
Star Mahou Effect

Tanya finally winds up in mass effect after having dealt with Being X. Starkiller's spn too ends up in mass effect after his own sacrifice to stop the empire.This is something like that. I have no idea what I am going to write.

phantompain · Video Games
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Ch 9

Right now, every part of Alex's body hurt. 

He had truly pushed himself to the limit both mentally and physically. He was not able to hear anything other than the blood rushing through his head. The only reason that he could move right now was due to the adrenaline rushing through his body. Alex felt more tired than he ever did before.

His hearing began to return, as he heard cheers around him.


If there was any small consolation for Alex, it was the fact that he did not have to wear any type of embarrassing shirt. He would take his victories where he could, thank you very much.

With a wry smile on his face, he raised his right fist. The crowd lost their mind as they began to yell out.

"Now this is a fight. Two people fought. This was the of David versus Goliath. Both fighters strong but in the end we can only have one victor. Citadel, I give you your first champion. Alex."

The audience began to shout over one another.

"And now, what message would Alex convey to the citadel. That is the question on everyone's mind. Ladies and Gentleman, give your attention to the screen. A reminder to everyone that Alex is the only one that was not sponsored. So, what statement is our boy here looking to make." 

Alex paused. He forgot about that completely. What was Tanya going to do now? He looked up with great fear towards the section where his orphanage was settled. His eyes settled on Tanya as he used the force to enhance his eyesight.

Her grin made him shivers. How could someone so small have such a malevolent smile.

Getting a bad feeling, Alex's eyes went towards the holographic screen that had popped out in front of the audience. His eyes widened in fear. "Please no."


A movie started to play.

"My name is Monkey D Luffy." Luffy was standing in front of the camera. A boat in the distance. His hand at the top of his hat as he looked up, his face showing for the first time. "And I am going to be the pirate king." A wide disarming grin on his face.

A song began to play in the background as it showed Luffy's adventure

"Do you think that you can oppose the whole world and make it out alive."

The scene changed to a broken Luffy, his entire body bleeding as he slowly got up.

"Not yet, I will not give up on my Nakama."

The scenes transitioned to him saving his Nakama and plenty of people to a final scene of him ordering the world government's flag to be shot down.

Time passed quickly and a the perspective of the camera changed. Now, it showed the first person view as Luffy came to a few sandals. The perspective changed showing an older Luffy meeting a group of samurais. A wide smile on their faces as they greeted the pirate.

"Luffy-dono. Thank you."

The scene transitioned to a bloody red battlefield. All the samurais previously standing lied broken on the ground. Only one was breathing and Luffy kneeled by his side.

"Are you okay Kine'mon? I am sorry for being late." A voice filled with regret.

The previous chipper quality of his voice was gone and now there was a graveness in his voice.

Blood spilled out of Kine'mon's mouth. "I feel chagrined." With great difficulty and tears spilling out, he continued. "I am too afraid to face Oden-sama in the afterlife." 

Blood began to spill from his wound as Luffy attempted to stop him from speaking further and causing more harm to himself.


Kine'mon grasped Luffy's as he asked no begged. "Can you carry.... the country of Wano on your back?!"

"You fool. Of course I will. It is my nakama's country." Luffy yelled, tears spilling out.

Even more tears began to spill out of Kine'mon's eyes.

A final scene played as Luffy punched down and the size of his fist increased. The sheer pressure caused it to catch on fire as it headed down.


The scene changed and this time a different art style was shown. A forest was shown where a young blonde was running on trees. 

A voice began to play. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki and one day, I am going to become the Hokage."

His life of neglect was shown as he was shunned by the village. Thrown out of shops as he starved.

The scene changed and this time it showed a boy with black hair walking into a house. The peaceful streets turned blood soaked with bodies lying around. An older boy with a kleidiscope pattern in his eyes telling the boy. "You are not yet strong enough."

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha, and one day I will kill you Itachi. I will avenge my clan."

So, both of their lives were shown side by side. How one fell victim to hatred and how one rose above it.

Naruto fighting Gaara and a scene played showing Gaara's childhood. The scores of assassin he had to kill. The one friend who he felt safe around turned out to be an assassin. The saw Naruto pull him out of the darkness. 

They saw one battle after another. Naruto clashing with kabuto. 

The final scene was the clash between the two team mates. One held electricity on his hand while he had black wings. His eyes adorning a strange pattern and one of the other boy holding a rasengan. His looks feral as a red miasma surrounded him, forming a tail behind him.



And so they both clashed.

The scene changed and it showed a guy looking like a hybrid between a shark and a Turian.

"It seems that in the end Itachi, I am not such a worthless guy." The hybrid clasped his hand as bunch of sharks were created and in the mayhem when he was struck down. One of the sharks was carrying a scroll.

The scene changed showing an old guy writing a book.

"The worth of a ninja is not measured by how they live. Instead, it is measured by how they die." A small smile was on his face.

It was at that point that the scene went black and a foreboding voice began to talk.

Wake up to Reality!

Nothing ever goes as planned in this accursed world.

The longer you live, the more you will realize, that the only things that truly exist in this reality are merely pain, suffering and futility.


