
Star Wars: Sex Stories

A bunch of short sex stories set in the star wars universe. (all characters that appear in these stories are 18+) Chapters release once a week Please vote with Powerstones or leave a review. let me know if there are any specific smut stories you might want in the review.

Mad_man13 · Movies
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70 Chs

Rey for Rent: Chapter - 2

"Those antilles like to brag how us girls here are so different from the glossy Core World escorts on Coruscant or Denon or Hosnian Prime. I already know that without them saying it – a lot of the offworld visitors I fuck are in it for the poverty aspect of hookers in the Rim, the girls who come from nothing and are desperate and show it. The ones who can't afford to pass up selling their bodies for a few credits, unlike the registered and regulated sex workers in the New Republic."

Rey thought of how charming the life of a hooker must be. Maybe her own initial assumptions weren't completely invalid – especially if they could cause such bitterness to come to the surface of Ikana, the first time Rey could sense a dent in her cheerful demeanor. Before Rey could take the initiative to reciprocate Ikana's comforting, the girl squealed out joyously once again. "This is it! We're done! It's perfect! Oh, Rey, you're Varina's spitting image! Just look!"

The Togruta girl move away from where she had been blocking the mirror, to let Rey take in her reflection – a girl that Rey only knew was herself because no one else could possibly be in the room with them to be a contender.

Rey – or rather, her 'Varina' alias, she supposed it was easier to think of herself as – had been clothed in a tiny, see-through pink thong with a faux-rhinestone heart over the crotch. Over it was a glittery, incredibly short bare-backed dress made of flimsy silver-colored synth-silk that also accentuated her cleavage, held up by a single over-the-shoulder strap with a bejeweled clasp. Her hair was let down loose and teased into a huge volume, and heavy makeup – blue eyeshadow and rouge – huge dangling bronzium hoop earrings, and strappy red platform sandals – completely impractical for starship spelunking – finished the outfit.

"What do you think?" asked Ikana. "Isn't it the best? You're not just gonna turn tricks tonight, you're gonna turn heads!"

"I… uh, thanks," Rey sputtered, still transfixed by the sight of herself in the mirror. She was… well, she wasn't a scav, that was for sure. Seeing herself all prettied up was even more unbelievable than… well, then seeing herself dressed up like a Resistance pilot, or a Jedi Knight, or some other unlikely fantasy profession.

"Speaking of head," Ikana said, checking the chronometer pinned up on the wall of the room, "We have some time before opening, and Madame Meru did tell me to show you the ropes. No time like the present! Come on!" Grabbing Rey's wrist, Ikana was off, 'Varina' in tow, to another backroom in the brothel's assemblage. This particular tent partition was in the middle of the cluster, surrounded by other tents on each of its four walls. One wall bordered the other backrooms they had just come from, the tents which contained the brothel whores' private quarters. The other three walls….

The other three walls all had holes of various circumferences and heights along their border – but all generally at lower torso height for typical humanoids. Rey wondered why a number of the holes in the walls were so wide and rectangular, but even despite that oddity, she would have had a pretty good idea what they were for, even without the violet-skinned Twi'lek girl – wearing nothing but hot pants, her discarded tube top on the ground next to her – kneeling before one, her head bobbing back and forth on what Rey could just make out was a strange-looking alien cock of some species she couldn't recognize.

"That's Uri, the girl I told you about before, the one that the Varnites like – Uri'klitsk fully, but we all call her Uri," Ikana explained in a low voice. "Just watch and learn – for now. The glory hole room is a pretty easy intro to our line of work, until the big rush out front starts in a bit. Uri's one of the best, too. Although I'm not that bad, either," she blushed slightly.

Another cock pushed through a hole, and Ikana laughed. "Guess it's time to put my credits where my mouth is… just watch for now – you'll get the hang of it!" In a moment, Ikana's green dress had been pulled over her head and dropped on the floor, leaving her only in black, high-cut bikini panties and her sandals. Her top secure from any stains, Ikana got down on the kneepads provided before the hole in question and got to work. In a moment, her plump ruby-red lips were wrapped around the dark, smooth phallus, and her cheerful voice was replaced by glug-glug noises.

Rey watched, revolted by the sight – even if the other girls seemed content enough. Then again, nice as Ikana was, and as nice as Uri'klitsk probably was too… they were just whores. They didn't know there was another life available, one where they didn't have to degrade themselves to men or get stuffed by their male appendages in order to make a living.

Even if Unkar might find the contrast between Rey and the whores on their knees amusing for a different reason, she remained revolted, as much by the memory associations the sight before her brought up than by the sight itself. That changed as a third alien cock poked through another hole. Rey could only stare in frozen hesitation until Uri, rather than Ikana, paused for a moment, turning from the corner to glare at the new girl. With the cock still in her mouth, bulging her cheek when she turned her head, the Twi'lek raised a hand to snap her red plastex-clawed thumb and forefinger together at the oblivious new human slut.

Rey sighed, getting the message, and nodded. This was what she was here for, after all. Better to be sucking than fucking, at least for now. Walking over to the hole, she remembered to take her dress off to avoid it getting spattered by her spit or his jizz, and sunk down to her knees. Next to her, Ikana gave her a thumbs-up, as her mouth was too busy for even its customary smile – and then Rey got to work.

She knew enough Rodians to assume that the cock in front of her – green; having the characteristic pungent, musky aroma of that species' mating pheromones; and looking to be rubbery, almost like Unkar's flesh – belonged to a member of that species. She didn't know whether all Rodians were similarly well-hung, or if she was just 'lucky' right now. Pausing for a moment to take it in, the being behind the curtain wagged it impatiently.

