
Sovereign Of Magic

In the year 2037 After an accident in a construction yard Mike falls into a coma and wakes up to a world of magic and monsters and learns magic while he survives in this new harsh world where only the most talented people have everything and where Mike will be able to create his own magic and enhance others while he only want to live a quiet life [Host migration successful] [Drawing Class..] [Congratulations! You have drawn Magic Sovereign] “…. Am I still dreaming?”

Zanerickards · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Ep.16 Pirates Cove Pt2

Mike and the others were immediately on their guard once they heard the name Ashim before Mike held up the bottle containing the note and said

"In this bottle was a note in the dwarfish language that called you Ashim the betrayer, how can we know you won't trick us"

Ashim put his hat on the ground and opened his shirt up to reveal a Brand of a glowing red hourglass and a scale and said

"Long ago when I became Ashim I was branded with a curse of truth hence i cannot lie and ever since I have been know as Ashim the ring keeper"

Scarlet grew her claws again and said as she was ready to pounce and attack Ashim

"What do you mean by ring keeper?"

Ashim took a key from his pocket and tossed it in front of the group and said

"In my quarters there is a drawer in my desk with the answers you seek however I'm afraid that I will be taken away now"

Nick grabbed the key before Mike was about to ask Ashim a question when suddenly Ashim's Brand started glowing while his eyes glazed backwards and soon after a system message for everyone appeared saying

[Dungeon Boss Ashim has become demented and has lost all reasoning and thought due to ???'s Brand and increasing the dungeon's difficulty to B rank]

Shortly after Mike and the others saw the message the demented Ashim jumped back onto the ship and picked up his weapon before he started started laughing like a psycho as Mike and the others got in their positions before Scarlet threw a boulder twice her size at Ashim and yelled as she began fighting Ashim barehand while taking little to no damage

"I'll hold him, pass the docks and get up here"

Nick noticed a wooden ramp and yelled before he started running towards the docks

"Let's hurry!"

However just as they reached the docks two alligators that spanned up to about 20 feet appeared before Nick yelled as he fully transformed into a Ram

"I'll clear the path and hold them! Go help the guild master!"

Mike casted the [speed boost] and managed to slide past one of the alligators and said as the other was about to bite Mike

"RAIU, Thunder bolt!"

Raiu stuck out from mikes sleeve and shot a Thunderbolt inside the giant alligator and killed it by electrocuting its organs from the inside and causing Mike and Raiu to level up 2 more times each while Nick and the others were preoccupied with the other giant alligator before Mike saw Nick use his goat horns and push the beast into a rock and impaled it through the head and stomach before he and the others ran onto the ship where the demented Ashim was fighting Scarlet who was using two katanas while dodging bullets from Ashim's flintlock pistols

Mike was about to cast a fireball when Nick stopped him and said

"Hold on! Once the guild Master gets some distance I'll draw its attention and you wait for a window of opportunity to attack!"

Just then Scarlet kicked Ashim in the face and sent him flying into a boulder before she screamed

"Draw aggro now! My transformation skill is nearly done"

Nick put his shield on his back and planted both of his feet firmly on the deck of the ship before he yelled out as loud as a Train horn saying

"[Raging Bulwark]! [Reinforcement]!"

Just then as Ashim got out of the rubble his whole body glowed a feint yellow aura before he leaped towards Nick while nicks muscles started to tense up and a fierce showdown erupted between Nick and Ashim who only focused on Nick before Mike heard scarlet say as she was getting healed

"Mike, Do you have any ideas"

Mike looked around and noticed some gunpowder barrels and said as he held Raiu in his hand

"Force Ashim and over at those Barrels and I'll get Raiu to use his ThunderBolt"

Scarlet shook her head and said as she pointed at the ceiling

"Triggering an explosion like that will cause the cave to collapse and kill us all"

Mike felt a little ashamed before scarlet patted mikes shoulder and said as she walked past him to help Nick who seemed to be in a little trouble

"You still have a lot to learn and don't worry because I will help you but first let's clear this dungeon"

Mike nodded and saw Ashim's Brand pulsing and yelled as he shot a fireball at Ashim

"I think the brand is his weak point! [FireBall]!"

Scarlet looked and saw the brand on Ashim pulsing and slowly fading at the same and yelled as she drew her two katanas before charging in

"Mage buffs now! I'll end this fight here!"

Just then as scarlet charged in two mages next to him pointed their staffs at scarlet and said in unison before a beam shot towards Scarlet

"[Hunters Instinct]!"

Mike turned to see Scarlet bring both of her swords down on Ashim after Nick backed away and saw Ashim's brand had completely disappeared and his eye's returned to normal before Ashim threw away his weapons again and fell to his knees as he started bleeding from his chest and said while pointing at Mike

"You are now the Ring keeper, find them all and break the seal together"

Mike was about to say something when Ashim raised his hand and impaled his own chest with his hand before he pulled his own heart out and said in a very feint voice using the Elvish Language before he fell onto the floor

"From mothers grace and a fathers fate, a woman's love and a friend's hate…."

Mike was shocked when Ashim repeated the phrase the Aylin had him read before of the photos from the elvish labyrinth before cheers of excitement and joy bursted from everyone as a notification popped up saying

[You have cleared the dungeon, find and use the return stone to leave the dungeon]

Mike heard some system notifications but ignored them and sat down and just stared at Ashim who was lying on the floor with his heart in his hands when Mike heard scarlet say as she held the key Ashim threw to them in front of Mike

"Let's get out of here"

Mike grabbed the key and stood up saying

"Yeah, let's go find the return stone after I see what this key unlocks"

Scarlet and Nick both followed Mike to the Captins personal quarters while everyone else went below deck to look for loot and the return stone

However once Mike opened the captains quarters he and the others saw hundreds of pages all scattered around the room before Mike noticed the the key Ashim gave them was slightly glowing and got brighter as Mike started walking around the room till Mike was behind the captains desk and saw a small key hole on one of the drawers and said as Scarlet and Nick were looking at some scrolls

"I think I found something over here"

Scarlet and Nick immediately walked over and looked at Mike before Mike sat down in the chair and used the key in the keyhole before he opened it to see three small boxes all having different colours

Mike looked at scarlet and Nick before he took the small boxes and placed them on the desk for Nick and scarlet to see before scarlet asked as she looked at one of the boxes

"What do you think is in them?"

Mike shrugged and picked up the small blue box and opened it only to see a silver ring with a small book detail engraved on it and said as he showed it to Nick and scarlet

"Jewelry I think? But why would the boss protect it so much?"

Nick went to got pick it up only to be electrocuted and blown away by an unknown force before Mike hastily dropped the ring on the desk and looked at Scarlet in horror and said

"What just happened?… did I do that?… or was it the ring?"

Scarlet looked at the other 2 boxes and then at Mike as she wondered in her mind

'What are you? What are you hiding?'