
Spider-Man: Dimensional Anomaly (MCU)

All universes have rules and laws, an order to be followed. But what would happen if an anomaly appeared? Something unexpected, a multiversal error. Will it bring destruction or be a blessing? The harbinger of chaos or the chance in a million. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or songs featured in this fic. Additionally, I do not claim ownership of any products or properties mentioned in this novel. This work is entirely fictional.

Subaru71077 · Movies
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16 Chs

Chapter 11- Things Will be Different Now

##Important explanation at the end of the chapter.


'That's very good' I thought as I had lunch in the school cafeteria. It's been 5 days since the fight at the collider, and I haven't been able to go on patrol during these days, thanks to my parents who were not at all happy with my disappearance and lack of news.


Five days ago

'I hate having to do this,' Arthur thinks, knocking on the front door. After waiting for a few seconds, George Stacy opens the door.

"...Arthur?" George asks, surprised, before advancing with open arms. "Where have you been? Do you know how worried we were?"

"I... I... I'm sorry," Arthur responds, tears beginning to well up in his eyes.

"Alice! Arthur is here!"

A rocket shoots through the house to the door and takes Arthur from George's arms. "MY BABY! Are you okay? Did someone hurt you? Were you kidnapped? Are you being threatened?" Alice says rapidly, squeezing her son as tight as possible.

"Calm down, Mom, it's okay," Arthur responds with difficulty. "...you're suffocating me."

"Oh! I'm sorry," she says, stepping back. "...I'm just glad you're okay," Alice adds, looking at his body.

"Yes, Mom, I'm fine." '3...2...1'

"That's good..." Alice puts her hand on the side of his face, rubbing it gently before grabbing his ear firmly. "Why you better give me a good reason not to kill him." She exclaims, transitioning from an angel to a demon in less than a second.

"Ouch! Calm down, Mom," Arthur says in pain, being pulled by the ear to the sofa.

"George, dear, get something for us to drink while we listen to Arthur's last words," she says, turning with a 'smile' on her face.



"So? Start talking," Alice said, sitting on the sofa next to George. Arthur was in the armchair in front.

"Well... I-I," Arthur lowers his head, tears starting to stream down his face. "It's hard to admit this... it hasn't been easy for me. I'm facing overwhelming pressure at school. Every day I do my best, but lately I have felt completely overwhelmed. I... feel suffocated, as if something is squeezing my throat. I want both of you to feel proud of me, but the constant demands, expectations, and intensity are becoming increasingly difficult to bear."

Raising his head, Arthur faces his parents. "I just... needed some time alone... away from everything..." The words tremble, and he finishes, starting to sob. "I'm... sorry."

Alice and George exchange glances, sensing the anguish in Arthur's words. Alice stands up and walks over to her son. Putting his head on her shoulder, she begins to gently stroke his back. "Let it all out, dear. We're here for you."

George approaches and begins to gently stroke Arthur's hair. "I know how it is, son, I've been through it."


"Yes... I understand that the pressure at school can be overwhelming, especially in a new environment. That's why I want you to know that we're not here to demand perfection, but to support you in every stage of life. We're by your side, unconditionally, and we'll always find solutions together," George says, looking into Arthur's red eyes. "However, we can't accept this kind of behavior. You simply disappeared without saying a word. Your mother became extremely anxious., son, and I was about to report you as missing."

"...I'm sorry."

"I know."

"Son, look at me." Alice places her hands on Arthur's face, gazing into his eyes tenderly. "We are the only true friends you'll have in your life. We will always be here to support and help you. So promise me, my little boy, that the next time you feel this way, you'll come to us. Promise me, Arthur."

"...I promise."

"All right... now tell us where you've been." 


'Haa... I hate manipulating them.' Looking around, I see Gwen talking with her group of friends; our conversation had been intricate. Initially, she wanted me to give up, arguing that it was too dangerous and that I was too young. However, after explaining everything that happened that night (excluding the part about the multiverse and alternative versions) and emphasizing that we were all alive thanks to me, she became uncertain with her words and, in the end, kind of 'forced' me to have her as a partner.

Basically, while I was out as Spider-Man, she would be my "girl in the chair," helping me find crimes or accidents. I agreed after a few seconds; after all, that was my plan.

'We just need to see how this goes,' I reflected; we were stuck at school, and Gwen wouldn't be able to be alone to communicate with me. 'Anyway, we'll find a way; the important thing now is to fix my uniform. I didn't have time to go to the Spidercave, but since today is Friday, tomorrow I will have the perfect opportunity.

