

The same day; evening

Drey's POV:

God, I feel so guilty. I can't help but pity her. She's a nice girl despite her cold nature but she's not in her right senses now. I can't help her, I'm just so powerless,so hopeless.

I could feel tears trickling down my cheeks. Ann really doesn't deserve this. Despite how much I want to help her, I have no choice than to keep up with the drama if I love my life. Boss won't take shit. I can't forfeit my life for her, can I? The most I can do is to get rid of that stuff in her body but I can't probably do that now.


I sniffled, I should go to bed now.

The next morning<Lexi's office>

" Here are the papers" Ann said giving some documents to me to sign. I took it from her with a heavy heart but I bet she doesn't know what I'm feeling. What she will see is gleefulness. I am sure to get a ' S' in faking facial expression v

" What" I exclaimed surprised. While signing the papers, I saw that she also want to issue her house to me. This girl is just so lame.

Smiled thinking she just did the most reasonable thing ever.

" Babe, I figured out you will need it. I mean, what man will own such a big company but no house. It won't be convincing enough" she said smiling.

I flashed her a small smile.

" You sure are so smart. Now I can go to Grand Bassam". I said through my teeth.

" Yes, I'll miss you though". She said pouting. She looks really cute when she pouts.

" I'll miss you too babe, I'll try not to stay too long" I said to her.

" Ok". She muttered hugging me tightly. I smiled, this girl will make a really lovely baby sis. She's so babyish.

" Hey, can you let me go plss. I need to go to the company again today. I want to go prepare".

" Ok,see me soon"

" Ok, sure ". I pecked her forehead before heading out.

I went home. On getting home, I got a call from Boss' right hand man, Nolan. <Nolan is the second in command while I'm next to him>.

" What?" I said.

" Boss calls for you" he was said and cut the call.

He probably knows I have the properties already, I sighed.

< 5 star underground>

" Boss ". I greeted.

" The documents". He's straightforward. I like him for that.

I gave the documents to him. After browsing through them.

" This is good. You're a good boy. I might consider making you my Nolan. I bowed.

< This is not good. I don't want to be a Nolan. Consider yourself dead when you know what you ain't suppose to know>

" Travel to Grand Bassam, come back after two weeks and claim the company. " He gave the documents back to me.

Boss has too many cockroaches in his cupboard. I always try not to know too much. I really don't wanna die yet.

" Leave " I'm more than glad to do that.

I left immediately.

I'll leave for Grand Bassam tomorrow. I should see Ann this evening so as to tell her.

<The same day: evening>

" So,is it done?". " Yes, I'm sorry but I have to leave for Grand Bassam tomorrow". I said sounding heartbroken.

"You should be happy". She said.

" Yes, I'm happy. Just that I'll miss you". I said and hugged her.

We spent some more time together before I left for my house.


Two weeks after<Grand Bassam>

I will leave for Cavally tomorrow. Ann just called and I told her I'll come back tomorrow.

She was so glad that I felt bad for her.

<Next day: airport, Cavally>

Coming down from the plane, I could see Ann from afar. She probably came to pick me. I went to her. She hugged me, practically squeezing me. I had to push her off a little s I could breath.

" Do you miss me that much?". I asked.

" It was hell without you" she replied.

If been without me is hell to her then she's in for a lifetime in hell.

" Really ' I said v

" Yes, I really missed you ".

I grabbed her hand and we went to her car. She insisted on driving. She claims she don't want to stress me.

She drove to my house. She made lunch and stayed up for dinner before leaving.


Next day : Slayers

Lexi's POV:

I was eager to go to work this morning only to go get the shock of my life.

I got to the office and saw Drey there. He said he wants to do something and asked me to assemble my staff which I did.

Right in front of me, he announced himself as the new CEO and managing director of the company. That I had given the company to him.

I was shocked beyond words.

" Since I'm the new CEO here, Alexandria has no place here anymore so she would be leaving the company right now never to return again,am I clear?". He said in such a voice that instilled fear in everyone's heart.

Then suddenly, I found my voice.

" Drey, I know you are joking but it's an expensive one, don't do that again ". I said in a sober tone. But he didn't even spare me a glance.

" Security, get her out of this place ". He said coldly.

The security didn't want to, because they still respect me.

" Do that now or you get sacked ". He said in such a voice that makes one shiver in fear.

They threw me out. What the hell. When I came out of the building to the compound, I couldn't find my car.

" What the heck is happening right now ". I screamed walking outside the compound. I had to trek home cuz I wasn't with cash and my credit card was home, I left it. I got home only to see it locked with my luggage thrown out.

" Who's doing this to me,perhaps it's just a nightmare". I said pinching myself. Ouch... it hurts. This isn't a dream. I'm really dead for real. I need to get money anyway. I went to the nearest P. O. S. But the transfer isn't going through, it keeps saying incorrect pin.

Hell, I'm frustrated.

I decided to trek to the nearest bank to lodge my complain.

On my way there, I felt a man come behind me cover my nose with handkerchief and that was the last I saw.

The next time I woke up, I found myself tied to a chair and a man was watching me like he'd been waiting for me to wake up. I wanted to shout for help but my mouth was taped.

Then,boom. Drey came in. I pleaded with him with my eyes for him to help but the opposite is what he seems to want to do.

Tears were trickling down my cheeks. I was sniffling. Then Drey spoke.

" You don't have anything anymore. I took everything so just go start afresh". He said coldly like he doesn't care a bit.

Then he brought out a gun.

" If you ever go to report or try to expose me, I won't hesitate to shoot your brains out". He came close and rubbed my ear with the gun. I felt the cold sensation run down my spine and I shivered in fear.

I nodded my head to signify that I understand him since I couldn't talk. Then unexpectedly, something cold hit the back of my head. And I blacked out again.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Deborah_Owolabicreators' thoughts