
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

Faylan · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 9 – Green Jedi Enclave

Once their discussion over, they got back to Corellia and settled at the Coronet Arms Hotel in the government district of Corellia they got rooms with a word of Nejaa, he took care of everything concerning Layan's stay on Corellia. And this hotel was near the Green Jedi Enclave, so they could keep an eye on him.

The Coronet Arms Hotel was the most luxurious hotel of Corellia and has a prestigious history, it served as a stronghold during the Cold War to repel the Sith Empire. In fact, all the government district of Corellia served as a stronghold.

From his room, Layan could see the Jedi enclave, it may not be as huge as the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, but it stays majestic and impressive. This building was impressive and has the story to back it, the shield was extremely powerful and resisted to a full-scale assault in the past, and even a ship crashed into the enclave, but in the end, the damages to the buildings were minimal.

They got 2 rooms, Layan had his own and the three girls were sharing one. He could hear the laugh of the girls that were enjoying the luxurious hotel through the wall. They were slaves not long ago and now they were enjoying the luxury and a hot bath.

While they were enjoying themselves, Layan was focusing his attention with the force and was searching how much the green Jedi were cautious of him. He was an expert in spying and security technology, it was his line of work before he began his training under Shaak Ti, he found easily several surveillances devices. Except that, he detected two young Jedi using Force Cloak to hide himself to the force, but it wasn't perfect and Layan saw through them.

Before Palpatine betrayal, Force Cloak was an ability considered as almost useless but after this, everyone understood how powerful it could be in the hand of a master. This is the reason why master Shaak Ti was insistent for him to master it. Once again, she was right, during his time he used it several times to hide from the Emperor shadow guard and other emperor's dogs.

(Pretty lax, but their troops should be stationed near here, but I think it shows their goodwill or at least the fact that they are less paranoiac than the high council. If Palpatine didn't destroy them, their defiance against their own members may have caused a war in the long run.)

Soon, the sounds coming to the room beside his died down, the girls finally fell asleep and after a short time, Layan did the same.

In the morning, they were offered a lavish meal that pleased the girls and made them smile. The conversation was going full swing between the girls while Layan only listened to them.

"We could go shopping once we're finished. Layan as a small fortune on him."

Xiann was stoic most of the time, but when the topic was about something she liked, she became strangely enthusiastic.

"Yes, you're right. I have a small fortune. Not you." Layan told them with a sly smile.

"Master is a meanie. Won't you buy clothes for your apprentices? Should I really follow you? I don't want to starve to death."

Lyn said with a cute tone and pleading eyes to obtain what she wanted.

"Miss 'I wanted to be a Jedi', do you know that they deny materialism?"

Layan said simply to see her reaction but she simply giggled and found an answer.

"Good that my master isn't a Jedi. Now can we go shopping?"

Layan was a bit surprised; his new apprentice seems to be more astute than he thought she was. While Xiann was laughing watching the two and their antics, Aola was looking on the sidelines with a smile.

"Tch. I planned to go shoplifting after buying the ship and then stock everything in the ship holds. Now that the planning changed, I wanted to wait until the ship is ready."

"Rent a hold at the spaceport and put everything in it. Can we go shopping?"

Lyn was insisting and Layan wasn't against the idea. He had more money than necessary now that he didn't have to pay for the ship, he could spend a bit and still have enough to buy illegal modifications somewhere.

"Okay, we'll go shopping, but your next lesson will be patience and self-control."

"You'll have to wait. The council is asking for your presence."

Behind them, Nejaa comes and announced while looking at them. Layan would have to meet the Green Jedi Council, he may not seem hostile and was under constant watch, but the council wanted to meet him to be sure of him.

"Sure. I was almost certain I would have to meet them. Lead the way. Girls you can stay here, Lyn you come. I'm sure it will be okay for you to watch sparring or attend a lesson while I talk to the council."

"But master, our shopping…" Lyn wanted to contest but Layan cut her before she could continue.

"After my meeting with the council is over."

Besides them, Nejaa giggle and lead them to his speeder before heading to the enclave. The building was visible from the hotel, the trip would be short.

"A master will give a lesson about Form II Makashi, she may assist it from the sidelines."

Soon, they landed near the green Jedi enclave and walked toward it as Nejaa was leading the group. The building was tall and majestic, the building was protected by several jedis keeping watch over the building like the Jedi temple guards on Coruscant.

Jedis may be living humbly, but they like to show the power of their order, be it the Jedi temple on Coruscant or the green Jedi enclave, these two buildings share the fact of being huge and impressive. No one can step into these places except Jedi or the chosen few allowed to step in the building.

Beautiful statues depicting previous famous Jedi masters from Corellia were displayed at the entrance, around the temple were some greenery giving a more natural vibe that fit well with the jedis and their green clothes.

Layan always found it strange. If the Jedi order talked always of being one with the force and serving the peoples to protect peace in the galaxy. Then, why would they distance themselves so much from nature and peoples? To him, it was the best to lose yourself and your goal from sight.

All the jedis and padawans around were wearing green clothes, some with the traditional garb, others with more normal clothes but without changing the color.

Once inside, they could appreciate the building, the calm and solemn ambiance in the enclave. Several pillars with intricate designs were connecting the floor and the ceiling, a green huge carpet was traversing the hall, from the entrance to the stairs leading further into the enclave.

Besides the walls, statues around 3 meters in height and made from a golden material depicting old masters either holding a book or wielding a lightsaber were positioned to face those walking in the room. At the foot of the statues were carved their names and a famous quote told by these masters during their life.

In the hall, he could see a group of younglings meditating while a teacher was guiding them in a relaxing tone to help them focus on their task.

Walking up the stairs, they walked through the corridors with a ceiling maybe ten meters above their heads. Columns were disposed along the wall every three meters. The floor was shiny white with several brown and green patterns depicting a Jedi symbol with an old language written on it. At the end of the corridor, maybe 300 meters away, a large window was giving a bright light illuminating the white corridor.

"Wow, it's really imposing like building. Did someone already lose himself in this Daedalus?" It was Lyn remark as they were walking silently through the enclave.

"Several at the beginning, it took a few days to the younglings to find their way to their classes." Nejaa chuckled seemingly remembering something.

Nejaa opened a door where a Jedi master started to give classes to a dozen younglings that were holding training lightsabers in their hands.

Nejaa talks with the Jedi master and after their conversation was over, Lyn was allowed to watch ad listen to the lesson from the sidelines until Layan interview with the council was over. If the lesson wasn't finished by then, a padawan would show her the sparring room were younglings were training.

Once the girl was ready to listen, Layan and Nejaa left and walked through another corridor that ended to a door of humble design. Really unfit to be the council door if you think of what the rest of the building was like.