"All right, all right," Rey grumbled, being sure to direct her warm, moist breath directly onto the sensitive tip of the organ, looking like an all-seeing eye angrily focused on her. It twitched appreciatively, and Rey licked her lips. To think yesterday morning she had thought that she couldn't spare tears for Mashra, and now was preparing to spare moisture for this Rodian dong. Sometimes, it felt like there was no balance to the Force.

Opening her mouth wide, extending her jaw as far as possible, Rey slowly moved her head forward, drawing the cock as far back into her mouth as she could without it hitting her tonsils or otherwise triggering her gag reflex. Once it was fully in, she closed her mouth, holding her plump lips still for a few moments, enjoying despite herself the sound of the Rodian's intake of breath – and trying to ignore the taste, which was even fouler than the smell. Flicking her tongue along the underside for a few seconds, Rey then slowly began to move her head back, her lips dragging along the rubbery texture of the cock.

"Maris dar!" she heard the Rodian exclaim in his native language. Not being fluent in it, despite its similarity to Mashra's native Aqualish tongue, Rey could only assume it was a good thing to hear. For her part, she only wished she could fondle his balls right now – assuming Rodians had them. Not for any enjoyment on her end – but rather, the more sensations she could impart, the sooner he would climax and she would be done with him.

However humiliating it was – not to mention disgusting – at least she was in a better state than the girls forced into performing in fathier shows in the infamous back alley clubs of Canto Bight.

Forcing herself to get to business, literally in this case, Rey sealed her lips tightly around the Rodian. Foreplay was over; time for speed. Her head began its bobbing back and forth, not quite matching the speed of Ikana and Uri, but she also didn't have the experience of those girls. And maybe they don't have clients as big as this brute, she justified to herself.

Soon enough, however, the Rodian spurted, his cock thankfully spasming and expanding with enough warning for her to pull her head back – receiving the load directly to her face. If his cock smelled bad, then the pungent semen was like intense concentration of scarn spice, at least the cheap synthetic variety she sometimes found from Lothal merchants to sprinkle on her polystarch loaves.

"You took that like a champ," Ikana whispered, taking a pause from her own deep-throating to congratulate Rey on her dubious success. The sound of Uri's glug-glugging remained strong in the backdrop. The young togruta whore's small red hands were taking over, pumping the hard, spit-lubed cock quickly while she flashed Rey a smile. Rey, meanwhile, was looking around for some type of wipe to clean her face off, let alone her hair – she remembered from Unkar how hard it could be to get this off of her once it had set in. Ikana giggled softly, pointing back to the hole in front of Rey. "No time to get clean – and no point now, either! Round two, sweetie – hope you're not full yet!"

Rey turned to look at her own hole as Ikana returned to her head-bobbing, and gasped in surprise. "Three men at once?" she asked. "Is that allowed here?" Indeed, three very large – and very hard – phalluses were pointing through at her, as if angrily staring at her for not yet going down on them. Apparently her question had been asked too loudly, for an angry, caprine "Bayyaaa!" got brayed at her from the other side of the wall.

Ikana apparently noticed her shock as well, pausing once more, to the annoyed grunt of the 'antilles' she was tending to – from the sound, he had almost gotten off this time before her pause. She kept nuzzling his head with her nose as she whispered quickly to Rey. "Never seen a Gran before, honey? Three eyes – and three other things, too. Like their tricocks. Their females got three tits, too. There used to be a regular here who loved them goat-girls… Madame Meru used to have one on staff, but he has to settle for a Ridlian, now."

Rey was surprised to discover a species with three identical sex organs, having never seen or heard of a Gran before. The shock at trilateral symmetry existing in an apparently-bipedal form was almost as strong as the shock at having an example of it thrust before her. She now understood why the various 'holes' in the gloryhole walls were actually rectangular and wide enough to accommodate species like this. Ikana had already returned to her own antilles, and it sounded like the man would soon be making up for his lost time. Rey's support companion lost, she took a deep breath, and then focused on this new customer.

She leaned in to swallow the first cock, then held off at the last minute. Holding up both palms, she spat into each one – such a waste of water! – and reached out to the peripheral two appendages of the tricock first, Grabbing each, she slowly worked her hands down each shaft, gradually tightening each hold on it. They were more solid than the Rodian's had been… and heftier… and warmer… and, unfortunately, stinkier. Whereas the Rodian's cock had had the typical spicy smell of his species, the tricock carried a very faint whiff of what Rey associated with the happabore trough back in Niima Outpost, or a ship carrying coldppedas that had once stopped at Niima on its way from Coonee to Ponemah Terminal.

Dreading it, she couldn't put it off forever, however. As she began to stroke the two side cocks up and down with her hands, the Gran behind the wall brayed appreciative again – but the central cock began to buck up and down in response to Rey's motion on its two brothers, like its phallic head was nodding in rhythm to a tune only it could hear. The central one seemed to be bigger – or was that just her imagination, maybe? It would make sense that there would be a primary phallus, wouldn't it? She wondered if Gran females had three vaginas, each going to a single womb, or possibly three separate wombs. Then again, maybe that helped with the species fertility. They did share their homeworld of Malastare with the Dugs – perhaps it was an evolutionary edge given the competition with a second sentient species on their homeworld.

She made a mental note to bring it up next time she got into an altercation with Ryabo and needed a creative insult against his masculinity. Speaking of masculinities….

Trying to hold back her revulsion, Rey leaned in, extending her tongue slightly. She would rather just expose herself right away to the center of the smell, going in to the large dollop of milky precum beading at the end of the hole, the same fluid that was now dripping over her fists… but even if she was going to force herself to taste it and get it over with, there was no way she was going to subject herself fully to it.

