
Star Spangled Freedom

"What kind of betrayal hurts worst? One that comes from people who swore to protect you." The small midwestern city of Ottawa, Illinois is thrown into a madman's version of conspiracy theorists pandora's box and these locals, friends, become leaders, heroes, and legends. Hardship and loss befall these unlikely heroes. Every step forward seems like they are over a thousand steps behind. Forced to put down their beers and bongs, replacing them with rifles and the hands of dying loved ones, the Star Spangled Heroes tackle anything that seems to threaten their way of life.

Ghost_of_Ottawa · Action
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118 Chs

Bear It and Dig In

Back at base, the Overlord and his crew drank, and partied hard. Their victory had sent a very clear message to the US Government.

"Mr. President, I have been informed on the loss of a small Midwestern Town in Illinois."

"I'm already aware. Hard to believe the National Guard was defeated by an unknown number of assailants. No matter, I have ordered the entire military to take down these morons as an example to the rest of the nation. Fall out of line, pay with your life."

"Understood Mr. President."

Back at the base, the party was interrupted by an emergency broadcast over the radio.

"This broadcast comes directly from the Oval Office."

"Aye, turn it up Ghost." said the Overlord

"Good Evening America, tonight we celebrate the victory over the failed leadership that demanded the constitution can't be rewritten. We celebrate the ushering in of a new American Era! A stronger America, a better America just as I promised. We built back better. Now this last portion of my speech goes to the insurgences who attacked their National Guardsmen, killing 98% of them."

"Aye! He's taking about us!" chimed in Jarrin

"I want to be clear; you seek to destroy our way of life. Despite your meager victory, in the face of overwhelming strength, no amount of luck can save you. Despite our challenges, and our calm demeanor, we will stop you and we will beat you harder than you've ever been beaten before."

"This now concludes the Presidential Broadcast."

The Lots crew looks to their Overlord, but before their worry could fill the air Bubba spoke up.

"Alright, we knew this was coming. No reason to be surprised."

"Agreed, party's over, start gathering firewood and food. We're in for a long winter this year, specifically with soldiers instead of snow.