
Star Mahou Effect

Tanya finally winds up in mass effect after having dealt with Being X. Starkiller's spn too ends up in mass effect after his own sacrifice to stop the empire.This is something like that. I have no idea what I am going to write.

phantompain · Video Games
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18 Chs

chapter 2

"So, you both want free access to an omnitool." The Matron, a kindly-looking old woman, asked them. Her hair was grey, yet those eyes showed a sense of strength.

The Matron as she looked at both the children in front of her. These children were the most troublesome of the bunch. Meanwhile, other children wanted to play and stayed away from their studies. Both of these children were excelling at an exceptional rate. Doing curriculum far beyond what their ages would suggest.

The Matron had at one point wanted to push their limits, so she had changed their lesson plans into higher difficulty ones, and they both had adapted well. Absorbing all that knowledge like sponges. Eventually, it had come to bite her in the ass. Both of these children had advanced far beyond their peers. It had been to the point that they had been isolated from the other children simply because they had already learned what the other children were learning. Both of these children were anomalies of the highest order. It was a pity she could not access any of their files or information about their next of kin.

It also did not help that they could not stand each other for some reason.

The two people, intelligent enough to understand each other, could not stand the sight of each other. The irony of the situation was not lost on her. Kids at their age need some friends. So, she decided to act now rather than regret it later.

The Matron closed her eyes and sighed in a loud voice. "Giving omnitools for private use is not permitted like that."

The Matron got into a thinking pose as if she was trying to devise a solution.

"I have an extra omnitool, a gift I can spare." Her eyes opened, and she looked at both of them. "However, I cannot allow just one of you to use it. It would be unfair." A smile was on her face. "So, you both will have to share it."

At the thought of sharing anything with Goody Two Shoes, Tanya made an involuntary gagging sound. Alex had an involuntary laugh escape from his mouth. The idea of Tanya sharing anything felt comical to him. Both of their actions took place in perfect synchronization, leaving the Matron wondering if this had all been rehearsed beforehand.

Such disrespect infuriated her, and so, with a loud thwack, her hand fell on the desk. 

Both Alex and Tanya straightened themselves as if they had been whipped. Looking up, they saw the Matron giving them a scathing look. "Will there be a problem?"

"No, Ma'am." Both Tanya and Alex replied at the same time.

"Good." An omnitool was placed on the desk in front of them. "Here is your omnitool. Now go." The Matron shooed them away.

Alex picked up the omnitool and left with Tanya leaving by his side.

As soon as both Tanya and Alex left, the Matron muttered one word. "Brats." A fond smile upon her face. She had great hopes for them. These children would change the world. She was sure of that fact. 

She looked outside. Troubled times would be soon upon them.


Tanya and Alex sat opposite each other with concentrated looks on their faces. A single omnitool in between them. It was time for the negotiations to begin.

Tanya, not one to give up the initiative, was the one to ask. "So, what do you want to use the omnitool for." Information was essential to victory.

"I just want to learn about more stuff on the holo net. I want to one day make my own ship with cool weapons." Alex answered, a childish smile on his face. Underneath, he was smirking to himself. 'I finally got you. Now, what are you?'

Tanya, having realized her error, bit her thumb in frustration. 'This brat just got one up on her. Two can play at that game.' Putting on her best impression of an innocent girl, she replied. "Well, I wanted to learn how to draw. I also wanted to write a few things." Both of her fingers met in the middle as she acted shy. "So, I wanted to learn and hoped for a few tutorials on the holo net."

"How's that." A look of superiority crossed her face as she internally smirked at the brat before her.

This threw Alex for a loop. He had no idea how to react to that. The answer felt so foreign and strange that it threw him for a loop. So, no death machines, no plans for world domination. Alex was completely confused. It took him a moment to reboot, and then he remembered how Tanya delivered her answer. Alex internally gagged. A little bit of his disgust showed up on his face.

Tanya took advantage of his state of confusion as she took the omnitool.