When her tongue reached the tip, however, her eyes went wide. It might have been the center of the farmstead smell, but its taste was… if not quite like the blue milk the Grave Tuskens traded and she had once been able to sample, then somewhat similar, if more concentrated, the consistency a bit chalkier and saltier, almost like a yogurt. A runny, room-temperature yogurt. The Gran on the other side of the wall brayed out "Bayyaaa!" again; that, at least, seemed to be something positive in Granyan. This might be my most unique language lesson, Rey thought; she wondered if spaceport whores across the galaxy had the most comprehensive knowledge of language of any sentients. Even if it was likely to be only on a narrow range of subjects.

In any case, the tricock in front of – and partially inside – her mouth right now could hardly be said to be a 'narrow' subject, although it might be called a 'range.' Given the literal span of Gran before her, Rey couldn't just stay on a single phallus. Pulling her mouth off the central phallus with a wet, slurping pop – and a dribble of the probiotic precum drooling down her chin – Rey also let go of the rightmost cock. Spreading her hand wider, and trying to pretend she was grabbing for a power converter in the wreck of a starship, she collected the rightmost and central cocks in her tiny hand span, pulling them together.

Then, with a deep breath, she spread her jaw painfully wide… and just barely managed to stuff her face with both of them.

She was blushing redder than the time she had gotten sunstroke out in the Kelvin Ravine – not from embarrassment, not exactly, but from a more refined strain of that emotion, one she didn't typically let herself feel: humiliation. She could only imagine just how ridiculous she looked, with tears in her eyes from the pain from her already-cramping jaw, her cheeks bulging on both sides.

It must have felt good for her customer though, since the Gran let out a noise that was clearly an inarticulate grunt of pleasure rather than an articulate phrasing. He bucked, obviously trying to fuck her mouth as a result of the sensation, and Rey had never been more thankful for the walled barrier of the gloryhole.

Her jaw was killing her, and Rey moved away, grunting herself at the pain of the bulbous heads of the two cocks stretching her lips even more. Next to her, Ikana let out a soft whimper as her own customer finally blew his load all over her, the man behind the wall groaning in sudden orgasmic bliss. Ikana's own noise, however, was softer… aroused. Rey knew it well from her own riding of her speeder or nocturnal fumblings in the AT-AT home.

How Ikana could ever find this arousing… Rey had no idea. She wasn't going to argue, not when Ikana, the cock of her customer still poking through the hole, glanced over to Rey and her Gran tricock with a… hungry expression. Kissing the tip of her own customer's head goodbye, the topless hybrid girl crawled over to Rey's side on her knees. "Let me help you, sweetie… you have a handful here. More, even."

She reached over, grabbing the cock that Rey was still holding, just above her hand. Nodding towards the now spit-soaked right cock, Ikana placed her hand there as well, and Rey replicated. The two outlier cocks now each had two hands on them, covering most of their mutual lengths – Ikana's softer, Rey's providing more of a rougher grip, the two providing a perfect complement to each other. That just left the middle one – and it wasn't let alone for long. "Follow my lead," Ikana whispered again, and then opened her mouth – not to take in the cock, but to lick along its rigid shaft, her lips and tongue massaging it up and down its length.

Rey immediately knew what Ikana intended, and the brunette human girl mirrored the red-skinned Togruta's actions, her mouth joining her new… friend? Coworker? Comrade? In any case, their lips were very nearly touching right now, as Rey matched the position and movement of Ikana's lips – kind of like rendezvousing with someone else on a speeder, Rey rationalized. Who knew her piloting skills would ever be useful when it came to oral sex.

With their lips sealed together around the cock. It was impressive, and a bit distracting, with how much warmer and softer… moister, even… Ikana's lips were than either of the male appendages she'd had tasted thus far, let alone Unkar's fishy bait. The Gran didn't last long, emitting a noise that reminded Rey of one made by a happabore that had stepped on a steelpecker beak, the Gran finally erupted, showering both girls with a plentiful volume of gooey seed that seemed like a thicker variety of the precum. It was like blue milk yogurt of the Grave Tuskens left out in the Jakku sun for too long.

Rey felt like retching, but Ikana simply took it in stride, patting her on the back. "We're almost, done, love – the gloryhole shuts down when it's time for the girls to go on sale for the night. I'll get you nice and clean before then – just think of the credits you're making! A bonus for each cock!" Ikana pointed up to the corner of the room, where a small security holocam was sitting. Rey felt sick again – this time at the thought of Meru sending Unkar a copy of the tape of her getting face-fucked by alien antilles. "For now, I need to get back to my own earning." She pointed over to a red, rocket-shaped cock, maybe a Shistavanen or Korii, that had just poked through another hole. "Just one more, Rey – think of that."

There was a rustling noise behind the wall, something that could have been robes being pulled apart – audible even over Uri and Ikana's own deep throating gurgles. Then, from the rectangular aperture before Rey, came… a completely bizarre alien cock that was, yet again, a horror beyond imagination.

Unlike the others, Rey suspected the species of her newest 'suitor,' having long been interested in planets as different from Jakku as possible – water worlds with exotic names like Glee Anselm, Rhye, Manaan, Insmot… Mon Cala. Even before Ikana briefly paused her own Shistavanen man to mouth 'Quarren,' before getting back to sucking her wolf-man knot, Rey had guessed the identity of the penile squid head now aimed at her face.

Beyond the previous two – or four, from a certain point of view – phalluses, the Quarren cock was the most similar to Unkar's water-inflated Crolute dick. She tried to think about her love of water worlds to get her through the ordeal, but then changed her mind. I like the fantasy of water planets too much. I don't want to ruin it by associating it with this. That had already spoiled the thought of visiting Crul, after all.

