
Star Wars: The Deprived Sith

Broken from the beginning, deprived of the most basic, but also most important thing. Deprived of emotions since childhood, no trauma, no feelings, nothing! What happens when that “monster” gets power to take things into its own hands and thrown out to the wider galaxy? Will it learn the basics that it has been deprived of, or will it end up as a tool for someone or something? Vast powers and empires loom over the galaxy, and it’s never safe. Will that be the fall or the rise of the “monster”? P/a t.r.e.o.n(dot)com/Valancey Disclaimer: Star Wars and its expanded universe are the intellectual property of Disney, yes Disney… we know it seems crazy but it's the truth. I don't own any of the characters or settings.

Valancy · Video Games
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23 Chs

Republic Mining Camp

Cathal made his way out of the base on the rented speeder at max speed.

His first target, the republic mining camp.

On his way there, he was planning how to make the attack.

Should he go through the front door?

Should he assassinate everyone?

Or should he do something else?

This was the hardest decision Cathal had ever made.

He was never used to deciding things or feeling things.

So it was a kind of important moment, this.

After almost arriving at the camp, he came to a conclusion.

'Let's kill them with no one else knowing.'

Cathal decided to assassinate everyone in a quiet and sneaky way.

He felt that this would make it less troublesome and more clean.

Cathal had somehow become some kind of a clean freak on his journey to emotions.

So whenever Darth Marr used to not care, he would clean the office.

Cathal came back from his thoughts and looked up when the force nudged him.

He found out that he had arrived at the Mining Camp.

Cathal parked the speeder a couple of hundred meters away and walked the rest of the way.

As he was walking along the way, he felt a pair of republic soldiers walking around.

They looked to be patrolling the area around the camp.

They had blasters, and one had a sword strapped to his back.

Cathal focused more on them with the force and felt a couple of things about them.

They were not high in rank, but were still elites.

As he was listening and focusing on them, something they said made Cathal listen to them.

"So, what do you think of the promising new Jedi Knight?"

"Which one, oh, you mean the one named Satele Shan?"

"Yeah, that one. She is the only thing they talk about nowadays."

"Right, I think she will help a ton in bringing down the Empire."

The first Republic soldier looked uncertain about something before he spoke again.

"Y-yo, I have a question."

The other soldier stopped and looked at him questioningly, but answered.


The first one took a deep breath and steeled himself, then asked.

"D-do you really think the Jedi should have this much p-power?"

The other soldier looked at him with a skeptical eye, then looked around them in a circle.

"I, I think they do protect us, but after the Empire is dealt with, they will become the same as them."

Just as the other soldier was about to answer again, his head flung off his shoulders.

It landed on the ground with a thud and rolled a couple of meters.

And before the living soldier could even progress what had happened, the same thing happened to him.

Cathal looked at the bodies and spoke to the air.

"It's very interesting to listen to weak people."

He pushed the force into his sword to clean the blood.

But it didn't work the way he wanted.

The swords got crushed under the force, instead of removing the blood.


'Guess I will take his sword.'

Cathal used his foot to roll the soldier over to his stomach.

He then reached down and grabbed the sword and walked away.

After just 30 minutes, all the republic soldiers were dead.

The only people left were the workers, whether slaves or people willingly working there,

Whether someone would actually willingly work there was another question.

All the workers were standing in the middle of the yard and looking shakingly at the figures in front of them.

One was Cathal, and the other one was the person in charge of the Mining Camp.

His name was not important, so he will go by supervisor for now.

Cathal looked at the slaves and workers, then back at the supervisor.

"Does anyone know where the Republic base, Jedi, or anything related to them are?"

Cathal asked out loud and waited.

After a couple of minutes, he found out nothing new at all, and just the same information he bought from the Mandalorian, just less informational.

'What is this? Why do I feel the urge to strangle them?'

Cathal was facing a new challenge, emotions again.

He just uncovered a new emotion.

The emotion called "Disappointment".

He was disappointed that they gave him nothing new at all, and it was all worth nothing.

'Why should I even free them if they gave me nothing? Then they can stay here forever.'

Cathal decided.

He was going to kill them and then continue to find the rest of the important places.

Cathal went ahead with just that.

He broke the neck of the supervisor with his own hand, then crushed all the remaining people with the force.

Just because he can't control it well doesn't mean he isn't strong.

He is strong enough to crush a Master with just power alone.

After leaving an enormous pile of meat and blood on the ground, he took one of the speeders in the base and went off.


Again same thing...

I'm gonna go and sleep again.

Have a good day :)