
Chapter 1

Tanya was five years old.

Tanya smiled. She had finally hit the jackpot. She was born in a world that was more advanced than the one she had previously lived in. The fact that she was born in an orphanage was less than ideal, but still. She would not have to fight to show her worth or value here in this world. There were other ways to show her values. In her previous world, she was born just at the onset of the Great War. Tensions were high, and rations were being stockpiled. This meant less food for the orphanage in general unless the orphans would have been able to show their value. This was the beginning for her in that world, a world where she had to go to war to survive.

In contrast to that world, her present world was a world of plenty. Humanity had taken its first steps onto the galactic stage. Here, in this world. She did not even need to go to war; she could just spend her time relaxing. Pursue other activities, she could live well. Without the influence of Being X., She cackled to herself. Being X was finally dead, she killed it. 

She reined herself in. The mental corruption by Being X to make her into a believer had changed her. There was a time when she was a bastion of logic.

No matter, she would have to plan for the future. Her hand went to her heart. Or the place where her heart used to be. The Type 95 operation orb had fused into her heart. She could feel the magic thrumming in her chest as it responded to her. The calculations appeared before her eyes.

Each time she used any powerful magic, she was mentally corrupted. Barely remember what happened afterward. And so her hand fell away. She decided not to use magic unless she had no choice. 

She laughed to herself. 'Your Gambit failed, Being X.'

She felt a stare on her back and looked around to see the same infuriating boy. He had been given the name Gaelen. A spark of intelligence was in his eyes. An impossibility unless he was like her. Tanya got rid of her thoughts as she focused on her own plans. The boy had nothing to do with her.

So, what should she do for the future? 

She was not going to join the military. Her entire past life had been mired in conflict. Each war was proceeded by another war. This was unacceptable. 

She was not a prodigy in research, and she had no intention of introducing magic or operation orbs to this world.

The question was what could she do to make a lot of money and live well. She closed her eyes and began to wonder. What did Japan have that this world did not.

She had a sudden epiphany. The entertainment industry in this world was not well developed compared to her old world. In fact, it was so underdeveloped that Hamlet was performed by various aliens, and it was called one of the classiest dramas or an example of modern entertainment.

Tanya bit her thumb until she drew some blood. She could use this. She did read in her downtime. She may not have been a collector, but she did read. She closed her eyes, and the manga appeared in her eyes. 

Another consequence of having the type 95 orb in her chest is that she could remember everything perfectly. The device assisted in bringing up her memories as she played them. Her own squadron that she led. Tanya wondered what had happened to them after her death. The fate of the empire. No, it is not her concern anymore.

No matter. Tanya had work to do, and there were some skills that she had to acquire. She needed to learn how to draw. She could use a computer to help her with these tasks. A digitized copy would propagate faster and generate more revenue.

A peaceful life, here she comes.

She would need an omnitool to start. Maybe she could borrow an old model from the matron used for teaching purposes.

She could pretend that she wanted to watch some kid shows and learn something. Her expression ready, she moved.

On the way, while in front of the matron's office, she saw the same boy sitting in front of it.

Tanya smirked at him. "In trouble. I would expect nothing less from you."

"If you must know, Tanya, I am here to borrow an omnitool. I want to learn something." The boy then muttered the last part. "At least, I don't laugh to myself. That was creepy."


(Gaelen Perspective.)

There was no empire to destroy in this galaxy. Gaelen was free. He was free to choose his own path in life.

The Jedi were necessary to keep order in his old world due to the presence of Sith and also the fact that they had intertwined themselves too tightly with the Republic. To be a Jedi was to be a paragon of light. It was to make an example and to help in the spread of equality.

With time, the ideals changed, and the Jedi first became the servants of the force and eventually the servants of the Republic. They became the enforcers of the Republic, acting as its soldiers and enforcers by the start of the Clone Wars. Such were not the duties of the Jedi. A Jedi was supposed to be more than that. It was to the point that the Republic could not function without the Jedi. 

He believed this was the cause of the fall of the Republic and the Jedi. 

He personally had decided to blaze his own path but in this world. He did not need to fight. There were no Siths. He did not need to fight. He could finally live in peace. He could live as he pleased and save people as he wanted. There was one question in his mind about what he wanted to do. 

He will not neglect his force training; his connection with the force is now an intrinsic part of him. The force hummed in agreement.

But would he teach such skills to anyone else? He decided not to, for the moment. There was no telling what might happen if he unwittingly created a new order. 

He decided not to become a diplomat at that moment. There were too many similarities if he had to use the force as a diplomat. It may create an unhealthy dependency on him and result in the creation of a new order. Its combat capabilities would result in the creation of special forces.

He would not teach the use of force to anyone. For the same reason, he would not forge a lightsaber as well.

Gaelen began to walk towards the director's office. Hopefully, he will know what he wants to do when he gets there.

There was a matter of sourcing the Kyber crystal for the lightsaber. 

Gaelen decided to learn to use the sword, at least. He could become an expert in wielding it. That was one way to do it.

 Now, he could introduce weapons from his universe. No, Gaelen got rid of that thought as quickly as he got it. He had no intention of becoming a weapon dealer, and this universe was not ready for hyperdrive.

Gaelen paused. He heard some laughter coming from the side. He turned and saw the same infuriating girl. The force warned him. Telling him that she was strong.

Her laughter died down as if sensing his stare. She turned around and looked at him. Gaelen, sufficiently creeped out, broke eye contact and left.

Gaelen removed her from his mind and began to think. 

He could become a doctor. He could make a Bacta tank. One capable of healing people. A doctor, such a fact, sounded more and more attractive to him by the minute. He would be saving lives instead of reaping them. 

He would need to train his force abilities and skills with the sword. It would not do for him to be completely defenseless. 

He would become a doctor. 

By this time, he had reached the director's office. He climbed and sat on one of the chairs while waiting for the director to enter her office.

That was until the girl came in.

Next chapter