
SpiritCatcher Spin-Off: Sibley's Cardboard Theater

"Hello there guys! It's me Sibley! And I have something to give you: An unlimted pass to see my segment at Opera Epiclese! Come overto see whatever I might end up showing! And since you followed me through my first adventure, I'll give you free access to other stuff! Catch ya on the flipside!" BTW: This might interest you -> https://www.webnovel.com/book/spiritcatcher-2-the-merciless-order_29778659608834905

Densekugi · Others
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9 Chs

Isekai Quartet Part 1

This sub-story will contain characters and versions of characters from my second fic, Merged Worlds: Isekai'd Nation Builder, if you want a more in depth look at them, please consider reading their origin story.

"So what does this button do exactly?" Shimmer asked, looking at the button Sibley just place on the table out of nowhere.

At the question Sibley just made a smug expression at the question, "Dont worry about it, just press it!" She invited reassuringly.

That reassurance however wasn't bought by Gloom at all, "Don't worry my ass! Like hell I'm going to press a button when I don't even know what it does!" She pointed out, slapping the button off the table, but Sibley quickly caught it.

"Well then..." Sibley stated, "If you won't press it... I will!" She declared pressing the button, causing reality to become wavy.

This caused Gloom to grab Sibley by the shoulders, "Don't care how immortal you are! I'll kill you!!" She yelled at the Divine Fury who just smiled in satisfaction.

Teleporting to somewhere.

"...Where are we?" Furina asked the Goddess of Law, "Ask Sibley when we find her, although I suggest you hurry cause she might end up with a broken jaw." Gloom informed, knowing already what she's going to do.

Looking around, Shimmer realizd what the place is, "This is a school from our original world." She informed her fellow reincarnation.

"This is a school in your world?" Scaramouche questioned the light elemental who nodded in respone, "It's... significantly more mundane than what I was led to believe..." He commented, recalling Shimmer describing it as literal Hell.

"Hey excuse me!" They suddenly heard, turning to see a familiar Useless Water Goddess approach them, "You wouldn't happen to know whe-EEP!!" She stopped her question when she noticed all the dark energy leaking out of Gloom, prompting her to run back to her group.

Turning to look at eachother, "Was that Aqua?" Gloom asked the others, noticing that Xiao and Klee had also joined, "The Useless Goddess of Water yes." Klee confirmed.

"Why did she run?" Xiao asked what was on everyone's mind, "Well it couldn't have been those guys..." Shimmer deduced, pointing at what she recognized as the guys from Nazrick, "So the only other option would have to be..." She pointed to Gloom.

Seeing as she was the source of the issue, Gloom gave her head a scratch.

Meanwhile with the Konosuba crew, "Kazuma! Look at that girl! She's leaking dark energy like there's no tomorrow!" Aqua pointed out to her team mate.

"Why are you going around sensing people's energy?" Kazuma questioned in an accusatory manner, "I can't help it! it's literally overwhelming! Even more than that white girl's light energy!" Aqua defended herself.

Taking a better look around, Kazuma also noticed the guys from Nazrick, "I thought you'd be more worried about them." He commented, pointing at them.

Looking at where Kazuma was pointing, Aqua only got more alarmed, "There's a bunch of undead too! We're clearly in danger!" She pointed out in a panic.

Now speaking of the Nazrick group, "Those two over there." Ainz pointed out to Shimmer and Gloom, "They have an incredible amount of power, more than anyone here." He informed the others.

"M-More powerful than even Lord Ainz!?" Mare asked in shock that the vagueness of that statement put that notion into play.

"Don't be ridiculous Mare! As if some random humans could possibly be-" Albedo was saying, negating the notion, but Ainz interrupted, "I'm afraid that I don't hold even a candle in comparison." He confirmed.

A moment after that information was dropped, Shiva Samba stepped up, "ALRIGHT EVERYONE! GET INSIDE YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE TO CLASS!!!" She screamed so loud that some windows shattered, leaving virtually no room for discussion.

In the Class.

Now sitting in class, Kazuma noticed that Aqua seemed to be tense, "You don't seem as overzealous as usual." He pointed out, "Kazuma, we have a member of M.L.E. teaching class right now, either you do as she says or we're all erased." She warned.

"Trust me, Sibley wouldn't erase anyone without a valid reason." Gloom reassured having heard that part of the talk, "If there's someone you should be wary about is this wannabe God beside me." She informed, pointing to Scaramouche who simply responded with "Fuck you."

"I wanna know about those guys!" Darkness told them, referring to the military dressed people in the front row, "They look strong and authoritative! Like if I did the slightest thing wrong they would punish me severely!" She said, blushing and drooling.

"She makes Nahida look like a saint..." Scaramouche commented, knowing how pain thirsty the Dendro Archon could get.

Gloom got closer to Shimmer, "These are all people that have information leak from their worlds right?" She questioned her girlfriend, "Yeah, don't know about the guys in military outfit, but yes." Shimmer confirmed.

As they were talking, the classroom's door opened, revealing the Re:Zero cast, "Now those guys I kno-" Shimmer was saying before Subaru yelled "What the hell is going on here!?"

"I think we're in for the longest ride of our lives..." Xiao commented, already feeling a headache coming.

A moment later.

"And those were all the school rules!" Sibley exclaimed pointing to the writing on the board she literally snapped into existance and put in their head, "Now I hope you will behave with your fellow students, any questions?" She asked.

To that Subaru raised his hand, "Miss..." He started, "Sibley." Said Divine Fury finished for him, "Miss Sibley, what the heck are we dong here?" Subaru questioned.

"Oh that, well it went sort of like this:" Sibley started.


"Sibleyyyyy~ I'm boooooreeeed...." Shiva Samba lamented to the Divine Fury she just summoned to say that, "Is that why you called me here?" Sibley asked in disbelief.

Shiva Samba floated to her underling, "Do you have any idea on what I could do?" She asked inreturn, not bothering to even hear the question she was just asked.

"...I guess you could get a hob-" Sibley was saying, but Shiva Samba interrupted "Create a world where I can put copies of people so they can act as if they were high school students!? Great idea! Bring this to Gloom and Shimmer! I'll handle the rest!" She exclaimed with a smile, handing Sibley a button and teleporting away.

End of Flashback.

"Then you guys pressed the buttons one way or another and now we're here." Sibley finished, leaving everyone speechless.

"So we're here to play..." Demiurge summarized, "That's right you demony-thingy!" Sibley confirmed with a nod of her head, "And what if we refuse?" Ainz brought up the idea, "In that case your whole world will get deleted without a trace." Sibley explained with a calm smile.

That information made everyone tense up except fo Gloom and Shimmer, "So anyhow, let's begin this school year!" Sibley finished before turning to the chalkboard.

With Shiva Samba.

"Are you completely sure this is a good idea?" Focalors asked the Algod, unsure if she would even answer at all.

"Don't tell them this, but if it goes well, I am planning something." Shiva Samba said, making sure to not give anything away.