The cock shared the broad shape seemingly typical of sentient male phalluses, but unsurprisingly with unique characteristics – it was extremely thick, almost as wide as her wrist, and exceptionally veiny. Its head was also quite bulbous in comparison, reminding Rey of the shape of the manta droids used by the Quarren Isolation League during the Clone Wars that she had seen in some of the history holos and military training sims she had recovered from Imperial ships. Maybe that wasn't a coincidence – it would hardly be the first time a species designed their war weapons to have a phallic shape to them. She had always preferred the Republic's Devilfish submarine design, though – it reminded her of her own speeder, and her enjoyable times in its saddle. Grinding against her speeder, but literally immersed in water? It sounded like an ideally luscious fantasy getaway to the desert bound scavenger.

By far, the most curious aspect to the Quarren phallus was that its urethral hole was not on the tip, but just beneath the upper anterior, protected by the swell of the shape of the squid head. Rey wondered if it was an evolutionary design made to protect the exit of sperm from the savagely-hard pounding that Quarren males might exert during mating. He was definitely doing his best to get her face impregnated, that was for sure – once again, Rey was grateful for the protective wall of the gloryhole in more ways than one.

She pulled her face back as she felt the tremors begin in the phallus, preparing herself for the now-familiar sensation of having a nasty load of semen blown all over her face by a horny alien scavenger. In a way, she was not disappointed… but nor was she ready for what ended up happening. Rather than the usual thick, white cream, like most semen amongst humanoid alien males tended to be in the galaxy, the Quarren spurted….black ink!

Logically, Rey quickly concluded his oily ejaculate was not real ink. Even in the past of their aquatic species, there was no logical reason why an inky defense mechanism would also serve as reproductive material. That would be wasteful… but no sooner had Rey thought that, then her mind came up with justifications. If an ancient Quarren thought he was near death, wouldn't it make sense from an evolutionary perspective for him to squirt his genetic material out, especially if it helped him potentially escape from predators? It didn't seem like males of any species tended to have problems producing copious amounts of reproductive materials, after all.

Whether it was truly defensive ink or simply something that Rey assumed based on her humanocentric perspective, the orgasm of the Quarren was accompanied by her face, hair, torso, and bare tits being sprayed with repeated jets of warm, black liquid. "Oh, by the Maker!" Rey exclaimed in disgust, as it streamed down her body, the ink readily beading together easier than the proper spunk from the Rodian or the Gran. Already, the Quarren cock was pulling back – cutting and running, like any number of male scavs she'd seen when the going got tough out in the Badlands.

She looked around in vain for some type of cloth, but Ikana was by her side, handing her a wad of fluffy white wipes that she was already using to clean a different type of male spunk from her face. The basics done, Ikana tossed it down a nearby garbage chute, which Rey assumed must lead to some subterranean storage area. Good to know that Old Meru's had a downstairs to it – useful addition to her mental map of the brothel. "Come on," the Togruta said to Rey, grabbing her own top as Uri the Twi'lek moved on to yet another cock that had just emerged. "I'll take you to the refresher. We can get clean there."

Rey, dress in hand, followed Ikana through the same back entrance they had entered the gloryhole through, glad that she would not have to run into any of her former 'guests.' After a few twists and turns through the tent-walled hallways, they arrived at a surprisingly clean refresher room, including a toilet stall, sink and mirror assembly, and even a sonic shower. Rey began to walk towards the shower, but Ikana halted her with a tug on the elbow. Rey was just glad she wasn't holding her quarterstaff, otherwise she might not have been able to hold back her instinct for self-defense.

"No need to wash it off, silly!" Ikana laughed. "Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it!"

"But – it's all over my face… and my hair!" Rey exclaimed. She wasn't actually going to be expected to go out into the brothel main room like this, would she? That was… not only disgusting, but dirty. Beyond trashy, or some Rimkin poverty-seeking fetish.

"By the Maker, no!" Ikana said. "Even Madame Meru has standards beyond that – no male wants to actually see the evidence of the men who've been there before him. Watch this." Positioning Rey in front of the sink mirror, the girl picked up what looked like a silvery mesh napkin with black plastex handles on either side. Pulling it taught, a slight buzzing noise came from it. Rey was slightly worried it was some type of sex toy, but her fears almost immediately disappeared as Ikana simply pulled it over her face and hair, moving it slowly like a washcloth. The napkin was completely dry – but when Rey looked, the already-drying cum of the three different alien species was gone from its path. Even more incredibly, none of the heavy makeup was disturbed, either.

"What… how?" Rey asked, the tech-head inside her intrigued by the technology despite her settings.

"It's a monofilament-bonded hypercloth napkin wipe with attached ultrasound cleaner," Ikana explained, taking the – Rey decided to call it a vibro-wipe for ease – down over the spunk that had dripped onto Rey's chest. "It works with the same principle that sonic showers do. But also important is your makeup and hairspray. The makeup uses molecular bio-bonding – it temporarily alters your skin's biochemistry with an extract from ground-up chromomites; a simple pill once you're done will release the chemical bond with your skin, so it can be washed off like simple dirt. And the hairspray is something from TaggeCo CosmetiX; it acts like a shield, so anything that would stick to it – like jizz – comes right off."

Ikana was taking the vibro-wipe higher over Rey's chest, now, over her small, perky breasts. "You know, I'm impressed," the red-skinned harlot continued. "Forget the Rodian – a Gran and a Quarren? Those aren't too easy for humanoid girls to handle on the first day." She rubbed the wipe over Rey's small, sensitive nipples, which immediately stood at attention, before asking in a more flirtatious tone, "You haven't already been working on the side back in Niima, have you?"

