
Spirit Stealing

You had just signed a contract to kill your father. Don't think its easy, inferno is the strongest fire spirit holder. Defeat him before the illusion spirit kills you.

DrBlingBling · Fantasy
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10 Chs

From one life to another

"The Sun doesn't shine as its pain brings others joy"

Hikaru treated the kid and donated some blood for experiments. The scientist finished his work. He found a huge mold that looks like a hollowed-out shape of a human. He stood inside the mold. The enzyme subtract complex began shouting. The wall glowed and a shimmering liquid was leaving Hikaru's body. The scientist entered the room and began laughing his shit.

"I didn't know stealing your spirit was that easy. Your mind can't develop as fast as your power. What a shame. Ha!Ha!Ha!"

Hikaru realized his position and pressured out of the mold. He took a knife and swung. It landed. Seeing blood gushing for the second time brought a realization. He judged his angle to be at fault for the troubles he faced. But a powerful sensation was lurking within Hikaru, telling him to believe his mother and avenge her death. Hikaru went to the scrolls and fulfilled his empty promise. The scrolls discussed the ways of the sun. Hikaru held the teen's hand and explained the situation. The teen's face dried up and turned pink-red.

"brother don't do this to me. You can't! Where's your heart? You changed. Let me change you back!"

The teen closed his mouth and slowly approached Hikaru. They both ran with constant speed thus; Hikaru couldn't get him off his tail. The teen jumped on Hikaru and pushed him to the ground. The teen beat Hikaru up. Finally, it was time for the teenager's last punch. It was in the shape of a dagger and was swift like a shark. Blood splattered all over the room as the teen's fingers pierced Hikaru's body. All Hikaru saw was black, but the teen witnessed judgment. He was teleported to an familiar land, much similar to the white room he lives in. The land was massive and had a gate. The door opened, and a monster stepped out.

"Brother! Brother! I need you.!"

"give me a sacrifice. Give me your spirit!"

"No! No! I need my spirit. I won't give you anything!"

The ground rumbled, and the sun spirit shouted for the spirit to obey. The teen's eyes when white as he vomited out the shadow spirit. It kneeled down to show respect and agreed that it was the sun spirit's slave. The teen returned to his world and stepped away, confused and scared. Hikaru ran to a separate room for shelter. He healed what he could and looked for clothes and money to steal. Hikaru found cool garments and many beautiful paintings to sell. In that room was a table standing on a gorgeous mat. Hikaru lifted the table and moved the mat. From his luck, Hikaru found a hidden escape route to the outside. He climbed for long hours spotting a tiny dot of light reaching to the top! Hikaru found himself in a secluded area with barely any housing. It was time to walk, he assumed. The lad reached a humongous gate.

"Welcome to the land of water, merchant!"

the teen is a weird character but i wanted to add him so...

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