
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

Faylan · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 1 –Slavery

He felt as if he was drowning.

Maintaining his consciousness while being swept by the current was difficult, he knew that the slightest mistake would destroy him. After all, he was just a consciousness, he left his body behind and became one with the Force and tried to use it to travel back in time.

Relatively speaking, all this happened in an instant, but time is something subjective. Layan felt something, another consciousness entering the current and dissolving in it instantaneously. He felt the Force current expulsing him, unable to resist, he lost consciousness.

"Huhh. Not something I would do again." He said this while raising his hand above his eyes.

Layan was groggy, and it took him some time to realize the strangeness of the situation.

"I've succeeded. Partially"

Looking at the hand, his hand, he muttered with enthusiasm and doubt. It was definitely not his. The skin was a beautiful golden yellow and bruised whereas he had white skin and healthy body previously. If he really succeeded, he didn't send his consciousness back into his own body.

Another major change was that his two eyes were in perfect health and his right arm wasn't prosthetic anymore. It was such a strange sensation after he lost these parts of him, he became used to it.

"No, I can't be sure until I see the date, maybe I only sent my consciousness in the body of a dying man."

Calming down, he saw his surroundings. It was not something unknown to him, a closed cell pretty tiny and with droplet leaking from the ceiling, slowly forming a puddle on the ground. It smells bad, not water, maybe grease or fuel.

It was dark, maybe night but he couldn't be sure of it as there were no windows or apertures. Through the bars, he could see a corridor where a weak light could be seen. Coming from the door closed at the end of the corridor, he could hear a sound he recognized as drunk men. Inside his cell, two peoples were sleeping, he recognized them as being males Mirialans.

"Aiiie! What the hell?"

Trying to get up, Layan felt a horrendous pain in all his upper body. Looking down, he saw his chest with the same golden skin and a dozen big and darks hematoma covering his upper body. Determined to see what he looked like, he crawled to the puddle where he could see his own image reflected.

A near-human face, golden yellow skin with square-shaped tattoos, and beautiful black hair but unkempt. He was wearing wretched clothes covered with patches of blood and a slave collar around his neck.

His tattoos were typical Mirialan likes and divided into three. Two reverse triangles under his eyes ended with a single square making it look like a tear, and a tattoo looking like an arrowhead started at the top of his forehead and going down till between his eyebrows. The color was a bit darker than his skin but still golden.

"So, I became a Mirialan. Not the worst possibility, I could have become a woman or a Hutt or an Ewok, but some other races have a better connection to the Force like the Voss."

Watching his face, I look like a young man in his early twenty, but his look was without mistake a lady-killer

Behind him, he heard noises, looking toward it, he saw one of the Mirialan looking at him with a reassuring expression on his face.

"Happy that you're alive. I thought you were dead after the beatup you suffered in his stead."

The situation being what she is, I devised a cliché but an effective plan.

"Who are you? Who I am? Where I am?"

The man became stunned after hearing what he said.

"I'm not really surprised that you became amnesic. After the beating you went through, I thought you were dead."

He sighed and finally show a slight reassuring smile and answered him.

"I am Mass Valya, a prisoner and future slave, like you and him. I don't know who you are, they put us in the same cell because they were the slaves that would fetch the best prices of all those kidnapped. We are currently in hyperspace. Pretty sure we are heading toward a Karzak slave market."

Listening attentively, while ignoring the loud drunk laugh coming from the other side. He realized that they could hear the hum of hyperspace which Layan became used to fall asleep with.

"Thanks for telling me. Can I ask you the date of today?"

"10: 8:21." With these words, he went back to sleep.

(I screw up big time. Shit, it's a total failure.)

10 years after the Re Synchronization, to say 25 BBY, 3 years before the beginning of the clone wars starting with the First Battle of Geonosis.

The goal, when he tried to time travel was to sent his consciousness into his past self a dozen years into the past. Before master Shaak Ti was poisoned by the Sarlacc, before his brother's death, maybe even his family and use his knowledge of the future to destroy the Empire.

Layan was sent farther in the past than he wanted, and with it came responsibilities.

"What should I do? Save the Jedi Order and the Republic? Prevent the Empire Rise? Kill Skywalker when he is still weak? Help him to avoid his fall to the Dark Side? Claim that the Supreme Chancellor was the Dark Lord of the Sith?"

All these ideas submerged his mind. Several of them were plain stupid and other may lead to something even worse than the future he knew of.

The Jedi Order would never believe him, someone Force-sensitive following his own moral code when he accuses the highest power holder of the Republic which is even friend with some of them.

Anakin was still a padawan and shouldn't be a problem to kill even if he was skilled in a lightsaber fight.

He had a lot of available options before him, but he had to sort this out of his head calmly. Not when his adversary is Sheev Palpatine someone who played all the Republic and the Jedi Order and unilaterally crushed them.

He went back to sleep while Layan stayed awake to heal himself using the Force. He may not be skilled enough to heal a mortal blow, but heal some bruises was easy, just need some time. Maybe the only thing he currently had.

"Kriff, what is that?!"

While healing himself with the Force, he felt his connection with the Force was far deeper and stronger than before and could do easily what was a hurdle to him before. Maybe his power-up has something to do with the fact that he was basked in the Force current for a moment. He felt it only now because his head was still in a fog and he had to accept his current situation.

After having totally cured his bruises, he sat down and thought to what his new life will become.

(Reborn as a slave of the Karazak slaver guild. If the force is really conscious, then it may be her way to laugh at me.)

Several hours later, their jailers opened the door and were led to the ship ramp. They were numerous to get off the ships, maybe around 300 to 400 slaves recently captured and ready to sell, maybe after some obedience training for the finest specimens.

The Kazarak system looks the same as in his memory, those magnificent building inspired from cultures all over the galaxy, maybe a few less decorations to the one he knows, but except that, this exactly the same. A desolate world filled with tunnels housing one of the biggest slaver's guilds of the galaxy.

They were guided through the still not opened slave market before finally stopping at the entrance of a huge colosseum that looked like more a colosseum seen in some cultures across the galaxy. What came to his mind first was the huge auction hold on Zygerrya during the clone wars.

The guards examined their collars with his datapad before letting us and the slavers go through. Then they were guided by them in the underground levels of the auction house, where the cells were located. Layan wasn't even watching or listening, he was following mechanically while thinking of his futures actions.

After being jailed alone in the basement of the Auction house, he was left alone with his thoughts and doubts. After some time, a slaver dressed richly came with a droid to check the health state of all the imprisoned slaves one by one. He was happy that his beating was lighter than the guards described it as his selling price would be higher.

In this place, the mood was low. Everyone knew what would happen to them in the near future, a life that may be worse than death for the unluckiest of them all. For the others, a life of servitude awaits them.

Layan, on the other hand, didn't care the least bit. He was not a Jedi, he couldn't save everyone, he was not a savior and had things far more important than the life of couples of irrelevant individuals to take care of. He was holding the destiny of all the galaxy in his hand.

(How will I affect history?)

Only time could tell.