
Spirit Stealing

You had just signed a contract to kill your father. Don't think its easy, inferno is the strongest fire spirit holder. Defeat him before the illusion spirit kills you.

DrBlingBling · Fantasy
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10 Chs

the new academy

For an unknown reason, Hikaru trusted the speaker and requested help in the sincerest act. Helplessness woke up standing on the streets. Chucked Pebbles were mental execution for the criminal. The boy began shouting in agony until the executioner came dressed as darkness. Silence danced through the streets, scaring the heats of the innocent and fugitive. The hungry blade mirrored Hikaru's neck. Dropping the rope signaled defeat, but Hikaru couldn't deny the voice he heard. The audience reported seeing the body entering its shadow and escaping into the streets. Silence mutated into fear and anger ran towards the shadow.

"Wasn't he a fire nation spy? Did our eyes send false stimuli to our brain?"

Both Hikaru's eyes and the Gates of "Dr Dweik's Academy" sprung open. Surprised boys, horrified girls, and women gazing at Hikaru being naked like a meatless drumstick. A back of skinned potatoes In front of the school was not ideal. Security gave Hikaru clothes and sent him to the principal.

"It's a surprising start for your school semester. Do you think this would ever repeat? If trouble comes knocking on my office, I would have no choice other than calling your parents. You have one more chance."

Hikaru entered a school in the earth clan, that's known for its education. The boy understands the arts of natural selection and thus needed to steal the identity of a classmate. The voice echoed

"Give me control. Give it for this mission."

He snuck up on a lonely classmate and pushed him into his shadow. Interrogating the kid was simple, as Hikaru only needed his full name. Hikaru's victim was called Kiriyoshi Takatomo, until Hikaru snatched it from his identity. After entering the huge class, a new objective was formed.

"I need to make friends in this class. I want at least one…"