
Star Wars: Rise of the Skywalker Twins - Paused

After Anakin Skywalker defeated Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mustafar and the death of his lover Padmé, the young Sith lord became Emperor, took his children and raised them as Sith from birth. The Skywalker Twins became known through every single last corner of the galaxy as legends, though only few know the full story. This is their story, the legend of the Rise of the Skywalker Twins. _________ The two twins' personalities will differ from their Jedi/good guy counterparts in the canon. This is pretty much how I personally would view their personalities if they were instead born as Sith. Nature and Nurture both affect personalities in the real world and in my story. The story implements parts of the canon but it's not going to be incredibly consistent, as Star Wars canon already isn't even consistent in the first place and this is just a fanfic for funsies. Cover art: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/61361613660420513/

SurelyNotEli · Movies
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11 Chs

You are now Sith Lords.

The young Skywalker Twins found themselves standing in front of an ancient Sith cave on Mustafar, the same cave in which their father, Lord Vader, took his lightsaber and made his Kyber Crystal bleed when the twins were only infants.

"Brother." Leia said as Luke had just approached the cave a moment prior.

"Sister." Luke responded with a bit of malice in his voice.

"I hope all is well with your hand." Leia said condescendingly, though she truly did wish the best for his health.

"All is well, thank you for asking. I hope all is forgiven for my outburst after our conflict." Luke told her, unable to apologize as a normal human would, considering the fact that neither twin learned how to do so.

"All is forgiven, brother."

"As for you, my sister. Shall we begin our test?" Luke gestured toward the cave, inviting his sister to take the first steps into the darkness.

"We shall enter together, as we do with all of our training." Leia suggested. Luke agreed.

The two twins entered the abyss side by side in hopes that they could complete the final step in becoming a Sith Warrior together. Once shrouded in complete darkness, the two twins could only hear the other's footsteps and feel their presence beside them. After walking side by side and in a straight line through the darkness for only a few seconds, they emerged from the darkness alone.



Both spoke simultaneously, though their voice was not heard. Though they were both in the exact same section of the cave, it was as if they were inside of their own separate realities.

As if the two twins were on two opposing sides of a mirror, they continued to walk forward, matching each other's movements down to the pacing and exact foot that they'd step with.

The two twins found themselves in front of the roundtable at the end of the cave in which their father instructed them to begin the bleeding process. At the same time, the twins unhooked their sabers and placed them on the table before deconstructing them.

Within the same second of each other, both twins grabbed the Kyber Crystals from their deconstructed sabers and held them in front of their faces. This was the first time either twin was able to see one up close, both being astonished by their beauty.

Knowing that they had to make it bleed and the steps to do so, both twins began putting every negative emotion from their being into their respective crystals. Their eyes, as their father's did, shone yellow as they poured their black hearts into their crystals, though in the same fashion as their father, both twins found themselves unable to complete the transformation at first, due to mental blocks.

Leia thought of Grogu, the child she had just murdered in cold blood, causing her eyes to go back to their normal brown color as she began to lose control of her crystal.

Luke thought of his uncle and his family, replaying the event in his head on repeat as he killed his extended family without showing any mercy. His eyes also returned to their normal color as he began losing control of his crystal as well.

As guilt began to overwhelm them during the same exact moment in time, both twins were sent aback via an explosion from their Kyber Crystals causing them both to simultaneously slip into a Force vision, as their father did before them.

The twins' eyes shot open, leading them to find themselves approaching the entrance of their father's palace on Mustafar, wearing their black battle armor in full. From the bottom of the palace, the siblings could see their father, wearing his full armor, glaring down at him from his throne room.

The Skywalker twins, now in their twenties, glared back up at their father for a moment until he turned around and walked away from the window to sit back on his throne to wait for them to arrive before his throne.

The moat of the palace began to extend, showing an army of various different types of stormtroopers lining up ahead of the twins.

Luke and Leia, without hesitation and without their weapons drawn, began walking nonchalantly toward the hoard of what seemed like hundreds of Empire soldiers.

The army, lined up on the bridge in front of the twins, began firing their blasters at them as they slowly approached as if they were on a leisurely stroll.

Luke, holding his palm upward at waist level, began blocking every single last shot from the troopers' blasters, leaving their blaster bolts suspended in the air in front of him. After seeing that they're unable to penetrate Luke's forcefield, they all ceased their fire.

Knowing they don't stand a chance against something so powerful, the stormtroopers began to step backward slowly before throwing down their weapons and running for their lives toward the palace.

As Luke continued to hold the blaster bolts in the air and carry them with him, Leia extended her hand forward and began shooting Force lightning from her fingertips at all of the stormtroopers, locking them in place as they cooked inside of their armor.

Finishing the job, Luke lifted his pointer finger upward, sending the thousands of bolts flying toward the crowd of stormtroopers. Immediately, those caught in Leia's lightning were torn to smithereens by the one-man firing squad, shredding their burning skin and leaving scorching blaster holes in their bodies.

Leia ceased her Force lightning attack, causing all of the hundreds of stormtroopers before them to fall to the ground, lifeless. Though there were a few that somehow survived the combo, Luke and Leia simply lifted nothing more than a finger each as they used the force to swipe the remaining soldiers off of the bridge and into the molten lava below the moat.

The black armor-cladding twin Skywalkers continued their stroll toward the palace and through the smell of burning flesh without haste until the moat began to split apart, leaving them on the other side.