Everywhere you look in this world, wherever there is light, there will always be shadows to be found as well. As long as there is a concept of victors, the vanquished will also exist.

The selfish intent of wanting to preserve peace, initiates wars.

And Hatred is born in order to protect Love.

There are nexuses, causal relationships that cannot be separated.

I want to sever the fate of this world.

A world of only Victors.

A world of only Peace.

A world of only Love.

I will create such a World.

I am... the Ghost of the Uchiha.

For truly this reality... is a Hell.


That dialogue sent a chill through the spectator's spine. They could not help drawing comparisons to what they knew and started to agree with it.

It was just a subconscious action.

They looked on wondering truly what was happening right now.


Alex sighed in relief. This was not as bad as it could have been. He could finally faint in peace now. He had been holding on for a very long time. That was until he heard Tanya's voice.

"Thank you. I hope you enjoyed a few samples of what we hope to bring to the wider Galaxy. We intend to establish ourselves soon and we will be counting on your support."

There was a smile on her face.

"Right now. We are the only two working to bring forth our vision."

Scenes played of Tanya drawing and Alex animating on their personal terminal. "We are hoping that you will support us through our difficult journey."

She then coughed into her hands as she brought up another screen.

"We are now selling our comics for a limited amount of time in hard book format. From then on, they will be sold on digital media. The first 100 customers will get Alex's scenes from behind the bloopers."

A scene showed of Alex crying while he was recording. "Of course you fool." Alex cleared his eyes and looked at Tanya. "Give me a moment to calm myself. Could you not have kept him alive?"

Another scene showed of Alex wearing all black as he looked down.


Everywhere you look in this world, wherever there is light, there will always be shadows to be found as well. As long as there is a concept of victors, the vanquished will also exist."

Seeing him like that brought some laughter to the crowd.

"Please visit us near the embassy. Thank you for your support. Also, don't forget your T shirts signed by the champion Alex."

Tanya waved back as she said. "Bye Bye."

And so the video ended.


Alex mentally and physically exhausted finally fainted. The next words were muttered out but as the microphone was pointed at his lips. His voice was broadcasted throughout the stadium.

"The pervert who looked at my naked body..... the pervert promised me a date."

Alex fainted.

Irosir who was watching the live broadcast of the match slammed her head down onto the table. 

Due to the public nature of this match, everything would be gossiped about in the news and tabloids. All requests for information on the citadel are considered public and her information will come up, along with the transcript and recordings of all their conversations. Why did she have to say anything to that brat?

Her words would be twisted beyond belief. All these media companies care about is a quick buck and they would see this as a quick way to break into the human market. No, the humans would be worse. They would use this chance to break into the alien dominated market. They had much more to gain from this.

But, she was forgetting about one more important aspect. Her own grandmother, a renowned warrior of her people who was invited to judge the fight.


Tanya was happy. Her own plans were finally coming to fruition.

Alex had fainted after the match. 

It was a pity that he could be awake. Nevertheless, it was time for her to collect her winnings. The rest of the children had been taken back to their place of residence. She was accompanied by the matriarch to the betting station. There was a smile on her face. A sweet smile, not the monstrous one that usually came out seeing her plans succeed. The sweet smile she mastered to show the masses. A way to prove to them that they should be doing more for their country if a little girl was risking her life on the battlefield.

"Umu, I am here for my winnings." She was standing in front of the reception. Looking around, the station was deserted. This was not what she had been expecting.

"Your ticket please, earth clan."

With a smile, Tanya handed over her card. The teller scanned the ticket. It's raspy voice stopped as he brought up the cards details.

"Earth clan, congratulations. You have won money from thousands of people." The teller which was a volus said. Handing the ticket back to the child. It's hands were trembling. Something Tanya noticed.

"Unfortunately, we lack the ability to process this much credit to a standard account. We would advise you to upgrade your account to allow the transaction to go through."

This was something that Tanya was already planning. She had brought the required paperwork as well. She did need to upgrade to a business account, Afterall. 

"I am sure that that one of your financial knowledge can help me set one up."

The volus regarded her. Tanya still saw that it's hands were trembling. she did not think that the Volus had anything to fear of from her. She began to mentally go through her own actions for the past few days and came up with precious nothing.

"I would be happy to do so. I do have a question. Is this company open for investment and collaboration?" The Volus asked.

So the Volus was excited. Tanya realized. She would have to play this by the ear.

"Maybe. But you see, we have an image to mantain and we cannot allow any interference in the story we are trying to tell."

The Volus cut her off. "No, we are not interested in compromising your internal workings." The Volus breathed in and out. Tanya assumed it was to calm itself down. "We have been losing money to the Asari and the Elcors in the publishing and the entertainment insudtry. We wish for the right to the distribution for any media you produce." The Volus slammed its hands down.

"We can come to an agreement." Her plans were being accelerated. There was nothing more that she could want.

"Ah hem." The Matron coughed. "I also have a list of tickets." She gave them to Volus.

Tanya looked at her indecriously.

"Do you really think that you were the only one to bet on Alex. A lot of the children had done the same." She smiled when she looked at Tanya.

"Congratulations Earth Clan." The Volus repeated after a pause. This time turned towards the Matron.