
Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (According to Morden Grey)

An alternate storyline for The Last Jedi. This story is intended for those who had issues with the movie.

DaoistLlWKtf · Movies
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25 Chs

-The Supremacy- N-11 Quadrant, Inner Rim Territories, Near Cato Neimoidia

Kylo remained completely still within the dark confines of his room. To one who might look in on him, they would see a calm and composed individual, deep in a meditative state separated from the rest of the galaxy. Yet one need only watch the young man for a few seconds longer to discover the truth; peace did not exist for Kylo Ren. Beneath his serene demeanor, a maelstrom of rage, fear and suffering roared inside his head. Over and over he tried to quell his thoughts, but the emotions, pain and images flashing through his mind were too strong. The Supreme Leader's apprentice knew the longer he dwelled on the memories assaulting him, the more impatient, irritated and out of control his demeanor would appear to others. He knew he had to gain some semblance of control before speaking with the Knights.

He also knew the longer he waited to leave the further he would need to travel to complete his training.

But did that matter compared to what he faced now? Never before had he felt so out of balance with the Force; no matter how conflicted he'd felt in the past. He could always regain command of his emotions.

    Getting to his feet, he went to a storage unit and pulled out a medical injector. Loading it with a strong sedative, he pressed the device to his neck and squeezed the trigger. Kneeling down, he closed his eyes.

*            *            *            *

    Ben stayed both quiet and still as he watched his uncle lock the doors leading to the temple archives. The moment Luke was outside the sacred dwelling's walls, he slid from his hiding place in the shadows and crept toward the only area which was locked on the entire grounds. With a wave of his hand, the electric and manual locks beeped, clicked and hissed. A second later, the door slid open revealing an empty hallway. He stepped inside and continued forward in silence, running his hand along the wall as he moved.

    Halfway down the hall leading to the main room, Ben froze in place. The sound of faint, adult voices whispered in his mind. Though they did not sound threatening, it startled him to hear anything where he expected quiet.

    Concentrating, he focused on one of the male voices:

    "...those who serve the light are limited in what they accomplish. True power can come only to those who embrace the transformation. There can be no compromise. Mercy, compassion, loyalty: all these things will prevent you from claiming what is rightfully yours. Those who follow the dark side must cast aside these conceits. Those who do not—those who try to walk the path of moderation—will fail, dragged down by their own weakness..."

Ben started walking down the hall once more, switching his focus to the other, less imposing yet similar-sounding voice:            

"I'm not doing this for the Republic. I'm not doing it for you. I'm not even doing it for me. I'm doing it for our child. And our child's children. We might never live to see the horrors that are coming, but they will. We have to protect the Republic for them. We have to risk our chance at happiness so they can have a life we might never know."

    Turning into the doorway, a female voice spoke just before fading away; "What greater weapon is there than to turn an enemy to your cause? To use their own knowledge against them?"

Ben recognized the various objects in the room from the times he visited before. He'd read through all the books and scrolls written in basic and always finished the new data recordings before his uncle returned from one of his searches for Jedi artifacts. It didn't take long for him to spot the new item in the room; a silver cube sitting on one of the shelves with strange markings and symbols inscribed on each side.

As he moved closer to the object the whispers softened in his mind, but the pull to completely relinquish his control to the Force intensified. His hands began to shake as he drew near and the moment he reached out his hand to touch its metallic surface, the cube rose into the air, the sides began to turn and a dim glow ignited from its center.


The boy inhaled sharply and backed away from the glowing object. The light in the cube winked out and it dropped from the air, clattering across the shelf. Bowing his head, he turned slowly to face his Uncle, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. "Since the first time you left," he said.

"What?" Luke asked, confused at first. Realization dawned on him a second later. "If you are trying to distract me with how good you're getting at reading surface thoughts...you have partially succeeded."

    Ben smiled.

    Luke knelt down and held a hand out to his nephew. The boy walked over and leaned against his uncle. Nodding toward the shelf with the metallic-cube rested, the Jedi asked "Do you know what that is?"

    Ben shook his head.

