

I gasped

"Jin sunbae?"

Poking his shoulder frantically my mind went through bizarre twists of rollercoaster rides. And the man whom I'm trying to wake up is lost counting sheeps jumping through fences, peacefully Sleeping like a loony on a sunday morning.

When my actions didnt gave out a desired result. I gulped and slowly pulled the chair beside me and sit, i slowly took in his face. He looks the same from back then just more tall and mature. He changed his glasses frame tho, looks nice.Well right now mature aint the word for it but lets cut that pace and shake hands.

Now my eyes darted towards the table. Few bottles of Alcohol, some are empty and the other are half. Man how the f**k did he finish all those. Still tho a sweat dripped my forehead and i gulped harshly staring at those bottles, my own desire and addiction started to poke through the shell.

However i shook away the thoughts and started thinking of a way to wake him up.

Pulling the phone i texted back Mr.han.


How do i wake him up?.


Twist his nipples.

Twist his nipples,ok thats easy. Wait What? Twist his-


Wdym twist his nipples? Im a woman of culture i cannot just do this.



No reply came from that number and i'm sweating. Here cracking my brain on how to wake him up and fighting off my demons not to touch a single bottle. Suddenly an idea popped. Okay lemme go all survival mode, i swear this wont hurt anyone.

For a kick of energy i poured myself a drink and took a shot. The alcohol burning my throat and the itchiness to drink more erupted but i stood abruptly and pinched jins nose.

In a count of




Two hands slammed onto the table scaring my poor soul away and frantic coughs took place. And me panicking didnt help at all. My dumbass poured alcohol for him to drink instead of water and more furious coughs took place. A signal for me to slam my hands on his back And so i did. And he freaking put his hand on my head for support.

"What the hell?"-i yelled.

" huh?"-he said confused and barely having energy to open his eyes.

Squinting his eyes he looked at me.

"S-sujin is that you?"

"Are you jung su-jin?..did you come back?"

I kept silent at first because after all these years he still remembers me and i felt happy and sad at the same time but that feeling soon washed away when he started to scream and panic.

"Huh?sujin cant be here. Im dead. Am i dead? I'm dead arent i? Dont tell me im dead. Im too handsome and young too die!"

I removed his hands from my head and tried to calm him down by patting my hands on his shoulders.

"Hey its me, su-jin"

He looked calm for a second but started to breathe again abnormally looking here and there. Thats it. Im taking him home. Soon after a few gulps of alcohol, i grabbed his hand drag him away from the stupid bar towards the roadside for a taxi. I gave a card to the bartender and explained that the company will pay for him.

"Where are you taking me? Look devil im sorry for all the sins ive done. Dont punish me. Ill do whatever you want."

"Jus shut up, will you?"- i shouted clearly annoyed at his childish behaviour. Who am i kidding? He is wasted. I called for a taxi and just when it came infront i opened the backseat door.

" oh look its the Devils vehicle. It will gulp me up straight to hell. Im nat going in.."-he wailed and i pinched my forehead.

"No it isnt. Just get in the car will you? and seal your lips"

He immediately shoved me in the face trying to look for a escape route. But my quick reflexes grabbed his hand.

"Where the hell do you think you're going!"

"Anywhere! But hell!"

Him being weak at the moment slowly got tired but had quite energy bottled inside.

The driver who hasn't been paying attention to the scene just honked which set off a alarm in jin. Immediately he yanked me off.

"Gah!"-a pained yelp came out from my mouth.

" Its the devils siren! He's coming!"

"1 2 3 Incoming!"-i kicked him into the car and immediately closed the door.

" Baby lock the damn car, midget! "-i screamed at the driver and seated myself beside him. The driver with the blue cap shrieked and immediately started off on the road. jin was whining until i glared at him and shoved a water bottle for him to drink. As the car was running, awkward silence fell and i believe jin felt asleep too. I quickly looked over at the driver and muttered a sorry about the incident earlier.

After hurrying jin back to his apartment i got a call to get back to the office so here i am riding the taxi back to my work place. When the car stuck in traffic my mind fell on the eerily quite atmosphere in the car and i chuckled at how different it was few minutes back.

So my mind took a different route and went for a treasure hunt which is digging up the old memories and infact finding the very one where i first met jin. I reminsce how i met jin for the first time and how different it is now meeting him first after 6 years.

It was back in my first year of highschool. I stood on one leg and the other resting upon the box infront. The room was dark and the little window which worked as the ventilator let in sunlight where all the dust were visible and not to mention the grey smoke too.

The cancer stick twirl in my hand and i took a puff only to exhale afterwards. Mind drifting towards yesterdays incident and keep muttering " I'm not depressed" like a chant. Truth is i am sad. No matter how many times i twist and play with words it all leads to only one conclusion.




Harsh reality gulping me down and here i am twisting and swirling with a cancer stick hoping to get a sprinkle of ecstasy in my fucked up life.

My father's a University professor and mother is a model though she is getting old day by day i wonder when she will get out of the fashion trance.

And i, looked somewhat like a failed experiment. Neither was i good in studies or have had the good looks and never aced athletics.

On the other hand my 11 year old brother seems to have it all settled. Good looks,a bright personality, not too bad in studies and offcourse He's a ace student in P.E.

My trance of thoughts got cut off when someone started to bang the stuffy janitors room i was in. A slight pang of fear seeped in but couldnt compare to the annoyance i was feeling.

Slowly i opened the door and a tall black headed boy with glasses barged in.

"Kim taehyun? Where the fuck are you?!"

He coughed a little when he breathed the smoke accidentally. He turned onto me and asked where kim taehyun was. Maybe his older brother? He did mention that he had two older brother who were twins. So this was the four eyed one. I shrugged and said

"I dont know, man"

"Aish! I told you to keep quite and here you are. What the fuck do you want?!"- came a voice behind the shelve. I chuckled and leaned onto the wall taking another puff of my cigarette.

" You bastard. People are here to inspect the school and here you are draining yourself..get up and go to your classroom right now!"-he screamed.

The boxes shuffled a little and a familiar head poked out.

I wave a little at him. He's my everyday partner in this place. Tho i never knew him or anything just knew that he is in the same class with me.

The guy who barged in ran towards the blonde headed and threw his cigarette away shoving a strawberry lollipop in his hands and rummaged towards the shelves and took out a air freshner can and sprayed throughout the room and came towards me snatching my cigarette too. Puckering my mouth with his hands and popped a mint candy.

What the actual fuck? He ran away like nothing ever happened.

I muttered a "stupid " under my breathe.

"Hey mind your language thats my bro"-he said offended.

"Then tell him to mind his own business"

I chuckled at the old memory of how i met jin first and how bizarre our first time meets were. The elevator dinged and i took off at the floor where i was supposed to be but stepping onto the hall.

I sensed tension in the air as random shouts were heard.

It was coming from woo-sung's office. What looked like a female and male shouting.

I slowly peeked up at his door trying not to show myself and eavesdropped. Not getting a clue of what the shouting was about.

Tsk i need to get close.

"Wouldnt it be better if the door was open?"

"Yeah You're right"

"Wait what?"- i immediately turned back to see......