
Star Mahou Effect

Tanya finally winds up in mass effect after having dealt with Being X. Starkiller's spn too ends up in mass effect after his own sacrifice to stop the empire.This is something like that. I have no idea what I am going to write.

phantompain · Video Games
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

CH 10

"Thank you for the support." Alex smiled as he handed another signed book to a customer.

He had not been granted any reprieve at all. The moment he had woken up, a sandwich had been stuffed into his mouth and then he had been dragged by Tanya to the quote unquote signing event. People that were his fans were approaching him in order to shake hands with him.

Make no mistake, some of them were entirely interested in the manga that had been drawn. Both the art styles were charming in their own regards. The story is one which could be told to all ages. Alex would never deny that, Afterall he had been enraptured by the story as well. If you don't find what you make interesting, there was a high chance that no one would find it interesting.

He would never tell this to Tanya but he found both of her manga very interesting. It was to the point that he eagerly anticipated the next volume, eager to know what will happen.

"With great trepidation, I love your book. Can you please sign it? " An Elcor was looking at him. Alex shook his head as a smile came onto his face. 

"Anything for a fan." Alex placed the book in a satchel that the Elcor had around his neck.

"With hesitation, can I get one from Tanya as well."

"Sure big guy here." Tanya signed a poster and gave it to the Elcor.

"with feeling great gratitude and happiness, thank you." The Elcor nodded at them and moved out of the way.

"Big sis, we sold a few more." A few of the chhildren from the orphage came running to them. "Anyway, we are going to play with some new friends. Bye Bye." Like a storm, they rushed off again. A few other children that were turians and asari running with them, giving no chance for either Tanya or Alex to react.

"Not it." Alex managed to say a little before Tanya. The reason was simple, someone has to go tell the Matron that the children have run off. They were their responsibility after all.

"Damn it." Tanya glared at Alex who just shrugged at her and began to continue his job. "Besides, I am needed here, you are not." Alex waved her off.

Tanya bit her thumb as she stood up.

"I am going to send her a message, someone needs to look after the kids." She glared at Alex at the last part, a smile directed to the snickering line present in front of both of them.

One of the Turians answered helplessly. "I think that they went to the presidium park. It should be a safe place due to the presence of regular C-Sec patrols. Give me a moment, I will ring a buddy of mine, Garrus. He will look after the little runts."

"Thank you." Tanya sped off, after giving a quick wave to the Turian. Don't ask her its gender, she had no way to tell. The voice sounded androgenous as well. 


Garrus was taking a break right now. These last dew days have been a little tiring. It did not help that his father had sent him to C-Sec. The Valkarian was a name that was associated with duty and honor. The Valkarians upheld both of them, compromising on none. It was and has always been their way.

He had just completed his own compulsory military service with the fleets. His own duties mostly consisted of patrolling the borders with Bartarians. It was a pity that they could not take the war to the Bartarians. Oh, how he wished that they could be expelled from the council races.

Garrus sighed, for his deployment, he had seen precious little action. The actions he had seen was defending outposts against pirate attacks while the ships laid down artillery fire on the pirates. It was simply put a slaughter.

Garrus looked around and saw the humans. A new race, one which was rapidly expanding. It was a little daunting to see. His father had told him about the first contact war and how it had turned out so poorly.

His father was perticularly vocal about such open ended laws and idiots been given a command before they are ready. 

"A good Turian follows orders and upholds the law, but he should have the ability to interpret the orders and the law. These humans understand this, and if we did not have space superiority, we would have been dragged down through the mud. If these are the actions of Desolas, he should never have been given a command. We do not subject other species to out laws."

He then put out his cigar as he stood up. "A pity he did not survive, otherwise he would have been subject to a tribunal. Summarily dishonored, and executed."

These humans still interested him, it had not been long since they had joined the Citadel and they were advancing at an unprecedented rate.

His omnitool chimed . He looked at the identity of the caller, and realized that it was his sister.

"Yes ma'am." He answered.

"Calm down Valkarian. I have a job for you. Go to the presidium, there are some human children playing with some of the other children. Keep an eye on them."

"Understood." His footsteps leading him to the presidium.


Tanya stood watching the little brats plat. Her arms crossed, she started to look around the presedium. It was peaceful, amazing how the Citadel manage to have a completely self sufficient system in place. Otherwise, the cost of importing food and water would have bankrupted the place a long time age. 

