

Kimberly Anderson had no idea that things like the underworld existed, until she crossed paths with Xavier Stefano. Xavier, always living life by his own rules, never sought to impress anyone but himself. But when he met Kimberly, a stubborn daredevil who turned out to be his other half and salvation, he couldn't help but be intrigued. However, there was a catch - she was only human. "You've been so stubborn, and it's not acceptable. You need to be punished, the hard way or the soft way. I would prefer the hard way, but your opinion matters too... which way would you prefer, Kim?" Xavier said, approaching her with an intense gaze. "Punished? You won't lay a hand on me, not today or ever!" Kim retorted, backing away until her back hit the kitchen counter. Xavier closed the gap between them. "Is that so?" he asked with a smirk, his eyes fixated on her lips. "But I see something different now, Kimberly." With that, he took hold of her waist, claimed her lips, and sent tingles coursing through her entire being. _____________ Two rules she was told to follow by all means. -Always shut your doors and windows tightly -Never cross parts with Xavier Stefano . How is Kimberly supposed to adhere to the second rule when she’s mates with Xavier stefano…

Sophhiee · Fantasy
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6 Chs

A taste of solitude

We sat in silence for a few minutes while Mum tapped away on her phone and I watched in awe as people around us enjoyed their meals. It's my first time in a fancy place like this. Since we came to Canada, Mum's company has been taking care of all our needs, providing us with cars, a house, clothes, and everything else we need. I was totally shocked that we ended up eating here! We never came to fancy places like this before, unless Mum wanted to go broke or something. After a few minutes, a waitress wearing a black skirt and yellow shirt handed us the menu with a smile before she walked away.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the prices on the menu! Everything here was so expensive! I wondered how Mum could afford to pay for such pricey food. I looked at her, but she seemed relaxed and not worried at all. I spent a long time studying the menu, from the appetizers to the desserts, and everything seemed to scream EXPENSIVE.

"Kimberly?" I looked up and was surprised to see two pairs of eyes staring at me. I didn't even realize she had arrived! "Have you decided on what you want, Miss?" she asked. 

Oh... I haven't really, "Yes, I'd like the meatballs, please,".

"Sure, I'll be back with them," she smiled and left. I glanced at Mum, but she didn't look up at me. After a few minutes, the waitress returned with our order and a glass of red wine. I didn't order that, so maybe Mum did.

"I'll be back to collect your main order," she said before leaving.

I glanced at Mum, but then I looked down at the delicious looking meatball on the table and started eating. I picked up the glass with the red liquid and took a sip. It tasted absolutely amazing!

After we finished, the waitress came over to take our order, while another waitress cleared the empty plates. Within seconds, she returned with our order and left after refilling the empty glass.

The aroma of the lasagna was so enticing, and I couldn't resist taking a bite. I could feel Mum's gaze on me, but I kept my eyes down and continued enjoying my meal. 

"Do you miss him?" I paused and took another sip of the wine, feeling a bit nervous. I knew exactly who she was referring to. Mum thinks I'm the reason he left. I took another sip of the wine to calm my nerves.

"Him?" I asked, pretending to be clueless.

"Jim. Do you miss him, Kimberly?" she asked, mentioning the name of my ex. It caught me off guard, and I ended up choking a little. I coughed for a while to regain my composure.

"Sorry," she said.

"Excuse me," I said, quickly getting up and making my way towards a hallway, hoping it would lead me to the restroom.

As I walked down the long, quiet passage, I glanced at each door, hoping to find a sign indicating a restroom. After walking for a while, I started to wonder if this restaurant even had a restroom. 

I made a conscious effort not to let his name repeat in my head. I refuse to let him take anything more from me. He's already taken so much! What an arrogant jerk.

As I was about to walk past a particular door, I heard a growl that sounded incredibly fierce. My curiosity got the best of me, so I cautiously approached the door, wondering if the restaurant also housed animals.

"Val, if I were you, I'd just do as I'm told without any trouble. I mean, I wouldn't want to see what happens when someone gets on my bad side," the voice said, sounding both intimidating and strangely calm, sending a chill down my spine.

"s-sir..." Another voice stammered 

The voice let out a cold chuckle. "I haven't even cut out your tongue, and yet you can't even manage a complete sentence," the first voice said, his tone dripping with coldness. I could only imagine the fear the other party must be feeling right now.

"Sir Xavier, I can't s-"

"You can and you would!" he interrupted firmly.

"Th-the restaurant i-is our only source of income," he managed to stutter out. Was he really asking this man to shut down the restaurant?

"Val, your family owes me 200 grand. It's only fair you give the restaurant to me since you can't afford to pay back the money," he said with an unsettling calmness.

"B-but I-"

"But nothing!" he exclaimed, his voice radiating with power. I blinked, taken aback for a moment. "The restaurant will be demolished tomorrow. I've wasted my time dealing with someone so beneath me. A low creature. You should feel honored!" The room fell silent.

I waited, expecting the owner of the restaurant to plead with the cold-hearted Xavier, but there was only silence. 

I stood there, pressing my ears against the door, and after a few seconds, the door swung open. I almost stumbled and fell face-first, but I managed to grab onto the door frame.

I cursed myself, thinkin' if only I hadn't been nosy and just found the dang bathroom. I wouldn't be stuck here, caught snooping around! I muttered under my breath as I stared at the manly shoe in front of me.

Slowly, I lifted my gaze, prayin' it wouldn't be that same scary Xavier. And what I saw was like an angel or maybe the devil himself. His hair was slicked back in a cool comb-over style, lookin' so soft I wanted to run my fingers through it. He had them perfectly angled eyebrows, a straight and beautiful nose, and cheekbones that could cut glass. His jawline was sharp, and his shoulders were broad like a titan. And  sea-rover blue eyes, almond-shaped and burnin' with passion. A heavenly scent surrounded him. He was a sight to behold, pure beauty.

He gave a little frown before covering it up with a wickedly gorgeous smile. "Looks like we've lost our way, huh? Si?" His deep, sexy voice said. I couldn't quite catch what he said 'cause my tummy was filled with butterflies just lookin' at him.

He smirked at me, a mischievous glint in his eyes. They briefly turned gold before snapping back to their normal color. Can ya believe it?

"Sorry?" I whispered, seeing him grip the door handle tight like he was holding himself back from doing something

"What're ya doin' snooping around? Eavesdropping ain't right, I'm sure your mom taught you that!" That's when I knew he was the one on the other side of the door.
