless and completely dimm, her hands dangling from her body limply.

She had succumbed to despair.

The only person who looked somewhat normal in this family was the man sitting in front of the woman.

He stared at them with a wide smile, almost reaching his ears.

His eyes shining with stars, and his hands clenched together over the table.

"You see, Father! It was the will of the force! You and your stupid rules!"

He practically screamed at the old man with excitement.

Then he turned to the woman, still in her own world.

"Did you really think that stupid thing would work? 'There is no emotion, there is peace.' no intelligent species can never accept that! It's in their blood!"

He yelled in a condescending tone as he stood up from the table.

No one of the other two spoke back to him, or even answered.

"If you will excuse me, dear father and sister. I will excuse myself to my hut."

He said as he strode away with steady steps and a huge menacing smile on his face.

The old man stared at the man's back as he vanished, then glanced at the woman.

His eyes softened, and he stood up and walked over to her.


Yo, author back.

How you all doing? Hope you're doing well.

Here is the chapter.

Things are getting interesting.

I think.

I can't really view this as a reader, even if i wanted to, as i am writing it…

So I need your help lol.

You as a reader, could you please inform me of your thought and opinions about future, past and present.

All about this Fan-Fic.


Good night!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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