Rey, blushing despite herself – and the entire unsavory situation that was still very much on her mind – shook her head vehemently. "Oh, no. You have the wrong scavenger," she said, quickly rejecting the accusation, while trying not to think about how she managed to get her mouth on Unkar's huge, pudgy prick – and simultaneously attempting to reassure herself that her nipples growing erect were entirely due to the vibrations of the wipe, and not the memory of Unkar or the implications of Ikana's tone.

"Oh, I see," Ikana giggled, pulling the vibro-cloth away and releasing the handles, shutting down the ultrasonic cycler. "Well, I guess I was mistaken, then. You're just a fast learner!" She laughed as she finished cleaning her own face up, and then slipped her top on. "Come on, Rey – it's almost time to become Varina for the night. The role you were born to play!"

In a few minutes, both girls were clothed again in their skimpy outfits, and the Togruta had finished putting the final touches on re-fluffing Rey's teased-up, volumized hairdo. All evidence they had spent the last hour sucking off local scum and getting facial coatings of alien jizz as a result had vanished. Now, Ikana took Rey by the hand again, leading her to the main room, where the girl had first been brought by Ryabo in what already seemed a different life. Long used to navigating the labyrinths that were crashed star destroyer interiors, Rey already had a sense of how to get back to the intro bar, but let Ikana lead her. No telling what other security holos were around Old Meru's – best to let the security staff think she was more helpless than she actually was.

Under the eyes of Meru as she sat at the bar, a cup of something steaming on the counter next to her alongside a glass tumbler, the ladies of the night were assembling in line. Ikana brought Rey with her at the end; next to her was Uri'klitsk the Twi'lek from the gloryhole, now just as clean as Ikana and Rey herself. There were a few other Humans and Twi'leks, the typical humanoids of the galaxy's sex worker population; among the other, more exotic girls were a three-breasted Ridlian, who must have been the girl that Ikana had referenced before; a four-eyed Brogune; and splitting the difference, a four-breasted Wokrom.

Next to Rey, Uri was whispering to the Ridlian. "Hey, Zara – you see those two Wookiees in here earlier?"

The Ridlian – Zara, apparently – nodded. "I approached them, but they turned me down. At least, I think they did. One of them had a translator droid – said they were more interested in a Human girl." She reached down to squeeze her three breasts together in the red demi-cup bra they were virtually floating in. "Like any smooth-skin's gonna be able to offer those studs these! But they left to get something to eat at Aljan's. Guess they not big on eatin' muff tonight."

While Uri and Zara laughed at the crude joke, Rey wasn't sure whether or not to regret having missed them – more for the curiosity of seeing representatives of such a famous species who she had read a lot about but never seen in person.

"Well, I don't know about no walkin' carpets," one of the other Twi'leks, a green-skinned girl who looked a few years older than the rest chipped in. "But I just had a pair of Trandoshans who pulled a maglev on me. Left me feelin' more sore than those pilots who crashed here during the war. You bitches ever had a Trando? They ain't Wookiees, but they right up there with Gungans, far as size concerned. They cocks be big and meaty, covered in smooth yellow scales. Feel good goin' in… scratch the fuck outta you goin' out. But girl, let me tell you… cum slut like you'd be in Heaven, Uri! Trando bitches be hard to knock up, so they cum at least three times as much spunk as other species' men. Their jizz is yellow, too… with just how much they jizzed, I thought they had a thing for watersports, at first!"

While the other girls tittered and cooed over that, Rey was intrigued despite herself at the interesting anatomy they seemed to have. The galaxy was a more cosmopolitan place than she had imagined. That being said, she was definitely glad that she didn't have to experience that herself, after hearing how the other girl had described their savage reptilian fucking. In any case, Trandoshans were rivals to the Wookiees, their home planets sharing the same system and often at war. If the Trandoshans weren't at the brothel any longer, then maybe it was more likely that the Wookiees would return to Old Meru's, perhaps for a drink at the bar after they finished their dinner at Aljan's.

Rey's eavesdropping on her… well, no way to sucrose-coat it, her fellow hookers, was ended when Old Meru got up from the bar stool, summoning Rey over with a whirring finger motion from her cybernetic arm. Rey cautiously made her way over – she might have been new to this line of work, but being pulled over by one's supervisor was never a good thing, whether it was a senior scav in the Starship Graveyard, a junk boss in the Niima Outpost cleaning station… or the madame of a brothel.

When she reached the madame, Old Meru reached into a pocket in her happabore-hide duster to pull out two plastex containers, one orange and one blue, placing them down on the bar counter. Opening the orange one, she shook a single white pill onto the palm of her tattooed organic hand, and held it out to Rey. "Take it," she said, before nodding to the glass tumbler on the counter. "Wash it down with some swill." She laughed at Rey's expression, a dry, barking noise. "It ain't poison, honey. The antilles don't like to fuck corpses. Ain't a roofie, either. This ain't that kind of place, no matter what you might think. I don't take kindly to that kind of interference with my girls," she said, patting the holster of her Rawk chopped special sawed-off blaster carbine.

"What's it for then?" Rey asked, still suspicious.

"Just your basic StimStar contraceptive pill," Meru casually answered. "The same kind of over-the-counter prescription that billions of women from thousands of species use every day across the galaxy. It'll last for at least a full solar cycle, and should prevent you from getting pregnant from any of the species of men you'll run into tonight – at the least, haven't run into a man yet on Jakku from one they don't cover!" she added with a laugh. "And hon, trust me – I've run into a lot of men here over the years."

While Meru was enjoying her chuckle, Rey felt a wave of humiliation far more intense than anything she had felt servicing the men at the gloryhole, or parading around the brothel in the ridiculous male fantasy outfit that Ikana had dressed her in. The concept of unwilling being placed on forced birth control, even if only for a month, was very traumatizing for Rey – especially with its implications of extended use. Rey certainly had no desire for children, now or in any foreseeable future; who would want to bring a child into the life of a scavenger on Jakku? She just had to look down the line to Ikana to see what opportunities the planet afforded its natives.

