
Sovereign Of Magic

In the year 2037 After an accident in a construction yard Mike falls into a coma and wakes up to a world of magic and monsters and learns magic while he survives in this new harsh world where only the most talented people have everything and where Mike will be able to create his own magic and enhance others while he only want to live a quiet life [Host migration successful] [Drawing Class..] [Congratulations! You have drawn Magic Sovereign] “…. Am I still dreaming?”

ZR_Primal · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Ep.15 Pirates Cove Pt1

After Resting for a couple minutes Mike and Raiu felt perfectly fine and Mike heard Scarlet yell before she entered the gate with Mike following behind her

"Commence Dungeon Exploration! Stick close and stay with the group"

Once Mike entered the gate he found himself inside of a cave before a system message appeared to give a quest to Mike

[Dungeon Clear](Difficulty C)


-Eliminate all enemies

(Number unknown)

-Defeat Final Boss

(Location Unknown)




+Dungeon schismatics for training simulations

+Uncommon skill Book

As Mike looked at the quest Scarlet lit a torch and said to Nick who was carrying a Paladins Shield

"Nick! Get the shields up front! Mages in the middle! Protect the healers and Mages"

Mike knew better then to stand on the front line and followed a fellow mage to the centre of the group while Nick and the other Paladins took their positions at the front while they moved as a unit down the tunnel and before long Scarlet heard the sounds water splashing around when she whispered to the group

"Scouts, 30 seconds then return"

Just then two twins suddenly Transformed into mice before they made a salute and ran off before scarlet whispered as she saw the confusion in mikes face

"Those were the Wholgrim twins who both have [Rodent Transformation] skills, they will scout what they can for 30 seconds before they must return"

Mike nodded and saw Raiu drooling on his shoulder before Mike tapped Raiu's hand and shook his head saying Not to eat them

Almost 30 seconds later Mike saw the two mice return and morph back into human form as scarlet said to the twins

"Report, enemy type? How many?"

The twin on the left said as he grabbed a twig and started drawing a simple drawing of a cave with a ship and a few guard towers

"Enemies seem to be pirates, two guard towers and 38 from my count"

The twin on the right said as he circled the ship that was near a guard tower

"We can assume that the boss is in the Ship along with the return stone"

Mike wondered what he meant by 'Return Stone' when scarlet pulled out some sticks of dynamite from her bag and and said as she handed them to a man holding a dagger and a black mask and cloak

"Nye, set the traps at the guard towers and wait for the signal"

Nye disappeared from where the group was before Mike asked scarlet

"What's a return stone?"

Scarlet swept away the previous drawings and used the twig to draw a floating four sided diamond and said

"When the boss is defeated to return you will need a return stone to leave the dungeon"

Mike was looking at the diamond that scarlet drew when Nye appeared and said as he handed three sticks of dynamite to Scarlet

"traps set, 39 confirmed targets with the boss inside of the ship highest level being level 22"

Scarlet did some stretching before she grew 2 wings on her back and a pair a claws with her arms being covered in Scales and said while facing Mike

"Please stay with the group, everyone move out"

Mike saw everyone around him starting to grow some animal features such as fangs,claws even multiple limbs while some stayed in their human form like the wholgrim twins who could only transform into a rodent or Nye who felt more comfortable in his own human form

Mike tightened his grip on his staff and took a deep breath before he followed the group out of the cave where scarlet lit a stick of dynamite and yelled as she took flight in the air to create a distraction for the pirates


Just as a guard tower was blown up Mike noticed some pirates on one the the other guard towers aiming a cannon at them and threw a fireball at the tower causing it to explode due to the dynamite and topple over before Mike felt an unknown feeling surge through every part of his body as he heard a couple of system notifications appeared suddenly

[You have killed 2 Pirates single handedly]

[you have gain 3 levels]

[Your Familiar [Raiu] has gained 2 Levels and increased stats]

[Total health has been increased]

[Mana reserves have been increased]

[Strength stat has increased to 54]

[Agility stat has been increased to 67

[Intellect stat has been increased to 178]

[Dexterity stat has been increased to 212]

[FireBall]<Common> has reached max level 5 and can be upgraded to <Uncommon>]

[Mana Core Process to Tier 2 has reached 28%]

Mike felt the feeling shortly disappear and heard a bell ringing and soon after nearly a dozen pirates jumped off the ship and started running towards Mike and the others before Nick yelled out


However just before the pirates could reach Nick and the others Scarlet flew in a shot a ball of lava causing the pirates to become disoriented before nick charged in yelling as he started cutting through the Pirates like paper


Mike notice a pirate that was about to jump off a ledge for a surprise attack and quickly said as he casted a [Thunder Bolt] at the Pirate

"RAIU! Use [Thunderbolt]"

Upon command from Mike, Raiu hastily shot a Thunderbolt at the pirate and blown its head to dust before Mike leveled up 2 more times and Raiu gaining another level before he heard Nick say as he continued cutting down the other pirates with ease

"Well done! But don't get too overconfident, now let's finish this!"

Nearly 20 minutes later Scarlet landed on the ground as Nick cut down the last pirate and said while she looked around and said

"It's strange that the boss hasn't appeared yet"

Meanwhile Mike was catching his breath while Raiu was eating one of the hands of the Pirates corpses that were piled when he noticed one of the pirates had a bottle with a piece of paper before he grabbed the bottle and said as he waved over to Scarlet

"Found something over here"

Scarlet and Nick both walked over and saw the bottle before scarlet asked Mike

"What is it?"

Mike shrugged and took out the cork and said as he rolled out the note to reveal some writing

"Let's find out"

After looking at it closely Mike recognized the writing to be Dwarfish writing and said

"This is Dwarfish writing, I can't quite understand all of it but here's what I can read. 'From the ashes of the mountain, our race will thrive and rise again from the acts of Ashim the betrayer who wronged us'"

Scarlet took the note and said as she started looked at the writing on the page closely

"What do you think it means"

Mike looked at the ship and said

"If I had to guess then I'd say it's got something to do with the ship and the final boss"

Scarlet handed the note back to Mike and said as Mike rolled it up and up it back in the bottle

"Well we'll find out soon, hold onto it for now and make sure to hand it to the Hunters Initiative when we leave for analysis"

Mike nodded and put the bottle in his satchel before him and the others a horn being blown and a voice yelling

"What has happened to my men?! Show yourselves!"

Mike felt an ominous sensation when a 10Ft tall pirate with 4 arms approached the edge of the ship and looked down at Scarlet and the others and yelled as he took out two swords and two flintlock pistols

"You will pay for killing my men!"

However the pirate captain noticed Mike and stared down at him for only a moment before he threw his weapons away and jumped off the ship a few feet away from the group and said as he got on one knee while staring directly at Mike

"You have come at long last"

This caused everyone to turn to Mike in confusion before Mike asked the captain who was still on one knee

"You know me? Who are you?"

The captain took off his hat and said

"When I was mortal I was called silim but now I am called Ashim the keeper of Rings"