
Spiritual Power; Evil Unleashed

Williams was a little boy 13 years of age. He lost his parents at a very tender age and since then has been living with his only surviving aunt Sarah who initially was good and nice to him but later deviated from her best and was mean and wicked to Williams.  It has been a long aunty Sarah had wanted to throw William's property out of her house but the mind of what people will say about her was the only obstacle to her plans.  Moreover, her plans worked out when Williams spent one night outside the house and she found it criteria to send him out of the house.  Williams was all alone, mothering care and love, no form of kindness from anyone.  He went to live on the street after he left his aunt's house where he discovered some strange powers he had, and later became possessed with an evil power.  He had been seeing some of those strange power in him but can't use them.  It later turned out to be that Williams's power which he intended to use in a good way turned out to be a weapon he uses against goodness. He had no other option than to succumb to that.  He grew older to become so evil. Find out how he got his spiritual power and what he used it to accomplish.

Chinemeremihechere · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Chapter Six

The two were woken by the reflection of the sun which passed through the openings on the roof.

It was a coincidence, the sun was reflecting directly into their eyes from different directions which kept them uncomfortable till they woke.

Peter yawned, he looks tired.

He stood to his feet while Williams was still laying down, eyes open.

Peter looked through the window-liked opening he found by the corner and observed that the surrounding was calm and cool.

'It's as if we are the only ones leaving here' he thought.

He tapped Williams a little beckoning him to come and take a look.

"Come, Williams, are we the only one leaving around here"?

Williams came to see what he was talking about.

"But I thought I saw a few houses while we were coming," He said to Peter.

"Yea but where are they?".

Williams jumped through the opening and found himself outside.

He managed to walk around the building to observe the environment.

They weren't sure of where they were because they packed in at night.

He came in through the door after he got all he wanted to know.

Not too long after they went inside, the gregreenish-colored smoke filled the room.

Williams already knew who it was so he didn't bother.

It was only Peter who made it to run. He held tight to William's cloth while hiding behind his back.

"What's this Williams"?, "What have we gotten our self Into?", "Yesterday was a beast, and this early morning a smoke"

"Don't be afraid, This is my father, the guardian I told you of have you forgotten?.

He slowly left Williams's shirt, but still stood at his back Incase of anything happens.

The smoke gradually transformed into a full human being this time around.

William's father standing in front of the two said.

"I already know what will happen as soon as you came in here, but I kept shut just to see how brave you are".

"I have wanted to tell you so you will be ready at any time, but I withdrew that".

"Now I have confirmed how brave you are". He said.

Williams mind wasn't feeling at home, he wanted to know something. 'Was it his father that sent that beast', he thought.

"Those are my enemies", the father said.

It was as if he asked a question that he got the answer immediately.

'If he says they are his enemies which means he wasn't the one who sent them'. Williams thought.

The husky voice continued. "Those enemies are very Dangerous and many".

"The one you had an encounter with is just their leader".

"There are many more to come"

"But father, since the leader is killed, I think the followers won't take time to be killed". Williams asked.

"No, his descendants are more powerful and evil, just get ready at any time".

Peter has been there just listening to what they were saying,

He is no more afraid rather he found everything so interesting.

He wished he had the power like that of Williams.

"I Will go out for the next fight with you". Peter voiced out.

"That's not a problem just that you have to get fortified".

"Where did you get your powers from? Peter asked.

Williams didn't say anything or replied him, he only pointed his second finger at the man standing in front of them.

"He gave them to me".

"I am glad you aren't thinking of your uncle as before", the spiritual father said to Peter.

"Andi can see you also have the brave character, I love one who is brave". The spiritual father said.

"Can I get some Powers from you?" Peter ask the spiritual father.

"I will always give you what you request for, Williams needed a company In this task.

The spiritual father stretched forth his right hand and a small fetish cup appeared,

"Take this", he said to Peter.

Peter quickly gave out his right hand towards the position of the cup.

Immediately, his hand stuck to the cup.

He began to feel hot all over his body.

Some moments later after it seems the hotness is calming, he started to shouted out about the pain he is undergoing.

The initiation was a hard one to bear, converting a pure mare human to have some spiritual powers.

Peter's eyeballs were filled with a reddish substance likely to be blood.

At first, it was a faint red color of blood that was seen on his eyes, but as the pain and shoutings continued the eyes began to shade blood.

Williams was astonished. This wasn't the way his powers were transferred to him.

The power of the black blood has on this day been passed to you. You shall defeat your enemies with the help of this. The spiritual father said in a husky and echoing voice.

The shoutings have gradually reduced but the blood is still dropping.

The spiritual father was done with his initiations but Peter hasn't gotten himself.

But father, Williams chipped in.

I was not done this way...…., he was cut shut by the voice of his father.

"The difference is clear".

"He was called but you were chosen".

"He came alone but you came with spirits".

"He can get eliminated for the spirit world but you can never get rid off the reigns".

Take care of him when he wakes….

He lastly said and disappeared into the thin air.

Peter got himself immediately after the spiritual father left.

The pain seems to be over, and the eyeballs that were streaming with blood seized.

He couldn't even say what happened to him.

All he remembered was that he shouted, yes he shouted but for what reason? He asked himself.

he looked around himself and saw some blood drops. That alone assured him that something happened.

Williams stood there watching him. He didn't make any comment.

He was still meditating on what his father told him.

' how am I different from him' he asked himself.

' and what does he mean by "I came with the spirits"?

All these ran through his mind.

Peter turned to his back after some minutes of his recovery, only to notice Williams staring at him.

The staring was unusual, but he read no meaning into it.

The two went outside, quietly without saying a word to each other.

Later after some hours passed, Williams was the one who broke the long termed silence.

"Was the initiation painful?" Williams asked Peter.

He wanted to know what mad him shout that way.

" I don't even know what happened to me". Peter replied.

He stood calm like he remembered something.

"Wait wait', he said to Williams.

"I have recalled a little".

He began to narrate.

"I saw myself in front of a mighty beast who has the featured of a human, but the height will tell you who he is".

"He introduced himself to me as the god of the black blood".

Williams adjusted the stone he was sitting on to a better position, he nodded his head which passed the information across that Peter should continue.

"The Beast further said that I have started the mission already, there is no going back".

"The words he said together with his voice made me fear because I was just all alone with him".

"He gave me a little hope not to be afraid that he meant no harm to me".

"For you to become part of us, you must pass through a severe pain. your eyeballs are requested of you", the beast said.

"That was when I began to shiver".

"How can I afford to lose my eyes? I asked myself.

"Before I could know what is happening, he got hold of me, dug his middle finger that has a long pointed nail into my right eye, and pulled out my right eyeball".

"That was when I began to shout".

I was seeing my right eye on the ground with my intact left eye".

"He further replaced the open eye socket with the eye he said was the eye of the black blood".

"He repeated the same to the other left eye after he was done with the right eye".

"Oh, maybe that was why you shaded blood physically, I think so", Williams chipped in.

"That's only where I can remember for now that happened". Peter said, completing his story.

"So what did he do with the eyeballs he detached from their sockets? Williams asked.

"Some hands came and picked them up". Peter said.

"So these eyes aren't yours? Williams said jokingly.

They both laughed…..