
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

Faylan · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 3 - Escape

Once he stepped down the platform, Layan was led through the corridor to his buyer, the female Askajian.

Stepping into the VIP room, I was greeted with the view of a man licking the genitals of the Askajian as she was seated in a chair.

While he was looking at the scene, one of the female attendants standing at each corner of the room gave him a kick in the knee to make him kneel down.

Layan could turn around subdue her easily, but his goal was only to board the ship they came with, take over it and then he would take his time as to whether acts or not to change the future.

Once he knelt down, the Askajian turned her head to look at him and push the head of the male slave out of her crotch. While looking at Layan up and down, she had lustful gaze and licked her lips.

"Greeting my master."

Playing the obeying slave was degrading but he only had to bear with it only for a short while, then he would kill her, not only because she was buying slave, but because she dares to buy him to be her boy toy.

"Good, at least you know how to obey. It would trouble me if I had to tame you, although it could be interesting too."

Her slight smile was creepy, to say the least, but to Layan, someone who fought Darth Vader face to face, it could only make him laugh.

"Let's continue, next prize, what could become the best bodyguard of the galaxy, a male Icarii!!"

At these words, the crowd was ecstatic, whoever buys this slave will have a near-immortal bodyguard able to resist the worst fights. The Icarii's were a near-human species native to Vestar with unique biology. They were able to survive after dismemberment, or decapitation, one of the only known way to kill them was to cut their brain in half. A common phrase says that you have to kill them 7 times before killing them for good.

"300,000 credits!!" Yelled a buyer in the crowd.

The announcer couldn't even finish the presentation of the prize before the crowd started bidding like crazy.



Everyone was bidding, even the richest in the VIP room that was pretty low-key until now. The bidding became outrageous, even among the richest we could hear people insult each other. The owner of the auction house had to calm them down to avoid a riot.

Finally, the bidding ended at 920,000 credits. With such an amount you can buy several brand new corellian light freighters or even better ships and have enough credits left to add the best modifications to it.

After this came 3 Lethan Twi'leks which aroused the perverts in the crowds as well as powerful diplomats or rich merchants. Those searching to buy those Lethan Twi'leks weren't all perverts, owning a Lethan Twi'lek is a sign of wealth and power. Those who buy them use them as a way to show off to potential partners or competitors.

Once again, the selling prices were outrageous. After this, the auction resumed and a young and pretty white-skinned Twi'lek girl raised in the air while standing on the platform.

"Our next prize, a female Twi'lek, she is 14, as you can see, she is already extremely pretty but her features presage an incomparable beauty. She is educated and intelligent. I'm sure she will please you. Our auction starts at 300,000 credits."

The announcer presentation didn't meet the truth at all, her skin was shiny and as white as the snow. On her skin, she had dark tattoos all over her body, on her lekkus it has a circle pattern as it followed the lekkus. On her face, she had tattoos around her eyes, accentuating her beautiful blue sapphire eyes and a pair of dark strokes on her cheeks. She also had a thin black lipstick on her lips.

On her upper body, the tattoos above her chest looked like several tree branches where the trunk goes through her breast and the roots open above her navel, encasing around a triangle, attracting the attention to her navel.

On her legs, the tattoos were few, only a line descending from her hips along her leg to stop only at her heels.

She was wearing few clothes made of thin and see-through tissue. Her appearance was stunning her snow-white skin and features gave her a pure vibe, while her tattoos drawn the eyes to several places and gave her an air of seductress. The mix of the two was exotic and particularly appealing.




Soon, the auction house became noisy as the buyers were fighting to get her. It wasn't surprising, she was stunning and young, which may help during her conditioning. Training a young lost girl was easy for someone with the appropriate knowledge.

Someone like Layan.

Don't get him wrong, he wasn't a pervert that wanted a girl to obey him with a finger snap. He wanted her for something different, he felt it through the Force, this girl was Force-sensitive. He could train her and get her out of slavery. When he saw her, he didn't saw a stunning frightened teen, he saw himself. In the past he had to suffer and went through horrible things, she was like him and he could help her. Furthermore, if he really planned to act to modify the flow of things, then a loyal assistant may be a big help.

As he was thinking, the binding ended and the young Twi'lek girl was sold for 930,000 credits to a Chagrian.

Seeing this, He used the Force choke skill to strangle the 4 attendants in the room and put his hand on the mouth of the Askajian to stop her to howl for help.

"If I were you, I would shut up."

While he said that, he uses her remote controller to deactivate his collar, let fall the now dead attendants and used the Jedi Mind Trick to use his new master to get in touch with the girl.

"You want to obtain this Twi'lek by any means." Layan said while waving his hand.

"I want to obtain this Twi'lek by any means."

Getting up, they left the VIP room and headed toward the opposite VIP room where was located the bidding winner. A servant saw them arrive and greet them politely.

"Greetings, mistress. How could I help you?"

"I would like to meet the person that just bought the young Twi'lek with snow-white skin." The Askajian said in a strange tone, she was still affected by his mind trick.

"I'm sorry to inform you that the occupant of this room just left after receiving his slave."

After that, the two of them left the auction house and took a transport that drove them toward the spaceport. Arriving at the spaceport, they located the young Twi'lek girl, a Chagrian male dressed richly and 3 Lethan Twi'lek slaves ready to board a Gozanti Cruiser.

(So, he has a kink for Twi'leks. He chooses to leave when he saw on the program that they were no other female Twi'lek for sales.)

Approaching them, the Askajian started to ask him to sell the girl, but he refused adamantly, which in turn made her almost crazy as she couldn't obtain what she wanted. She was hyperventilating and holding her head seemingly in pain under mental stress.

(How can my mind trick be this powerful? My short stay in the flow of force affected my connection to the Force even more than I thought.)

Finally, the events evolved in something he didn't foresee. The Askajian took a blaster out of her sleeves and shot the man.

(I really said by any means. Pretty impressive, I'll have to test the limit of my new found abilities.)

The slaves were in an uproar and people in the spaceport started to look toward them. Approaching behind the woman that dares to buy him like livestock, he put his arm around her neck and snapped her neck before letting her fall dead on the ground.

Looking at the 4 Twi'lek, he talked to them in a reassuring tone.

"We don't have much time, so I'll make it quick. My name is Layan Vaherg and I can help you leave this place, but we have to leave. Now!"

While saying that, he used the datapad of the dead man and deactivate the collar, after opening with a click sound, they fall to the ground. Not waiting for the girls, Layan climbed the ramp and boarded the ship. Heading to the cabin, he reprogrammed the astromech droid with his mechu-deru ability and started the engine.

The girls must have made their choices because he felt them boarding the ship through the force. Remotely closing the ramp, He took off the ground as peoples started yelling after discovering the dead bodies.

Once he left the atmosphere of the planet, he activated the hyperdrive before the ships stationed up there tried to stop them. Through the cockpit, he saw the stars become arrows of light that filled his visual field as they disappeared in hyperspace.