
Star Wars:The cold red Eyes

{A Star Wars reincarnation Fanfiction} A human dies and is reborn in the Star Wars universe. From there we follow the story of the Chiss with the cold red eyes. This is going to be kinda AU Fanfiction some ideas of my fantasy some of kanon stuff and some legends stuff so don't wonder. I look forward to suggestions for improvement and constructive criticism. DISCLAIMER: •I do not own anything only my oc. •If there is any problem about the cover please send me a message i'll delte it. •I have a very bad spelling and i'll mostly use the translater so pls blame me not this much. •This is my first Fanfiction and i'm not 100% sure if i going to keep up writing. •Don't expect regular updates i do it because i'm bored.

Erdzan_21 · Movies
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Chapter 12

Dato POV

Year 3273 lothal calendar

Planet:Csilla, Csplar

"Taron you are the next one" Says the commander without wasting time

"My question has already been answered"

taron replies to his father

"what's with you two?" he asks while looking at me and Mei.

"My question has already been answered Sir" I say respectfully.

"Just like mine" says Mei in a low tone.

"Good then let's started, a blaster is a weapon that fired bursts of particle beam energy called blaster bolts from a replaceable power pack.

The most commonly used weapon in the galaxy, blasters' intense beams consisted of compacted high-energy particles and intense light that could kill or paralyze their target, depending on the setting.

Blasters ranged in size and power from compact pistols to large, heavy rifles to starship-mounted blaster cannons.....

*Timeskip the academy ends*

"That is it for today at the exit you can see there are 5 holopads, like i said a holopad is a handheld device used to project holograms.

take it with you on this holopad you can see the learning material for the first quarter so have fun" When the commander said the last part at the end of the first day, the commander listened suspiciously gladly.

I leave the room and take a holopad out the door and I and my comrades make my way to the academy exit

"The commander is a bad man when he told us about the holopads I swear I saw a smile." Say Taron to the group

"How can you say something like that I think the commander is an excellent role model for us, I'm right or Mei?" Says Hanna with a sparkle in her eyes

As usual, Mei replies very shyly "I- I think he probably has a lot of-of experience"

"I can only agree that he really scared me sometimes what do you think about him Dato?" Add Uzui and asks me

"He seems like a good man who thinks discipline is a very important quality" I say in a tone of interest

Arriving at the exit, we go through the door outside. When I arrive outside, I ask the group "Hey, do you want to spend some time, after all we are unit alpha-3 and we should know each other better"

"A good idea do you already have an idea where to go?" Ask me taron agree with my proposal

Rubbing my hand on my chin like I have a beard, I ponder

"Hey how about we get some hot chocolate first and then we sit down in the mall where we talk sometimes Dato" Uzui makes the suggestion

"Sounds good I agree what about you guys" I ask the group excitedly

"Count me in" Taron agrees

"A-alright" Mei agrees

While the others agreed, I recognized from Hanna's body language that she was uncomfortable.

'Why does she have a problem with that? We just want to go for a drink...' I think to myself and then it occurs to me

'Even though there is no poverty with the chiss system some are not as wealthy as others and just because you think hot chocolate is a drink, it's a luxury that has to be imported'

The answer comes to me as I think about it

Just as Hanna was about to speak, I say, "And you know what people, I buy everyone a hot chocolate"

"Very nice as is expected of you" Uzui tells me

"I'll come too" says Hanna and gives me a grateful smile

"Now that we've all agreed, we just have to figure out how to get there," says Taron

"I have an idea, will you also get picked up from your chauffeur Uzui?" I ask him

"Good idea, in my glider fits 3 people on the back seat, i will take Taron and Mei so you take Hanna alright?" Uzui makes me the offer

"That fits in my glider only 2 people fit in the back seat so let's call our chauffeur" I say to Uzui and we both pull out a comlink. My father gave me this comlink and said that my mother wants to be in contact with me.

I press the button and say "James please come to the academy I want to do something with friends"

The comlink replies and says "I'm already on the way young master"

I pack the comlink in my pants and turn back to the group

"James is on the way what about you Uzui" I ask him

"He's on his way too" says Uzui as he stored his comlink in his uniform


'The two don't seem to have much of a problem with money' thinks Taron

'Having a chauffeur is not very common' thinks Mei

'You are definitely part of the upper class' Hanna's assumption is confirmed


That's it. I would appreciate feedback and a few power stones to motivate myself to drop some more stuff.


That's it. I would appreciate feedback and a few power stones to motivate myself to drop some more stuff.

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