
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

Faylan · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 10 - Green Jedi Council

Stepping in, Layan saw a circular room filled with 8 seats. The room had a simple design, except for the big symbol of the green Jedi on the floor, there were almost no decorations inside the room. The council room was located at the highest point of the green Jedi enclave.

The light coming from the windows gave good lighting to the room. The 8 seats were all occupied with 5 humans, a Mon calamari, a Selonian, and a Drall. The seats were arranged in half-circle and faced the door where Nejaa and Layan came through.

The masters of the council were looking at him while Nejaa stepped behind near the door. A human male in his forties with a black beard, hairs and a muscular body began the conversation.

"Hello, friend. I'm master Lan Horn, we called you to ask you a few questions about yourself and your motive.

"Hello, Layan Vaherg. Ask away, I'll answer the best I can."

Layan chose to answer truthfully to their queries the best he could, and if they ask his origins then he would have to improvise a lie.

"Nejaa informed us that you came to Corellia to buy a ship. To this, we see no problem, but we would like to know more about yourself, we can't let a force-sensitive individual such as yourself roam free, otherwise, we would be unworthy of our oath to protect Corellia."

The mon calamari master took over the man and resumed the conversation which owed him a bad glare from one of the other human Corellian Jedi. If he knew about it, he ignored it and continued his speech.

"We would like to know what is your goal once you will have left Corellia."

"I don't really know, I planned absolutely nothing in the long-term. I was a bit lost when I saw this young force-sensitive girl and took her in. For now, I'll take care of her and teach her the ways of the force. As for what will come after, I'll think of it when the time will come."

The green Jedi could try to detect lies in him, he said the full truth, he took Lyn under his wing on a whim and pushed further the thought of his futures acts. The decision he has to make it difficult and decided to think of it when he would be calm and when he would have adapted to this still new situation.

"Hmm." The man who began the conversation seem to be thinking like all the present masters but except that they let nothing shown on their faces.

"I would like to know who took care of your formation, your connection to the force seems strong, and you're standing on a strange equilibrium in the force. Few masters can do that in the present times where we lost a lot of our knowledge and became less tolerant than before concerning force powers considered as borderlines."

A woman master sitting at Lan Horn right ask Vaylan this question while thinking pensively at who his master could be.

"I'm sorry but I'd rather not answer this question."

Layan chose to simply tell the truth and see if they would try to dig out further information's about his mysterious master.


The woman said simply with a raised eyebrow, Layan answer also surprised the others. Seeing Mon calamari with a surprised expression was pretty fun as they have a big head and bulging eyes.

"My master is a Jedi or at least was, after some events her thoughts about the order started to diverged even if they stayed close, but she thinks a change is necessary for the Jedi order to prosper. I'm in the know about the rift between the main order and the green jedis, that's why I'm talking frankly with you."

During the clone wars, this gap between the corellians and traditionalist Jedis will slowly close until being almost inexistent, but as the war didn't start yet it means that their view is still opposed for some time.

"What do you mean?"

The woman continued to lead the conversation with Layan and asked him a bit interested in his statements.

"Let's not even talk about the lost twenty, the order on Coruscant became less tolerant and even paranoid, this fact is even truer since the discovery of the non-extinction of the Sith. That's why I don't want to reveal my master name, they may track in their paranoia, and I don't want this to happen."

The woman nodded and the man took over and the Selonian master asked him on an interested tone.

"What kind of change your master is talking about?"

"I'll try to be short, otherwise it will take time. First, in our time the jedis lost their independence and are dependent on the politics and are at the beck and call of the chancellor and other politicians. Then let's talk about their rules far too restrictive, be it in terms of researches about the force or about the age limit for recruiting new jedis if these rules were applicated in the past Nomi Sunrider would never have become a Jedi and we may live in a darker time by now. There is also the forbiddance for jedis to have a family that you chose to refuse because of your traditions."

"She wants rules to go back at what they were during the Old Republic or even before that?"

"Not exactly, some changes were good but other weakened the Jedi order, how could you fight a dark sider if you don't even know about their abilities and the influence the dark side has over an individual. You, for example, are proof of some good rules from old, if jedis can have children, the order may be empowered by it. Several jedis bloodline are powerful and famous, I can quote a few, the Halcyon, the Shan, or the Sunrider."

Layan continued spouted out a few arguments he already told his master hundreds of times in the past while they were talking about the past and the mistakes done by the order.

"You did well to not talk about it to the order on Coruscant, you would have been interrogated in a cell by now."

The mon calamari said on a derisive tone apparently, he had a bad opinion of the main Jedi order.

"Yes, I know master Yoda may be wise but the acceptance of change isn't one of his fortes. He is too biased on the traditionalist view, and it may cause division among the order. He already lost his own apprentice because of it, making him one of the lost twenty, adding to the glory of the old green grandmaster."

Once again, Layan grudge against Yoda appeared even if he came back to this time and may change the past if Yoda stays the leader of the Order, the problem may never disappear and let's not even talk about Windu and his extreme loyalty to an already corrupt regime.

His remark about Yoda cool down a bit the temperature in the room but their conversation resumed for about twenty minutes from the force to politics.

"I don't know why, but I'm feeling ever since Naboo blockade, I don't if it was learning about the fact of the Sith being still alive and kicking or something else. I feel some strange play in the air, like if an invisible hand was holding everyone as his marionettes."

Layan chose to put a small interrogation for them, maybe they will explore it, maybe not. Maybe it will alter tremendously the future or not at all. He just wanted to let these words float, to see if it could disturb Palpatine ploy or not.

"What do you mean?"

The drall master opened his mouth for the first time since the beginning of the meeting. Layan saw something in his eyes as if a thirsty man in the desert finally found water.

"I told you, I don't know. I just have this strange feeling when I look at how the political situation is evolving in our galaxy."

After that, they exchanged a few banalities and the meeting finally ended. Bidding his farewell to the council, Nejaa then led him to the room where Lyn was taking classes but no one was inside. They resumed their walk toward the sparring area where they found two padawans around 16 and 18 in a sparring match with Lyn sitting on the sidelines with several younglings to watch the match.

Seeing Lyn so focused on the match, they stepped behind her and stay stood to watch the fight between the padawan. Barely a minute later, it ended when the oldest one fainted an attack with his lightsaber which lured his opponent and gave him an elbow blow at the mouth making him step back and used the time, he had to put his lightsaber at the throat of his destabilized opponent.

"Nice fight, you two. Keep up the good work."

Nejaa congratulated the padawans and gave them a few pieces of advice while Layan talked to Lyn.

"How was it?"

"Awesome, I'm so hurried to hold my lightsaber and train!"

The young girl was really enthusiastic, but Layan chose to cool down her eagerness to make her more focused, she wouldn't be at the level of these two padawans in just a few days.

"They have years of training behind them, if you want to catch up, you'd better listen and focus during your future lesson. When you'll be ready, I'll even take you to find your crystal and build your own lightsaber."

Nejaa came back some time later after finishing giving a few bits of advice and led them outside the enclave.