
Star Wars:The cold red Eyes

{A Star Wars reincarnation Fanfiction} A human dies and is reborn in the Star Wars universe. From there we follow the story of the Chiss with the cold red eyes. This is going to be kinda AU Fanfiction some ideas of my fantasy some of kanon stuff and some legends stuff so don't wonder. I look forward to suggestions for improvement and constructive criticism. DISCLAIMER: •I do not own anything only my oc. •If there is any problem about the cover please send me a message i'll delte it. •I have a very bad spelling and i'll mostly use the translater so pls blame me not this much. •This is my first Fanfiction and i'm not 100% sure if i going to keep up writing. •Don't expect regular updates i do it because i'm bored.

Erdzan_21 · Movies
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20 Chs

Chapter 9

Dato POV

Year 3273 lothal calendar

Planet:Csilla, Csplar

At the entrance there are 2 chiss who are apparently here to maintain order 

"You're new cadets, aren't you?" one of the chiss asks us in a neutral tone 

"Yes we are" I say simply

One of the chiss pulls out a holopad, turns it on and asks "Your names?"

"My name is Vottu'zuigo'tosago and the next to me is Jlurd'aluwo'tosago" Says Uzui without wasting time

The chiss who doesn't do anything looks at us and the one with the holopad says "I assume you are, and you can be lucky you are in the same class, class Alpha 3, follow me" he says as he turns around.

We both look at each other and rejoice at this good news and follow the security guard.

After 2 minutes walking if the security guard stops in front of a dark door, opens it and says "this is your class if you can't find your way look at the walls in the hallways there are navigation maps listed, your commander will be here shortly so sit down and don't mess around"

One can only say that the interior of the academy is monotonous, the corridors are bright white while there are built-in lockers everywhere on the left and right for personal things

Arriving in the classroom, we see 5 seats arranged like a horizontal line and a (Teacher's desk).

In front of our seats next to this (teacher's desk) was a blue hologram that looked like a blackboard.

Uzui and I agreed to sit on the right sight of the other three places, 2 were occupied and the one on the far left was still free.

(Imagine you come into a room and there are 5 tables in a horizontal line, so it's like this: 1 2 3 4 5. I sit on the 4th place and Uzui next to me on 5th place)

The other two who were in the room before us don't even pay attention to us and continue talking when we sit down, the door opens again and two more chiss enter.

One of these chiss is an adult and the other is a boy, the man has a neutral, slightly annoyed facial expression while the boy is smiling.

The adult leans in at about the same level as the boy and points to the vacant space on the left.

The boy immediately understands what is required of him and sits down. On the way to his place of work, he gives us an enthusiastic smile.

Now everyone sat, expect the adult who was still standing at the door.

"Alpha-3 get up and stand still" he says in a calm but authoritative tone.


That's it. I would appreciate feedback and a few power stones to motivate myself to drop some more stuff.


That's it. I would appreciate feedback and a few power stones to motivate myself to drop some more stuff.

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