"Art, did you hear what I said?"

Coming back to reality, I look ahead and see the only person sitting with me at the table, my friend Ned. 'I was afraid I'd have to act like a playboy to have friends, but you fit perfectly. It had already been complicated at the old school...'

"Can you repeat that? I was thinking about that physics problem," I respond. 'Now, with powers, everything got even less interesting around these underdeveloped teenagers... at least I enjoy Ned's company.'

"The military found Tony Stark," Ned said.

"Really? I thought he was already dead." Being missing for three months... he must have suffered. The military took a long time to find him... there's a traitor or someone high up who wanted him dead.

"I thought the same, apparently the kidnappers were forcing him to build weapons."

"How did they find him?" I ask, curious.

Not getting a response, I lift my head and see Ned looking to the side with his mouth open.

"What are you looking at?" Before I could turn my head in that direction, Ned kicks my shin. "Why the hell did you do that!?"

"Arthur, Felicia Hardy is coming this way," Ned whispers to me. "If we don't move, she might sit here."

"Man, it doesn't work like that," I need to teach him to have more confidence... I mean, I guess I'm not the best person for that. The only women I've had any kind of relationship with are two versions of the same person...

I interrupt my thoughts, just remembering her... my heart aches. I tried my best to occupy my mind these days, but I always remember them, my friends from other worlds. I'm afraid of forgetting them, their faces... it's better to immortalize them with my drawings. I'll buy a notebook tomorrow.

"Hey, Arthur~" I hear a sweet voice beside me. Turning my head, I see Felicia Hardy placing a tray of food on the table.

"Hey, Felicia, wanna join us? The rejects."

"I don't care about other people's opinions, well... maybe some~," she says, winking at me.

"COUGH-COUGH.... Felicia, this is my friend Ned. Ned, this is Felicia," I introduce them, trying to hide my flushed face. 'Do you enjoy flirting with me? Or is this something you do with everyone?... what a troublesome girl.'

"Hello, Arthur's friend," she waves to him.

"H-H-Hi, my name is Felicia... I mean, you can call me Ned."

'Haa...', I mentally sigh, watching my friend play the fool. "So, Felicia, how's school?"

"Boring, boring, and boring, with hormone-filled teens who won't stop asking me out," Felicia says, starting to eat.

"That... must be annoying."

"You have no idea... that's why, Arthur, you're interesting. Since we met, you haven't tried to invite me or insisted on pursuing me."

"Not all men are the same, Felicia," I say confidently, but the truth is that my heart is somewhere else... with someone I can't reach.

"Ohh~? How big is this difference?"

"Well... wait! Was that one of those double entendre questions?"

"Haha! It was, and you should be stuttering right now." 

"As I said, not all men are the same," I reply, waving my hand dismissively. 'She's just curious about my nonchalant behavior... better this way, I'm not in the mood for teenage drama right now.'

"I'm starting to believe it, Tur~"


"It's your super cute nickname created by me," Felicia proudly responds.

"Hmm... then your nickname will be Licia," I say after thinking for a moment. 'My nickname for her is a thousand times better than hers for me... who am I kidding, we came up with the worst possible nicknames.'

"Tur and Licia, the unbeatable duo of ridiculous nicknames," she laughs. "Now we can only call each other that," Felicia adds, raising her hand.

"Promise," I say, joining our hands.

"Hehe! I'm heading out, bye Tur~" Felicia said, starting to get up from the table.

'She's quick,' I think, looking at her tray and realizing she's already finished everything. "See you later, Licia," I say, watching her leave.

"Dude, you are so in there!" Ned says after managing to catch his breath.



"Shut up."


I pick up my phone and look for May's contact. Once I find it, I let her know I'll visit her tomorrow.

"Finish eating already, Ned, or we'll be late for class."


The next morning, I swing through the invisible city with my torn uniform in my backpack. My plans for the day are to fix my uniform, buy a sketchbook, patrol until late, and then return to school.

"Yeah, today is going to be a good day," I conclude, enjoying the indescribable sensation of swinging through the city.


Finally, I arrive at my destination and knock on the door of the house in front of me, still filled with candles in homage to Spider-Man.

"It's good to see you, Arthur. I was very happy with your message, this house is very lonely now," May Parker opens the door for me.

"I'll always come to visit you, May. Just give me a call, and I'll come to chat," I say, entering.

"Come on, let's go downstairs. I want to hear everything that happened that night."


"...then everything exploded," I finish recounting what happened that night.