She took the pill and then picked up the tumbler. It was made of greenish blast-glass, glass made from fused sand caused by the impact of ships in the Starship Graveyard during the battle thirty years ago, instantly turned into glass by the detonation of reactors and plasma drives on impact. It was very pretty, and often mined by those who didn't dare get close to the more-dangerous Graveyard proper – there seemed to be an endless supply of the blast-glass.

It was said to not even be all that radioactive after this amount of time, the more dangerous isotopes of Imperial hypermatter reactors supposedly having a very short half-life. That might or might not be true – but the burn of the very rough alcohol in the tumbler more than made up for it. Rey coughed, sputtering as warmth immediately spread down her esophagus and across her tummy, but the pill went down.

The need for contraception hadn't even occurred to Rey – much like the earlier need for a 'professional name' that Ikana had suggested. That led to the realization once more that when it came to this line of work, she didn't even know what she didn't know – and was therefore reliant on others like Ikana and Meru to show her the ropes. That was itself an infringement on her vaunted self-reliance and independence.

The possibility of getting knocked up by some random patron, and conceiving another typical Rimkin hybrid like Ikana, disturbed Rey. She had a brief mental image of herself as a single mother raising kids in her Hellhound Two mobile home – each with a different father from a different species, her belly bulging from her too-small shift with another on the way, reliant even more on pleasing Unkar for extra portions to survive, given her inability to scavenge in her state, probably a warm can of Ebla beer in hand and a death stick dangling from her lips.

Those thoughts made Rey somewhat less hesitant when Meru opened the other container, shaking out a green, hexagonal pill, and handing it to the scavenger. Rey swallowed it as well, this time thankful for the mind-numbing blast of the rotgut from the blast-glass tumbler. "Another contraceptive?" she asked the madame.

Old Meru shot Rey an incredulous skeptical look, like she had just asked if the night sky was electric blue. "Just how much spunk you plannin' on shootin' up your baby-maker, girl?" she asked. "No, that one's a Blast Shield, from Xucphra. Boosts immune system antibodies in humanoids – at least for a few hours. Should help prevent you from catching most of the common sexually-transmitted diseases that offworlders bring to Jakku. We're a long way from the enforcing the safety regulations of the Coruscant Health Administration, after all."

The implied risk – the Blast Shield pill couldn't be all that effective if Old Meru felt the need to add her 'most,' after all – only added to Rey's nerves from the StimStar pill. It only got worse when Meru added, "We'll give you a test in a week or so to make sure no STDs slipped through." With the madame casually off handedly mentioning both the need for tests and the time scale of them, it made a very nervous Rey wonder if Unkar had tricked her into something more risky than she first realized. If so, she could just hope he hadn't offered her 'employment' contract to Meru permanently. If that's the case, then frack it – I'm getting out of here, and I'm going to take Unkar with me, one way or another. I'll rut with a whole tribe of Grave Tuskens to convince them to burn down Unkar's stand if need be.

Rey's dark dreams of a pre-emptive revenge were themselves ended prematurely when Meru raised her cybernetic hand to her ear. A muffled voice came from the palm, and Rey realized that she had a built-in commlink in her robotic palm. Lowering her hand, Meru pointed back to the line with her organic hand. "You're all set, girl. Get your tight ass back in line. The gents should be coming in any second now."

Rey could hardly contain her enthusiasm at the thought that her debut as a prostitute proper was about to happen – but obediently went back in line. Meru must have been warned by the Lasat bouncer, as within seconds, the flap opened and a number of men walked in.

Most were human and older, or at least worn, but there were a few aliens mixed in – a Zabrak, a Kyuzo, an Arthurian, a Twi'lek, an Abednedo, a Lasat, even a Lepi, his green fur bleached with age and sun. All of them looked worn with age and rough life, wizened before their time – and, beneath the need for a life of social isolation and a desire for physical companionship, all virtually emanated waves of deep loneliness. Just a bunch of sad, pathetic spacers, junk dealers, and lost souls, Rey reflected on them, even as they lasciviously looked her over. Then the realization hit her: they're just like me, in that respect.

Among the human men who had been admitted in, Rey recognized the Niima old-timer nicknamed Steelpecker, a tall, muscular man with long, graying hair. Now, as the regular girls giggled as he chose Uri, Rey understood that he hadn't gotten his nickname because he had any sort of affinity for the carrion birds of the same name.

As Steelpecker went off with Uri, Rey heard an aristocratic accent speak from her other side. "The first catch of the day." Rey turned to see an older Human male, maybe in his sixties, his hair durasteel-gray but with streaks of the original dark color here and there. His voice had the accent of the Core Worlds, in what used to be called Imperial Basic, and still was on certain Centrist- or First Order-aligned worlds. He carried himself with the poise of a military man, or at least someone with highly regimented training earlier in his life. His eyes were an intense blue, and he carried another blast-glass tumbler full of what looked to her like Corellian whiskey. Smelled like the good stuff, too – Whyren's Reserve or the like. A high-roller, then.

"Are you talking about me?" Rey asked bluntly in response to his comment. She heard some of the other girls in line gasp, and the man's eyes went wide, but then he laughed.

"I've never seen this much spirit in a Rim slit before! You must be new to the job to not have had all that feistiness bleached out of you."

"She is, sir, very new to us." Old Meru appeared behind him, apparently summoned by the uncharacteristic outburst from one of her girls. If she truly was one of Meru's 'girls,' then Rey could only imagine what sort of punishment that sort of reaction might have earned. Thankfully, she was not and would never be in that position beyond this one night. "Very fresh – good for a discerning gentleman of the Core, such as yourself."

