
Chapter 26

[A/N: Geez, all of the hate for Roz got transferred to me that last chapter. Look, everything I write and how I write it is for a reason. I even went against my better judgement and try to throw heavy hints in the story to help you few that have a harder time understanding things than others, but it looks like even that can't help some of y'all. If you don't like the story and drop it, I enjoyed you while you were here. But for the rest, enjoy all of the fun, original story plots I have planned!]

The next few days went by in a flash, as many changes happened. The biggest change was Roz publicly announcing her engagement as well as her pregnancy, which she was due in just a few short months. Thanks to the drama with Moka, Roz and Markol had moved out of the castle and into their own home that Markol had built for them at the edge of the capital city, Cianna.

Moka was apprehensive about Roz moving out with that snake, Markol, but unfortunately Roz doesn't see the real him the same way Moka does. And despite Moka being King and pinning to become Mand'alor, Roz was a grown woman with her own feelings. Moka resolved just to be there for his aunt if anything happened.

Next, was the news that the Jedi Order still stood, sort of. Most of Yoda's faction still lived but in a crazy turn of events, The Jedi Order was denounced by the Republic. Chancellor Palpatine gave a chilling address to the public, "Dear ladies and gentlemen of the Republic. It saddens me to be the bearer of this news, but by now, I'm sure you all know. The Jedi Order, spearheaded by their Grandmaster Yoda, has tried to overthrow our Galactic Republic. But don't fear! With the help and the great leadership skills of the honorable, Mace Windu, The Republic Army, and the newly sanctioned, Army Of Light, we have repelled these traitorous foes, allowing the Republic to stand tall for another day!" Palpatine exclaimed, followed by a cheer of a great crowd.

This declaration was met with mixed results all over the galaxy as some began pooling their new hope on the Army Of Light and the Republic, while some grew highly skeptical and remained loyal to the Jedi Order. As if sensing the inner turmoil in the hearts of the people, and knowing that the Republic was at their weakest at this moment, Count Dooku started making moves, Dooku going on record, announcing themselves to be a new government called the, CIS to help the poor and downtrodden against the corrupt Galactic Republic.

Chaos. In just a few short days, pure chaos consumed the galaxy, as not only the major factions, but the smaller ones began making big moves as well in hopes of gaining a better foothold. Throughout all of this, Moka was at a complete loss. Not only did he have to worry about becoming a new father and King, had had to figure out how to also take this newly wild galaxy.

As he was sitting on his throne, mentally going over his plans, the doors to the throne room burst open. Rust walks in at a fast pace a kneels before Moka. "King Moka, the Jedi, Qui-Gon Jinn and the others he brought have arrived, but some have been injured. They seemed to have been attacked by some pirates, who are currently in a battle with some of our forces after they entered Kahlua space. The group is with their injured at the Capitol Hospital, and Qui-Gon has requested your presence.

Hearing this Moka made a Force Clone to sit on throne, and rushed from the room with Rust in tow. Though he doesn't have to stay on the throne, thanks to recent events, Moka saw it fit to train his abilities every chance he gets, as even before Rust walked in, he was subtly training his Force Domain. And he has made some progress with Force Clone as well, as he found that if he leaves the clone with even less power, it can be summoned longer, allowing him another way to train. His new weak Clone can be summoned for nearly two hours before it's energy runs out.

Taking a shuttle to the hospital didn't take long, as both Black Star Palace and the Capital Hospital were near the center of Cianna. Once they entered the hospital, Moka was able to see just how much damage the fleeing Jedi actually suffered. Young Jedi Knights and Younglings filled the hospital rooms, some only having light injuries such as scratches and bruises. But, some of the more unfortunate lost limbs, were in comas, and some even lost their lives. It was a truly devastating sight to Moka as he walked the halls.

Sensing a familiar large force signature, Moka turned to see Anakin rushing towards him, hugging his legs tightly as he reached him, sobbing loudly. "King Mo, it's Qui-Gon, he's hurt badly! Please help him!" Anakin asked with tears and snot running down his little face. When Moka heard this, his face turned sour under his helmet. Not only did Moka highly respect Qui-Gon, he was also meant to be an important part in training his people, especially since things were now rocky with Emiry. There was no way he was going to let Qui-Gon die.

"Take me to where he's at." Moka said, before him, Anakin, and Rust were seen rushing through the hallways. When the group entered the room, Moka's face grimaced even more. Laid on a plush hospital bed, attached to equipment, Qui-Gon was severely injured, even missing his left arm, right leg, and suffering a deep slash to his abdomen, it was a miracle he was still alive. 'There is no way in hell these were just simple pirates' Moka thought as he made his way to Qui-Gon's side.

Sensing someone approaching him, Qui-Gon slowly opened his eyes, as a weak smile graced his face. Even in whole new armor, Qui-Gon could tell Moka when he saw him. "I wish we were able to reunite under better circumstances, my friend." Qui-Gon said softly. During the Naboo Crisis, the two were able to spend a lot of time together, finding they have a lot of the same beliefs.

"I agree my friend, but don't fear. Now that you're here, I won't allow you to pass on that easily. We have far to much work to do together," Moka said before he turned to Rust. "Call Jona and her medical team here. If you can, even call her Master, Suna De here as well. Spare no expense, as I need him back up and running as soon as possible! I don't care if we use the last dollar we have!" Moka said in a serious tone. Qui-Gon was immensely important to Moka. Sure, there are other force users out there, but none at the quality of Qui-Gon. Who else could he trust to help him train a brand new Order of Force users?

