
Spider-X Chapter 6

Opening scene Peter's working in the daily bugle when a middle-aged African-American man hands Peter a cup of coffee. "How's it going," said the man.

"Thanks, Mr. Urich," I said, "Jonah only yelled at me once today so pretty great". Ben Urich looked at his watch at said: "There's still time don't jinx it".

"Yeah," I said looking downcast "By the way, I just put your latest story on the site and it's the number one most viewed on the site by far," I said with astonishment.

Urich responded, "Why all that story really is, is a look at crime rates since Spider-Man showed up".

"I can't tell you why people like it so much all I can say is ever since I started running this site for the bugle your stories no matter the topic is always well received," I said

"If they're so well received then how come I'm not getting paid more. My son was recently accepted into some fancy science program that ain't cheap" Urich said with all the anger of a working-class man. I finish my coffee, and then I heard Jameson yelling and arguing with someone.

"Did Mrs. Grant piss of Jonah again cause every time she does he always takes it out on me later" I said.

"No, it looks like some teenage girl I hope she didn't come here to discuss politics with him". Urich said

"Teenage girl," I say and look over my shoulder to see Kitty arguing with Jonah on his biased reporting when it comes to mutants. "Shit!" I run out of my chair and try to get in the middle of the two.

"Mr. Jameson I'm so sorry my friend here doesn't know what she's saying, in fact, she loves the paper don't you Kitty," I say looking at Kitty trying to communicate with my eyes apologize for everything that you said.

"Like I would love anything this Bigot prints," Kitty said with venom in her voice

"Little girl you are walking on thin ice you come in here with your SJW bull insult me to my face and make your boyfriend fight for you," Said Jonah I could actually see that little vein in his neck pulsating.

"First of all he is not my boyfriend, second you say SJW likes it's a racial slur and you want me to apologize for what not agreeing with your opinion. Newsflash Mr. Jameson respect is earned I'm not just going to roll over and agree with you just cause you're older than me." Kitty said digging in her heels in the ground. "I'm so screwed I'm gonna lose my job theirs, no coming back from this," I thought.

"Your generation is nothing, but a bunch of entitled brats that think they should always get their way," Jameson said with his vein ready to pop. I start dragging Kitty out of the office to save whatever scrap of a chance I have of keeping my job. On the way out Kitty screams "PRINT MEDIA IS DYING EVERYONE IN THE OFFICE IS GOING TO BE OUT OF A JOB IN TEN YEARS". Once we manage to exit the building I practically explode at Kitty.

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING DO YOU WANT ME TO GET FIRED," I said. Lucky I finished my work early today or this day would have been meaningless.

"It's not my fault one thing lead to another and the man was screaming down my throat," Kitty said rolling off the situation like it's no big deal. I put my hand over my face and let out a deep sigh. "Is this apart of some plan by Xavier to cut my source of income or something"

"What no!?" Kitty said with surprise in her voice "I just came here to drop off your phone that we meant to give you after your evaluation" Kitty hands me a cellphone it looks to be the latest model and already has the X-Men in the contacts. "I can't accept this," I say flatly

"Professor Xavier told me to tell you it's a part of your deal with him. You want to work solo he said you both agreed you would contact us if you need any help," Kitty said with pride (Ha Ha Get it). I thought to myself "Damnit she's right I did agree to contact him in the deal made".

"I am regretting ever joining you guys," I say

"Why did you join," Kitty asks curiously

"I don't know Xavier made it sound like I would be doing good work making some kind of difference," I say with frustration in my voice

"It's true we do make a difference trust me I've been with the X-Men a couple of years now everything we do it's for the betterment of humanity," Kitty said assuredly.

"A couple of years? How old were you when you joined?" I ask

"13," Kitty says "I was outed as a mutant at my Bat mitzvah. I only had my powers a few months and was still figuring them out. I was nervous when I was reading the Torah and phased through the podium and then the floor and to make matters worse my cousin was filming the event and put it online"

"Wait are you the Ghost Girl," I say remembering the video it went viral for a while it was even used in news footage when discussing mutant abilities.

"I hate that name don't call me that," Kitty says "Though some good did come out of it the professor saw the video and offered for me to join the X-Men". Just then I saw a police car go flying down the street. A man wearing what looked like a full body knit onesie with gauntlets on his wrist carrying bags of money who just threw a police car.

"We have to help," I say

"Ready when you are" Kitty responds. I duck in an alley and take off my street clothes revealing my spider-suit underneath and quickly put my mask on. I grab Kitty and web us towards the man.

"Who the hell are you two," the man asks

"Your worst nightmare" Kitty responds

"Me drowning in a public pool?" the man asks

"No I'm Spider-man and this is Ghost put down the money and no one else has to get hurt," I say

"I hate that name," Kitty says. The man rubs his chin and feigns like he's considering my offer and says "Counterpoint" and raises his gauntlet and blasts some kind of vibrational wave at us I quickly dodge thanks to my Spider-sense and Kitty just stands their unfazed by his blast.

"Thanks for the breeze," Kitty says with snark

"What are you two," The man says

"Mutants what are you" Kitty responds the man starts to laugh like a maniacal villain and says "I'm so glad you asked I'm the Shocker" from the other side of him I web off one of his gauntlets and see it's some kind of vibration gun that fires condensed energy actually kind genius.

"But you shoot vibrations at people, not electricity wouldn't be more accurate to say you're the Vibra-" I stop myself "Never mind the Shocker works"

"Kid give that back do you how expensive those are" he saws raising his reaming gauntlet at me. Kitty comes at him from behind flips him on the ground and disarms him in one fell swoop I was actually impressed. I find some cuffs on the ground, probably fell out of the police car this guy wrecked, and put them on him and web his feet to the ground all while the Shocker screams at us for ruining his perfect plan for quick cash. I grab Kitty and web away to a nearby building while we let the police take care of him. Kitty starts laughing hysterically.

"I can't believe you almost called that guy the Vibrator" she managed to say between laughs

"Shut up!" I say I'm glad I'm still wearing the mask so she can't see my cheeks turning red. "It was a simple leap in logic anyone could have said that by mistake"

"No, they wouldn't!" She says teasing she finally stops laughing and says "I'm glad you joined the team I can tell things with you around are going to be a lot more fun". Despite her almost getting me fired today and the teasing I can see myself getting along with Kitty and she looks kinda cute when she laughs.

Well, I was supposed to do work today but did this instead so now I'm behind. Don't forget to comment and review constructive criticism always welcome.

Anthony_Essexcreators' thoughts