    "It's a holocron. The Jedi used them to store their secrets and wisdom to pass on to future generations. Several years ago, thousands of them existed in a vault on Coruscant."

    "How is it the secrets are kept? Are they encrypted?" the boy asked.


  Luke replied with a half nod. "In a way. Only a Jedi can open them, through the Force."

    Ben looked up to the holocron on the shelf. "Or a Sith."

    The Jedi's mouth formed into a thin line. "Well, a Sith could open a Sith holocron." He put his hands on his nephew's shoulders and turned him to face him. "What brought that to mind?"

    Ben motioned to the holocron on the shelf. "He told me."


    Arnon dropped to the muddy ground, clutching his stomach in pain. He coughed once, a string of blood dangled from the side of his mouth. He squinted through the rain pelting his face and tried his best to mouth the words, 'I yield' to the dark figure standing over him.

  "What is it you were saying about my family?" Ben asked, his mock-lightsaber poised over the injured youth.

    The other Padawans stared at Ben in a mixture of confusion and terror. Though Ben was one of the youngest students at the temple, the only person on the planet with an affinity to the Force equivalent to his was Master Skywalker.

Ben continued, looking around at the frightened and confused faces he received. "Neither I nor my lineage will be mocked. The galaxy was freed because of the sacrifices and decisions made by them. You would all do well to remember that." Tossing the weapon on the ground, he turned to walk away.

The one named Arnon picked up the training saber and stood up. Without a word he rushed the prodigy of the future Jedi Order, Ben Solo.

The grandson of Darth Vader turned, his eyes filled with sorrow, fear and rage. Throwing out his hands as though he were stopping an imaginary wall, he screamed at his adversary as loud as he could.

The results were nothing any of them expected, not even Ben.

    Arnon was thrown back with such intensity it looked as though he were hit by a ship traveling at hyperspeed. The young man shot back with enough power to crash through several walls before hitting a tree with a sickening crunch. The students around Ben were thrown from their feet; those still untrained to respond in time received minor injuries.

Ben couldn't stop his hands from shaking. He stared at them in horror, unsure as to whether he should feel appalled by what he had done, or justified.

They will always regard you with fear and mistrust now; for they have seen what you are truly capable of.

At first, Ben thought the holocron may be speaking to him again.

Look at them! Some will display fear, others jealousy. You were not meant to be trained with these weaklings; your power is too great! Your mind, to cunning. Your senses, to sharp. Ben Solo, you have the ability to succeed where those before you have failed. It is time you left this place. It is time you set the example for future Force wielders. You are above the Jedi and Sith, you can provide another, better way.

No, this voice wasn't the wise, confident one he'd grown accustomed to hearing. This voice felt as though it possessed the capability of inflicting pain on him. The words were like tendrils of greasy black darkness wrapping around his mind...

Is it not the purpose of this Jedi Order to protect the Galaxy?

Why then, do they continue to challenge you?

Should they not be learning from you?

Before anyone could get to their feet to question or berate his action, he turned and fled toward the gates and left the training grounds.  


Luke stood by the doorway to Ben's room in silence, thinking of how best to talk to his nephew about what happened while he was away collecting Jedi relics. He clenched his fist in frustration. How could he have left when he did, knowing Ben was so conflicted and struggling?

"You can come in," Ben said.

Luke stepped inside and walked to where Ben sat on his bed with his back to him. "Arnon's dead."

"I know." the young boy said. "I knew before the fight started he was going to die."

Luke's jaw clenched. "Then why did you allow it to happen?"

"I didn't," Ben looked up, his eyes were red-rimmed and blood shot. "Each time I made him stop he'd get up." he paused to swallow. "He was a fool to think he could challenge me! They're all fools. Why do they challenge me Uncle? Are we not all on the same side? Are they unaware of the threats we can only overcome unified as one?"

"Ben," "They don't understand! You should have never brought them here!" the boy screamed. The room and furniture began to shake. "They're all going to die because of you!"

