
Spirit Stealing

You had just signed a contract to kill your father. Don't think its easy, inferno is the strongest fire spirit holder. Defeat him before the illusion spirit kills you.

DrBlingBling · Fantasy
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10 Chs

A boy's Weakness

Selling painting is difficult as it's a fixed asset. The thirteen-year-old entered what looked like a tavern. A women tole him to wait for a minute

"Hey. Where are you going?"

"Let us get rid of him."

"Yes, he will ruin the business"

The boy sat patiently waiting for a bartender. Hikaru knows about drinking regulations but wanted to order food and a traditional non-alcoholic cocktail. Two women sat right beside the child adjusting their short dress. The red head crossed her thick thigs and dangled her index finger on the red shining lips. The brunette ran her fingers through her hair and places her right hand on Hikaru's crotch. The red head poured a full glass of red wine. The more she poured the more "it" lifted.

"What is this that I am touching"

"ooo! I didn't know you're ready"

Hikaru blushed redder that a parrot's feather. He pushed against the table and lifted his lower body. However, Hikaru's masculinity contracted his muscles and descended him into heaven. The girls looked at each other and moaned out of amazement. The sounds busted out of their mouth made Hikaru, the author, and the readers hard. One Lowered her dress and the brunette stood In front of him. The boy's hands gained a brain, a heart, and an endocrine system. Adrenaline pumped through his hands, his heart pushed stronger, and his brain exploded with sinful thoughts. The brunette tied her hands around Hikaru's neck. She lifted her right leg and covered his. Repeated the process with her left leg made the plant grow into a tree. The boy held her by the shoulders, gave her a deep kiss and pushed himself to fall of the chair. He ran far and bumped into a mysterious man wearing a black coat. A shiny dagger fell from the impact of their bodies.

"AAA! AAA! You have a dagger!"

While the man crouched down to pick up the sword, Hikaru saw a bark liquid dripping from the coat. The dagger seemed to have pierced the shady guy. He cursed Hikaru and used his water magic to summon a fountain made of the loudest water droplets. The guards rushed to the scene. They sent the injured to a hospital and held Hikaru in prison.

"You're lucky he survived. You would have been tortured, but ten years is the predicted result."

Hikaru was pulled by his handcuffs and left defend less in court. He watched the alleged victim and the audience sit patiently.

"I thank god for his mercy. I can't forget the time of the incident. I went to buy a bouquet of flowers… After that, the man jumped me wearing a devilish smirk. My heart sunken and I feared for my family's sake. When I explained that I didn't bring any extra cash he… He stabbed my lower abdomen and covered me with a black robe treating me as a sacrifice for the demon lord!"

"What! You liar! Your words stink with the scent of manipulation. I didn't stab you I am a respectful… You don't deserve my respect! I treat each person equally. However, I curse liars and people like y..."

"Silence! How dare you speak to the prince of the water nation without bowing. I can't believe your attitude. You dare call yourself respectful. Where's your evidence. There is no need to waste the crown prince's time. We found two witnesses that deem you a sexual abuser"


"you! Do you remember us? You entered our brothel and forced… "

(Sniff… Sniff... Sniff…)

"You abuser! I was ordered by the monster to touch myself and preform sexual activities with my friend."


"Silence! I order your execution for attempted murder and for sexual assault"

(Slam! Slam!)

"Take him to the stone."

They dragged the merchant to the ancient stone of traits. A rock that lustres from the user's skill. Crimson-red shines once more, turning rubies into dull-invaluable pebbles. People present in court went ballistic. They claimed Hikaru's alliance with the fire nation's spy team and that he came to rattle stability. Hikaru shouted his heritage to the illusion clan, but yelling came in vain. Only one attribute manifests itself as strength and the fire society doesn't associate with others. They shunned Hikaru into a black hole-looking room, awaiting his execution. Hikaru understood his offense but couldn't comprehend why the women changed his sentence by mixing truth with dishonesty.

"The useless sun power doesn't show on the stone! Why did those women lie?."

Each day, Hikaru was beaten, banned from nutrition, and isolated. Being in the dark made Hikaru insane and guards needed to paralyse the angry bull from reaching the red cloth of freedom. Their idea was basic: use an illusion to put Hikaru in an endless life of terror. Physical shadows entered the cell, lifting the youngster by his gorgeous-blond hair. White and purple circular lines tried to massacre Hikaru's cells in his frontal cortex. But nothing happened to the boy. His mother's illusion vaccinated Hikaru. Guards' only choice was to knock him by a punch of injustice.

"Darkness and darkness. My life is birch wood burnt from the influence of my father."

While knocked out, Hikaru had a vivid prophecy that shocked him. The dream showed his death by a guillotine. After execution, a gentle voice asked a hopeful question.

"Do you want to survive? Are you content with the life you had?"

this chapter is a bit weird but is needed to advance with the plot. i dont think i will have a weird one like this/ lol

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