As if it was second nature, the two twins levitated off of the ground and began flying toward the entrance of the palace using the Force. The soldiers inside of the facility attempted to close the main entrance, however, just before the operator could do so, he took one fatal look at Leia Skywalker as she soared toward him.

Immediately, the man's body vaporized and was reduced to nothing more than ash simply due to Leia's gaze.

Delicately, both twins landed in front of the entrance of the palace and walked in, still unarmed.

A few snipers in recon gear, kneeling down behind cover on the upper balcony of the main entrance, began aiming their rifles at the two twins as they entered the building. Without even looking, Luke snapped his fingers, causing each of the snipers to combust into flames and explode, painting the walls with their blood and organs.

The soldiers on the ground level with the twins also aimed their weapons at them, yet they did not shoot due to fear and knowing that it would be pointless. Noticing their mental weakness, Leia waved a single finger in front of her, brainwashing the small group of soldiers into turning their weapons against each other in a free for all.

The sound of multiple blasters going off at once could be heard, followed by the loud thuds of each stormtrooper's dead body falling to the ground.

Without saying a word, both Skywalker twins made their way over to the elevator of the palace and pressed the button to call it to the ground level.

After waiting for a few seconds, the elevator arrived, revealing a group of ten Shadow Guards, all holding glowing red staffs reminiscent of Sith lightsabers.

Lifting just a finger, Luke crushed the elevator as if it were an empty can of soda, killing the ten guards inside instantly.

Without a second thought, both twins hopped on top of the crushed elevator before Luke used the Force to lift it up to the top floor. Once at the top, Leia blasted the doors open with a single Force push, revealing the entrance to their father's throne room.

The only thing stopping them was their father's two Imperial Royal Guards in red. Though the twins grew up with the guards, whom they almost saw as uncles to them, they immediately snapped both of the guards' necks, granting them a swift and painless death.

Using the Force, both twins pried the door to their father's throne room open before walking into the room to face him.

Vader, facing the window that overlooked his palace, swiveled his throne around to face his two offspring. With his chin resting on his fist, Lord Vader stood up on his feet before reaching down to grab his helmet that rested on a table beside his throne.

The Sith Lord then put on his helmet slowly without saying a word before igniting his lightsaber as he slowly began to walk down the stairs in front of his throne and toward his son and daughter without breaking masked eye contact.

Luke and Leia, as if they shared the same mind, unhooked their lightsabers from their belts and ignited them simultaneously, preparing themselves to strike down their father, seemingly to rule the Empire for themselves.

"Hah!" Both twins once again found themselves inside of the ancient Sith cave, breathing heavily after both experienced the same force vision. Neither of them had a clue what any of it meant, as their vision was much different from what their father described it would be like.

From what they remember, their father told them that his vision was seamless and took place seconds after his crystal exploded in front of him. He then explained that his vision represented what would have happened had he turned to the light side instead of committing himself to the dark side of the force.

For the twins, their vision skipped ahead to when they were young adults and wasn't seamless at all. Along with having skipped many years, the twins were using Sith abilities, therefore it was impossible that they had turned to the light side in that scenario as their father did in his vision.

They both wondered if what they just saw was just a random vision due to their negative emotions, or perhaps it was a premonition of what was to come.

Shaking off their lone thoughts, both twins rose to their feet simultaneously before approaching the roundtable once more.

Both twins, as if they were on two sides of a mirror, grabbed their crystals with their bare hands before pouring everything they had into them, just as their father did fifteen years prior.







All of these emotions within the Skywalker twins were poured into their respective Kyber Crystals, causing them both to shout in anguish. As they screamed, the sounds of thunder could be heard, the same as when their father was there doing the same ritual all those years ago.

Eventually, as their bodies strained to their limits, both crystals exploded, sending the twins flying backward with their crystals in hand. This time, however, their crystals bled red.

Both, once again rising to their feet in unison, approached the roundtable slowly before placing the crystal down on it. The two twins then reconstructed their lightsabers, holding the finished products in front of them once they placed their crystals in their respective slots.

At the exact same time, both Skywalker twins ignited their sabers.


As if they were looking in a mirror, each twin saw their sibling at the other side of the roundtable, holding their own bleeding lightsaber.

As their eyes shone yellow, the two twins grinned devilishly at each other, both feeling as if they were completely new beings. Simply undergoing the ritual made the two twins feel as if their power had doubled or perhaps even tripled.

They were now both committed to the dark side.

Together, the Sith Warriors walked back to their palace and entered their father's throne room to inform him that their training was now completed.

Kneeling before him, the two Sith held up their unignited lightsabers to their father, awaiting his commands.

"Show me."

Both twins ignited their sabers per his request, their bright red weapons reflected off of the lenses on Lord Vader's mask as he sat pleased on his throne. Without saying a word, Lord Vader stood up and walked between his two apprentices.

"Father?" Luke muttered in confusion, expecting at least minor words of praise from his father.

Vader stopped in his tracks, standing between the twins without looking at them as he spoke. "Let us go. You have much to learn still, my children." Vader continued walking out of his throne room and his twins began following behind him.

"Where are we going?" Leia asked.

"You are now Sith Lords. I shall now teach you both how a Sith claims a planet."

The three Skywalkers, along with multiple fleets of ships carrying hundreds of soldiers, flew to a planet known as Corellia, the next planet on the Empire's list to consume under their regime.

Upon landing, Lord Vader and his two twin apprentices exited their ship together and began walking side by side toward the capital, Coronet City, as hundreds of soldiers from their Imperial Army followed behind them.