
Star Wars: Rise of The Order

The Order has fallen and the Jedi are dead or scattered in the Universe, all hope is lost. But what if... But what if there was a young man who could stop all this before it happens? Someone who could guide Skywalker or warn the Order of the Evil in their middle Or... Someone who makes his own order?

Barokonos · Movies
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21 Chs



Something different finally, but now it was a blinding light. I mean, thanks god no more darkness but I wanted to finally see the world. Like on cue my vision went better and better. After a few seconds I could see shadows. A few seconds more and I could already see the edges. I needed full 5 minutes to see everything clear and sharp. And the first thing I saw was a man with a concerned face . He looked to be in his thirties. He had a good build and from what I could see, he was tall, I think like 1,90m-2,00m and was ripping with muscles. He had a brown skin, probably from the work on the fields or generally work from outside the house. His long, brown hair was bundeld together on his head to a braid. He looked like a Viking.

He started to talk but I couldn't understand him. After a few words, I could to my suprise understand some of his words.

Why.....not.....to quiet.....

And then it came to me! He looked so worried because I didn't scream! I instantly began screaming from the top of my lungs and my "Father" finally looked calmer and smiled a little bit. "Give him to me Dear." came a feminien voice from behind me,which I could suprised understand quiet well. My father looked for the first time away from me hand watched the women.

"Of course Darling, here we go"

He gave me away to my mother. And when I mean my mother, than I mean my real mother. Like, my mother from my first Life. She had red hair as if it was washed it blood, her skin was liked sculptured marmor and she had an all-loving aura, as if all life was precious to her. The only difference were her eyes. Their were blood-red. In the beginning I were scared, but shortly after the familarity she was giving of calmed me down. "What a cutie you are!" She holded me very close to myself, and I have to say, I just felt like I was hugging my real mother.

No that is my real mother! I have to finaly realise that my old life is over and that i should embrace my new life. THAT, is my family now and I should accept that now!

"What should be his name Dear?" asked my father with nothing but love in his eyes.

My mother firts looked at him, than raised me in the air and said with pride in her eyes and voice.:"Jar. Jar-Darus, like his granpa, who was a great warrior and wise man."

With a voice that just I could hear it she said:"May you be as wise as he was and be as strong as your father."

"And as handsome as you're mother." My father said with his loud bass. My mother looked at him at shock that he has heared her. He laughted a hearty laught and kissed my mom on the forhead

Then we cudled together and my Mom and Dad began sleeping. I tried to sort myself and to calm mysolf from this rollercoaster of emotions. I wanted to call Ibo,but then athe fatigue from the birth kicked in and beforeI could say something, I was asleep.

I was dreaming about the Galaxy, I could see a ship flying trought it but I couldn't see the structur of it. I saw two beings, fighting and trieng to controll the other. And next I saw the two beings, no more fighting, but fused to one whole thing, and it was more powerfull than both entitys taken togehter. I didnd't saw as much as I was feeling, I was feeling a rainbow on emotions: Rage, Love, Envy, Peace, Pride, Humble....

And before I could dwell more into this feelings, I waked up.