
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

Faylan · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 8 – Searching for a ship

Layan preference goes to the YT-series because most of the ships of this series are highly upgradeable and can become unique to fulfill the requirements of the owner.

The YT-series went on to become one of the most popular space transport hulls ever produced, revolutionizing the interstellar shipping industry with its unparalleled application of modular design.

"Here is a YT-1250 freighter, it has less cargo capacity than his predecessor, the YT-1200, but it made up for that by having stronger engines, heavier weapons, and a basic set of shields and can be modified at will."

The salesman started to explain as he shows them a ship looking strangely like the Millennium Falcon of Han Solo.

"No, the modifications available are too few and I don't want of the leftovers of an already out of date ship. Let's continue."

Layan knew exactly what was the YT-1250, it was old ships made to look like more recent models. When the YT-1300 was released, the sales results were incredible and the orders for YT-1200 became exceedingly few, so the CEC created the YT-1250 using the huge stock left of YT-1250 that had become obsolete. That's was how this model was born it was a low-end version of the YT-1300. This ship must have been one of the last lefts, as it was created to sell a pile of unused stock.

The salesman didn't take offense of Layan remark and stayed professional. Stepping in a new section, they saw a shape that Layan was familiar with, several finished YT-1300 were here, waiting to be purchased.

Some were different from others from an outside perspective, the difference being the cockpit position, 3 variants were possible on this model, a port-mounted cockpit, a starboard-mounted cockpit, and a centrally mounted cockpit.

The YT-1300 is like all the other ships of this series, it has a saucer appearance with an external cockpit, two mandibles at the bow and a crescent-shaped sublight engine at the back of the hull.

The YT-1300 model followed the concept of all YT's with a circular main corridor and modular compartments all radiating outwards from a central core.

"Can we board and visit an F?"

Before the salesman could start the ship presentation, Layan asked for a tour, he didn't want to buy it, he just wanted to see what it look like as brand new to compare with the wreck he saw in Solo hands.

"Yes. As you seem to know, the 1300 internal disposition can be arranged for 3 cases, F for the freight transport, P for passenger transport and FP that is a mix of the two."

They walked up the ramp and boarded a freight version of the YT-1300. Inside was really different from what Layan remember, not the disposition of the ship, but the cleanliness, everything was white and tidy. Really different from Solo Millennium Falcon where corridors were covered in filth or patches of mechanical fluids, and they were no cables hanging everywhere.

"This ship has a maximum atmospheric speed 800 km, a Hyperdrive of Class 2.0, equipped with a navigation system, need only one person to pilot, the cargo capacity is of…"

Layan didn't listen much and was just watching, meanwhile, the girls were following behind while listening to the salesman and watching the ship interior. Learning that the classic hyperdrive is of 2.0 gave him a smile knowing that Han Solo modify it for a 0.5, it may look like a pile of junk but the Falcon was fast.

The ship had a black polished floor, you could see yourself in the reflection, the circular corridors were clean and beautiful. The disposition was good and gave more space with things like the bungs in the wall or other good ideas, and they even thought of leisure things like the holo-game table.

After walking through the core center, the salesman guided them to each hold, then to the cockpit while explaining all the specificities of the YT-1300.

"A good ship, but I would like something more modern, could you show us your most recent models?"

Once the tour finished, they went down the ramp to resume the visit.

They passed through several compartments and skipped through a few blocks were where parked ships of other categories and among them, Layan saw his previous ship, a CSS-1 it was really large in comparison to the ship he was searching for.

After this, they finally arrived where the salesman wanted to guide them, a hangar where were parked several YT-1760.

The YT-1760 design wasn't really pleasing to the eyes and his performance wasn't perfect either. Layan would prefer something better but he saw no YT-2000 and YT-2400 in this hangar.

"You have nothing else?"

The salesman was taken aback, to not found what your searching for in the CEC is extremely rare. He wanted to say something until Layan asked something.

"What is that ship? Is it for sale?"

Looking toward the direction Layan was pointing, the salesman saw a ship half-finished looking a bit like a YT-1300.

"This ship is a prototype, but it was rejected by the CEC director boards, and they validated another model to produce in the years to come, the YT-1930."

"I want this ship. can I buy it? I can help you improve the design if you want, I have several ideas that could make your directors approve of it."

The salesman wanted to answer no, the prototypes aren't for sales even if they are rejected, but a loud voice interrupted their conversation.

"You may take it, but only if I approve of your plans, this ship is my baby the directors said they refused it but my plan wasn't finished. Who are they to criticize my work?! Bunch of idiots!"

A man in his mid-forties came walking toward them while talking with his loud voices that may be heard all around the station and maybe from Corellia.

"Sir Layan, this is…"

The salesman didn't have time to continue as he was once again interrupted.

"I'm Drake Drisc, chief engineer, designer, and manager of the construction of all the CEC shipyards."

The man said while shaking his hand with energy. He was wearing work clothes covered in patches of oil and other things, he had a big friendly smile and messy black hairs and beard.

"Won't you have problems with your bosses if you insult them openly like that?"

He snorted heavily and said with pride.

"They can try, my family is influent on Corellia, I work here because building and designing ships is my passion. If they fire me, I'll work for one of their concurrent and wait for them to come and beg me to come back. Now kid, let's talk about your plans in my office."

Layan followed him and found his "office", to say an old YT-1200 laying down here apparently for years.

Drake took a pad with several designing programs on it with the actual plans shown on the screen.

Layan recognized what Drake wanted to create, and it was exactly what he was searching for: The popular YT-2400 Light Freighter. Now, he knew why the YT-2000 wasn't so different from the 2400. The CEC wanted to create a new ship but the plans weren't perfect, Drake was still working on it at the time of the 2000's release.

Layan took the pad from Drake's hand and started to create the plans and details of the YT-2400 from what he could remember, Drake, watch him work and sometimes filled the blanks. Several hours later, the plans of the YT-2400 Layan knew of in his past life were drawn, meanwhile, the girls fell asleep from boredom.

"Great! You may not be an engineer but you are a talented kid. Want to work for me?"

Drake was ecstatic, he saw that Layan wasn't really proficient with the designing program and sometimes made basic mistakes but he had a good idea, as good as himself.

"No, thanks I just want to have a good ship." Layan just stole Drake's creation without him knowing, he couldn't abuse the poor man anymore.

"Don't worry, I'll build for you the best of the best! Now that we created the standard model, what do you want for your personal ship?"

"Let's see. Here, the two quarters near the upper hatch, put down this partition wall to create a double room. The quarter closest to the boarding ramp, transform it into an infirmary, and the hold number 2 I'll make of it a training room so put protection around the environmental controls, it would be bad to damage it by accident."

"That's it?"

"For the interior, yes. Now, I'll need to improve the hyperdrive because of your 2.0 suck and an improved hull and a better deflective shield. As for the armament, I'll see it later. What's the price for all this?"

"They shouldn't be any problem to improve the hull but the hyperdrive engine that can go to 1 and below are regulated. I'll see if I can pull that off with my family influence. As for the price…"

Drake was pensive while looking at the modified plans displayed on the holoprojector.

"Nothing, you have nothing to pay."

"Why?" Layan already knew the reason but followed the mood.

"Kid, I don't know if you realize but you just gave the best plans the CEC could hope for, we will use it for at least 50 years. If we can't offer you this, then we shall be greedy bastards." Drake was laughing so loud that he woke up the girls.

"How long should I wait to see my ship?"

"The prototype is half good, we'll need several major modifications, everything else can be done pretty fast because the YT is easily modulable. If all the engineers and droids I can mobilize for single project work at full throttle, maybe 2 weeks."