"Intriguing – very intriguing!" the man allowed, and Meru seemed to grow ten years younger with the prospect of making more money than usual.

"She's a fresh piece of ass with an innocent face. I think you might find her enjoyable. Of course, she will be a bit more expensive…."

"Money is no object," he said with a wave of his hand. "Consider her services purchased – in full."

He palmed off a few metallic bits of hard currency to the madame, and Meru immediately snapped her fingers. "Bimbi! Take Varina and her gentleman to one of the backrooms – the Executive!"

"Of course, Madame Meru!" Ikana – whose workplace name was apparently Bimbi, which Rey recognized as a derogatory term in Twi'leki – took Rey by the hand, and led her through one of the doors of the saloon. The man followed, still holding the glass of Whyren's in his hand. The walk was short, and they soon reached a room large enough to virtually be its own tent, full of pillows that looked soft and downy, with red and purple synthsilk veils hanging from the ceiling to create a bed-shaped space. It reminded Rey of historical holos of the harems of ancient Pre-Republic warlord satrapies.

Ikana squeezed Rey's hand, and kissed her on the cheek. "This is it – good luck!" she whispered. "I know you'll do great. Just enjoy yourself – and think of the credits you'll be pulling in from this! He's big money!" And with that, Rey's sole friend in the entire Sacred Village of New Reslia was gone, leaving her alone with her first client as a prostitute.

As Ikana closed the flap to the room behind her, the man sighed, sitting himself down in one of the campaign-style chairs in the corner of the room. "Well, this is quite intimate. Come here, girl. No need to be so tense; I prefer to take my time. I still have half a glass of Whyren's left – and decent too, more than any in the Western Reaches deserves to be. It's the civilized thing to finish it first before we get started." He took another sip of his drink as Rey cautiously moved near him. He nodded his head in pleasure. "Yes, this is not too bad at all. Certainly far preferable than my previous visit to this Maker-forsaken world."

"You've been to Jakku before?" Rey asked, incredulous. "And you chose to come back?" She couldn't imagine why someone with his cultured background would choose to come here once, let alone twice… and at the same time, it filled her with a new hope for her own parents someday returning here too.

"Oh, yes, I've been here before," he said, nodding. "Though it wasn't exactly my choice, then or now. My name is Quenton – not a name I expect you've heard of, but the Quenton family used to mean something, back in the day. My grandfather was commandant of Fort Anaxes during the Clone Wars; he was reassigned to the Carida Academy with the rise of the First Empire, ensuring our family survived Anaxes' destruction. I went through Carida just like my father did, and became an officer in the Imperial Starfleet, in the Seventh Fleet under Grand Admiral Thrawn. Even posted to his flagship, Chimaera. Captain Pellaeon was a good man. Thankfully, I got transferred out before Lothal, and ended up as a watch commander on the star destroyer Interrogator."

"Interrogator?" Rey asked, her curiosity suddenly piqued. She knew the name; it was one of the earliest names she learned from the map of the Starship Graveyard that Trelo and Ivano Troade had taught her when she had just started apprenticing under them. "That was one of the Imperial ships that crashed here in the battle. It's still out there in the desert. One of the more-intact of the ruins."

"A Rimkin whore with a love of military history?" Now it was Commander Quenton who sounded intrigued. "Will Jakku never cease to provide wonders?" He raised both his eyebrow and his glass to her, and downed another sip before continuing. "Your memory does you well. Thankfully, I wasn't the captain, so the loyalty officer did not expect me to go down with the ship. I was one of the officers who jettisoned before the crash, but as a result, we were among those left behind on Jakku when Admiral Sloane jumped the Fleet into the Unknown Regions at the end of the battle. When the Galactic Concordance was signed and the War on Insurgency ended, the New Republic released us from the prison farm on Concordia where they had us doing forced labor. I wandered for a few years, and did some time with an Imperial Morality Squad on Gorse, but left after the Calladan Standoff. Bit of freelance work for the Ranc Gang out of Kaddak after that – you wouldn't believe it looking at me now, but I once vaped a ragtag squad of Imperial hunters working for the Bothan Spynet."

Rey actually could believe it of Quenton looking at him now. He was older, perhaps, and not as weathered as the sort of men she was used to on Jakku – but there was still the inner hardness of a military life beneath the surface. Beyond the physical muscle, there was a sort of mental hardness evident as well – the sort of metal forged by those who were true ideologues committed to a cause.

"Twelve years after Jakku, the New Republic Senate passed a law allowing most former Imperials to enter political service on the galactic level. I helped found one of the local Centrist chapters… which is what brings me here." He paused to take another sip from his drink, and then beckoned, "Come closer, dear. Don't be shy…"

Rey, startled and feeling a slight charge down her back, complied. Tentatively, she took one step in her giant heels – and then, more confidently, wanting to prove he wasn't the only person in this room, took a more substantial step.

Quenton watched her appreciatively, nodding his head. His drink was almost complete empty, now. "So that's what brings me here. A job for Lord Vikram and the other Centrist leadership. I need to find something from the old Imperial Observatory over on the Plaintive Hand Plateau, but no scav is willing to go there."

That didn't surprise Rey. Almost everyone across the Sacred Villages, as different as their religions were, agreed that there is something taboo about the Emperor's old Observatory. From a more practical perspective, even the most die-hard skeptics of Niima Outpost agreed with the pilgrims in avoiding it – the consensus was that it was too dangerous due to likely old Imperial booby traps, the difficult terrain, and the threat of raiders in the area.

Well – perhaps not quite the universal consensus. There might just be one dissenting voice amongst the Outpost's scavenger community as to the accessibility of the Plaintive Hand Plateau….

