

Kimberly Anderson had no idea that things like the underworld existed, until she crossed paths with Xavier Stefano. Xavier, always living life by his own rules, never sought to impress anyone but himself. But when he met Kimberly, a stubborn daredevil who turned out to be his other half and salvation, he couldn't help but be intrigued. However, there was a catch - she was only human. "You've been so stubborn, and it's not acceptable. You need to be punished, the hard way or the soft way. I would prefer the hard way, but your opinion matters too... which way would you prefer, Kim?" Xavier said, approaching her with an intense gaze. "Punished? You won't lay a hand on me, not today or ever!" Kim retorted, backing away until her back hit the kitchen counter. Xavier closed the gap between them. "Is that so?" he asked with a smirk, his eyes fixated on her lips. "But I see something different now, Kimberly." With that, he took hold of her waist, claimed her lips, and sent tingles coursing through her entire being. _____________ Two rules she was told to follow by all means. -Always shut your doors and windows tightly -Never cross parts with Xavier Stefano . How is Kimberly supposed to adhere to the second rule when she’s mates with Xavier stefano…

Sophhiee · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The human enigma

I let out a long breath. Man, he's really rude! Who talks to someone they just met like that? Where's the whole hi, I'm Xavier, what's your name? part? Kimberly, right?

But dang, who goes around snooping and listening to people's convos? I should've just minded my own business... Oh, Kimberly!

"I apologize, I was searching for the restroom when I heard a growl, which led me to believe there might be an animal nearby." That is the truth

He gazed at me for a moment, his eyes exhibiting that peculiar golden shimmer before returning to their serene shade of blue. Perhaps I am simply imagining things!

"Pardon me," I said, turning around to depart.

"If you happen to be lost, Angel, all you need to do is ask for directions," he stated firmly, as if stating the obvious.

"Sorry," I whispered. It's weird how I keep saying that word over and over again!

I started to leave, but then he said, "Come, I'll show you the way to the restroom."

I paused. Is it even right for him to say that? He's Xavier, the one who seemed scary... Even though he appeared calm, his calmness was still unsettling.

I stayed quiet as he walked ahead and went straight. I followed him as he led the way.


I heard her freaking heartbeat when she approached the door. Can you believe she's a human? That's the funny part! Humans, they have this theory in their heads that it's okay to not mind their own business! I sat with that dumb thing as he shook with fear, but my interest wasn't there. I wanted to know who had the nerve to eavesdrop on me.

I made my way to the door, and with each step, my inner beasts danced with joy. The air was filled with the delightful aroma of vanilla and chocolate, engulfing my senses. I have no clue where that scent was coming from, but at that moment, I knew it was my absolute favorite scent! The heartbeat echoed in my ears like a soothing melody…

Another meal, I reckon.

As I swung open the door, the aroma engulfed me, and to my surprise, I was greeted by the most stunning human I've ever laid eyes on.

*MATE! MATE! MATE!* I could feel my subconscious voice say.


Mate? mate! I've gone a thousand bloody years without a mate and now I'm greeted with some mere human as my better half? Screw you, Luna! I don't need a mate, nor do I need a beloved.

She was a sight, innocent and beautiful. I scanned her features... Her wide eyes gazed up at me, filled with fear. Normally, seeing fear in people's eyes brought me joy, but it piqued my curiosity. What was she afraid of? It made me smirk at her.

"Looks like we've lost our way, huh?" I said in a rough tone.My wolf was pissed, growling at me for talking to our mate that way. The damn vampire in me thought I couldn't speak to our beloved properly. Thankfully, the warlock side of me stayed level-headed.

They craved control, but I won't give 'em what they want, especially not in front of some mere human. I've seen how these insolent humans can be, can't trust them.

My hybrid side yearned for control, but I won't surrender. I used to be a pure-blood vampire and lycan, but a powerful witch cursed me to be like her after I took the life of her daughter. Since then, I've called myself a tybrid.

The witch met her end by my hands after she put the curse on me.

"Sorry?" she whispered. It almost unleashed my wolf. My eyes changed with hunger and desire. But I quickly regained control!

I despise the torment she's putting me through. I loathe her!

These emotions, her scent, her voice, and the soothing rhythm of her heartbeat are all unfamiliar to me.

In that moment, I realized she would be my downfall, and I detest the idea of that.

"Why are you snooping around? Eavesdropping is wrong, I'm sure your mom taught you that!"

She seemed lost in thought. 

"I apologize, I was searching for the restroom and then I heard a growl, so I thought there might be an animal here." 

She said innocently, which really ticked me off. I struggled to keep my composure!

I can't stand innocence!

"Excuse me," she said, turning around. Oh, not so fast.

"If you're lost, Angel, just ask for directions," I said firmly.

What's her name?

"Sorry," she whispered again. Why does she keep saying that?

"Come on, I'll show you to the restroom," I said, taking the lead without waiting for her response or objection.

I could hear her following me.

I'm curious. When I'm curious, I get answers. Answers... I'm going to get them from my little mate