
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

Faylan · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 4 – Lyng’Ella

Inside the ship, the Twi'lek girls were tensed. They just followed an unknown man inside his ship after he killed someone with cold blood in front of them. They choose to follow because of Lyng'ella intuition that told her that the Mirialan man could be trusted.

But now they were still worried, they escaped out of slavery, but who knows what the future hold for them.

Meanwhile, Layan just got the Gozanti Cruiser inside hyperspace and the so familiar sound echoed through the ship. He knew this system like the back of his hand because of the several raids he launched here using guerilla tactics with his crew. The travel should be peaceful and don't necessity him to intervene, but he chose to reprogram the astromech droid to pilot the ship while he would go talk to the girls.

It didn't take him long barely a dozen of minutes, while he was with the bandits, he reprograms several dozen of astromech droids, protocol droid or even medical and military droids.

"Droid, pilot the ship while I'm away, also cut off every tracking beacon and an anti-theft system. I don't want to be located. This ship is armored and powerful but slow, our evasive maneuverers are limited."

His early life as a bandit made him a good thief and the experience he accumulated when he stole the Empire ships made him even better. If someone got the idea to search the killer, he could search for centuries without finding this ship.

"Beep, Beep"

The R5 unit started to express his agreement in binary, the droid's languages composed of electronic beeps, bloops, buzzes, chirps, whines, and whistles.

(Blasters with unlimited ammo, not bad although the firepower is a bit low.)

Leaving the cabin, he searched the captain room and found a safe. Opening it with the help of the force, he found inside more than 300,000 credits, luxurious jewels, and two DC-15s side arm blasters.

Layan stepped inside a common room and saw the girl sitting at a table while discussing quietly. When the girl saw him stepping in, they turned their head and stopped their conversation, waiting for him to speak.

"Let's get it slowly, I'm Layan Vaherg as you can see, I'm a Mirialan and like you, I was a slave not long ago and just escaped with you. Now introduce yourself and tell if you have family members somewhere, I could help you"

He knew how to interact with slaves who were just freed, after all, he led a group of several hundred people in this case.

Finally, after a painful silence, the young and beautiful white Twi'lek introduced herself with a small bow.

"My name is Lyng'Ella, or more commonly Lyn Gella. I'm 14 and I have no family remaining alive, during my kidnapping, the situation became unstable and my family was killed."

"I'm sorry for your loss, accept my sincere condolence."

Looking at her face more closely, Layan could understand why she was sold for more than 900,000 credits. She was beautiful, with a cute oval face, small lips, remaining baby fats on her cheeks giving her a youthful and naïve vibe. Lyn's eyes were a beautiful sapphire color with thin eyebrows to top it all.

After she finished, one of the 3 Lethan Twi'lek rose up and introduce herself.

"Aolak'Omad, or Aola Komad, I'm 26 and have a sister and her children as my only remaining family members, they are living on Coruscant."

Aola was more mature and her body was more developed than Lyn with a lovely charm with it, but she didn't have any tattoos like Lyn which make her more common among Twi'lek. She seems pretty stressed about the actual situation but did her best to stay calm.

"Xianr'Ar, or Xiann Rar, I'm 22 and was kidnapped while I was traveling for my researches in botanic. I have a lot of family members. I would be grateful if you could help me reunite with my family."

This woman had an intellectual vibe around her and strange confidence, she didn't seem the least bit fazed by what happened to her. Xiann had fewer tattoos on her body, and some make Layan thought to spiders, seems like she really liked her name. These black tattoos were really pretty with her red skin tone making her a head-turner.

"Siennk'Luub, or Sienn Kluub, I'm 16 and only have my father, but when I was kidnapped my father was visiting Corellia. I humbly ask you to help me find my father."

Sienn was the second youngest, but she was the timidest, her voice broke while she spoke and tears were showing at the corner of her eyes. Seeing her shiver with fear make Layan remember of his own past as a slave. She wasn't much different from Aola, no tattoos or something that appeal to a man, she has the appearance of a naïve and gullible girl.

Showing his best reassuring smile, Layan spoked with a calming tone while using the Force to calm the girls and explain what they will do from now on.

"Don't worry, I will help you. I plan to go on Corellia buy a brand-new ship with the money I found in the safe onboard. I can help you find your father after this Sienn, as for Xiann and Aola, if you want, I can give you money and this ship, I don't need it anymore. I already changed everything that could identify this ship, you could that whatever you want after this."

All of them nodded after hearing his proposition, but Lynn didn't hear her name and started to doubt Layan's intentions.

"And me?"

"Lyn, I have an offer for you. I don't know if you already noticed, but you are Force-sensitive."

He couldn't continue before the teenager interrupted him with enthusiasm, she almost jumped out of her chair.

"The Force? Like the jedis on Coruscant?"

"Yes, The Force is a metaphysical, spiritual, binding, and ubiquitous power which resides in everything. With training, you could be able to use Force powers like the Jedis, Siths or other peoples in the galaxy."

He gave her a summary to make understand what he was talking about. Her eyes were already full of stars, her excitement was visible for all to see. While he said that he used the force to lift her and her chair in the air, which made Xiann marvel while Sienn and Aola cower.

"You're a Jedi?"

"No, but I was trained by one. My offer is for you to become my disciple, apprentice, padawan, call it however you want. In short, I want to teach you how to use the force. So, what is your answer?"

"Yes. Without hesitation, be able to wield a lightsaber and use the force. I played as a Jedi while was a kid. It's so cool."

(She is a bit naïve, a simple demonstration of the Force and she accepts despite the potential danger, but she has potential. She said yes, but she lied about her reasons, she knows that she can't trust a stranger on everything.)

Detecting lies was a basic ability for a Force user, so he could see through her lies easily. But the fact that she lied to him motivated him even more, she wasn't a stupid girl and naïve girl, it was an appearance she showed to others to make them underestimate her and give her time to search for an opening.

"Good, so our next destination is set. Toward Corellia and Sienn father"

After the conversation ended, Layan left the girls between themselves and sat in the pilot seat in the cockpit.

(What a piece of crap. She was rich but couldn't buy a droid worthy of the name.)

Layan thought while watching the R5 unit, he was a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to droids. The R5 units are garbage, a low-end product sold cheaply that have far fewer functions than their predecessor R2 and R4 units.

He chose to go to Corellia because he could buy the best ships of the galaxy in this world. Once, he met Han Solo and lost in a sabacc game, that's why he was surprised when he became a hero of the rebels, it was not his style. But one thing can't be denied about Han Solo, this guy is one hell of a pilot, and that guy is always praising the Corellian engineering.

After owning his own ship, Layan could do whatever he wants while using most of his time to train his newfound student.

(I really miss my lightsaber, I must hurry to build one, I feel naked without it.)

While contemplating about it, he checked the route he planned to take. The Karazak system was at one end of the galaxy whereas Corellia is in the core region, but this isn't the problem.

The trip from Coruscant to Tatooine take around 8 hours, while a nearer planet like Alderaan take far longer because you needed to leave hyperspace several times and readjust your coordinates to continue traveling.

This is related to the obstacles in hyperspace, it is the same situation here, furthermore, the Karazak system is almost a lawless place, no roads are safe and infested of pirates. The trip will take at least 2 to 3 days.