    Luke remained silent, watching one of his last living relatives call upon enough destructive power of the Force to level a city. He made no movements as every object in the room not fastened to the floor began to rise into the air. The last Skywalker closed his eyes, causing tears to roll down his weathered cheeks.

Ben released his hold on the Force and embraced his uncle. Between sobs he cried, "I don't want to do this,"

Luke placed his good hand on his nephews head.

"I know."


    Snoke motioned to the pedestal from atop his throne. "The design is from another age, one suited to the crystal within the hilt."

    Ben walked to the stand, picked up the lightsaber and ignited it. He watched the red, unstable energy ripple across the blade and cross guard with mild fascination. Its look combined with the way it crackled and hissed made it feel angrier than a normal lightsaber. Extinguishing the weapon, he set it down and turned to his Master.

The design was familiar to him; one of the figures in the holocron showed him one similar to it.

    Yet Ben gave no indication in his thoughts, emotions or actions it stirred any memories of his past life within him. "What is this for? My training is incomplete,"

    "Circumstances have changed." Snoke growled, cutting him off. "With these tools, you will complete your final task and join me as my apprentice. You will soon be of age to lead my armies; this will prepare you for challenges to come." The Supreme Leader shifted in his seat, wincing in pain. The scar running across his head was red and throbbing, though he turned away before Ben could get a better look at it. "Do not think me weak boy, for I will end you."

    "The thought never entered my min—"

    "SILENCE!" Snoke roared. He breathed deeply for several seconds before his calm returned. He lifted a hand and the lights in the room dimmed. "You will go to Dromund Kaas, there you will find a group of heretics who have been a thorn in my side since I left the Unknown Regions of your galaxy. They believe themselves to be Zealots of the Sith Order, yet none of them wield the Force.

This does not however, affect their ability to sabotage my ships, steal supplies and money and destroy my transports carrying soldiers."

"Why do they defy you?" Ben asked. "You are the most powerful Dark Side user in the known galaxy—"

    "I am not Sith," his lip quivered in rage. "They wish to resurrect the Sith Order and bring back their meaningless and severely flawed ways," he clenched his fist, causing the bones in his hand to click and pop. "The Rule of Two, their Code, their laws...all to control the Dark Side. The fools wish to bridle that which has no limits!"

Ben picked the lightsaber up off the pedestal and knelt down. "What would you have me do, Supreme Leader?"

"Eliminate them. All traces of the Jedi and Sith Order will join me or be eliminated. There can be no division." Snoke coughed, but quickly regained control. "They call themselves the Knights of Ren, a name no doubt inspired by a group of fanatics during the times of the Old Republic."

Ben stood up. "I will leave at once." He turned and began walking to the door.

"I am not finished."

His student froze.

With some effort, Snoke stood up. Moving very slowly he descended the stairs leading up to his throne and walked to where Ben stood, dragging his feet with every step. Leaning in close so he was only inches from his ear, the ancient one whispered, "Do not let them speak. While they do not wield the Force, their words contain the poison of a thousand assassin's blades. Do not dwell on that planet for it is filled with lies and corruption. Finish your task and return to me.

The young man's throat was dry.

"As you wish, Supreme Leader."

    Dromund Kaas was unlike anything Ben had seen. The world was surrounded in an eternal storm; forests as far as the eye could see grew completely through the cities on the ground. The only area on the surface cleared of vegetation and containing life forms was a twin-spired structure made of black metal centered in Kaas City. Ben brought his command shuttle down to one of the several landing paddocks and checked his scanners one last time before shutting off the engines.

    The reading showed ten life forms; still within the confines of the temple-like structure.

    Ben didn't care for the brass colored robes Snoke provided him with, but wasn't about to argue with the Supreme Leader. He hooked his lightsaber to his belt, walked to the airlock and lowered the door.

Just like the Sith he'd heard of and read about, every member of the supposed cult wore black robes and cloaks with masks to cover their faces. While the weapons they wielded weren't lightsabers, he knew blades made from cortosis or durasteel could be just as deadly and effective as his. He waited a moment longer, to see if any would want to talk.

They charged him.

