
Spiritual Power; Evil Unleashed

Williams was a little boy 13 years of age. He lost his parents at a very tender age and since then has been living with his only surviving aunt Sarah who initially was good and nice to him but later deviated from her best and was mean and wicked to Williams.  It has been a long aunty Sarah had wanted to throw William's property out of her house but the mind of what people will say about her was the only obstacle to her plans.  Moreover, her plans worked out when Williams spent one night outside the house and she found it criteria to send him out of the house.  Williams was all alone, mothering care and love, no form of kindness from anyone.  He went to live on the street after he left his aunt's house where he discovered some strange powers he had, and later became possessed with an evil power.  He had been seeing some of those strange power in him but can't use them.  It later turned out to be that Williams's power which he intended to use in a good way turned out to be a weapon he uses against goodness. He had no other option than to succumb to that.  He grew older to become so evil. Find out how he got his spiritual power and what he used it to accomplish.

Chinemeremihechere · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter Four

The two found their way into the western direct,

Williams was leading while Peter was following up.

"Hey boy, it seems we have walked for a long". He said to Peter and partially to himself.

He got under a tree and stopped, Peter did as Williams did.

Balls of sweat roll down their faces.

The sun was really hot on them.

Williams felt something in him.

The feelings for releasing Peter but his fear is what Peter might do if he tried to find out what happened.

"No. No I will do that later at night". He said trying to overcome the feelings.

They both left the shade sometime after they has rested a little.

Where to sleep tonight is another pain that strikes his mind whenever he remembers it.

He was amused when he remembered something.

The word rang like a bell in his ears once more.

"We will be coming to you in times of need".

He could barely recall when the spiritual father said so to him.

"I don't think I have a problem anymore". He assured himself.

'But although I have to help myself. He thought.

"What if they don't show up as they promised, what will be my fate"?.

He continued looking for any abandoned building where he can settle down.

'If truly they want to help him, they can help him find one quickly. He thought.

He held Peter by the hand, flinging the hand as they work as someone he was conversing with.

He did so for one not to easily observe Peter's abnormal movement.

Not too long, after they have worked some meters away from that shade.

Some smoke filled the air just up above William's head.

This kind of smoke was unusual, he thought at first but later remembered that his parents come to him through the smoke.

The greenish substance came and settled right in front of the both.

The smoke formed a human.

This time it was the father that appear.

"I know you have been worried about where to lay tonight". He said.

"Yes. I have been worried" Williams replied.

"But I know you must surely come as you promised" he added.

"I am always here for you". He assured him.

"Why did you still lock up your friend in confusion," he asked.

"I…. I was only afraid he might realize what happened so I choose to release him at night maybe after we have settled for the day".

Peter seems to have been gradually coming back to his senses.

The spiritual father made peter see him.

"Where is this Williams, Where are we"?. Peter asked immediately he recovered.

He observed that there was a third party among them that don't look like a complete human.

"Who is this Williams?, Let's leave!

"I have to go Williams, it's getting dark here," peter said.

All he could remember was his uncle.

"My Uncle may be worried about me by now".

He made to leave but the terrifying voice that came from the spiritual father made him stop. Tension gripped him.

"You are not permitted to leave my presence as you wish". The voice said.

"Your friend here will tell you more about that later".

He drew closer to where Peter was standing.

"The struggling for life has begun", he said into peters ears.

"Williams has to be your partner, and also your mentor here".

"You have to follow him and forget all about your uncle if you want to survive this".

the last sentence sent a cold worm pain to his nerves, 'forgetting about his uncle'? He thought.

He flew like a cloud of smoke to where Williams was standing and said.

"It s over to you".

"He is your friend, work hand in hand with him"

"Don't exercise your powers on him" he warned.

"Go down that valley, a place has been prepared for you and your friend".

"I will always fulfill my promise of coming to your aid".

From his waist down transformed to smoke, one could only see his head down his stomach.

The greenish substance flew around the two friends twice and vanished.

Peter was dumbfounded. He wasn't understanding anything.

"Williams what're these things all about". He asked

"We have to get down that valley before it's late". Williams said.

"When we get there I will explain". Williams promised.

He followed Williams In fear.

They discovered the place on time and Williams kept his little bag at one extreme of the room, they arranged the place with confidence as if it was rented newly by them.

They made some cleanups to make the place a bit neat.

Some piece of cartons they found around there was used as a mat where they can lay down to rest at night.

"I know you are waiting for it already," Williams said to his friend peter who has been quiet since they entered that building.

"I am worried more than the way you think Williams" he finally spoke out.

"But no problem, I will exercise patience till when you are deemed to talk to me".

"That will be after the meal, boy," Williams said.

At the mention of a meal, it hits Peter's mind.

He now remembered that he hadn't eaten since the afternoon and up to this late time.

The fear of what they will eat filled his mind.

He was fully sure that Williams has nothing to eat, not even a penny to buy what to eat.

"Oh God"!! He exclaimed.

"Did I hear you mention food when you don't have anything on you"?

Williams kept quiet about what Peter was saying. He had some hope for food that night, with the help of the spiritual father.

"Food or money to buy food which do you want"?He asked peter.

He picked up his bag and brought out some eatables from there.

Peter was shocked.

'I brought this bag in here, and there wasn't any food in it. So how come? he asked.

"Take this", Williams brought out his hand full of some fruits and offered them to Peter.

"Let's manage this tonight," he said.

After some time, when they were done eating

"Hey Williams, I have exhausted my patience, my ears are beginning to itch me".

"Tell me what I want to here please" Peter plead to Williams who walked straight to the piece of cartons laid on the floor and sat.

"Peter", Williams called.

"You are too inquisitive, well I will let you know what you ask for".

They went on to discuss what happened earlier.

"Who did you say that man was", he asked.

"He is guardian to us, with time you will get to know him well".

Williams didn't go further telling him that he was his father just to avoid too much and unnecessary questions.

"Guardian"? Peter asked.

"What's he guiding us for," he asked.

"Time will tell". William quickly gave in a wise answer.

"I haven't still know the reason why we are here".

"What happened, why are we here"? he asked.

"I am meant to tell you about the man you saw and nothing more". Williams said.

That reply sent a shock down Peter's nerves.

He began to doubt everything that happened.

Does it mean that I have been lured into being kidnapped by someone that looks like Williams?

He laid quietly and slowly down the laid piece of carton and meditated over it.

"Who is there!!.

A voice came from outside.

Williams got terrified as he heard the harsh voice We mean no harm to you", Williams voiced out.

Peter doesn't know what's going on, he only lay still on the floor.

Williams sensed, danger is around the corner. He has to do something to overcome it.

The opening sound of the patched door was heard, it was Williams who left.....