
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

Faylan · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 2- Doubts

Layan stayed inside the cage for 3 days, but he wasn't depressed, sad or at the end of the rope. Inside his head, a heated debate was taking place as to which course of action he should take. In the end, staying in a dark room for 3 days while talking to yourself in your head isn't the best thing to do.

After all, it isn't everyone that can say that he holds the life of billions of peoples in his hands and can predict the future with certainty in the same phrase.

Layan repeated the same question again and again and finally discovered that each time, he became less and less sure of what to do. It is like when you read something complicated, the 1st time you think you understand perfectly and the more time you re-read it the more puzzled you become.

(Anakin could be eliminated to prevent a threat, or Layan could help him and win over a powerful ally. An ally that could become an enemy because of his hot-headed temperament and his lover which has for a habit to put herself in mortal danger on a regular basis.)

(The Republic was corrupted and run either by idealists, fools, or greedy bureaucrats. Palpatine Empire roots are already in place for some time. Should I really save such a corrupted regime or cleanse it in blood?)

(The Empire was the thing I hated the most in my previous life but was it really such a bad thing? Yes, it was corrupted, lead by human supremacists and Siths, construct weapons of mass destruction, but it…. Shit! I found no good points.)

(The Jedi Order is complacent, arrogant and is brainwashing children at a very young age. They are unable to understand their own members and are led by the Republic which itself is corrupted, and they lost their independence.)

In the end, with all these things, he somehow lost touch with reality Layan was here in an era he only heard in my history lessons and was planning to rewrite history. All this, piled up together makes him feel as if he was in a hyper-reality. Feeling as if everything was just part of a storybook and that he was the main character.

(Should I create a new order? Become the Emperor a new order Force-users with a different code, it may be time to change the view of the force and stop this cycle of Jedi and Sith wars.)

(Was the Empire a necessary evil? During the 3 years that lasted the Clone Wars, they lost numerous Jedi because of either defection or treason, for example, Asajj Ventress, Pong Krell, Ahsoka Tano, Barriss Offee, Quinlan Voss for a time, Anakin Skywalker. A group of Jedi decided to leave after being traumatized by the Battle of Geonosis but were killed by separatists, and before the clone wars, other famous figure left the Order, like Dooku or Sharad Hett.)

His mind was thinking at high speed and thought to everything his master ever taught him about history.

(If they lost so much Jedis in 3 years, what would happen in the long term if the Order wasn't destroyed? The worst possibility would be a schism that ends in blood like the one that led to the end of Je'daii and the creation of the Jedis and Siths. It may be a bit nihilistic to consider only those options, it could settle peacefully like the creation of the Altisian Jedis. But among all those who left during the Clone Wars few had a common belief, and of those who had, what they had in common was they thought that the Jedi Order was corrupted, arrogant and should become independent of the Republic.)

This way, he slowly lost contact with reality and stayed inside the cage for 3 days, he could evade whenever he wanted and the easiest way would be when he will be sold. Taking over a ship while everyone on board had their guard down was an easy feat, he did it a lot in the past.

(In this era, the only person I want to protect are Master Shaak Ti, my brother and the parents I barely remember of, to me everyone else seems like the characters of a game or a novel. I believe I 'll soon become crazy. I'm making plans to modify a reality that seems more like a dream to me.)

In the building, he felt a handful of Force-sensitive peoples but it was evident that they weren't trained in the ways of the Force. From what he felt most of them were adults or teens with a minority of children.

On the morning of the fourth day, he and the other slaves were brought to the washroom and washed by the droids, then they get dressed in the clothes offered to them. To him it was a pant made of exotic leather of a dangerous beast combined with the muscular torso of his new body, it gave him a savage vibe that will attract buyers.

After that, they were sent back in our cages but guards were everywhere and even from underground, they could hear the clamor coming from the surface. The auction house was huge, to hear this much noise it should be full of potential buyers searching for slaves.

Still stricken by indecision, He continued to think as a group slavers open his cells and those around him and led the slaves toward the surface. Arriving at the end of the long corridor, they were blinded by the sun that they were deprived of for so long.

They emerged inside the center of the coliseum shaped auction house. The ground was covered in sand, peoples were standing at the balconies while looking at the slaves standing below. Several holographic screens showed all the information's about the slaves that were dragged in the center of the arena down below. The chatter was

Layan saw all races of slavers and slaves present in the crowd, he traveled all across the galaxy but still, he never saw such a diversity except in the slave's houses.

As he was looking at the positioning of the guards, their equipment, where were the exits and if he saw a person worthy of interest, he heard an announcer starting to talk to the crowd with enthusiasm.

"You won't find slaves as good as ours even in the Hutt space. Today, we have several prize worthies of your attention: sexy females Togrutas, strong male Iridonians, astonishing Voss, Rare and exotic Lethan Twi'leks, and finally beautiful representants of the Hapan race famous for their transcending beauty. This is only a fragment of the collection that will be sold today."

At these words, the crowd heated up and the hubbub rises even higher than before. Hungry and lustful gaze was directed at the slaves that started to shiver when they realized that no one will come to save them at the last second.

In the arena, several dozen slaves were present mostly grouped by race or sex with slavers all around to prevent any escape attempt.

"To begin this auction, let me show you a beautiful and sexy Togruta, her body is flawless and show her young age of 16. She was trained to obey and has a sweet temperament. The auction will begin at a price of 50,000 credits."

As the announcer described the girl, a slaver indicated to a young Togruta to step on the platform in the center of the arena. Once on it, it raised up before stopping about ten-meter-high in the air so that everyone could see her.

The announcer wasn't lying, beauty-wise, she was flawless. Soon, the biddings stop as a human and a Rodian started to engage in a bidding war that ended with the Rodian victory.

It was just the beginning, the first lot was good, but Layan knew so much about slavery in this galaxy that he knew the first lot to be only an appetizer, after this one, the overall quality will lover and rise until reaching outrageous prices as the slaves being sold became more and more exotic, trained and beautiful.

After this, it was an Arkanian female that was sold, then came a female Pantoran, a male Iridonian, it continued like that for more than an hour before it was finally Layan turn to step on the platform and being sold as a slave, once again.

"Our next prize is a muscular and handsome male Miralian, a rare one with almost gold-en skin, he is educated and skilled in many arts. Ladies, this man may become one of your prized possession, not only can he serve you well during nights but with his knowledge of war and medicine, he could save your life in case of danger. The auction will start at 180,000 credits."

Soon, the price displayed on the holographic screen started to raise again and again as peoples were bidding, after two minutes the final price was 350,000 credits, he was sold to a female Askajian.

(Sold as a boy toy to a three paired boobs aliens. Why did I time travel? I think I'll die of shame.)

Layan thought was focused on self-laughing as he compared his last experience as a slave and the present one, trying to find which one was the worse.