

After what felt like an eternity I exited the bathroom. Without as much as looking in the direction of the stage I rush towards the door, as I open the door the cold wind brushed my cheek. It calms the storm inside of me and makes me at ease.

Finally outside I let out a sigh, I promised myself to not let him get me down, but still he affects me. I start walking down the pavement, hopefully the game centre was still open at this time. As I walk, the high heels on the stilettos make me stumble. I quickly gain control but feel stinging in my left ankle, ouch! It really hurt, so I decide to take off my stilettos. Igrab them in my right hand and walk for a long time till I finally see the light of the game centre shine a few stops away, I look at my phone its 23.37 they don't close till 00.00 if I remember correctly. After moving to the city I had spent a lot of evenings here, when I was feeling down this place always made me cheer up.

I open the door and see a bunch of teens crouched over Kingkong in a corner, they are yelling and probably drunk. I make my way to a car game under the stairs, I sit down and grab the steering wheel. I choose a car and the race starts, after 15 mins I reach for my purse but realise I'm out of coins. I let out a sigh and i'm about to get up when i feel a hand on my shoulder. " we close in 5 mins but let me pay for the last round and i'll race you" I turn around and see Peter wearing a bright blue shirt with the yellow GameCenter logo on. He smiles, I nod and look back at the screen. Hopefully he can't see that i've cried. He sits down in the chair next to mine and says "3, 2, 1, Go!" it begins.

I've played this to many times for him to beat me, a smile grows on my face as he tries to catch up with me. "Stop cheating" he laughs and pulls to my side, what he doesn't know is that up ahead there is a hole in the tracks, when we reach the point I push him out of the map and as his car gets ruined he lets out a loud sigh, "not even gonna give me a chance I see" he chuckles and gets up. He grabs my hand and help me up, I meet his eyes. He gives me a comforting smile, "I haven't seen you here in awhile, thought you might have stopped coming" he leans on the stairs and look in my eyes "I've been busy…" I smile and head towards the door when he asks "if you can wait I can drop you off at your apartment." I look at the clock "sure, if you aren't as slow as you was on the racing game" he smiles and heads to the backroom.

All dem chapter names.....

Vanjabu01creators' thoughts