"I knew brass was a poor choice," he pulled the lightsaber from his belt and ignited it.

This caused a couple of the Knights to hesitate; but only for a second.

Ben had trained in all the lightsaber forms when he attended the academy, even those previously restricted, including Vaapad. Yet the one he enjoyed most was Form II, also known as Makashi: the Way of the Ysalamiri, or the Contention Form—specifically designed for lightsaber combat.

The first Knight came at him with an overhead slash, intended to split his skull in two. His lightsaber cleaved clean through the blade, arm and neck of the attacker. Ben didn't bother slowing down to slip into a different stance continuing in a wide arc, once again cleaving through his second opponent's blade and body. Using his connection to the Force, he ignored his instincts to go after the closer attacker on his right and instead leapt to the left, lunging out with the crackling red blade in a thrust.

The Knight to his left practically jumped on the lightsaber when he was caught off guard trying to flank him.

Ben pulled the blade free, facing off with the only warrior remaining from the first wave. He lowered the lightsaber, holding it in his off-hand. He started walking toward his adversary, shaking his head. "Don't."

The black robed fighter threw the spear he held with a grunt.

Ben sidestepped the projectile and grabbed it out of the air. He spun once and plunged the tip into his attacker's chest.

Yes, Makashi had been Ben's favorite lightsaber form. But it was the alternate form VII—Juyo, the Way of the Vornskr or the Ferocity Form—in which he excelled. At least, his own rendition of it.

Knowing the full extent of his power compared to others, he saw no reason to ever defend or retreat.

Ben turned to the remaining six Knights and continued forward.

And something happened he didn't see coming, even through the Force.

The remaining Knights knelt down, laying down their weapons.

"My Lord," said the one furthest on his right, his voice slightly distorted from the mask he wore. "We have been awaiting your arrival. Our blades, our skills, our will; is yours to command."

Snoke's words echoed in the back of Ben's mind.

'Do not let them speak...'

Extinguishing his lightsaber he asked, "Who do you think I am?"

The figure only raised his head slightly for a moment before returning his gaze to the ground. "The new Dark Lord of the Sith."

Ben smirked at the remark. "And what would your Master say to that?"

"Lord Vader has fallen years ago, your Grace. Our loyalties were with the memories of him, until now."

Ben stepped back and almost dropped his lightsaber. Overhead lightning flashed, briefly illuminating the entire city. A city once inhabited by millions who would have welcomed and revered him long ago…

Thunder followed, snapping him out of his thoughts.

Rain began to pour, making his hair stick to the side of his face. He glanced at the Knights again, motionless and awaiting his commands. Then his eyes went to the brass robes he wore. Talking to himself, he growled, "Poison, is it?"

Ripping the belt off, he peeled down to his shirt and leggings and ignited his Lightsaber, pointing it at the Knights of Ren.

"I am the direct descendent of Anakin Skywalker or as you know him, Darth Vader. Now rise."

Once they were on their feet he continued. "You will tell me everything I want to know about my Grandfather."

What had been meant to be a few days away from the Supremacy turned into several months. In that time, Snoke never made any attempts to contact him and Ben could only assume the Supreme Leader thought him dead.

Not that he minded.

He learned more about his Grandfather both as Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader than he did in all the years living at home or the Academy. Ben gratefully accepted the black clothes given to him; the overshirt, leggings and cloak fit him like they were custom made. The longer he spent with the

Knights of Ren, the more he regretted having to kill so many of their group upon meeting them. They were certainly devoted to their cause, but hardly qualified as fanatics. Every one of them were intelligent, pragmatic and exceptionally knowledgeable about the Jedi and Sith.

As a Master of the Knights of Ren, he took upon a name to symbolize the new life in the calling he accepted.

    His comlink beeped. "Kylo," the one named Dar Muid said, his voice sounding like gravel going through an engine underneath his mask. "There is an incoming transmission for Ben Solo."

Ben ignored the summon at first, his mind deeply engaged in the images on the starmap showing parts of the Unknown Regions he'd never seen before.

"Shall I cut communications my Lord?"