"I'm not really a prostitute, you know," Rey boldly stated, as Quenton – seemingly unaffected by the whiskey whose mere vapors were so powerful – began to eye her more lasciviously. "I'm actually a scavenger myself. I've been one all my life – and I'm a damn good one, too, the best in Niima Outpost. I'm not afraid to lead you to the Observatory, and more importantly, I'm not lacking the skills to get you there."

Rey stood there, her hands on her scantily-clad hips, and defiantly stared at Quenton, who for a few moments stared back at her, skeptical of her claim. Suddenly he burst into laughter, prompting Rey's surge of hope to immediately evaporate. "You can't really expect me to believe that a scrawny teen trollop is actually a professional scav, do you, my dear? I have to say, when it comes to whores trying to sell me something, that is original. Just because one of your clients is a scav who mentioned the Interrogator while plowing your face doesn't mean you can fool a graduate of the Imperial Academy of Carida, my dear."

"But… I…." Rey sputtered, more offended at the intimation she only knew about the ship from one of her male scavenger rivals than the insinuation she was only good for getting face-fucked… though after the gloryhole, her throat had more than a twinge of irritation at the claim.

"I tell you what," Quenton suggested, his voice having an imminently reasonable affect to it. "If when I'm done tonight, and you please me enough, then perhaps I will pay you a little extra to hire whatever boyfriend of the week told you about the Interrogator to see if he will be willing to lead me. If he does, I will give you a nice extra bonus before I leave this accursed rock and hopefully never see it again. And if you do a very good job, and if I recover what I need to from the Observatory, then… well, then perhaps I can find a place for you among my personal household staff. I have to say, a young companion with your looks, an interest in military history, and the fire and drive I can sense within you… I think you have a future for you that could span beyond this dead world. What do you think?"

Rey gulped despite herself, again thinking of her parents. Quenton had returned to Jakku – but it had taken him decades to do so, and only under clear compulsion from his Centrist Party superiors. If even someone as hardened like him wanted to never see Jakku again… what did it say for the chances her parents would ever return for her? Quenton, meanwhile, was making her an offer she never expected to receive. She had slaved away for ages helping build the Ghtroc freighter with Devi and Strunk, only for them to steal it out from under her; who would have thought this offworlder would come to then offer to take her with him back to the bright center of the galaxy?

True, she had to ensure he made it to the Emperor's Observatory first, and actually found whatever remnant scraps of Palpatine's forbidden knowledge his masters seemed to be lusting after… but she could do that. I can do anything, she told herself. However, getting the chance to prove herself as a scavenger to him relied on her first satisfying him. Unkar, Meru, now Quenton – it seemed like an ever-growing list of individuals she was whoring herself to satisfy. Hopefully she herself would earn something from this, too. "I'll do my best… Commander," she agreed, offering a sultry smile as she stepped towards him again, and then dropping down to her knees. "How would you like me to start?"

"I think you already know," he said with a smug grin, looking down on her from his seated vantage point, spreading his legs wider. "Undo my pants and let's see if your lips feel as good as they look."

Rey slowly opened her mouth, telling herself it was for her own good, sticking out her tongue as she reached forward to unbutton his trousers, which looked to be made of a rather practical coarse material instead of anything too luxurious. His erect penis sprung forth even before she was done unbuttoning him – not as large as the Rodian's, but thankfully not as piquant, either. Quenton reached over with a strong, callous-palmed hand, and pushed her head down, forcing her lips to open up after her tentative first contact with his manhood. As she reached the bottom of the shaft, she started to gag, before he began to pull her head up. Apparently, he would be controlling the pace of the throating. Being used even more obviously as a human masturbation tool made Rey feel hot shame spread through her young body.

"I have to confess, my dear – I forgot what your name was already," he said, his voice sympathetic as he fucked himself with Rey's mouth. "I think I'm just going to think of you as 'Limba.' I had a quite spirited evening with a hooker named Limba on Tatooine, a few years after the Battle of Jakku. I still remember her. She was a Twi'lek, but… I suppose no one is perfect. There's something about you that reminds me of her. Some similar plucky spirit inside… I wonder if your insides will remind me of her in another way?"

Truth be told, Limba had been a unique experience for Quenton. She had not been his first alien fuck; most Imperial ships and bases of any size had a 'Comfort Section' staffed by pleasure girls, either 'volunteers' or those who were impressed into compulsory government labor to offset the cost of the Imperial guarantee of peace and security to their worlds. On a few worlds here and there, especially more removed from the Core Worlds and their vaunted Senate, and as the memory of the Old Republic faded, there were some girls kept in outright – if still technically illegal – slavery by the Imperial war machine. Carida had been no exception to policy; several hundred Twi'leks, Togrutas, and Zeltrons had been provided on the main Academy campus brothel for the cadets and officers.

Quenton was no specist, but he always felt slightly dirty using the tailheads in particular; it just wasn't natural for Humans and the lesser humanoids to cross. He remembered Limba spoke volumes about that particular wormhead. But Humans were always preferable – the Centrists could never openly say that, not in the multicultural climate of the New Republic, but everyone knew that they thought that. The First Order at least rejected that hypocrisy in a way that even Old Imperial society never had fully been able to, even after the dissolution of the Senate.

For Rey's part, her mind had taken itself in a completely different direction. After the gloryhole, being throatfucked was something she quickly learned how to handle. That left her mind to wander – and where it had ended up was, again, on Quenton and his return to Jakku when her parents had not. He was about the same age as her father would be now; at the least, Quenton was within that very plausible range. Rey didn't actually believe he was her father; that would be a twist of fate that would be truly unbelievable after this latest turn in her life.