
Star Wars : Arise In The Future

Story : Just before the Siege of Mandalore, Anakin found a set of holotapes at the Council Chamber's doorstep that could tell them about the future. With the knowledge of the future in store of them, how would they act in their impending destiny? And how would they counter the schemes of the Sith Lord behind the shadows?

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Star Wars : Chapter 21 : Battle of Yavin III

"Just how much does that this man hold?!", Ahsoka called out in frustration. He had been responsible for the death of her master, wiped out the Jedi Order, killed Master Kenobi, and is clearly a formidable starpilot for Luke to handle.

"Too much if he has done too many. I can only hope the Force would be able to assist them..", Plo Koon added, also worried for the Rebels because of Vader's presence.


Anger and loss filled Luke, but he pushed them aside, knowing that he was the Rebellion's last chance at destroying the Empire's greatest weapon.

"Rebel base, one minute and closing." Tarkin smiled to himself. Victory was within his grasp and he could almost taste it.

"Biggs, Wedge, let's close it up." Luke said, taking charge of what was left of the strike force. "We're going in, but do it at full throttle. That oughtta keep those fighters off our tail."

"Right with you, boss." Wedge agreed.

"He is an aspiring pilot...", Plo mused for the young pilot, resulting of Saesee Tiin raising an eyebrow.

"How so, Master Koon?", he questioned.

"You will see."

"Luke, at that speed will you be able to pull out in time?" Biggs asked.

"Be just like Begger's Canyon back home." Luke said confidently as they dived into the trench.

"Think they can pull it off?" Rex asked Ahsoka.

"They will." She assured him, hand on her chin, "But the current precedent isn't exactly in their favor."

"We'll stay back far enough to cover you." Biggs said, making a few adjustments.

"My scope shows the tower, but I can't see the exhaust port." Wedge said, "You sure the computer can hit it?"

"Increase speed to full throttle." Luke ordered as they entered the worst of the bombardment.

"What about that tower?" Wedge reiterated.

"You worry about those fighters! I'll worry about the tower." Luke retorted. "Artoo, that stabilizer's broken loose again! See if you can't lock it down." The droid whistled as he got to work.

When the towers stopped firing, Wedge and Biggs began looking around for the fighters while Luke got set up for his shot. On cue, the enemy trio came up behind them and one of the wingmen took a shot at Wedge. It hit, but didn't destroy him.

"I'm hit!" Wedge said, looking at the damage readout. "I can't stay with you."

"Get clear, Wedge. You can't do any good back there." Luke ordered.

"Sorry." Wedge said as he peeled out of the trench, leaving only Biggs and Luke against Vader's squad.

Anakin and Padmé watched as Luke and his friend were facing off Vader, who is a clear adept at his role as a pilot. The Jedi Knight clenched his fist, hoping nothing would happen to his son.

"Let him go. Stay on the leader." Vader ordered.

"Make it fast, Luke." Biggs said with worry evident in his voice, "They're coming in much faster this time. I can't hold 'em myself."

"Artoo, try and increase the power!"

"Luke, hurry- wait. Wait!" Biggs said, struggling to make needed adjustments before Vader fired and blew him up too. And now Luke was alone. He dodged as best he could while turning on his targeting computer.

Everyone in the audience grimaced at the young pilot's fate. Now they are all worried as Luke had Vader to deal with, alone.

"Use the Force, Luke." He heard Ben's voice tell him. He ignored it, focusing on the computer. "Let go, Luke."

"Hmmmm. With him, Master Kenobi is.", Yoda assured them.

The audience were brightened at hearing old Obi-Wan's voice, now giving Luke the advice he needed at these dire times. Anakin's hopes increased as he heard his Master's voice guiding Luke, now confident that he would be able to pass through this.

Vader frowned behind his mask. "The Force is strong with this one." He said to himself.

"Luke, trust me." Luke thought about all he had learned and been through. Ben hadn't led him wrong yet. Maybe it was time he put his money where bis mouth was and started really trusting the Force. He pressed a button and her targeting computer retracted.

"Come on, Luke! You can do it!", Ahsoka cheered for the young pilot.

"He's turned off her computer." one of the rebel officers pointed out, "Luke, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm alright." he replied through the coms. Vader took a shot at him, but Artoo took the hit. "Artoo!" Luke yelled as his droid friend screamed in pain.

"ARTOO!", Padmé and Anakin cried out for the droid, now seeing that Luke lacked the technical he needed. Anakin barely held his anger, now seeing that Vader added another deed to his belt that earned him his hatred

"Rebel base in range."

"You may fire when ready." Tarkin ordered. The fire control room set to work preparing to fire the Death Star's main cannon.

The audience were now deseperately hoping that a some sort of miracle from the Force would arrive. In any form. They couldn't bear to see another planet destroyed, even more to to the rebellion that acted as a Beacon of Hope.