"I understand... Fisk was a man obsessed with a crazy plan. I'm glad to know they made it back," May said beside me.

'It's done!' I think, looking at the repaired uniform. Then I hear the sound of the elevator descending.

"She's here; I'll prepare more tea," May said, getting up and heading to the small kitchen in the corner of the Spider's base.

I walk towards the elevator, preparing to meet the other woman I promised to protect.

"You're young... just like he was when he started," the woman said when she arrived.

"Hello, I'm Arthur Maxwell, nice to meet you."

"Mary Jane Parker, and the pleasure is mine."

"How are you, MJ?" May asked, approaching with more tea.

"Haa… I'm taking as much as I can, May," replied Mary Jane, sitting on a couch.

"You have to rest; stress isn't good for the baby", said May, sitting down and starting to serve us tea.

"Baby?" I ask, not expecting this development.

"I'm pregnant with Peter... we were going to dinner that day... I was going to tell him", she responds emotionally.

I look at both of them; one lost her 'son' and the other lost her son's father. They both looked strong on the outside, but were broken on the inside. I get up and go to where I know the modified devices are.

"Here, take this," I said, handing over two very small, round devices.

"What is this?" May asks as Mary Jane examines the device.

"These two devices, when activated, share their location. I'll sync them with my phone and mask. When you need help, just call, and I'll be there in a few minutes," I explained how they worked before, as I had modified them to constantly share their location. 'I'll give the last one to Gwen. That way, if anything happens, I'll know where all of you are.'

"No need, Arthur," May said, handing me back the device, and Mary Jane seemed to want to do the same.

"I want both of you to keep it. I promised Peter I would protect his family."


"Okay, Arthur, but you have to take the cake I'm going to make," May said, getting up and heading towards the elevator. "I'll prepare it."

"Thanks for the consideration, Arthur. Now, can we talk about everything that happened? May explained it to me, but I confess I didn't understand anything," Mary Jane said, putting the device in her bag.

"Let's start from the beginning..."


"This is really... crazy," Mary Jane said, trying to make sense of the entire crazy situation those days had been.

"Yeah, it was truly a wild ride," I said, updating my mask. When I made the suit, I chose a mask without any technology. Now I can receive calls, analyze chemical substances, and connect with the police central.

"May said she made lunch, shall we eat?" Mary Jane said upon receiving a message from May on her phone.

"Let's." For now, I'll only do this much with the suit, but there are still some things I want to improve. 'I need time...'


"Hand over all the money! NOW!"

A small market was being robbed by two armed bandits. There were four people lying on the floor, with one of the bandits pointing the pistol at them, while the other forced the cashier to hand over all the money.


The bandit who was at the cashier turns around and sees that his partner is convulsing on the floor.


"Do you have the courage to point that gun at me?"

Everyone inside the store looked in the direction of the voice, seeing Spider-Man, but it wasn't the same one they knew; this one had a different uniform and a different demeanor. For the hostages, he seemed like the hero they all missed since his death, but also more serious and stern. For the bandit, he was horrifying, especially when the white eyes of the mask locked onto him.

"B-BACK AWAY!" The bandit brought the gun closer to the head of the employee in front of him. "OR I'LL SHOOT HIM!"

"If you shoot him, there will be nothing to stop me from finishing you off," Spider-Man replied, staring down the bandit. "If you lower the gun, no one will get hurt, and you'll be arrested. But if any of the hostages get hurt... the police will be the least of your problems."

The remaining bandit felt a shiver run down his spine. Slowly, he lowered the gun and dropped to his knees.

"Please, don't hurt me," he pleaded.

"It won't be necessary to hurt you," Spider-Man responded before knocking him out. Wrapping both with webs, he turned to the people in the store, the stern atmosphere around him fading.

"Does anyone need help?" He asked gently, looking around to see if anyone was injured.

"T-Thank you, Spider-Man, for saving us," a woman said, marveling at this Spider-Man who resolved the situation without needing to fight.

"No need to thank me, ma'am. I'm just a humble worker doing his job," Spider-Man said before starting to leave the store, confirming that no one needed his help.



A speeding car raced through the busy streets of New York, disregarding red lights and narrowly avoiding several pedestrians. Just behind, two police cars chased the fleeing thieves.

"Central, I need reinforcements! I repeat, I need reinforcements!" The officer inside a car spoke into the radio in his hand.

"HAHAHA! THEY'LL NEVER CATCH US!" One of the criminals shouted with pure adrenaline coursing through his body. As he was about to shout a few more words, the entire car shook, as if something had fallen onto the roof.

