

I sit and stare out the window, his car is filled with books, magazines and some sport equipment. He sees me looking around and takes a hand behind his head. "Sorry for the mess," for some reason I expected him to be a bit messy. "Oh it's fine, my room is messy to" I look at the road ahead, the road is mostly empty except for a car every 6 or so minutes. "Shoot! I forgot to ask, what's your address?" I get my phone and check to make sure I give him the right one. "Its Tulip-road 12, I'm on the second floor."

He grabs his phone out of his pocket and hands it to me, "can you search it up?"

I found the address and puts his phone in the holder. It gets silent, I don't know what to say, we have a few classes together but its not much to talk about. What if he thinks its uncomfortable, I look around to see if there is something to talk about. Defeated I look down on my lap and sigh, although looking back this night wasn't that bad.

I let my mind wander and start thinking about when I bumped into Isac, some of my "friends" or rather friends of Isac had told me that he was a handful and I guess his local fame had gone to his head. I had a weak spot for him though, if he did something wrong I would look past it, he wasn't that mean. I don't know how many times I told myself that he wasn't mean, just emotional, but now that I look back at it was way to many times.

"Is this it?" I look up and realise that we are outside my apartment block. "Oh yeah sorry I got lost in thought" I step out and head towards the door, I didn't notice him following me until I was entering in the code for the apartment door. He leant towards the wall and the moonlight highlighted his strong jawline and sharp cheekbones, if it weren't for the sound of the door opening I would have stood staring. I stop and grab the edges of the door "so um….. Thanks for driving me" he looks me in the eyes, again I could have gotten lost in his hazel eyes, but the atmosphere was getting awkward, so in hopes of regaining some confidence, I look down at my shoes. "No problem, if you need a hike again just message me" I look up "but I don't…." he shows me his phone, I take it and add my number. He smiles and looks at his phone, suddenly I hear a ding in my pocket and look down all it said was "hey :) " I look up again and he says "that's my number, well i'm off now cya!" he walks back to his car and I shut the door and head up the stairs.