"I am taking this for today. You can have it tomorrow." Tanya taking the omnitool, beat a hasty retreat.


(Tanya's perspective)

Tanya sighed in relief. She had managed to get the omnitool away from that brat. She was sure of it now. The boy was reincarnated just like her. Tanya bit her thumb again. Hopefully, this would not get in the way of her plans. Her plans for a peaceful life. One which she can enjoy in luxury.

Tanya decided to focus on her work now. The question was what could she concentrate on now. 

She began to learn all she could. One after another.

Maybe she could also write a novel. Lord of the Rings will do nicely, a grin on her face. And so time passed.


(The Next Day)

Alex had gathered himself and approached Tanya the next day. It was his turn with the Omnitool, and he intended to learn how far the technological prowess of this world had progressed.

He heard from the other children that Tanya was in the library. He entered and began to search for Tanya. It was completely quiet except for the sound of some tapping. At the source, he found Tanya furiously typing away on a keyboard. Her eyes were bloodshot.

"I believe it is my turn with the omnitool now." Alex said out loud to her.

Tanya paused and slowly turned her eyes to him. Her eyes fell down to the omnitool connected to the terminal.

"Take it, I don't need it for now." Tanya waved him away as she continued typing. The sound of the rhythmic tapping continues.

Alex took the omnitool. "You should sleep for now." A hint of concern in his voice.

Tanya turned her face around as she faced him again, her eyes looking even more bloodshot. "What did you say?"

Alex repeated himself. "You should sleep for now; you are useless to anyone in this state."

"Sleep would increase productivity," Tanya said. Then she closed her eyes and fell asleep on the desk.

Alex murmered. "Idiot."

He held her up and carried her out of the library. A few of the staff passing by giggled at them, and a few of them even took pictures. Alex took her to her assigned room and placed her on the bed.


Alex opened the omnitool and began to work on his own projects.

First, he accessed the Holo net and began to scan the net regarding the advancements already made.

The more he read, the more alarmed Alex became. All advancements were simply a copy and paste. There was no genuine research into scientific studies. He began to search for research into AI. AI research was strictly banned by the council. The most recent example is the Quarian who created the Geth. Geth rebelled and drove the Quarians from the planet.

Alex paused. This seemed so convoluted. Alex calmed himself. His plans for making a doctor bot went to the trash. Well, there was still the Bacta tank. The closest thing he could find to it was medi gel on the holo net. Developed by humans. The Galactic community legalized it quickly due to its versatility and use on the battlefield and in rescue operations. Its quick-acting nature made it a staple for all the different races.

Alex cracked his fingers as he got ready to work.


Tanya woke up and found herself in her bed. Her head pounding, she tried to remember what she was doing. She was working, and then she started working. She remembered seeing the boy tell her to fall asleep. And a hazy image of the boy carrying her to bed.

It seems that he was not all bad. She decided to speak to him at a later date. A verbal thank you will go a long way in building a mutual relationship with him.

He was smart and maybe like her. Tanya closed her eyes and let the darkness embrace her.


The Matron giggled as she heard what had happened from one of her staff.

"He was carrying her. It was so cute. I just wanted to smother them." 

"Did you take a picture?" The Matron asked.

"Even better." The carekeeper took out a device as a video was projected. " Look, she is drooling on him."

The Matron sighed. "So it worked. I do not know what the future will hold for these children. But at least they will see each other as equals. They will not be lonely." The Matron fell into deep thought as her eyes closed. 

The door opened. "Remember to send the video to me."


And so, like this, several years passed. Both Alex and Tanya developed a mutual respect for each other. Both of them began to collaborate with each other. Tanya gave Alex advice regarding some of the more nuanced factors of his tech, and Alex helped her with her writing. Making the scenes within the books more relatable.

During this time, Alex continued his practice. Becoming more proficient with the sword and the force.

The same was true with Tanya; she became more proficient with magic. She still did not touch her gospel spells for fear of mental corruption.

 A few years passed, and they were both now 15.