In the expansive expanse of existence, there exist realms concealed from the awareness of ordinary folk. Rain Weathers, an unremarkable teenager with average looks, physique, and grades, was leading an uneventful life. However, everything took a dramatic turn one fateful day when he found himself plunged into a vivid dream, a dream that unveiled a world beyond imagination — a world teeming with spirits, monsters, and conversing frogs. This was the Spirit Realm. Transformed into a player by the mysterious machinations of the universe, Rain, alongside other chosen individuals, found themselves thrust into a perilous world. They were tasked with navigating their newfound domain, establishing their territories, all while fending off relentless onslaughts from beasts, defending their territories from other races, and making sure to stay alive for another day. NOTE! NO system. NO cheats. NO overpowered MC. NO tragic past or sob story. NO harem. This is more on Kingdom Building, and War. Just an average boy with no special skills who, through hardship and dedication, transforms from a nobody to a conqueror. If this story interests you, give it a try.
Helliana rode with the swiftness of a storm, her heart pounding in rhythm with the galloping of her mount.
She led the last remaining Orcs through the darkened landscape, their breaths mingling in the cold night air. The urgency of escape drove them forward, away from the devastation and toward the faint hope of safety.
Her mind raced with possibilities. The Sand Elves, with their ancient magic and desert strongholds, could offer sanctuary.
Their alliance was uncertain, but Helliana knew they had a reputation for some level of compassion, especially toward those who had suffered great losses.
The desert was a treacherous journey, but it might be their best chance.
Alternatively, they could head further north to the Gnomes. These reclusive and inventive beings were known more for their mechanical marvels than their diplomacy.