"Yes, my liege. It will be done." Rust said before he bowed and walked out of the room.

When Qui-Gon heard how much of a fuss Moka was making over him, he felt conflicted. On one hand, he was happy that he had a someone that cared that much about his wellbeing. On the other hand, he couldn't rightly allow Moka to spend so much money and time on him, especially after he brought a lot of trouble to Moka by leading the attackers there and also bringing a large group of Jedi for him to take care of as well. He couldn't allow himself to impose even further.

As if knowing exactly what Qui-Gon was going to say, Moka put a hand up stopping him. "There's no use trying to fight me on it, I'm saving you. What honor would I have if I allowed a man, who clearly risked his life saving a whole group of defenseless children, die when I have the ability to save him? On top of all that, I consider you a dear friend, so now shush and rest. You need to save your energy. Ani, come and show me where Obi-Wan is. If he isn't by his Master's side, he must not have the ability to." Moka said as he left the room with Anakin.

Watching the two leave the room, Qui-Gon grew a wry smile and let out a sigh of relief. The force has yet again steered him in the right direction. He closed his eyes and rested knowing that him and everyone else would be safe now that Moka was there.

Making his rounds across the hospital, Moka was shocked at how much damage the group took. Obi-Wan lost a leg, Jocasta Nu tragically lost both of her arms, and a many other Jedi as well. Knowing that they will all be important to him one way or another, Moka declared that all injured and sick Jedi will be taken care of at his own expense, a gesture that warmed the hearts of many of the injured. After bringing a few bricks of Kahlium to be used for Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan's prosthetics, and seeing Jona arrive, getting berated by her overly busty, blonde master, Suna De, he left the hospital with Rust and Anakin.

Back at the Palace, Moka made arrangements for Anakin to have a room, and ordered him to rest. Anakin has been through a lot in the last couple of days, and didn't want the kid pushing himself.

Now in the throne room with Roz, a few Elders, and most of Dragon Squad, as Jona was performing surgeries and Moka had Emiry watching over the hospital since him and her still weren't on better terms, Moka began his meeting.

"I appreciate you all finding the time to make it here during these crazy times." Moka said to the group, expressing his thanks. He was still trying to get used to the whole "King" role, and didn't quite know how he should act and address others.

"It's no big thing, Mo. You're the King now, so of course we'll come when you call, but what's wrong? I can tell that something is bothering you." Said Roz as she looked at him with a worried expression.

Letting out a heavy sigh, Moka continued. "I'm sure you all know the state of the galaxy at the moment, things are royally fucked. Factions are popping up left and right, small wars a brewing all over, and the head of one of the biggest factions, this Army Of Light's Commander Mace Windu, sees me as evil incarnate. He has painted a target on me and our House ever since I was 6, and if what happened at Naboo was any sign, he's definitely going to be coming after us soon. As we are now, even with the new additions I brought from Kazarak, we're not nearly ready to defend ourselves." Moka said, the mood growing tense and somber in the room.

"So, what's your plan, King Mo? If there's one thing we can always count on, is that you always have some sort of plan, even if it's crazy or ridiculous." Rain said, eliciting a laugh from the group.

Chuckling at Rain, Moka nodded his head. "It's as you say, I do have a crazy and ridiculous plan cooked up, but it could cause some trouble for us at first. I plan on becoming Mand'alor and uniting all of the Clans under House Kahl." Moka said casually, as if he didn't just say something that could flip the galaxy on its head once more.

Roz stood up, completely shocked by what her dear nephew just said. There hadn't been a Mand'alor since Jango Fett, before he stepped down and the New Mandalorions eventually took over and ended the Warriors Culture, and even some people didn't Jango Fett as a true Mand'alor as he only took the position to get revenge, and once that was done, he gave up the over, launching all of Mandalore into chaos.

If what her nephew said is true, he was going to abolish the current government on Mandalore, and assume control. "Mo, this... Do you know what you're saying? If you go down this road, we will be tying our House back to Mandalore, and once you announce your claim, we'll become a target of every Clan, and even other factions who don't want to see us Mandalorions rise again." Roz said in a serious tone. Never in her life did she imagine Moka would vie to become Mand'alor, as she had to fight him just to become King. 'What has changed with him?' Roz asked herself, slightly eyeing Abbela as her womanly instincts were terrifying.

"Yes, I'm sure Aunt Roz. I have thought long and hard on this matter, and this is the only way to keep our people safe. Once Qui-Gon Jinn and the other Jedi heal, I plan on asking them to Join House Kahl and forming a new Order of Force users under our banner. We have many force sensitive people who had no hope of being trained, but with the addition of their future power and the power of all of Mandalore, House Kahl will be able to hold our own against the Republic, Army Of Light, or any one who stand against us. No matter what, I WILL make a safe space for my subjects and loved ones. On that, I stake it on my heart!" Moka said resolutely, that sent chills down everyone's spine.

Right before there eyes, they knew they were witnessing the start of someone great, and we're glad to be with the man who will surely have his name written in history.

The Republic betrayed the Jedi?! What could this mean? Also, be sure to check out the chapter I posted of my new fanfiction, 'One Piece: Rise Of The Raijin'

Lord_Bellcreators' thoughts
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