"What was that?" The bandit sitting in the backseat asks, startled.

"Your worst nightmare." A voice is heard beside him.

The bandit looks to the side; the one sitting in the front seat turns around, and the driver looks through the rearview mirror. There, sitting, was Spider-Man.

"How are we going to do this? I advise you to slow down the car," Spider-Man said calmly. His spider-sense would alert him if anyone was in danger of being run over.

"Shi-" Upon recovering from the shock, the bandit sitting next to Spider-Man tries to grab his weapon, but before he can succeed, he is knocked out by a strong punch to the face.

"Motherf-" The front seat bandit aims the gun at the masked hero's head.


But his wrist is broken before he can pull the trigger.

"ARGH!!" The bandit starts banging his head against the glass in pain.

"So, driver, I advise you once again to slow down; my stop is next," Spider-Man said, putting his head between the seats and locking eyes with the only thug still in perfect condition.

"Y-Yes, sir." The driver begins to slow down, praying for the police to save him.

"Thank you very much; I'll give you 5 stars on the app," Spider-Man said after the car came to a stop and he webbed up the three criminals.

Exiting the car, Spider-Man sees several police officers pointing their guns at him. "Hello, ladies and gentlemen; the criminals are inside, already tied up."

"Who are you?" One of the police officers asks.

"I thought the mask would give me away," Spider-Man responds with a smile. "I'm your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man."

All the police officers then see this new Spider-Man jump and swing away at high speed. "I thought he was dead?" One of them asks.

"So the rumors were true." Another police officer comments.

"Spread the news! We have a new Spider-Man in town." The highest-ranking officer orders, wanting to spread the news as quickly as possible.



"The genetic crossbreeding of species is finally working," Curt Connors, OSCORP scientist, tells his superior. "I used lizard DNA to help Fred develop another limb."

"It's a miracle," said the man, looking at the rat walking normally with all its limbs.

"No, it's hard work and a step towards testing with primates," Connors says proudly, getting closer and closer to his dream.

"The thing is, he doesn't have time for another step."

"Another step?"

"He can't wait; the disease is starting to manifest."

"He'll have to wait... unless he wants to be the guinea pig."

"That's not what I'm saying."

"What are you saying then?"

"You need to start human trials now!"

"I don't need to, and I won't do that," Connors says resolutely.

"Then he will die."

"People die... even Harry Osborn," Connor says, grabbing the papers from his project and heading for the office exit.

"We're not done."

"Human trials? Where on Earth are you going to find volunteers?"

"For what? As far as we know... it's just a flu vaccine. I think the veterans' hospital would be a great place." 

"You must be kidding me!" Connors couldn't believe what his superior wanted to do.

"I think not."

Connors tries to leave but is stopped with a hand holding the remaining part of his arm.

"Doctor Connors, great advancements require great sacrifices, like any medicine or vaccine, humans need to be sacrificed for the greater good. What we have here can save Harry Osborn from his illness, and we don't want a potential cure to turn him into a giant monster like his father. So, drop your fake ethics and do what's necessary."

"I... I won't do it."


"Alright... the formula is ours anyway, say goodbye to the arm you dreamed of so much, you're being cut off, along with your wife. Clear your things from the office by tomorrow. Don't expect to find a job in this country." The superior speaks before leaving the office.

Leaving Connors reflecting with pure anger and disappointment, looking at his severed arm.




Why is Arthur's personality so different?

This is his true personality. Arthur Maxwell is a genius who faced difficulties relating to children his age due to his superior intelligence and maturity, finding no joy in typical childhood games and activities. As a result, he suppressed this aspect of himself and developed a 'childish' and 'immature' personality to fit into his environment. Additionally, he was reluctant to change schools as it would imply creating another persona to fit in. Throughout the first season, we observe the behavior and thoughts of this personality until the final chapters.

Why did this change occur?

Arthur no longer sees the need to suppress this part of his personality, thanks to his powers that make him feel complete. Additionally, the sensation that haunted him for much of his life ceased after being bitten by the spider, leading him to conclude that he wasn't going crazy or anything like that.

Is he a manipulative person?

Yes, as we've seen on several occasions, Arthur will manipulate those around him when he deems it necessary. From this point in the story, we will observe the parallel between Arthur's true personality and his actions in the real world.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or songs featured in this fic. Additionally, I do not claim ownership of any products or properties mentioned in this novel. This work is entirely fictional.

New chapter tomorrow.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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