Ben clenched his jaw, knowing only one person in the galaxy who would contact him. Picking up the comlink, he said, "No, I'll be there in a moment." Shutting off the monitor showing the image of the starmap, he picked up his cloak and left his quarters.

Five of his Knights stood around a holotable in the main hall, with two empty spaces open for himself and his closest advisor. Dar Muid waited for him at the door and handed Ben his helmet the moment he entered and then followed behind him as he strode forward.

The moment the hydraulics on his masked made its final hiss and click, Ben said, "Open transmission."

When Snoke's image came into focus, every Knight in the room reached for their weapon. Ben waited until they regained their composure before speaking. "Supreme Leader Snoke. I am surprised you are still aware of my existence."

Snoke's eyes narrowed. His gaze swept the room, glaring at each of the Knights surrounding his image. "What is the meaning of this?" his head tilted slightly to the side upon seeing his student. "What is that on your face?"

"My heritage, as Kylo, Master of the Knights of Ren."

Snoke rose to his feet and with him, the Knights of Ren rose several inches off the ground, gasping for breath. "So. You would ally yourself with my enemy now?"

Kylo sneered underneath his mask. "They know the Jedi and Sith better than anyone in the Galaxy. I've seen star charts and maps non-existent in any of the archives I've had access too."

"And?" Snoke growled.

    "Luke Skywalker was looking for anything that would aid him in rebuilding the Jedi Order. I know several of the places he has yet to look; I've seen the names and planets sheltering Force Sensitives.

With my Knights, I can end his work," he paused. "They are no good to me dead Supreme Leader."

Snoke released them from his choke hold. Sitting back in his seat, he shifted, making no effort to hide the anger he felt. "Very well. I will allow you to use these...servants." his tone dripped with disgust. "Yet, if they are to serve me there is something all of you must accomplish first," His gaze drifted to those forming a circle around him, even in holographic form it was apparent Snoke did not like being surrounded. "You and your Knights will complete one task to prove your loyalty to me."

Dar Muid was the first to his feet. "We will not—"

Kylo lifted a hand, throwing the Knight back several yards into a wall. "What is your command, Supreme Leader?"

Snoke glanced in the direction where the Knight was thrown and chuckled. "Return to the Jedi Academy. You and your knights will eliminate anything and everyone there, including Skywalker. Do this and you will have the freedom to roam the galaxy under the First Order. Fail me again and every last one of you will die."

The transmission ended.

"My Lord," said the Knight to his right. "Snoke will kill us the moment he—"

"I know," Kylo said. "Fear not my brethren; I will only appear to serve him until the time is right. Like the Sith before us, deception is the tool we must implement in order to rise to power."

Near the wall behind them, Dar Muid rose to his feet. "And through power, we will gain victory."


    The sound of the Supremacy's engines filled his cabin, awakening him from his dreams. A small light flashed at the edge of his vision, causing him to turn towards the holocommunicator. Sitting up, he walked to the device and flipped a switch. "Open transmission."

Dar Muid's mask appeared on the holo and his gravelly, droid-like voice jolting him out of any disoriented state he may have been in. "My Lord. I call to report."

"Go ahead." said Kylo. He picked up his mask and put it on as he listened.

"We've cleared Sectors D-1 through K-2. Eight Force-Sensitives located and eliminated, still no sign of Skywalker."

"Thank you Dar Muid. Is there anything else?" Kylo asked.

"Yes. How long before you take up the mantle of Darth Ren? You are more than strong enough to challenge the Sup—"

"You are not ever to discuss this, especially over these channels!" Kylo said in a low, menacing voice. "I will not ask you again. What will be done will be in a time of my choosing. Am I understood?

    Dar Muid nodded once.

"Soon, my friend. In two days, go to the Chorlian Sector." he paused. "You know the location."

    The Knight placed a fist over his chest and bowed his head. "We are the heart of the Force, the revealing fire of light,"

    Kylo placed his own fist over his chest. "In balance with chaos and harmony, immortal in the Force."

    The transmission ended, filling the cabin with darkness.