
Star Wars: Rise of The Order

The Order has fallen and the Jedi are dead or scattered in the Universe, all hope is lost. But what if... But what if there was a young man who could stop all this before it happens? Someone who could guide Skywalker or warn the Order of the Evil in their middle Or... Someone who makes his own order?

Barokonos · Movies
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21 Chs

The awakening


That was everything I could see at the beginning. Just Darkness. After a while it got boring and I tried to move but to no avail. But then with an booming noise, there was light. And not the blinding, unkind one. No, it was like the embrace of your mother when it was rainy outside and you are cuddling with your her on the couch and watching an Movie.

And with that feeling came my memory. I didn't realize before that I didn't have memories or feelings, but now they came and hit my like a punch. I remembered my Family, my beautiful wife, my two sweet, sweet children.

And my death.

Me and my family were out to watch the newest Star Wars movie, Rise of the Jedi. We were just out of the car when I heard a loud bang. Behind us was a Truck , which was ramming everything out of his way. Then everything went fast. I grabbed my wife and our two children and just in time shoved them on the Walkway. 1 second after came the Truck.

I can't really remember anything from the crash, just that i was so in pain! Like my very soul was damaged. And than came the darkness.

I am angry. Angry and Sad. Why did this has to happen to me? I lived such a good life and now everything was taken from me. I couldn't fall more in despair because right then care a loud booming voice from the life.

"You are right my child, your time hasn't come yet." I looked direct in the light. "God, is that you?" I never believed in god, I was a confident Atheist, but hey, I was clever enough to admit it when I made a mistake or was in the wrong . The loud voice light loud, it shoked my whole body.

"Something like that, my boy, something like that." " So... am I coming in heaven or what?" I know, pretty disrespectful, but hey, I just lost my life a life with a wife, children and everything you could ask for. Let's just say I wasn't in the best mood.

"Hahahaha, I liked you, little one. Let me ask you a question, would you like to live again? Of course your old live, that is not possible, but you can choose every Fictonary universe you can think of." I looked at him warily."Everything i want?" "Everything."


I thought for a moment. It was so much to process. I died, and now a god-like being is offering me a life in a Universe of my choosing. I mean, I always liked star wars, and I was on the way to the next movie. Maybe I should have thought a little bit more about it but I said to me "Fuck it!"

"I choose the Star Wars universe. And I want It to be 25 Years before the Blockade of Naboo."

I felt the approval of the being. I also feel an energy that was slowly encasing me and my whole being. "Good choice my boy, and because I like you I am giving a little surprise on the way. Good luck and may the force be with you." Before I could ask anything I was gone

Hey guys.

I am trying myself to fan fictions. Its my first time writing one and some details may not match with the original.

Hope you like it and may the force be with you ;D

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