"I have you now." Vader said as he gained a lock on Luke. He was about to fire when one of his wingmen blew-up. "What?!"

"Yeah-hoo!" Han cheered as the Falcon came into view. Vader's other wingman lost control in the confusion, and accidently ran into Vader's ship before crashing himself. The Dark Lord's star fighter helplessly spunned out of view from the impact as a result.

"HE CAME BACK!", Ahsoka shouted in joy, as Caleb jumped in excitement. The rest were surprised at the sudden turn of events, and appreciated his timely arrival.

"It seems money isn't his only friend.", Kit Fisto mused, proud that the smuggler changed his mind.

"Oh, thank the Force.", Obi-Wan breathed out in relief.

"You're all clear, kid! Now let's blow this thing and go home." Han said over the Rebel radio, surprising even Leia.

Luke fired and watched as the torpedoes entered the shaft. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and quickly got the hell out of dodge, Han and the remaining two fighters right behind him.

"Wait a minute, is Admiral Yularen still there-oooh...", Rex began before he soon realized of what was going happen. Anakin, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka exhanged awkward glances at one another, now knowing that Luke had probably killed Admiral Yularen along with Tarkin.

It was a price to pay. Hopefully, they can prevent the Admiral's future service with the Empire in the present. And as well as to prevent his death at the Death Star.

As they cleared the halfway point, the Death Star exploded with such force that it created a second blast wave, barely visible after the first.

"YES!", Anakin stood up and cheered with his fists in the air at seeing Luke achieving the impossible, something that he couldn't possibly even do. The audience applauded as the son of the Chosen One ensured the hope of freedom for the galaxy.

"Outstanding. Simply outstanding!", Luminara praised as she clapped at Luke's performance.

"I'd give Luke a medal if I ever met him.", said Rex in a proud tone. No clone has ever performed such feat, and that impressed him very much. Especially if it's the son of his General.

"To young Skywalker, proud I am.", Yoda stated with a chuckle.

"He has too much of his father. And that alone saved countless lives.", Ki-Adi added, proud of this young pilot.

"Tarkin is dead. All those who died on Alderaan are avenged.", Mace said with finality, knowing that traitor is no more in this future.

"Great shot, kid. That was one in a million!" Han praised.

"Remember, the Force will be with you, always." Ben's spectral voice told him.

Upon his return, Luke was greeted with a hero's welcome, Leia running up to hug him. He had built up such speed that Luke couldn't resist picking her up his spinning her around. Han soon made his way to them.

"I knew you'd come back! I just knew it!" Luke said happily, throwing a hug on him

"Well, I wasn't gonna let you get all the credit and take all the reward." he said, giving Luke a nooggie.

"I knew there was more to you than just money." Leia said with a smile.

Their smiles all fell as Artoo was lowered to the ground. "Oh, man." Luke grimaced. Artoo was, in a word, fucked. He was covered in blaster burns and several of his panels hung open, revealing the components within. Threepio was probably the most distraught.

"Oh my! Artoo! Speak to me!" he turned to a technician, "You can fix him can't you?"

"We'll get to work on her right away." He assured Threepio.

"You must repair him!" He turned to Luke. "Sir, if any of my circuits or gears would help, I'll gladly donate them."

"Same old Threepio.", Padmé mused with a smile.

"He'll be alright, Threepio." Luke assured him before walking off with Leia, Chewie and Han.

A few days later, a grand ceremony was held within the base. The entirety of the Rebellion on the planet was gathered within the largest hall, organized by occupation, with Leia and the other leaders standing on a raised dais. Luke, Chewie and Han walked down the aisle created by the Rebels, Luke and Han in front, with Chewie bringing up the rear.

"To think Luke would be a hero like his old man.", Obi-Wan mused teasingly towards Anakin, who looked down bashfully.

"That's how Skywalkers do, Obi-Wan!"

Chewie growled as he called out as the trio reached the base. On command, the rest of the Rebels turned to face the dais. The trio reached the top, staying one step down. Leia stepped forward and regarded the three people who were now essentially galactic heroes. 

She gave Luke a big smile, but when Han did the same, her smile was more polite than anything. The Old General stepped forward with a trio of medallions, one for each hero, which Leia herself placed around their necks. When she finished, all three bowed to her.

The audience couldn't help but applaud at this as well, seeing that there is still hope even with the Jedi extinct. Anakin allowed a small tear to leave his eye, knowing that he is proud of his son in this future, even if he was not there to see it. Padmé discreetly held his hand, feeling a sense of pride as a mother to Luke as well.

The ceremony was briefly interrupted when Artoo whistled loudly and wobbled out from behind a newly shined Threepio. All four chuckled at his antics before turning to face the assembled Rebellion. They were met with jubilant applause and cheers as the scene changed to the final credits.


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