
Spiritual Power; Evil Unleashed

Williams was a little boy 13 years of age. He lost his parents at a very tender age and since then has been living with his only surviving aunt Sarah who initially was good and nice to him but later deviated from her best and was mean and wicked to Williams.  It has been a long aunty Sarah had wanted to throw William's property out of her house but the mind of what people will say about her was the only obstacle to her plans.  Moreover, her plans worked out when Williams spent one night outside the house and she found it criteria to send him out of the house.  Williams was all alone, mothering care and love, no form of kindness from anyone.  He went to live on the street after he left his aunt's house where he discovered some strange powers he had, and later became possessed with an evil power.  He had been seeing some of those strange power in him but can't use them.  It later turned out to be that Williams's power which he intended to use in a good way turned out to be a weapon he uses against goodness. He had no other option than to succumb to that.  He grew older to become so evil. Find out how he got his spiritual power and what he used it to accomplish.

Chinemeremihechere · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Chapter Five

Williams vanished line a wind to where the voice was coming from.

Peter followed suit by leaving the door. What is happening' he asked himself.

'What a hell are you two doing inside there", the voice said again as Williams ran out to where he assumed the sound was coming from.

Williams looked clearly through the night at the man's face to ask for mercy, maybe it is his house that they were in, but ran back at what he saw.

The creature looks fearful, he has no face, just a big rounded hairy skull and a small opening in form of a mouth below the neck area, but the eyes and nose are not there. He got the gift of an ear that looks like that of a bat by the two sides of the skull.

Williams made to run back in fear and mistakenly hit Peter in the face.

"Peter, what are you doing out here"? He shouted.

"Go out of this arena it is not comfortable for us anymore'.....

He dragged Peter's hand and made to run.

"What's the man saying?" Peter asked as they run away.

"That's not a man but an enemy". "I will have to go and fight him, Stay here".

He hides Peter beside a big stemmed tree.

Williams reappeared in seconds to where the man was.

within him, he knew that he wasn't fit to fight the beast.

He was just being moved by what he watched himself doing on that video he was shown by his parents.

"What did you want from us this evil one". Williams asked the beast.

The question wasn't yet completed when he observed a kind of invisible hand that held him from the back locking his throat.

William's gasp for air to no avail.

"I had the premonitions that in no distant time, you will bring me down and become the leader of my kingdom, but I won't want that to happen", the voice said as he held Williams tightly.

"I have been in a battle with the one you called your father, and now he has transferred the battle to you". the beast said.

"and he thought he can being me down", hahaha the beast made a laughing sound.

"It all ends here now, your existence will be evicted from the reigns, and your powers will leave you this moment".

"You are just a mere human, but want to control the spirits". "All end this moment".....

The beast increased the force at which he held Williams, making the pain to be severe.

Williams struggled to free himself from the beast but ended up being lifted from the ground, his feet dangling in the thin air.

Suddenly, a wind sound was heard. The wind blew the two to the ground and Williams got freed.

Williams put out his hands to be of fire. this was the part he caught interesting in the video his parents showed him.

He rushed the beast to the ground, and said some fetish words so that the beast powers to disapper will crash.

Williams locked his hands by his back while the beast was facing the floor.

"The power I possess was given to me by my father, and I don't think that anyone can get it out of me".

"You came to me for a combat without informing me".

"As you said all will end this moment, so shall it be".….

Williams used his right hand which was ravaging with flames and held the skull of the creature while locking him on the floor.

The flamy hand burnt the hair on it leaving only the bony skull.

The beast got hot at the place Williams was working on him and made to disappear but couldn't.

"You have done more great work here". The beast voiced out.

"I will send my bloodlines to be after you".

"If I can't survive this, am sure my descendants will". He lastly added.

"I am sure that you won't survive this journey you came, you have indeed done your worst mistake ever". Williams chipped in quickly.

He quickly left his hands and get hold of his neck.

He made a screaming sound as he pull the beast's head out of its neck.

Williams threw the head at one end, separating the body from the head, he ran away from the spot the incident occurred.

The flames were still on his hands, he ran with them.

He didn't get to where Peter was immediately because he wasn't yet himself.

He came to a spot where there was a cool night breeze and fell to the ground.

After a long time of waiting to see Williams come back to no avail, Peter got disturbed,

'where has Williams gone this night'? He asked, although there was no one there with him, he is meant to answer himself.

He gave a little distance from the tree where Williams hid him and made it straight to where he saw Williams initially.

He observed that the environment wasn't as it was before. It was as if two bulls shows off their power there.

He remembered when Williams said," I have to go and fight him".

His eye caught a body lying lifeless on the floor immediately the thought of what Williams told him came across his mind.

"William!! He shouted, running towards the lifeless body.

'He is dead' was the word that came to his mind.

He landed with force on the body while shouting the name Williams and shaking the body.

Fear gripped him when he saw no head on the lifeless body.

He ran back in fear, this is not Williams, he said.

His mind was not still free from what he saw.

He was shivering.

"Hey Peter", Williams called from behind.

It seems you are stubborn", he said in a joking manner.

"I left you under that tree and now you are here".

Peter regained himself again as he sees peter.

'I thought you were the one lying dead over there" Peter said.

"I was in shock till you showed up now".

"What happened?" he asked Williams.

"Let's get back first. He replied.

They both left the arena and made for where they were before.

Peter was not comfortable at all.

He wanted to know all that happened between Williams and the man.

'Does it means that Williams killed that Man or what'? he asked himself.

His ears have begun to itch him.

He increased his pace just for Williams to do the same so that they will get back quickly.

They got to their new home as quickly as Peter desired, but there was a problem.

Williams has refused to share what happened between him and the beast with Peter.

"I will let you know all tomorrow, I promised", he added.

Peter was mad at him. Those words Williams said strike through his heart like an arrow.

Indeed it was painful, but what can he do about it...

He slowly laid down and slept off.