Anyway, this system was created a long time ago by the Protheans. The current races had a minor role in making this a self sustaining system, with a perfect atmosphere.

Tanya sighed. It felt good to relax. No war to fight, no gods to slay. She could just take her time. 

However, no matter the era. Crimes exist and it was during this moment of reprieve that a few people disgruntled by the current status quo moved.

A few sky cars descended and burly arms snatched the children throwing them into the sky cars. Those skycars sped off.

Tanya cursed herself, as she was too far away to be of any help. Realistically speaking, how could she have helped, even if she wanted to.

She had no weapon. A scowl on her face, she rubbed her forehead. "Damnit."

People around her were too shocked to react and at the signal of her words, they began to panic.

"C-Sec officer on site of a suspected kidnapping. Requesting support, I repeat, requesting support." Tanya heard a voice and turned to face a Turian who was talking into his omnitool.

"Kid, do you know who took your friends? And why?" Tanya found herself facing a Turian.

A scowl on her face, she replied. "How should I know? They just came in and took them."

"Calm down kid. We will do everything in our power to bring them back." The C-Sec officer answered.

"Likely answer." Tanya looked at the officer with disdain. She would wait, and if they fail to do anything meaningful. She would act. 


Garrus looked at the yellow haired child in front of him. Her look sending a shiver down his spine. This feeling of fear was a new one. He quickly snapped himself out of it as a few more officers arrived to provide backup. A crime scene was established as the area was cordoned off.

His sister arrived. "What happened?"

"Three skycars descended and kidnapped a few children. We were unable to verify their identity. The cars were tracked to the warehouse district where their signals were lost."

"I see. When can we move?"

"Belay that order." A voice said as an Asari was projected over it. "That area needs special authorization to access due to being a special zone."

"How long will it take to get authorization?" The female Turian asked.

"Solana, it would take 24 hours to get authorization."

"Too long. I have no idea what would happen to the kids by then. That is enough time for them to be moved off world." Solana's eyes were twitching as she looked at the Asari infront lf her.

"I understand, but we need to follow basic procedures." The Asari answered. "A few lives does risk upsetting the peace we have found in the Arctarian Transverse."

"I apologize but we cannot do that." Garrus answered.

"Stand down. Captain Solana and Detective Garrus. That is an order." Another voice and hologram was projected.

 "But executor Pallin...."

"Do you think I like this, both of you stand down before I order both of you to be detained. Is that understood? For the moment, you both are off duty."

Garrus clicked his mandables in annoyance as he gave a glare at the executor. "Understood." He turned around.

"Garrus wait. I am coming with you." 

"So, Is this the famed C-Sec." A childish voice called out. A slow sarcastic clap accompanying that voice.

"Is it amusing that you don't consider the lives of humans equal or are you readu to throw away the life of children over the illusion of peace."

The Asari looked at the girl. "I am sorry for your loss. I promise that we will do everything in our power to ensure no harm comes to the children. But, you must understad-"

"Shut up." Tanya's face distorted into an angry scowl.

"You failed your duty." Her eyes turned towards the Turian. "Have the fucking balls to admit that. You are pathetic. A fucking dog of the Council. I wonder how you would have reacted if those were Turian children. Understand this, you pathetic old coot. People take justice into their own hand when the system you have created fails them. I want you to remember this. coward."

Her voice boomed as the different recipients found themselves struck.

Tanya turned around and left. Not giving any chance for a rebuttal.

Garrus looked at Solana, as he heard her mutter. "Duty and Honor. To protect and to serve."

Solana closed her eyes as she opened them. "I will uphold both duty and honor." There was a slight smile on her face as she turned towards Garrus. "I want information and plans for the warehouse district. Can you do that for me Garrus. We need to plan for the eventual raid."

Garrus nodded at her as he began to move.


Tanya felt annoyed to the extreme right now. Politicians were still getting in her way. If she would have her way, she would kill them all. But that was a thing for later. For now, she had to move quickly. She doubted the ability of C-Sec to act in any appropriate way or with an appropriate timeline.

It was fortunate that when she had asked for the help of the children. She had marked them with a special tracking spell. She needed to move quickly if she wanted to save the children.

"Alex, code red. The kids have been kidnapped. Pursuing them to the warehouse district."

Saying that, she hailed a cab from a terminal, intent on catching up.

She wanted to dish out some violence as well. Something to calm herself for the moment.
