

"Wait what?"-

i immediately turned back to see a brown suited body with a red tie around it's neck , looking up my breath hitched because it was

" Tae! "-I breathed out.

" What are you doing here? "-I asked

" Wouldn't that be my question to you? Hmm why are you here? Sujin"-

he asked and I literally could smell his breath which was a mix of mint and smoke.

He was that close behind me, almost breathing on my neck. But at that time the thing concerned me most was the fact that he never got out of his addiction.

Did he never quite smoking? I looked at him softly. Even I couldn't keep the promise how could you?

"Quick you're gonna miss the drama! "-he said and I immediately peeked at the door but nothing came in my sight. The door was shut tight. The only thing fogging my mind right now was taehyun.

He was right behind me. I never expected to meet him like this again, well our goodbyes weren't exactly nice and we kinda had a fight . But who knew that was the last time we would've seen each other. I always imagined him to lash out on me if we ever met again. But he seemed awfully quite.

Soon a loud thump came across the door which made me flinch. I cleared my throat.

"I don't think we should eavesdrop"

"Oh come on!, I was having fun"-taehyun said as he latched his arm onto mine but I wasted no time and knocked on the door. Nobody answered and no one seems to bother.

" Do you know who is inside? Besides woo-sung? "-I asked

" It's our sister"

"Sister? How come I never knew you had one? "-I asked being confused.

" Oh you don't know anything about us so just shut up"-he said meekly.

I shut up right away, not because he was the one who said it but because how he said it. It stung a bit. No. Scratch that it hurt a lot hearing those from him.

I spent my whole high school days with him and and his brothers. We had a very strong friendship but how come he ruthlessly say that I don't know them.

To be honest I'm Not even surprised, everyone beside me honestly lost all hope on me.

"Sujin? What are you doing here?."-I immediately snapped back at the voice. Without hesitating a bit I knew who's voice it belonged to. Mr. han. He eyed me and taehyun who were practically slumped back together at the corner of the door.

Taehyun leaning around my shoulder,he was whispering all these time and I didn’t notice. I shoved his face away straightening my posture and cleared my throat.

"Haha sorry Mr. Han I just came back now but he ummmm"-I pointed towards taehyun, unsure of what to call him. Calling him formally would hurt my ego real bad and I don't wanna chicken out on my first day.

" Umm this gentleman here seems to be eavesdropping and I thought I should show him the way out unless he had an appointment "-I literally screamed inside at my low lieing skills.

" Hmm. So you just took him into a corner and smashed? Like in front of your boss's office? Geez"-

Mr.han said and I feel like hulk smashing through the doors and get out of here. I'm embarrassed, ooof.

On the other hand taehyun chuckled, shoving his hands into his pockets and clicked his tongue looking annoyed.

"So you work here? And I never got to know-? "

"Today's my-" He cut me off

"What happened to Jung sujin who wanted to be a photographer. Huh?"

I clenched my teeth at his mocking statement, fist hardening.


He didn't give me a chance to talk

"And now what, you're my brothers maid? I know for sure you won't qualify as any other employee cause you don't have the skills"

"Actually taehyun she is my assistant"-Mr han said in my defense.

Taehyun laughed.

" Oh don't give me that bull crap she ain't your assistant. I can see right through her she's just your errand girl or whatever"

"Its not like that"-i muttered, fighting back tears and clenching my fists.

" Oh it is. Tell me, tell me sujin what did they make you do on your first day? Lemme guess,Shoving my drunk brother in his apartment right?. Well get used to it this isn't gonna be the first Well get used to it this isn't gonna be the first time, han minho is just an half assed man, he will make you do all of the shit. And to be honest I can't wait to see your face one day when it takes a toll on you. Just like old times, seeing your stupid face will give me a crack"-he said and laughed like the bitch he was.

To be honest my heart feels like tearing apart, I want to cry and shout but at the same time I don't want to. How could he? After everything I did.how could he just do that to me? Even after our fight last time I never had the guts to hate him. But now it's different.

I let anger eat me up.

"Anyways I have nothing to do here, I'll just get goi-"

I cut him off

"Hey taehyun? "-I said low and steadily, taking slow steps towards him.

" Since we're here let's settle the score shall we?"

'Slap'! No sooner than the sentence left my mouth I gave a tight slap on taehyuns face, which surely looked like it stinged.

But this wasn't enough I wanted more so I leaped onto him. He fell down as I straddled him.

"Stupid! Did you enjoy it? Hah! Remember how you slapped me the last time ? Remember how shameless you were? This is pure payback! "-I said screaming and couldn't bottle down my tears anymore so I cried.

Emotional stress overcame and my hands weakened around him but still I was on top of him.

"You're such a fucking coward you know that? Yo-you don't have the right to talk to me like that. After all I did you don't even. "-

I couldn't finish my word as a loud sob came out.

"I never stole your pictures for the contest. It was that bitchy girl you crushed on. Just because she said I stole them, you believed her? Didn't you even trust me? How dare you slap me back then and run away like a coward huh? I never had the chance to confront you! You left me just like that"

"Do you know what happened because of you? I lost all of my friends. Everybody addressed me as a thief. All my hard work went down the drain. Every single day, every single night, guilt,regret ate me up. So much that I drowned myself in alcohol, I drank and drank until I was sick, so sick that I would've died. I escaped death! I'm so glad I did or else I wouldn't have this opportunity to kick your balls. I'm so glad I didn't end up with crappy lungs so that I could beat your shit right now. "

I was a sobbing mess, I cried and rubbed my sleeves . Make up was smeared all around. I Slowly got up from taehyun and sat beside him, legs sprawled on the floor i couldn't care less. My head hurts so much right now. I just poured all my heart out

"How can you understand? You won't ever. Because you were gifted with parents who don't expect anything but happiness from you. Parents who keep up with your bratty shit. Unlike you I have parents who lost all hope in me. They don't even acknowledge my existence. So what you lost that contest? So what because your shitty gf changed our portfolio for the contest? If you had won, it wouldn't mean anything to you. It changed my life, it gave me a job. I never got to study in a university, who would've paid for my ass huh? Who?! "-

I screamed loudly. By this time all the other staff were alarmed and rushed upstairs but minho locked the floors main door and told them to go back to work.

" I-i can't take it anymore I'll just slit your damn th-"

"Whoa whoa what happened here?"